Folk remedies to help you quit smoking

Setting the stage

When setting a goal of how to help your husband quit smoking, you need to learn a few truths:

1) This will be a long process. Don't expect your man to change in one day, because before that he smoked for several years. Quitting smoking will take a long time, so be patient in advance.

2) It won't be easy. The path to a new, healthy life will be thorny and difficult. Most likely, your man will want to give up more than once and will become nervous and angry. Under no circumstances should you get angry in response or accuse him of being weak-willed. You should always be there, then your love and support will help him cope with stress.

3) No blackmail! There may be a small percentage of men who will be motivated to quit smoking this way. But basically, attempts to blackmail with anything (food, sex) or set ultimatums (“Either cigarettes, or me!”) will only lead to a deterioration in the relationship.

To begin with, of course, you should get rid of this habit yourself, if you have it. After all, how can you force your man to quit smoking if you smoke yourself? Changes for the better start with yourself. Perhaps your boyfriend will be inspired by a positive example. Next, you need to talk to your lover about smoking. Just please, no lectures or moralizing! Nobody enjoys listening to boring speeches about the dangers of smoking.

Try to understand your loved one, ask why he started smoking, what this habit gives him. Has he ever thought about quitting? If your husband himself has long wanted to get rid of his addiction, consider that half the battle is done! All you have to do is support his decision with all your hands and inspire him to go to the end. If the guy sees no reason to quit, then your main task is to motivate him to want to get rid of his nicotine addiction. Attention, don’t force it, but make it so that he wants it himself! Forcing will never lead to anything good.

Don’t ask questions like “How to stop a person from smoking without his knowledge?”, “How to stop a husband from smoking?” and “How to get a person to quit smoking?” This is an absolutely dead end path. Your man is not a dog to be weaned and forced. And a person who needs understanding, support and inspiration.

How to convince a person to quit smoking forever? Let's look at it in the next paragraph.

Why persuasion often doesn’t help

To force and help your husband or boyfriend to get rid of the habit, you will have to be patient. At the initial stage, you can try to replace a bad habit with another, safe one.

  1. If your husband is used to taking a long time after eating or having sex, you should suggest that he do something else during this period - walk the dog, look at the stars, try to put him to bed as quickly as possible. The main thing is to switch attention, try to distract.
  2. In the case when a guy smokes during a break, to help him quit, you should offer to take a walk or watch a funny video on your smartphone.
  3. When the husband is used to starting the day with a cigarette, this habit can be replaced by the tradition of drinking coffee.
  4. If a guy likes to puff and drink at the same time, he will have to limit his alcohol intake and force him to avoid bars and other similar establishments. This will help a person quit drinking and smoking.

Speaking about how to force a person to quit smoking, at the initial stage you should convince your husband not to inhale while smoking. Let him hold the smoke in his mouth and release it. Of course, taking it does not bring a person much closer to a full healthy lifestyle. This is already a serious step taken towards refusal. The method significantly reduces the health risk of the smoker and helps change attitudes towards the habit.

Many people mistakenly believe that they know how to stop a person from smoking using simple persuasion. But this technique often does not work. Even if we are talking about the mother, who has always been an authority for the teenager, the situation only changes for the worse.

Even if he realizes that nicotine harms the body, understands that he is independently killing his lungs, he believes that nothing terrible is happening in his case. Well, he smokes several cigarettes a day, but he can give up the habit at any time. True, this “moment” never comes.

In addition, even the very thought of refusal causes aggression in the smoker on a subconscious level. The thought of having to give up his daily rituals makes him really angry. A lot of excuses and myths immediately come to mind that tobacco is even useful and that quitting is generally harmful.

Non-smokers are largely to blame for the failure of the operation. Instead of supporting the person, they only begin to irritate him more. As a result, constant disputes on this issue develop into real scandals and can even lead to a break in relations.

Let's go on the offensive

How to convince a guy to quit smoking? What arguments should be used to make him want to get rid of this habit?

1) Deterioration of men's health. This topic is very painful for most men. Impotence or infertility is literally a blow below the belt for them. For the stronger sex, maintaining sexual activity over a long period of time and the ability to conceive a child play a primary role. Therefore, first of all, you can put pressure on this point. Impotence is not just a scary story on a pack of cigarettes, but a very real threat. Provide as an argument the opinion of doctors and statistics according to which more than half of male smokers become impotent after 40 years of age. Such words make a great impression on the stronger sex.

2) Probability of cancer. Yes, there are people who smoke all their lives, but this terrible scourge bypasses them. But let's face it - there are very, very few of them. Basically, the vast majority of long-term smokers are diagnosed with various diseases, including cancer of various organs. Appeal to your man’s reason, tell him that you would like to live a long and happy life with him, and not run to doctors and earn money only for medicine.

3) High costs. Most likely, when you calculate the cost of cigarettes, you will end up with a fairly decent amount that you could spend on more useful things. Especially if your man smokes a pack a day. Give as an argument that by saving money on smoking, your man can afford, say, to go to a concert of his favorite band, buy a new game for the console, headphones, and in the future some cool gadget!

4) A bad example for children. If you have children, you can operate with this argument. After all, children very quickly adopt the habits of their parents and in the future are likely to also become smokers. No responsible father would want such a future for his children.

You also need to present arguments in a calm tone, without coercion. Let your loved one know that you are seriously concerned about these problems, and getting rid of the habit will be better for him. Tell him that you believe in his strength and know that he is a smart man who will never allow some bad habit to ruin his life.

Staying Motivated

If your man is ready for such an important decision as quitting smoking, know that you have won a big battle, but not a war. The main difficulties are still ahead. Getting rid of addiction is difficult in most cases. Even people with the strongest will give up. You should keep this in mind and keep in mind tips that help ease the difficult period of quitting cigarettes.

So, let's look at useful techniques on how to help a guy quit smoking:

1) Spend your free time interestingly, so that the guy doesn’t get bored and doesn’t think about cigarettes.

2) Do not go to clubs and alcoholic parties for the first time after quitting smoking, so that there are no unnecessary temptations.

3) Give him a gym membership to relieve stress there.

4) Review your diet - quitting smoking can lead to weight gain, as smokers begin to eat stress. Don't let your man do this with harmful products.

5) Always keep yourself motivated. Celebrate your guy's successes and be there for him if he wants to give up.

The advice also applies to situations where your girlfriend needs help getting rid of cigarettes. After all, the consequences of nicotine addiction are basically the same for both men and women. And in fact, anyone can overcome this habit. There is only one answer to the questions “How to get a guy to quit smoking?”, “How to stop a guy from smoking.” No way. You should not force, but inspire a person so that he makes the decision to quit smoking himself.

How to convince a person to quit smoking? Only with logical arguments and weighty arguments. No ultimatums, no blackmail or pressure. A sane person will always listen to the words of a loved one and think about his habit. Love your men and be reasonable! And you will definitely be able to cope with this harmful addiction.

Wives of heavy smokers are concerned about how to help their husbands quit smoking. The desire to wean a loved one from a bad habit is dictated by concern for both his health and his own well-being. After all, passive smoking affects the body in almost the same way as active smoking, and if smoking in an apartment affects the health of everyone living with the smoker under the same roof. Even if your husband abstains from smoking in your presence, the smell of tobacco, ingrained in clothes and hair, can poison your life together.

The harm of smoking for men also lies in the fact that under the influence of nicotine, testosterone is not produced as actively. And without it, a man is no longer quite a man: muscles are flabby, libido is weak, sexual performance is far from ideal, and the ability to conceive is reduced. What wife would like this? We should not forget about the financial aspect: smoking is a very significant expense item, and if you give it up, you can count on an increase in the family budget. You will find useful tips on how to get a guy to quit smoking in this article.

Real ways that can motivate a guy

Everyone has bad habits. However, you can forgive throwing socks around the house by clenching your displeasure into a fist and simply collecting them and putting them in the laundry basket. But what if a bad habit harms the health of your significant other or just a loved one?

How to reach him so as not to harm the relationship, and at the same time help the person?! How to get a guy to quit smoking? This will be discussed further.

The simplest and most effective way to help quit smoking is moral support for the person with addiction and psychological influence. If you try to convince a smoker that smoking does not bring him any benefit, rather the opposite is true - perhaps he himself will soon decide to give up tobacco.

If this does not work, you can also explain to the young man that few people can be near him because he constantly “smells” of cigarettes.

If you can’t, we’ll help you, if you don’t want to, we’ll force you

If your spouse or boyfriend himself understands the advantages of quitting smoking and wants to quit, but he lacks determination, willpower, and knowledge about effective methods of overcoming nicotine addiction, you can help him in different ways:

  • find a good specialist, narcologist or psychotherapist;
  • buy medications recommended by your doctor to ease withdrawal symptoms;
  • learn with him a set of breathing exercises to cleanse the lungs;
  • introduce the most healthy dishes into the diet during the adaptation period, prepare herbal teas;
  • come up with an exciting activity that can distract you from thoughts about smoking.

But it’s more difficult to deal with men who don’t even want to hear about quitting smoking. They will argue that:

  • their body is in excellent shape;
  • doctors exaggerate the harm of smoking;
  • a cigarette is an invariable attribute of a real man;
  • they earn enough to afford this habit;
  • smoking helps cope with stress;
  • Quitting smoking is more harmful than continuing.

And they will find a dozen more excuses to continue to poison their own, and at the same time your body. In this case, the question is not how to help your man, but how to force your husband to quit smoking. And a frontal attack is usually ineffective; it is better to resort to feminine tricks.

Is it possible to force a husband to quit smoking?

1. Ask your husband not to smoke at home after work.
2. If a man still smokes at home, then ask him not to smoke in the apartment, but to do it on the balcony.

According to statistics, 8 out of 10 men quit smoking after the rules were established. Therefore, to the question: is it possible to force a husband to quit smoking cigarettes, the answer is simple - it is possible.

The first way is psychological. There are several types of it:

  • Praise your man for taking steps towards quitting smoking. The man will be pleased and he will stop reaching for a cigarette.
  • Don't buy cigarettes for your husband when he asks.
  • Tell them that the tobacco smells bad.

The second method does not affect human psychology. The husband will quit smoking after certain actions of his wife:

  • Cigarettes soaked in milk.
  • Herbal tincture. Thyme discourages cravings for cigarettes. Add them to your spouse's drink.
  • Anti-nicotine compounds added to the drink.
  • Conspiracies read by a witch or a simple girl. After reading the plot, the desire to smoke will disappear, an aversion to the smell of tobacco and motivation to quit smoking will appear. Conspiracies are read three days a week - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Where to start influencing a man?

Practice shows that it is useless to paint a picture of the dangers of smoking for men. They know very well about lung cancer, about the risk of stroke, about chronic bronchitis. But deep down, everyone believes that smoking does not affect their body, that diseases threaten someone else. They are only afraid of impotence, but if a guy is young, he produces testosterone in such quantities that the effect of smoking on the sexual sphere is almost unnoticeable. In addition, a man can simply answer that his health is his problem, or remember the saying: “He who does not smoke or drink...”

So try not to intimidate your man with problems that threaten his health, but complain about your own. Here's a good way to get a guy to quit smoking: directly say that you don't like the smell of tobacco, ask him to refrain from smoking at least during the time that you spend together. This is the first step to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke. Try to encourage your man for abstinence with affection, delicious dishes, and little surprises so that he can feel the benefits of quitting smoking. And often emphasize how pleased you are with his attention to your request, his fresh breath, admire his willpower.

And if you are expecting a child or planning to conceive one, this is the best reason to force the future dad to quit smoking. Tell him about nicotine and testosterone, emphasize that non-smoking men produce more active and higher quality sperm, and this is important both for conception and for the health of the unborn child. If you couldn’t get him to give up his bad habit before conception, take advantage of your interesting position. Remind that passive smoking has an extremely negative effect not only on your body, exhausted by toxicosis, but also on your unborn child. And when he is born, he will need fresh air and a healthy dad, so it is better to take care of this in advance.

At the level of reflexes

And finally, folk remedies that cause a reflexive cessation of smoking due to their side effects. These are the already mentioned calamus, moss, soda, bird cherry. It should be noted right away that such methods are adopted, in most cases, not of the smoker’s own free will, but under pressure from relatives. But it is difficult to call such folk remedies for quitting smoking effective, because without the strong-willed participation of the person quitting it is very difficult to quit smoking.

Bird cherry is used in the form of sticks, cut from the branches of a young tree. If you feel the urge to smoke, you need to chew a twig, and if after that you still take a drag from the cigarette, an unpleasant, nauseating taste will appear in your mouth. You can chew calamus root, burdock roots, and rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda or vitriol.

Dislike for tobacco is caused by a mixture of burdock juice and water in equal quantities. The juice is prepared immediately before use and drunk at night. The course is at least three weeks.

Adding ground chitinous crayfish skin, milk or yogurt, or nail clippings to the tobacco mixture is also from this category of means that cause unpleasant sensations.

Little feminine tricks

Here are some tips on how to help a guy quit smoking if he agreed with your reasons and decided to try:

  • never give him any smoking accessories such as expensive ashtrays, lighters, cigarette cases;
  • “forget” to buy cigarettes;
  • From the first day of quitting smoking, announce to everyone you know that your husband (boyfriend) has quit smoking. He threw it, not throws it, he tries. Then simply male pride will not allow him to back down;
  • celebrate every day spent without cigarettes, try to find and emphasize the advantages of a healthy lifestyle (improved complexion, fresher breath);
  • if you have recently had problems in the intimate sphere, note the progress, flatter the man, call him a real male whose testosterone is off the charts;
  • praise his willpower, talk about quitting smoking as an accomplished fact, and not as an attempt.

Remember that nicotine affects the hormonal and nervous systems. When it stops entering the body, testosterone and other hormones that increase aggressiveness are more actively produced.

After quitting smoking, a man may become angry and lash out at others. Treat outbursts of aggression with understanding, and don’t make a fuss in response.

Let him throw out the negativity or find a distracting activity (let him knock out carpets or play a shooter game on the computer).


Don't know how to help your loved one quit smoking? To force and help your husband and boyfriend, a man needs to be motivated. This is done in various ways:

  • Finance. A pack of cigarettes can be equated to a vacation at sea. The husband will clearly understand what he is depriving his family of and will decide how to force himself.
  • Reward. It is generally accepted that this only works with children. Actually this is not true. A husband who quits smoking needs no less reward.
  • Praise. A man needs to be persuaded, encouraged and praised for every day he lives without cigarettes so that he has an incentive.

It is important to talk to a man. You need to monitor progress, convince, force, persuade, help, be interested in how the process is going.

When trying to force a guy or husband to quit smoking, you need to be absolutely sure that the man himself wants this. Without a sincere desire, success will not be achieved.

It is impossible to force a person to do something against his will and desire. Therefore, all your attempts to quit smoking will end up like Mark Twain, unless you have made a firm decision and convinced yourself that quitting smoking is necessary for you and your family. And we are not talking about sidelong glances from a spouse. Children of smoking parents usually smoke too.

Psychological leverage and other methods

Praise affects a man much better than scolding and criticism. Don’t nag him for his addiction to smoking, don’t accuse him of being weak-willed. Flattery is the best lever of pressure on a man, so praise him for every step towards his goal, celebrate the slightest achievements. If he feels bad (and completely quitting smoking is very painful), have pity and encourage him. Convince that difficulties are temporary, and improved health will bring you joy for many years, and this will be a joy for both you and your children.

Testosterone has a strong influence on male behavior, so sex is another powerful lever. Setting an ultimatum and categorically keeping a man close until he quits smoking is not the best tactic. But you can encourage him to quit smoking by making his sexual fantasies come true; this is a good motivator. A good way to demonstrate the advantages of quitting cigarettes: buy yourself erotic lingerie for the nth day of abstinence from smoking and declare that the purchase was made with money saved that was previously spent on smoking.

There are many recipes to help stop a person from smoking. Some medications that cause aversion or suppress the craving for smoking can be given to a smoker without his knowledge. There are also folk recipes for herbal preparations and processing of cigarettes (for example, soaking them in milk). You can resort to conspiracies, amulets or prayers. Every woman knows better which approach to her husband will work best. Good luck!

In distant childhood, still very young, I looked at my grandfather inhaling terrible smoke, and many questions arose in my head. How can he even breathe this stinking stuff, why does he do it so often and why doesn’t anyone scold him for it? Back then I had no idea that I would be smoking for 18 years in a row.

How can you help a loved one? Stop pestering him with hysterics, moralizing and persuasion, forget about insults and accusations. On the contrary, surround him with love and care.

I say without a bit of exaggeration that people who smoke are sick, they suffer from drug addiction. And in order to free yourself from it, you should think about the help of professionals.

How to get a loved one to quit smoking? Stop explaining how bad smoking is. On the contrary, show how good it is to live without cigarettes! Remind your loved one that they used to be able to enjoy life, relax, and cope with stress without cigarettes. And the main thing is that this wonderful state can be returned. The success that awaits you is worth trying to help a friend or relative take the first step in the fight against addiction. Good luck!

Nowadays, many people suffer from nicotine addiction. This applies not only to males. The number of women who smoke is increasing every year. Dealing with this type of addiction is very difficult. If you can get rid of physical addiction, then psychological craving remains for almost the rest of your life.

First of all, in order to quit smoking, the smoker himself must want to. Otherwise, all efforts to wean him off cigarettes will be in vain. Many girls who do not smoke themselves ask the same question: “How to stop a guy from smoking?” But getting a guy to quit smoking is not so easy.

Methods to make a person quit smoking

  • The first way: “Talk as often as possible about the effects of tobacco on the body.” This, of course, is not the most effective method, but it does affect some men. The point is that you tell how tobacco affects a person. A smoker should be scared if he is worried about his health. You can show several films about the dangers of smoking (there are a lot of them on the Internet). And most importantly, the scarier the film, the better.
  • The second way: “Competition”. It will be easier to wean a guy off smoking if you arrange a so-called competition. Find out what he doesn't like about you (it could be any annoying habit) and promise that you will get rid of it as soon as he stops smoking. You get something like a little rivalry, a little motivation for the smoker. This method can also be used by guys who don’t know how to stop a girl they care about from smoking.
  • The third method may be useful for all couples in which both the guy and the girl smoke. It's called "Quitting Smoking is Much Easier Together." It is always much easier to solve any problems together. This is how you can fight nicotine addiction. Make a plan for yourself to gradually quit smoking. You can give up one to three cigarettes every week. When you approach five cigarettes together, then you need to give up smoking completely. Support each other, and together it will be much easier for you to fight this problem. Chips, seeds, crackers or candies will help calm your nerves and keep your mouth and hands occupied. Just don't overdo it!


How can you support your husband when he quits smoking?

  • a woman must understand that quitting smoking will not happen instantly. Therefore, a man must be supported in his endeavors, told what a great guy he is and that he must not give up and move on.
  • It is important to remove irritating factors. These factors can be various ashtrays, beautiful decorative lighters and cigarette cases.
  • tell others that your partner has quit smoking. Then he will be ashamed to lie to others.

If you take into account all the above tips and apply them to life, then with a 75% probability a man will survive parting with a cigarette without any problems. But there is the remaining 25%. It is 25% of men who painfully endure giving up addictions.

How to stop a person from smoking correctly?

To do this, first of all, a person needs to be stimulated in some way. This incentive can be an expensive gift or, conversely, you can show him various photos of people with throat or lung cancer. Try to support it by any means possible, visit more often those places where smoking is strictly prohibited.

For women who are interested in the question: How to stop your husband from smoking? In principle, all previous options are suitable. Another way is to tell your spouse about the dangers of passive smoking and the effect of cigarette smoke on the body of the people around him. If you don’t have children yet, then let him promise you that as soon as you become pregnant, he will immediately quit smoking. After all, smoking is very dangerous for the health of the unborn baby. And it is unlikely that the father of your unborn child will want to make him, while still in the womb, a passive smoker.

You can also try to find a job for your chosen one in some prestigious organization. After all, prestigious companies generally give preference to employees who do not have bad habits.

How to stop teenagers from smoking?

The process of weaning a smoker off cigarettes is very difficult. Many people become addicted to nicotine in their teens. How to stop a teenager from smoking? - This is a complex issue that needs to be approached with the utmost seriousness.

According to statistics, a teenager’s decision to start smoking is influenced by the people around him. Since children very often take their cues from their elders, friends, parents and loved ones. So, it is better to initially think about the future of your child. But, if you did not avoid this and your child nevertheless started smoking, then you can seriously begin to control his pocket money and his financial expenses in general, since he can save on one thing in order to buy himself another. But try not to overdo it, as he is beginning a crisis of adolescence.

The most important way to stop a child from smoking is moral support. You shouldn’t intimidate him about the dangers of smoking, since he himself understands this perfectly well, especially if you don’t threaten him with severe punishment. Better give him psychological help. Perhaps your child has developed self-doubt, problems with friends or with the opposite sex. Try to gain his trust, talk to him and prove to him that starting to smoke is not a solution to the problem. Remember that quitting smoking is very difficult, so try in every possible way to support people who have decided to get rid of this terrible addiction.


Probably only someone who has never smoked will claim that quitting smoking is as easy as shelling pears. In fact, it is sometimes incredibly difficult to give up this habit.

And there is no magic pill that could immediately wean anyone who smokes from smoking. But there are many simple tricks that will help any smoker overcome the craving for cigarettes, supporting him on the difficult path to a healthy lifestyle. We present to your attention six of the simplest and most effective tips
for a novice quitter.

We want the best, but it turns out...

With good intentions, you tell your smoking husband, girlfriend or dad over and over again how harmful it is and how much his health suffers. But they don’t just ignore your calls to give up the cigarette, they defend their right to a bad habit, quarrel, scream, accuse you of misunderstanding, and most importantly, continue to smoke.

Often, attempts by loved ones to help a smoker give up a bad habit do not bring any benefit, and often even have the opposite effect: the smoker becomes even stronger in his desire to light a cigarette, it becomes his “best friend”, alone with whom it is so calm. What is the reason for your failures, because you are trying your best to help?

  1. Reason one: If you have never smoked, then it is very difficult, if not impossible, for you to understand what effect nicotine addiction has.
  2. Reason two: Any smoker hates nothing more than talking about the dangers of smoking and that it’s time to quit.

So, the reasons for your failures are quite clear, it is worth eliminating these “gaps”, and, having prepared, go to fight the nicotine enemy that is devouring your loved one. To begin with, you should once and for all forget about direct requests or even threats like: “Stop smoking!” They will cause nothing but irritation.

If a child falls into the “paws” of the nicotine enemy, then you need to act much more decisively and quickly, while the child’s health can still be saved. Where to start? Quit smoking yourself! Do you tell a teenager about the colossal harm each cigarette smoked causes to health, show scary pictures of a smoker’s lungs, but at the same time you continue to blow smoke? A bad example is contagious, remember this when lighting a cigarette.

Almost no one imagines the heroes of films and cult TV series without a cigarette and a glass of alcohol, which so brilliantly give the character courage and brutality. But outside of filming, performers of such roles do not prioritize these hobbies. They lead a healthy lifestyle.

No one is interested in the life of their favorite actors outside the set. Trying to imitate and be like their idol in everything, many men begin to completely adopt all manners of behavior and habits, thereby not realizing that this is dangerous to health, not only their own, but also those around them. Smoking not only weakens the immune system, but also contributes to the development of many dangerous diseases.

When the urge to smoke appears, drink a glass of water.

To overcome the craving for a cigarette and not stray from the righteous path to a healthy lifestyle, here is one simple and accessible trick: every time you want to smoke, drink a glass of water

Moreover, do it as slowly as possible. “Imagine that with each sip you are flushing out your desire to smoke from your body.
And at the same time, along with this desire, all accumulated toxins are washed away ,” advises all smokers
Susan Gayle
, a consultant from New York on combating bad habits and the author of popular CDs in America that promise to wean anyone from smoking.
According to Gailey, the desire to smoke lasts only 15 seconds
“By the time you drink the entire glass of water, you will have distracted yourself from thinking about the cigarette and your desire will fade away
,” says Susan.

Chew gum

Perhaps this advice looks banal and set the teeth on edge, but experts say that there is a reason to give this advice every time

The bottom line is that this method really works. Again, the flavor of bubblegum helps keep your mouth feeling fresh, making the smoking experience less appealing. The process of chewing gum, like the process of smoking, has a similar psychological background - your mouth is busy. Smokers often prefer special nicotine gum
, but many anti-smoking experts claim that the effect of regular sugar-free menthol gum is exactly the same as that of nicotine gum.

Use a calendar

Experts believe that it takes a person 21 days for a new activity to become a habit.

Make it a habit to spend days without smoking. Thus, if you live without smoking for three weeks, you have every chance of not smoking again. Undoubtedly (any heavy smoker or drinker will tell you this), the first days are the hardest
. After this, the desire to smoke gradually subsides, the intervals between the desire to smoke increase, and the condition of the smoker’s body gradually improves.

If you want to quit smoking (or stop a loved one from smoking), hang a calendar in a visible place

, where one could celebrate each new day lived without cigarettes.
Come up with all sorts of incentive gifts that will be given to the anti-smoking fighter after, say, every week. At the end of the third week, you can arrange a small celebration
, which will be dedicated to this significant event - the beginning of a new life without cigarettes!

You can also use nicotine patches and nicotine gum.

Not all experts agree on the usefulness of nicotine replacements (so-called nicotine replacement therapy

), because they do not physically free the body from a bad habit.
But nicotine patches and chewing gum can help overcome psychological addiction
, which, as experience shows, turns out to be more powerful than physical attachment to nicotine.
In addition, supporters of nicotine replacement therapy believe that the patch and chewing gum should be used together
, as this increases the effect of therapy. Nicotine gum and patches can be divided into three groups, depending on the strength of their effect. Heavy smokers who smoke more than a pack of cigarettes a day are advised to start with the strongest versions of the patch and gum. Weaker versions are suitable for those who smoke about 7-10 cigarettes per day.

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