What are the dangers of a pedicure with gel polish?

Do nails grow under polish?

Today, quite a large number of manufacturers offer products designed to strengthen and accelerate the growth of the nail plate, which, as a rule, take the form of a regular transparent fixative or top-dressing product.
“Smart enamel”, “Star Rain”, growth accelerator “Eveline” - the list of such products is really quite long, so it is quite difficult to determine which varnish makes nails grow quickly without harm to the body. In addition, many representatives of the fair sex have a question: “Do nails grow faster under varnish or is it better to do without it?”, because there is an opinion that the nail plates, covered with a dense layer of decorative materials, stop breathing. In fact, this opinion is erroneous, because the nail plate tends to receive nutrition along with the blood flow, so direct access of oxygen to it is not able to have any special effect on either growth or any other indicators of its development. That is why treating nails using “Smart Enamel” or any other growth stimulants does not in any way prevent their coloring and vice versa.

At the same time, it will unfortunately not be possible to give such an unambiguous answer to the question of whether nails grow quickly under gel polish, because they can grow at a quite usual pace. Another thing is that mechanical cutting of polymer materials automatically nullifies all efforts to their growth. This means that it is not so much the material used for extension and modeling of the nail plate that is harmful, but the rough impact on its surface, which is used to ensure better adhesion of the gel to the nail. In this case, the use of growth stimulants is completely pointless; another thing is that experts strongly recommend their use during the recovery period, which starts immediately after removing the polymer layer. At the same time, you should not hope for some kind of miracle, because no growth stimulator will restore the cut layer, but will only speed up the moment when the damaged area completely grows back and is cut off.

As for the capabilities of the mentioned products, it should immediately be noted that they do not contain growth hormones and the entire effect of their use comes down to strengthening the plate, giving it additional elasticity and, as a result, reducing the risk of chips and cracks. In addition, the constant use of “Smart Enamel” and other strengthening products from this series helps to avoid severe delamination, which sometimes extends not only to the free edge, but also to other parts of the nail plate, up to its midline and nail bed. However, this does not mean that regular use of such stimulants will help cope with any specific ailment, which leads to consequences such as increased fragility, delamination and deformation.

Moreover, their use can only aggravate the course of the disease, so it is better to begin a course of recovery only after completing the treatment course and complete recovery. This recommendation also applies to such common situations when the nail is affected by a fungal infection or deformation, leading to its growth into the periungual ridges, because neither “Smart Enamel” nor any other therapeutic stimulants are able to solve this problem.

As for the use of “Smart Enamel,” it is usually applied under varnish to a nail plate that has been previously cleaned of any materials and degreased, allowing this layer to dry thoroughly. But there is no point in applying it over varnish, and even more so over materials such as shellac and gel, since in this case the enamel will not have access to the natural surface of the nail.

After removing an ingrown toenail, my finger is bothered

Ingrown toenails are a common problem. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is required: the affected plate is removed. The procedure does not take much time, but special attention must be paid to treating the wound after removal.


During this period, a person experiences torment:

  • The bandage sticks to the wound.
  • The growth area of ​​the nail plate is damaged.
  • The skin tissue is now injured.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Neglecting the doctor’s recommendations can cause a serious problem:

  • finger redness and swelling;
  • soft tissue suppuration;
  • finger discharge;
  • severe pain syndromes;
  • change in finger color.

In case of the slightest complications, you should immediately contact a medical facility.

How to reduce discomfort on your own?

The general list of medical recommendations is as follows:

  1. maintaining hand hygiene;
  2. exclusion of physical activity;
  3. regular sanitary dressings;
  4. abstaining from visiting baths, saunas and swimming pools.

It turns out that men's nails grow faster than women's.

Is gel nail polish harmful?

Gel polish allows you not to think about updating the beautiful surface of your nails for a long time.

But there is also a negative effect when using it:

  • The chemical ingredients included in the drug are able to penetrate deeply into the nail plate. If the coating is worn for a long time, aggressive reagents must be used to remove it.
  • The use of acetone-containing preparations for removing the skin dries out the nail plate.
  • A low-quality composition of a cheap gel polish can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Damage can be caused by incorrect application technology.
  • Experts recommend correction every 10-14 days. If you neglect this frequency, the gel coating begins to compress the growing stratum corneum. The structure of the nail plate cannot be seen with the naked eye, but you should know that it has about 125 layers. At the moment of regrowth, the gel polish begins to pull them back, causing delamination.

Important! To ensure that your hands are always beautiful and healthy, you should trust the gel polish application procedure only to a trusted professional.

Is rest important for nails?

Experts tend to believe that there is no need for a long break in applying a durable coating. To keep your nails healthy, it is important to follow simple rules.

Before reapplying the gel, you need to check the condition of your nail plates . An experienced master carefully removes the coating so as not to thin the nails.

Advice. If they are affected, you should take a break for a few days . During this time, it is important to treat the superficial part .

For this purpose, it is best to use natural oils: almond, coconut, jojoba . They allow you to maximally saturate it with vitamins and moisturize it well.

The main causes of poor nail condition

Nails may not be completely healthy for many reasons . An experienced master will always suggest the best method of caring for your hands.

To keep your nails always in order, you need to monitor the process of removing the previous coating.

To remove it, you cannot use harsh means, cut it down, or use a device with attachments. When they are used, there is a gradual depletion of the nail plate and the formation of microcracks and delamination.

Important! Do not apply permanent coating if there is any fungal disease or allergic reaction until it is cured . Otherwise, there is a possibility that the gel polish will not adhere well and the disease will progress.

Our nails grow continuously . A space is formed between them and the gel, on which the coating does not adhere so tightly. It happens that water or dirt particles get under the overgrown cuticle. Pathogenic microorganisms also easily penetrate these places and cause inflammation.

In addition, during cleaning we use chemicals that negatively affect our hands if we work without protective gloves. They cannot harm the gel coat, but they can contribute to nail breaking.

Why does pain occur after removing the gel coating?

Painful sensations are a common reaction of nails . They are associated with various factors and do not always depend on the qualifications of the specialist.


The base is a product that plays a key role between the artificial coating and the nail plate. While the base coat is being dried in the lamp, the nails experience discomfort.

Most often this manifests itself in a tolerable tingling sensation, but sometimes the procedure can lead to a burn. To prevent this from happening, use lamps with maximum power.

Thin plates

Everyone has a different arrangement of blood vessels. The closer they are to the nails, the more sensitive they are. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to take medications containing zinc and calcium.

The nail plate can and should be strengthened. For this purpose, medicinal baths based on milk or gelatin are used. It is useful to periodically lubricate your nails with iodine solution.

Acid primer

Primer is a nail strengthener based on methacrylic acid. This substance is quite toxic and can dry out the nail. An acid-free primer can be a good alternative.

Application of acetone

A cotton pad is moistened in acetone, applied to a layer of gel polish and wrapped in foil for 10 minutes. The nail plate consists of layers of keratin, between which there is water and fat. Acetone dries the nail and, along with the varnish, gradually removes its top layer. Each time the nail becomes thinner, the pain will also increase accordingly.

Is failure to comply with application technology really that dangerous?

An experienced manicurist always strictly follows the technology of working with gel coating . For this reason, there is no point in worrying about the harmfulness of gel polish for your nails. But in the case when the technique is performed incorrectly, the nail plate may break off and peel.

Attention! Do not remove the gel coating yourself using solvents at home or tear it off in small pieces. Thus, it is very easy to destroy the structure of the nails, which will lead to their curvature and prolonged treatment.

During the procedure, some masters mistakenly file down the nail plate in the hope that this will hold the gel coating more tightly . The human nail contains an element called keratin . The fact is that the substances contained in the gel, reacting with the varnish, form a very strong adhesion with it. Therefore, there is no need to influence the structure of the nail plate in the form of filing or grinding.

Long-lasting manicure with regular nail polish

Hi all! Today's post will be exclusively girly (although if it is, I don't judge). I want to share with you my experience on how to make a long-lasting manicure yourself, and at the same time not spoil your nails with all kinds of gel polishes, shellacs, blah blah blahs, etc. This method will save you money, but, of course, you will have to spend about an hour caring for your hands. But based on the fact that the master spends the same amount of time on a manicure, or even more, I think my story will not be superfluous. I’m speaking from my own experience and I can say for sure that if you do a manicure this way, it will last a week and a half, and if you don’t have dry hands and you use cuticle oil and don’t suffer from vitamin deficiency, then it’ll last for about two weeks) I hope that I'm not the only one who prefers to use regular nail polish against modern trends, so let's get started.

Before applying the coating, you need to prepare your nails. Give them shape using nail files. Do not use nail scissors! Make movements with the file only in one direction, and do not file the nail, because in this case it will peel off under the varnish.

Also tidy up your cuticles (I don't do this because I don't have any products, but it's wrong). Then take alcohol (not acetone!) and a cotton pad. Soak a cotton pad in alcohol and wipe your nails to remove excess oil. Now you can proceed to applying varnish. The first step is to apply a base coat (seriously?). Now you can find any base you want, but you always need to look at the characteristics. If you choose a base for glitter, make sure that it does not have PVA glue in the base, as it takes a very long time to dry and is not very durable. As a regular base, it is best to take a transparent one. Again, pay attention to its characteristics. Do not take 2-in-1 products (base and top coat at the same time), because the base layer will be less sticky and the subsequent layers will not adhere, as a result the manicure will not be long-lasting. Better take a regular base. After drying, it will remain a little sticky, which is required to create a durable coating.

I can’t say anything about bases that level the nail plate, I don’t use them, but in general I trust simple transparent bases. You can even take regular clear varnish.

Let the base dry for about 10 minutes. Clear polishes dry faster than pigmented ones. Then apply two coats of colored varnish. Take a break between coats, preferably 20 minutes, to allow the varnish to dry completely. If you are too lazy to wait, place your hands in cold running water; cold water will make the polish dry faster.

Then I personally apply two top coats. The first is a coating that allows the manicure to dry in 1 minute

It actually creates a non-sticky top coat, but it doesn't penetrate all the layers, so you have to wait 10 minutes, not 1, to then apply the top gloss finish.

I directly recommend this top coat to you; it creates a dense coating, making the manicure very durable. Then all you have to do is apply it to your nails every two days to extend the life of your manicure even longer. After the top has dried, apply cream to your hands and massage, especially around the nail plates, or use oil. With this manicure you can do laundry and wash dishes, nothing will happen to it. However, remember that nails do not like moisture, and if you keep your hands in water for more than 10 minutes, your nails will “shed” the polish in any case, and if you wear gel polish, they will deteriorate right under it. So if you're doing anything with a lot of water, wear gloves if possible, especially if your nails aren't covered at all. Here's everything I used

and I hope my advice will help you properly care for your nails, if you have any comments or advice, or criticism, write in the comments and share your experience

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