Folk methods of contraception. Traditional contraceptives for women

Emergency (post-coital, fire) contraception combines methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy, which are used after unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred.

Emergency (post-coital, fire) contraception combines methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy, which are used after unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred.

Many women have insufficient knowledge about these methods, and, remembering the saying “they don’t wave their fists after a fight,” they wait for the day of menstruation with the fear of “what if there is a delay,” not knowing how to help themselves and what to do. Other women know that such methods exist, but they think something like this: “Why should I take something, maybe it will cost nothing. But if pregnancy is confirmed, then we’ll think about it.” This is a wrong point of view, because the risk of abortion is many times greater than the risk of emergency contraception, it is also a great psychological trauma for a woman, so if for some reason unprotected sexual intercourse occurs, then you need to think about the possible consequences in time, so that later “ It wasn’t excruciatingly painful...”

Many emergency contraceptives can be purchased without a prescription and used independently, but it is still better to consult a doctor so that he can offer you the method of emergency contraception that is optimal for you, check whether you have any contraindications to a particular method, I chose the right dosage.

Emergency contraception should be used in “emergency” cases, and not as a permanent method of contraception. It can be used a maximum of 2 times a year, in cases of extreme necessity (forced sexual intercourse, casual sex, condom breakage).

Emergency contraception is not a method of abortion because it is used during the stages of ovulation, fertilization and implantation. That is, it either suppresses ovulation and makes fertilization impossible, or, if ovulation has occurred and the egg has been fertilized, it prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus. The fertilized egg reaches the uterus within 72 hours; in the next 72 hours, implantation (attachment) of the egg occurs in the uterus. Thus, about 6 days pass between the fertilization of the egg and the attachment of the embryo to the uterus. After this period, all methods no longer refer to emergency contraception, but to termination of a short-term pregnancy.

Contraception methods

In most cases, birth control allows us to enjoy intimacy without worrying about the potential for conception.

Condoms, IUDs, female condoms, and birth control pills are just some of the contraceptive methods that couples resort to to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Unfortunately, birth control pills sometimes have side effects, which is why they are not suitable for every woman.

Therefore, many are looking for more natural and harmless methods of contraception.

So, in addition to proven effective, so-called medical methods, there are also other means of contraception. However, you should remember that they do not work 100 percent effectively.

The editors of warn that none of the following advice is a complete contraceptive from a scientific point of view.

Therefore, the best way to avoid unwanted pregnancy is to use one of the following methods using a condom.

Rules for taking birth control pills

Birth control pills should be taken after intercourse following the advice of your doctor. Otherwise they will be of little use.

  • If you no longer take the drug, but there is a delay in your periods, you need to consult a gynecologist.
  • It is forbidden to take contraceptives during an active pregnancy, as well as if you have health problems.
  • Smoking is prohibited while taking the pills. If you are taking other medications, you should consult your doctor to determine their compatibility.

  • If you missed taking the medication, but no more than 12 hours have passed, you can continue to take it according to the standard regimen. If more than half a day has passed, they must be taken as always, but contraceptives must be used for seven days.
  • If you have not taken the pills for more than 3 days, you will then need to take 2 pills every day and use contraceptive methods for seven days.


1. Method of calculating “safe” days

There are certain days during a woman's cycle when the chances of conception are extremely low. Such days are called “safe periods”.

There are three ways by which you can calculate those safe days when a woman can enjoy intimacy with her loved one without fear of getting pregnant.

So, the first method is the temperature method of contraception, which includes checking the basic body temperature.

The second method is the so-called calendar method, when a woman calculates “safe” days through special calculations.

And finally, the third method is the so-called cervical mucus method, which involves checking the density of vaginal discharge daily.

None of these three methods are one hundred percent effective. Therefore, for greater accuracy, you can use all three methods of contraception to determine those safe days.

Residents of India, Sri Lanka and other countries used papaya as a folk contraceptive.

Raw papaya is known to be an effective natural method of contraception. Therefore, doctors often warn women about the danger and ask them to avoid eating this fruit during pregnancy.

When eaten raw, the fruit is rich in vitamin C, which is known to increase estrogen production in the body. Moreover, papaya also helps in regulating menstrual cycles.

If you are afraid of getting pregnant, as a preventative measure, eat a ripe fruit every day. Papaya in the diet reduces the likelihood of conception.

Another mild and safe means of contraception is parsley.

These greens are available to everyone; you can buy them in any supermarket or local market.

Dried parsley can also be brewed as a tea and consumed twice a day to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Moreover, this herb does not have any side effects, so you can drink a cup of parsley infusion throughout the day without hesitation.

Parsley is a plant known for its properties: the product perfectly normalizes and stimulates the menstrual cycle. Therefore, in moderate quantities, parsley is very beneficial for women's health and is a wonderful natural contraceptive.

4. Dried apricot (dried apricot)

Women who are in the early stages of pregnancy are advised to avoid eating dried apricots as it may lead to miscarriage.

But if you want to avoid unwanted pregnancy, try to eat dried apricots. Dry fruits also help control excessive bleeding.

Take 100 grams of dried apricots, mix with four tablespoons of water and one teaspoon of honey. Boil the resulting mass until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

You can eat this sweet dessert dry, or you can wash it down with a glass of clean water.

Neem or Indian lilac is a popular herb used as contraception in developing countries. The leaves of this plant can be used in different ways. Some prefer to drink a decoction of its leaves, while others use the oil of the plant.

This product is believed to be a natural contraceptive. Women choose neem oil by applying it to the vagina before and after sexual intercourse.

It acts as a lubricant, preventing sexually transmitted infections. It has been proven that this product contains spermicides, substances that destroy sperm.

Plus, women in some developing countries dry the leaves of the neem tree, then turn them into a kind of pill that they take every time before sexual intercourse.

By the way, neem has no pronounced side effects. The plant is widely known for its healing properties and positive effect on the female body.

Precautionary measures

When using traditional contraceptives, it is important to remember that they do not provide a 100% guarantee. And frequent washing with solutions can disrupt the vaginal microflora, which can lead to the development of inflammatory pathologies in the female sphere.

In addition, folk remedies do not act as a shield against sexually transmitted infections, so it is necessary to discuss effective contraceptive options with your gynecologist in advance.

The first sex was unprotected. After this I had to use medicinal contraception. The drug Postinor helped me. After this, I was in a bad mood for a week, but there were no signs of pregnancy. I don’t really trust traditional methods, since they are of little use, but it’s quite possible to get into some kind of trouble.

I have always tried to avoid emergency contraception, and decided to protect myself with the help of Novinet and Regulon. I used to just go wash after sex. I did this for several months, but then decided not to risk it and use special birth control suppositories.

I used folk contraception several times, after which the consequences were extremely unpleasant. Then I had to undergo treatment for a long time and take various medications. Currently I am protecting myself from pregnancy with Novinet. As for emergency medical contraception, Escapelle helps me here.

But for several years now, after sex, I simply wash myself with warm water and laundry soap. This is an excellent way to protect not only from pregnancy, but also from germs. I don’t really trust pharmaceutical drugs, as there have been cases when they let me down. But home remedies are not only cheap, but they also work.

A solution of potassium permanganate (1/4 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) has always helped me. I used it after sex for douching. I can’t say that this method is very reliable, since after 1.5 years of using it I became pregnant, but there were no consequences. Now I prefer to use proven pharmaceutical products.

You can learn more about folk methods of contraception from the following video.

How to prevent pregnancy

6. Asafoetida (silphium)

This herb can be found in some pharmacies. Asafoetida is known to prevent pregnancy.

It is used as a contraceptive in countries such as India and China. When boiled, this plant has a rather pungent taste.

In addition, it is an excellent antiviral agent that helps maintain the health of the immune system. This herb is also used to improve the functioning of the digestive system.

You can take the decoction warm with the addition of apple cider vinegar. This decoction will not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but will also help keep your figure in perfect shape.

Another plant that is often used as a natural contraceptive is the blue cohosh plant.

This herb is known to not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also relieve menstrual pain and also act as a laxative.

The contraceptive recipe is as simple as possible: you need to brew a couple of tablespoons of dried herbs in a glass of boiling water and drink the mixture two to three times a day.

Folk remedies for pregnancy

11. Sparrow root

It is worth mentioning right away that before using this product, you need to consult with specialists.

Sparrow root is usually immersed in cold water and infused for several hours, after which the water should be drunk.

It is known that the contraceptive produces lithospermic acid, which affects the pituitary gland. The acid prevents the pituitary gland from producing hormones that control our reproductive system, which in turn interferes with the production of estrogens and androgens.

Experts warn that the use of sparrow root can adversely affect the health of a woman who decides to resort to this method as a contraceptive.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women are usually asked to avoid buckwheat because it contains a chemical called rutin.

Therefore, if you include buckwheat in your daily diet, you can reduce the likelihood of conception. However, this method of preventing pregnancy is not so safe.

Some people may be allergic to buckwheat. Therefore, it is best to talk to a specialist before resorting to this method.

13. Ginger root

Ginger root is known for its contraceptive properties.

This plant helps in preventing unwanted pregnancy. Just take the root, rinse it, grate it. Add grated ginger to a cup of hot water. Bring the water to a boil and let the mixture cook for a while.

Then strain the water and drink it while it is still hot. You can add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture. This will make the drink tastier.

Two cups of this drink a day not only helps prevent pregnancy, but also promotes better digestion and relief from menstrual pain.

14. Indian wormwood

Indian wormwood is another effective method of contraception.

When dried, the plant actually prevents unwanted pregnancy. However, you need to be very careful with the dosage of this herb. In large quantities, Indian mugwort is known to cause kidney failure and can become toxic to the body.

In general, the advice would be as follows: when choosing traditional methods, always be careful with the dosage. Since exceeding the norm of some plants can lead to disastrous consequences for women's health.

Well, and of course, taking anything on your own without consulting specialists is strictly prohibited.

Finally, the only method that is 100 percent effective is the practice of abstinence.

You have no chance of getting pregnant if you don't have sex. In addition, you will not become infected with dangerous sexually transmitted diseases.

Emergency contraception: what is its harm?

As the name itself suggests, this method of contraception should only be used in very serious cases. It is not suitable for frequent or even regular use. You can use “pregnancy pills” only in an emergency situation, for example, if a condom breaks or rape occurs.

It is fundamentally wrong to use emergency contraception instead of a condom in case of unplanned sex. They have too much influence on the female body.

The means used for emergency contraception contain a loading dose of progestogen. This substance is an analogue of the female hormone progesterone, which controls a woman’s menstrual cycle, or rather its second half. The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of progesterone. If there are a lot of these hormones in the body, then the pituitary gland will not allow the eggs to mature and ovulation will not occur.

The action of such drugs as Postinor and Escapelle is based on this principle. It is these drugs that are most often used to prevent conception after emergencies. But their use causes great harm to a woman’s body:

  • A shock dose of hormones causes hormonal imbalance.
  • A woman's menstrual cycle changes.
  • Between menstruation there is often painful bleeding.
  • Qualitative changes occur in the structure of the mammary glands.
  • A woman feels a headache.
  • Many people experience all the signs of intoxication - nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness and severe fatigue.
  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen.
  • In some cases, allergies are observed - rash, itching, swelling.

Traditional contraceptives for women

The issue of protection from unwanted pregnancy has been relevant for women in all centuries. Today, the pharmacological industry produces many different contraceptive drugs and products. However, they often have contraindications and often cause negative effects. Many women have to look for alternative methods.

Let's look today at what contraceptives are available in traditional medicine. And there are a lot of them! Perhaps some women will take them on board and use such recipes in the right situation.

Herbal folk remedies against conception

If you think that by purchasing a contraceptive pill at the pharmacy and swallowing it, you can safely have sex and not worry about your future health - you are mistaken! Academician N.V. Levashov talks about the consequences of such a popular “easy” method of contraception.

That's why traditional methods of contraception remain popular today.

1. Coriander has long been used to prevent pregnancy. You will need plant seeds. Prepare an infusion. For 800 milliliters of boiling water, take 40 grams of crushed raw materials. Pour it in and leave it in a warm place for at least 10 minutes. Take the infusion regularly after meals, 150-200 milliliters.

3. Such a “contraceptive” herb as sparrow has long been known. Its leaves, seeds and roots are prepared and made into decoctions. For 15 g of crushed raw materials, take 180 ml of boiling water. Boil in a bathhouse under a closed lid for at least 30 minutes. Then leave for another 45 minutes. Boiling water is added to the strained broth, replenishing the evaporated volume. Take the potion 50 ml three times a day.

4. Temporarily “sterilizes” the woman and such a remedy. Take 10 g of Roman cumin (cumin) and ficus (fig) seeds. Fill them with 100 ml of water, stir and drink. The potion is taken after the end of the last menstruation.

The effectiveness of folk remedies as contraception

This type of protection against premature pregnancy has its positive and negative sides.

The advantages of home contraception remain low cost and availability. There is no need to spend money on purchasing the drug, and the products used can be found in almost every home.

The disadvantages of alternative contraception are the following: low efficiency and high likelihood of developing undesirable consequences. This option for protection against unplanned pregnancy has not received the approval of doctors, so whether to use it or not is up to each woman to decide individually.

Options for men

To increase the reliability of traditional methods of contraception, you can combine them with folk remedies. There are a sufficient number of them, so you can choose an excellent option not only for women, but also for men.

  1. You must take a hot bath for 3 weeks. The procedure lasts 45 minutes. After such manipulations, the seminal fluid becomes sterile for six months.
  2. It is enough to consume 1 teaspoon of papaya seeds per day to get a contraceptive effect. This method is considered safe and reduces the sperm count to 0. The seeds should be taken for 3 months.

The above methods are considered very effective, but provided that all the nuances of their use are observed.

A woman can protect herself from pregnancy with the help of proven hormonal contraceptive herbs, which must be used to prepare decoctions.

Moss grass

You need to grind the finished raw materials, and then pour 20 g of 500 ml of water into it. Simmer the resulting composition over low heat for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours, filter and take 20 ml 3 times a day.

Lush carnation seeds

You need to grind the clove seeds in a coffee grinder and pour 15 g of 200 ml of boiling water over them. Leave for 1 hour, filter and take 20 ml 3 times a day.

Roots of Gentian triflorum

Pour hot water over the raw material, maintaining a ratio of 1: 10. Wait 30 minutes, strain and take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.

Marsh wild rosemary

Pour 20 g of herb into 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, filter and take 20 ml 3-4 times a day.

Emergency contraception using hormonal pills

using hormonal drugs is effective . They contain hormones that have a suppressive effect on the maturation of the egg, inhibit the penetration of the fertilized egg into the uterus, and reject it from the uterus, disrupting the implantation process.

Hormonal pills work in different ways. They cannot be used constantly; these are emergency contraceptive drugs.

If there is a risk of becoming pregnant after sexual intercourse, it is important to take the pills immediately after it. Their effectiveness in the first hours of administration is 94% , by the end of the third day the probability of protection is only 57% . When resorting to emergency contraception using pills, you need to take into account the rules of administration and possible contraindications.

When using hormonal medications at home, you need to know that there are medication options:

  • Only 1 tablet is needed to protect against possible pregnancy;
  • The drug is required to be taken according to the regimen for 3 days, up to 6 tablets.

The choice of emergency contraceptive measures depends on the length of time after the act.

All contraceptive pills after an act that may have consequences must be taken strictly according to the instructions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and possible complications.

Taking a hormonal contraceptive during the day

There are medications that will provide reliable protection if taken immediately after intimacy or within twelve hours after it. List of names of such drugs:

  • Ovidon – 2 tablets;
  • Non-Ovlon – 2 tablets;
  • Ministison – 3 tablets;
  • Rigevidon – 3 tablets;
  • Marvelon – 4 tablets.

Reliably protect tablets that contain an artificial analogue of progesterone - levonorgestrel. These are the drugs Eskinor F, Escapelle, Postinor. The action of these drugs is based on a decrease in the activity of the egg after ovulation and a decrease in the speed of movement of the fallopian tubes.

The egg dies under the influence of these hormonal contraceptives before reaching the uterine cavity. Even if the egg has penetrated the uterus, the mucous membrane is rejected and it is not able to implant.

Protection after the act for 72 hours

This group includes combined oral medications that contain a high concentration of hormones (estrogen, gestagen). They should be used according to the schedule in a certain dosage. They cause the endometrium to slough and cause bleeding.

List of drugsFirst appointmentAdditionally
Postinor2 tablets within 12 hours2 doses every 12 hours
Gynepristone1 time within 72 hours
Ovidon2 tablets no later than 3 days2 doses every 12 hours

Emergency contraception

In addition to traditional emergency contraception after sex, folk methods will help prevent pregnancy. They cannot be called highly effective, but it is advisable to use them in cases where it is not possible to use pharmaceutical products.

  1. Washing the vagina with a solution of lemon juice. Dissolve the juice of a large citrus fruit in 200 ml of water, and then rinse the vagina with the resulting mixture. To prevent microflora disturbance, after the procedure you need to thoroughly rinse the mucous membranes.
  2. Washing the vagina with a solution of potassium permanganate. To prepare it, you need to combine the drug with water in a ratio of 1: 18. After manipulation, the genitals should be washed with soap.
  3. After intimacy, you can introduce a slice of lemon. Under the influence of acid, emergency contraception will occur in 2-3 seconds. After the procedure, the genitals should be washed with clean water.

Before using these recipes, you need to understand that there is a risk of developing unpleasant consequences.

Dosage and dosage regimens3

Emergency contraception after sex is acceptable in the form of combined medications. They are used during the first 72-96 hours: they are produced based on the content of ethinyl estradiol. A single dosage is 50 mcg per day, while Femoden or Marvelon can be started with a dosage of 30 mcg. You can drink no more than 30 mcg in 24 hours, and up to 120 mcg in 25 hours, taking into account the beginning of the next day.

The maximum dosage of 50 mcg is for non-ovolone tablets, which are contraindicated immediately after menstruation, as well as ovidone, which is taken on the second day with an interval of 12 hours. The maximum amount is 200 mcg, however, it is better to consult your pharmacist.

Progestin tablets (mini-pills) are used only in the first 48 hours after unprotected intercourse. The optimal dose is 750 mcg. Postinor is considered a representative of this class. An analogue is a contraceptive: it can be used before and after sexual intercourse. Dosage: 20 tablets per day of microluna or excluton.

Escapelle is an analogue of Postinor, containing twice as much progesterone. Take once a day for 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

Mifepristone is separately distinguished:

  • Suppresses the production of female hormones;
  • Block the action of the endocrine glands;
  • Increases uterine contractility.

The most effective drug that replaces hormonal therapy along with combination drugs. However, its essence is to perform a medical abortion - to destroy an embryo that was formed, but did not have time to “protect itself” in the uterus. Prescribed only by the attending physician.

Dosage: 3 tablets within 72 hours every day, or 3 tablets at a time if more than three days have passed since sexual intercourse (not conception!).

Probability of pregnancy

Contraceptive folk remedies must be used with extreme caution after sexual intercourse. If a woman is already pregnant, this will lead to contraction of the uterus and rejection of the fetus. The probability of conception is 40-50%.

Lactation is a natural contraceptive

During active breastfeeding, and especially in the first months, there is no ovulation, as the hormone prolactin is actively produced. Thus, it is impossible to get pregnant during this period. But when the number of feedings decreases, menstruation and ovulation will also return to normal. For this reason, you shouldn’t rely too much on this method of contraception. There is a risk of fertilization of the first egg after childbirth.

Contraception after unprotected intercourse

Suppositories are a form of medicinal contraception and vary in their composition. Hormonal intrauterine devices; Chemical contraception Postcoital contraception.

This remedy is quite effective, but it cannot be used often. To prevent pregnancy, use your own urine. Oral contraception helps prevent ovarian tumors and some cancers.

Folk contraception can also be useful in such cases of unsafe sexual intercourse. Another widely used method of contraception is cyclic.

Although doctors consider this method completely useless. Most modern women and men share the belief that the birth of a child should be planned, choosing the most convenient time for this. The mechanism of action of spermicides is to inactivate sperm and prevent its penetration into the uterus. Home 24 Men's health 24 Contraceptives for men: types, methods and their effectiveness. Traditional medicine successfully and actively treats cystitis after sexual intercourse thanks to adhering to the rules of personal hygiene. When using a tampon after intercourse, remove it by the thread and syringe the vagina with a weak PHYSIOLOGICAL METHOD.

What methods of folk contraception are considered the most “effective” today? This drug serves as a blocker of the pregnancy hormone (progesterone) and, in addition to terminating pregnancy, it is very often used as an emergency contraceptive, at a dosage of 10 milligrams.

Other methods

In addition to the above remedies, there are a number of other methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Special diet

A woman’s diet should consist of 30% peas, which have a contraceptive effect. In addition, it is advisable to consume canned corn, but only do this before sexual intercourse.

New recipes

Time does not stand still, so there are several methods of contraception that were invented not so long ago.

This includes the following options:

  1. Before sex, a woman must insert a tampon into her vagina. This will prevent sperm from penetrating further than the tampon.
  2. The girl needs to syringe with Pepsi-Cola or her own urine.
  3. Drink a glass of water with 3 drops of iodine added.

Impact of temperatures

A man should take hot baths for 1 hour before sex. Thus, sperm die under the influence of high temperature. In addition, even women can use this method, but only after intimacy. And to enhance the effect, you can pour 20 g of mustard powder into 250 ml of boiling water, then add the composition to the bath.

Should you take birth control pills? Contraceptives and hormones.

Birth control pills are the most commonly prescribed medication to regulate the hormonal balance in a woman's body. Obviously, they are primarily taken to prevent pregnancy. But sometimes birth control pills are recommended as medicine. They are prescribed to women and girls with polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, fibroids, severe bleeding, and so on.

However, these diseases are often caused by hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body, while birth control pills prescribed by a doctor simply relieve unpleasant symptoms, that is, they extinguish the source of the disease, but do not eliminate the problem itself. The causes of hormonal disorders in the body are usually poor nutrition, poor environment and the consequences of treatment. As people say: “We treat one thing, we cripple another.”

Should you take birth control pills?

Debates about the dangers of oral contraceptives have been going on for a long time. Each woman decides for herself whether to take birth control pills or use other means of contraception. If you have just started taking this kind of contraceptives, then listen to yourself, you may feel the following symptoms that indicate the harmful effects of the pills on your body.

1. Decreased sexual desire. Combined oral contraceptives are essentially synthetic hormones: estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are actively produced by a woman's body during pregnancy in order to prevent ovulation. Progestin-only birth control pills (mini-pills) contain only the synthetic hormone progestogen. Their action is based on changes in the uterine mucosa, as a result of which sperm cannot fertilize the egg, and the egg cannot implant in the uterus.

The hormone testosterone is primarily responsible for the sexual desire of both men and women. The normal level of this hormone in a woman's body is one tenth of the level of testosterone in a man's body, however, it is primarily responsible for arousal and sexual fantasies. Progesterone contained in birth control pills suppresses ovarian function and lowers testosterone levels in the body. As a result, blood flow to the genitals decreases, sensitivity and the amount of lubrication decrease. A woman who regularly takes birth control pills has a harder time achieving orgasm. In addition, after stopping oral contraceptives, some women may experience decreased sexual desire for 1 to 2 years.

2. Headaches or migraines. If you start experiencing headaches after starting birth control pills, this is a sign that you are sensitive to estrogen. High estrogen levels are due to the presence of this hormone in birth control pills.

3. Weight gain. The study showed that women taking oral contraceptives are at risk of gaining a couple or three extra pounds. This is primarily due to fluid retention in the body. This is facilitated by progesterone contained in birth control pills. In addition, all oral contraceptives increase appetite. But this is not the most dangerous thing; your appetite and calorie consumption can be kept under control. Taking any hormonal drugs, such as oral contraceptives, leads to changes in metabolism. These can be changes for the better or for the worse. Therefore, sometimes taking birth control pills leads to disruption of the endocrine system, which also leads to obesity. In this case, it is extremely important to contact an endocrinologist to study the function of the thyroid gland.

4. Depression. Many women suffer from depression while taking oral contraceptives, although the pharmaceutical industry tends not to acknowledge the link between birth control pills and depression. Sometimes women are advised to take antidepressants along with pregnancy pills. Still, the estrogen and progesterone contained in contraceptives affect the biochemical processes occurring in our heads, so different pills with different doses can have an unpredictable effect on our mood. Primarily affected are women who are characterized by periodic depression; taking contraceptives can provoke more frequent and prolonged depression.

In addition, hormonal drugs can cause a deficiency of vitamin B6, which also negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of a woman.

5. Loss of energy and birth control pills. The pill depletes our body of vitamins (especially vitamin B6), so these contraceptives can cause weakness, nausea and mood swings. In the long term, a lack of essential vitamins and nutrients puts the entire endocrine system at risk, since many of the endocrine glands require vitamins to function properly.

6. You have conflicting sexual preferences. Birth control pills can also change your sexual preferences. In an experiment conducted at the University of Bern in Switzerland, women were asked to smell the T-shirts of anonymous men and then choose the scent that attracted them most. The results showed that they selected the T-shirts of men with a specific set of genes that was very different from their genetics. This is normal, since partners who are different from each other are genetically more compatible. Otherwise, the risk of miscarriage increases.

At the same time, women who were taking birth control pills in this study chose T-shirts from men with genes that were very similar to their own. Thus, scientists suggested that the pills negatively affect a woman's ability to choose the most compatible partner for herself. In particularly “severe” cases, a young woman may lose interest in her own husband after starting to take birth control pills.

In fairness, it is worth noting that modern birth control pills minimize side effects such as fluid retention or hormonal disorders, but, unfortunately, there are no perfect drugs, and it is impossible to predict how each woman’s body will react to taking synthesized hormones. Therefore, after starting to take birth control pills, you need to listen to your body. A woman differs from a man, first of all, in her ability to produce offspring, therefore the female body and hormonal processes are very complex and, at the same time, more vulnerable. Therefore, if you experience these symptoms after starting to take birth control pills, you should consult your doctor and think about other methods of contraception.

What methods don't work

Of course, there are many methods that can hardly be called effective.

There is an opinion that having sex in the cowgirl position or in a standing position will prevent pregnancy. But this is not so, because the sperm is ejected with such force that it instantly ends up near the cervix. If this method is used by a healthy man and woman, then pregnancy will occur in the next cycle, so the effectiveness of the method tends to zero.

Daily sex

It is quite common to believe that having sex several times a day will remove all active sperm from the semen. It is difficult to call this method of protection effective. It is suitable for those men who have poor spermogram results. Even diluted semen may contain some sperm.

The essence of this method is the incompatibility of seminal fluid cells with acid. It is necessary to insert a slice of lemon into the vagina before sex. You can irrigate the vagina with lemon juice.

When using this method, you need to understand that there is a danger of getting burned by mucous acid, as well as developing inflammation of the vagina.

Potassium permangantsovka

And although a weak solution of potassium permanganate is an effective disinfectant for treating wounds or intestines, and also quickly kills various microbes and bacteria, it does not have a similar effect on male seminal fluid. The only truth is that a powerful jet can wash the seminal fluid out, but this does not guarantee that individual active sperm could not hide in the folds of the cervix.

To use this method, you need to insert an Aspirin tablet into the vagina. But if you do this, you can get a strong local reaction, after which you will definitely not have sex for several days. And this is not surprising, since Aspirin can even lead to stomach ulcers. It is not advisable to use this method, as you can harm your health or get unplannedly pregnant.

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