How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes: folk remedies

The most delicate facial skin is located around the eyes. It is the small wrinkles around the eyes that can treacherously reveal your age, and the bags under the eyes indicate that you did not get enough sleep today. But thanks to constant skin care, folk recipes and little tricks, all this can be hidden.

Folk recipes and secrets of caring for the skin around the eyes are the topic of today’s post.

Recipes for dark circles under the eyes

  • Mix the white bread crumb with milk and soak it for 5 minutes. Apply this crumb under the eyes and hold for 15 minutes. It is better to do this lotion every other day;
  • Apply peeled potatoes to your eyes for half an hour;
  • Wrap the cottage cheese in gauze and apply to the eyes for 10 minutes;
  • Apply grated potatoes with dill or parsley to your eyes.

Relieving inflammation and swelling under the eyes at home

  • We brew dried chamomile or mint flowers and make lotions;
  • We apply cotton swabs soaked in black or green tea to the eyes;
  • Place chilled strawberry slices on the skin around the eyes and make a mask;
  • A cucumber mask is also effective.

Recipes for wrinkles around the eyes

  • Mix grated potatoes with cream. Lie down and apply the mixture to your lower eyelids. Apply cotton pads soaked in strong tea to the upper eyelids. Make a compress for 15 minutes;
  • Take 50 ml of olive oil and mix with 10 ml of vitamin E oil solution. Every evening, massage this mixture with your fingertips into the skin around the eyes for 5 minutes. Remove excess oil with a napkin;
  • Take half a grated boiled potato and steam it with a decoction of parsley, while adding a little sunflower oil. We put this on gauze and apply it for half an hour before going to bed;
  • Take 1 egg yolk and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Stir everything and apply on eyelids for 10 minutes;
  • Soak the white bread crumb in heated vegetable oil and apply for 30 minutes, after which rinse the oil with water.

Tibetan anti-wrinkle mask

Beat 3 egg whites with 15 g. olive oil and 1 tablespoon of bay leaf decoction.

A decoction of bay leaves is made as follows:

Pour 300 grams of boiling water over 5 leaves and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Add 10 burnt alum (look at the pharmacy).

Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. We make a fabric mask from flannel, after making a hole for the nose and eyes, saturate it with the composition and apply it to the face overnight. If we only remove crow's feet around the eyes, then the mask can only be made on these areas.

Massages and gymnastics for the eyes and skin around the eyes

These exercises not only help maintain the elasticity of the skin around the eyes, but also restore vision.

Self-massage and gymnastics for the eyes using the Qigong system

  1. Press the eyeball with the tips of the index and middle fingers 8 times;
  2. Using the same fingers, lightly press on the inner edge of the eye, moving the fingers to the eyebrow from the inner edge of the eyebrow to the outer edge, and then back, ending the pressure on the bridge of the nose;
  3. We do 18 rotations with the eyes with closed eyelids clockwise and 18 rotations counterclockwise;
  4. With eyes closed, 18 times - move eyes from side to side;
  5. Everything is the same, but we move our eyes up and down;
  6. Look, focusing on an object located nearby, and then on an object located in the distance.

Individual exercises for the eyes

  • You can relieve eye tension by tightly closing your eyes and holding it there for 5-7 seconds;
  • Close your eyes, relax. Then, with our eyes wide open, we look into the distance. We repeat;
  • Using your index fingers, lightly press and hold the muscles located on the eyelid under the eyebrows. Without lowering your fingers, try to completely close your eyes through tension resistance and keep them closed for 5 seconds.

Massage for bags and wrinkles under the eyes

  • Apply anti-wrinkle cream to the cleansed skin around the eyes and massage it in with your fingertips;
  • We stroke the upper eyelid from the nose to the temple – 5-10 times;
  • We stroke the lower eyelid in reverse - from the outer part to the nose.

Massage with cold spoons for swelling under the eyes (do 3 times)

  • Apply cream to spoons and place them near the inner corners of the eyes;
  • Using wave-like movements, we move the spoons towards the temples;
  • Using spoons, press on the whiskey 3 times;
  • We move the spoons from the temples to the ears.

What is special about delicate skin?

Cosmetologists claim that the delicate skin around the eyes has a number of special properties:

  • It does not have a large number of sebaceous glands compared to other areas of the facial skin. This is why the lower and upper eyelids are more likely to suffer from dehydration. They develop facial and age wrinkles earlier.
  • In addition, subcutaneous tissue is localized in the lower eyelid area, which is loose. Without proper care, women over the age of 30 may develop unsightly bags under their eyes.

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With the right cream and technique for applying it, you can significantly prolong the youthfulness of the skin around the eyes.

Wrinkles around the eyes

Poor nutrition, poor environment, bad habits, stress and other factors significantly affect the rate at which the epidermis withers. Wrinkles can appear at any age, so regular care can prevent the appearance of premature signs of aging of the dermis.

It is recommended to apply the following pharmaceutical preparations to the area around the eyes before going to bed:

  • "Radevit." A pharmaceutical preparation, the main components of which are vitamins A, E and D, smoothes and refreshes the dermis, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • "Aevit". The active components of the product are vitamins A and E; in a complex action, they fight the appearance of wrinkles, smooth the skin and promote skin regeneration.

You can open the capsule with a needle and apply it to the delicate skin around the eyes using gentle patting movements, without rubbing. It is better to do this 1-1.5 hours before going to bed so that the vitamin composition has time to be absorbed into the skin.

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, proven folk recipes have traditionally come to the rescue in the fight against wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Vitamin mask. Cooking recipe: in 1 tsp. Mix olive oil with a couple of drops of liquid vitamins A and E. Apply the mask to the skin around the eyes. The product can be left overnight to remove excess shine; you will need to blot the skin with a cotton pad.
  • Mask based on essential oils. Cooking recipe: in 1 tsp. olive oil add essential oils of rosemary, geranium, verbena. Distribute the product on the skin under the eyes and leave overnight. The mask does a great job of removing crow's feet under the eyes.

How to choose a cream?

The cosmetic product must be selected depending on the woman’s age and the characteristics of the skin around the eyes (wrinkles, dark circles, age spots). Experts recommend that women adhere to the following rules:

  • At a young age under 20, you can not use creams. To maintain skin tone in the morning, it is recommended to wipe the skin with ice cubes. They can be made from herbal infusions or green/black tea.
  • From the age of 20 you can already use creams. The optimal composition for them is plant extracts. This is still enough to keep delicate skin healthy.
  • From 25 to 30 years old, the first wrinkles around the eyes already appear. The main thing here is not to miss the moment and strengthen the skin in time. Maintain the presence of collagen and elastin in it. In this case, the creams should already contain an SPF factor. Jojoba and rose oils, vitamins E and C are suitable as active ingredients.
  • After 30 years, in some women, the skin around the eyes begins to actively weaken. You can support it with anti-aging creams containing collagen, elastin, seaweed, and vitamin A.
  • The age after 40 years is considered critical for most women. Many people are entering menopause. In this case, the body does not produce enough estrogen. The skin around the eyes loses its elasticity. Therefore, creams based on seaweed, hyaluronic acid, peptides, snail mucin, black caviar extract and vitamin A will help support it, smooth out wrinkles and increase elasticity.

Remember that a properly selected and applied cream to the skin gives the following effects:

  • improves microcirculation;
  • tones;
  • smoothes expression wrinkles;
  • lightens pigmentation;
  • removes dark bags under the eyes and fatigue;
  • improves lymph flow, thereby eliminating swelling.

How to overcome swelling and dark circles

In addition to aging and wrinkles, the skin under your eyes can also become puffy and appear as dark circles. To avoid these troubles, home care should begin with the following rules:

  1. Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, it is recommended to go to bed at the same time and no later than 23:00;
  2. Use an orthopedic pillow high enough so that the head is located above body level;
  3. Do not indulge in salty and smoked foods, as salt retains moisture and causes swelling around the eyes, do not drink alcohol;
  4. Try to eat the maximum amount of vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C - apples, cabbage, citrus fruits.

What to look for when buying besides the composition?

When buying a cream for the skin around the eyes, do not rush to be guided only by the recommendations of friends and the popularity of the brand. Remember that every skin is different at any age, including after 50 years. Therefore, when choosing, pay attention to the following points:

  • the cream must be appropriate for the age and purpose;
  • It is advisable that it does not contain components to which you may be allergic. You should not buy products that contain preservatives, dyes, or fragrances. They will definitely not benefit delicate skin;
  • great, and if the packaging indicates that the composition has passed ophthalmological control. Such products can be used even by women who wear contact lenses.

And, of course, carefully monitor the expiration date. An expired cream will cause more harm to your eyes and skin than good. At best, it simply will not give the expected effect.

Important components of the cream: what about what?

Many women are unsure about the active ingredients of the cream. Experts list common components and their effects in care products.

  • So, if you need an anti-aging effect, then pay attention to creams with retinol in their composition. Vitamin A actively rejuvenates.
  • Creams with hyaluronic acid and aloe extract are suitable for moisturizing the skin.
  • To remove puffiness and dark circles, use creams with caffeine, escin, licorice and cornflower extract.

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To soothe irritated allergic skin, formulations with allantoin and panthenol are suitable.

Principle of applying cream

Before you properly apply cream around the eyes for wrinkles and other problems, keep in mind that caring for your delicate skin should be regular. Cosmetologists give several recommendations in this regard:

  • Be sure to cleanse your eye skin of makeup. Applying cream to dirty skin is stupid, to say the least. In the worst case, it can cause an allergic reaction or other undesirable effect.
  • Try to use the cream only in the morning. This way it will give the greatest effect. When applying the cream at night to the lower skin of the eyelids, swelling may occur in the morning. If you really want to use the cream at night, then it is better to apply it cold and no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

  • To further tone the skin around the eyes, use a cold cream. Therefore, keep the product in the refrigerator. If you want the active components to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, apply the product warm. That is, keep the cream on the shelf of your dressing table.
  • Treat the upper eyelid area first. And always put the cream on the tip of your middle or ring finger. Apply it pointwise and distribute with patting movements. This is enough to increase blood supply to the upper eyelid. You should not make stroking movements. This way you risk stretching the skin.
  • Then apply the cream to the lower eyelid area. Use patting movements with your fingers on the orbital bone. Remember that it is not necessary to get close to the eyelash area. The components of the cream penetrate into the deep layers of the skin without it. There is also no need to make stroking movements here. Or very, very light, barely tangent. At the same time, move in the direction from the inner corners to the outer ones. This way you will improve the outflow of lymph and remove swelling.

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To provide an additional cosmetic effect on delicate skin, regularly use cooling ice cubes and cosmetic patches.

Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, dryness and eye fatigue

Dosha out of balance: Pitta.

Aggravating factors: old age, stress, anxiety, insomnia, alcohol abuse, dehydration, strabismus.

Treatment: Avoid chemical makeup removers and thick, heavy eye creams. Remove makeup with a cotton swab dipped in simple vegetable oil.

Wear sunglasses in bright daylight and try not to read in the dark. Never look directly at the sun.

Twice a day, pinch the skin above your eyebrows, starting from the bridge of your nose and moving towards your temples. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Blink, cover your eyes with your hands, perform eye massage and eye baths as described on page 160.

Dark circles under the eyes

Doshas that are out of balance: brownish circles - Vata, gray-green circles Pitta.

Aggravating factors: anemia, poor health, lack of sleep, circulatory disorders, anxiety, hormonal imbalance, menstrual disorders; abuse of fried, frozen and canned foods, beans, peanuts, salad.

Treatment: From time to time, lie down on an inclined surface and lie for 5-10 minutes with your legs elevated.

Soak two cotton balls in cold milk, rose water, fig juice or mint leaf juice. Place the tampons on your eyelids and lie there for 5-10 minutes.

Apply crushed mint leaves to the skin around the eyes and lie there for 5.10 minutes.

Before going to bed, gently massage the skin around your eyes with saffron or almond oil. Perform the exercises described on pages 160-161 (blinking, covering your eyes with your palms) every day.

Nutritional supplements: Before lunch and dinner, take 2-4 g of ginseng tablets or powder.

Swelling of the eyelids

Dosha out of balance: Kapha.

Aggravating factors: high blood pressure, liver and kidney problems, problems with waste elimination, weak digestive fire, fluid retention, lack of sleep, hormonal changes.

Treatment: Place black tea bags soaked in warm water, cotton swabs soaked in an infusion of dry hazel leaves or celery juice, or gauze bags with raw potatoes (1 teaspoon of grated potatoes per bag) on ​​your eyelids. Lie down with your eyes closed for 20 minutes.

Using your ring finger, carefully massage the area under the eyes, pressing one point at a time and gradually moving from the inner corner of the eye to the outer when massaging the upper eyelid and vice versa when massaging the lower.

This massage promotes the drainage of lymphatic fluids.

Dietary supplements: Take 1000 mg of vitamin C daily and eat black raisins and figs.

Early wrinkles

Doshas out of balance: Vata and Pitta.

Aggravating factors: dryness (lack of fat), dehydration (lack of water), stress; exposure to sun, wind, heat or cold, too hot or too cold water; excessive physical activity, too frequent travel; abuse of alcohol, coffee, tobacco, sweet or spicy foods; sudden weight loss; taking hormonal medications; diabetes; lack of purpose in life, lack of love in personal relationships; hereditary factors. Treatment:

Treatment: Make a special mask twice a week. Mix and make a paste with a tablespoon of sandalwood powder, 1 drop of natural camphor oil, 3-4 drops of lotus oil and 2 teaspoons of water.

To form a protective layer on the skin under your eyes, gently rub a few drops of facial oil made with sandalwood or rose oil into these areas of the skin. Then apply the prepared paste to the rest of your face.

Close your eyes, place damp cotton swabs soaked in rose water on your eyelids and lie there for 10-15 minutes. Then carry out the usual procedures for cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

Prepare a decoction of a tablespoon of dry geranium and a cup of water. Regularly lubricate your face with this decoction using a cotton swab.

Nutritional supplements: Take vitamin E and primrose oil. Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. published

Based on the book by Raichur Pratima “Absolute Beauty. Radiant skin and inner harmony: the ancient secrets of Ayurveda »

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Common mistakes when using eye cream

Often women, in their pursuit of beauty, make mistakes when using eye cream. The most common of them are:

  • Applying a large amount of cream in the hope of a greater effect. It is important to remember here that too much cream equals difficulty breathing for the skin. This can cause bags to form.
  • Working too hard on your skin. Remember, friction and stretching of the delicate skin around the eyes is unacceptable. Otherwise, early wrinkles and sagging of the upper eyelid are inevitable.
  • Using a composition that is not appropriate for its age or has expired. Here there is rather a regret about the need to throw away some cream. Believe me, it is better to give an unsuitable product to a friend or dispose of an expired cream than to apply it to your skin. The price to pay for such frugality can be prohibitively high.

Knowing how to apply cream when caring for the skin around the eyes, you can wipe about 5 years off your face with regular use of the correct formulation.

Doctor's opinion

At the age of 30-40, it is very important to take care of your skin to maintain youth. A woman should cleanse, nourish, moisturize and tone her skin daily. In addition, it is necessary to carry out special lifting care. It is usually carried out in courses.

After 40 years, a woman may experience swelling after sleep or bruises under the eyes. To combat them, it is recommended to use gels with a cooling effect. There is no need to give preference to products made from plant extracts. Swelling can be removed with a cooled black tea bag after brewing. Blue circles around the eyes can be disguised. To do this, you need to use concealer cosmetics. Possessing a delicate and light texture, such products are not inferior to the best foundation.

During the period of greatest activity of ultraviolet rays, it is recommended to use sunscreen. Additionally, you must wear sunglasses. They must be large. This will protect the skin around the eyes from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

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