10 reasons to eat more butter. You'll be surprised how useful it is!

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are becoming the norm for many people. And this makes us happy, because, by and large, our health is only in our hands and only we decide what to eat and what foods we need to give up forever. But where do we get information about what nutrition is correct and what not to eat? Nowadays, the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle often reaches the point of absurdity, and what is persecuted and attacked is not at all what really deserves reproach. For example, butter: so much was said and written about its dangers that many people, especially women trying to maintain their figure, began to completely abandon this healthy and important food product.

Let's try to figure out what is more beneficial or harmful from eating butter and how much you can eat it per day.

So is it harmful or beneficial?

There is an opinion, and it is supported by many authoritative scientists, that it is butter that causes the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, leading to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Thus, one of the famous English doctors demands an almost complete ban on the use of butter, calling for cooking with olive and sunflower oil, and drinking only skim milk. This specialist believes that almost 200,000 people die every year in the UK from eating butter, and if it is banned and replaced with margarines, the mortality rate will decrease.

However, British farmers are simply offended by such statements, and remind that natural milk and butter contain many essential nutrients for humans, and scientists' theories are often based on speculation, not facts.

Butter is truly a special product. To make 1 kg of butter, you need to use up to 25 liters of natural cow's milk. Most doctors and nutritionists, unlike the British professor, consider butter not just healthy, but absolutely necessary for every person as a food product - of course, if consumed in normal quantities.

How much can you eat per day

The minimum daily intake of butter for a healthy person is 10 g, but you can consume up to 30 g. Butter contains fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins A, D, E, PP, B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, manganese, zinc.

Vitamin E is necessary for the beauty and health of skin, hair and nails, the strength of our muscles; Vitamin A maintains normal vision and is responsible for the health of the skin and mucous membranes; Without vitamin D, healthy bones and teeth are impossible. All these vitamins are fat-soluble, and the body absorbs them best with the help of natural fats.

Why butter is better - the benefits of butter


Oil is a source of an easily digestible form of vitamin A, which the body needs not only to maintain vision and improve the function of the endocrine system, but also for many other vital processes.


Butter contains a lot of useful minerals, such as zinc, chromium, manganese, copper, as well as the powerful antioxidant selenium. Moreover, there is more selenium in this product than in herring or wheat grains. In addition, the oil is a rich source of iodine.

Fatty acid

The product in question has a balanced composition of fatty acids necessary for the body to maintain and strengthen the immune system, protect it from pathogenic microorganisms and improve metabolism. In addition, Omega 6 and Omega 3 acids have a beneficial effect on brain function, skin and nail health.

Conjugated linoleic acid

According to scientists, this component in the oil provides protection against many cancers, and also helps to gain weight without accumulating fat.

5. Glycospingolipids

This special category of fatty acids helps protect humans from gastrointestinal infections. This is especially true for children and the elderly. By the way, children who drink skim milk are much more likely to suffer from diarrhea than those who consume the whole product.


Butter, unlike margarine, is a natural product, and therefore there is no need to worry about cholesterol in it. First, cholesterol is essential for brain and gut health, as well as for the development of the nervous system in a young body. In addition, the oil contains lecithin, which improves metabolism and protects the walls of blood vessels from damage and the sedimentation of cholesterol plaques.

Factor Wulsen

This unique substance, also called the “anti-stiffness factor,” protects the body from calcification of joints, from sclerotization of arteries, and therefore from many diseases of the heart, blood vessels and joints.

Is oil cholesterol harmful?

However, some nutritionists still claim that butter is cholesterol that forms plaques on the walls of blood vessels, and recommend using its substitutes. We have plenty of such substitutes in every store: light, lightweight, soft - whatever they call these products, and yet, it’s not even margarine. Vegetable and animal fats are used for their production, including the fat of marine mammals, emulsifiers, fillers, flavor enhancers, flavorings - in general, the usual set used in all branches of the food industry.

Meanwhile, butter substitutes are harmful for children, but milk fat is easily digestible and is needed for growth and development. Commercials tell a completely different story, but if you try to think for yourself, you can remember that without fatty acids, which butter is rich in, normal synthesis of sex hormones is impossible; fats are a source of energy that our body needs for daily activities and work.

Fat-soluble vitamins are found primarily in butter and other animal products, while those found in plants and herbs cannot be absorbed without fat. There is more vitamin A in butter than in any vegetable oil, and it is necessary not only for vision and skin, but also for the functioning of the immune system, sperm formation and proper development of eggs. If a woman does not have enough fat in her diet, her menstrual cycle is disrupted, and conception may become impossible.

Of course, butter can cause an increase in cholesterol in the blood if you eat it 3 times a day, and in large portions, adding it to dishes, baked goods, creams, and preparing sandwiches. If, in addition, the level of cholesterol in the blood is already elevated, then atherosclerosis may well begin to develop. But is the butter itself to blame?

A nutritionist explains why there is butter

There are many myths surrounding butter, including that consuming it increases blood cholesterol and leads to cardiovascular disease. St. Petersburg nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences Inna Kononenko told a Rosbalt correspondent about why you shouldn’t be afraid of butter.

“High cholesterol is the main horror story of the 20th century; until recently, doctors saw a direct connection between the level of cholesterol in the blood and mortality from cardiovascular diseases. But it's not that simple. If you have high cholesterol, elevated inflammatory markers, and in addition you lead a sedentary lifestyle and drink little water, your risk of cardiovascular disease is really high,” notes the nutritionist.

However, according to her, the cholesterol level itself cannot indicate a predisposition to the disease, since the ratio of “good” cholesterol - high-density lipoproteins - and “bad” - low-density lipoproteins is important. A good one helps remove fats from the body, the second one does the opposite.

“Often people with obesity may even have low cholesterol levels. However, you need to understand that cholesterol itself plays an important role in the body - it is part of cell membranes, and steroid hormones and bile acids are synthesized from it. The body produces 80% of cholesterol, the remaining 20% ​​comes from food,” says Inna Kononenko.

The nutritionist recommends not to be afraid of saturated fats, including butter. However, you need to use it correctly - no more than a gram of fat per kilogram of weight per day. Half of this norm should come from vegetable fats (nuts, avocados), the rest from animal fats, which are also found in eggs, meat and fish. For example, if you have eaten a piece of pork, it is better to refuse butter.

“But in the morning you must add oil to the porridge - then the carbohydrates will be absorbed more slowly and will increase the blood sugar level less. You will feel full longer,” notes the nutritionist.

At the same time, you should not fry in butter - for these purposes it is better to choose ghee.

“Ghee is made by removing excess liquid, milk sugar and proteins from butter. The final product contains almost no water - it is milk fat with vitamins A, E and D. It contains short-chain fatty acids - butyrates, which promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. They stimulate the digestive system and strengthen the walls of internal organs. It also increases the activity of liver enzymes and metabolism goes faster without increasing cholesterol levels,” says Inna Kononenko.

Among the other advantages of ghee is the content of linoleic acid, which fights fat deposits, high blood pressure and reduces the risk of cancer.

Previously, Rosbalt wrote about how kefir affects the human body.

Use for treatment

Now let's talk about the healing properties of the oil. Here are some very effective folk recipes for the prevention and treatment of many colds.

For respiratory diseases and seasonal colds, it is generally difficult to do without butter. It is recommended to increase its consumption at this time, up to 60-70 g per day. There are recipes for mixtures with butter that help strengthen the immune system, increase the body's defenses and kill viruses.

Only fresh butter can be used for their preparation. To soften the butter, you need to keep it at room temperature for several hours, and then grind it in a bowl with a wooden spoon.

To prepare vitamin green butter with lemon, you need 300 g of butter, 1 lemon and 50 g of finely chopped parsley. Mix lemon juice with oil and herbs, beat and add salt to taste, if necessary.

Garlic oil is prepared in the same way, only mixed and beaten with 350 g of butter and 20 g of garlic, crushed in a mortar or squeezed through a garlic press. In this case, you don’t have to add salt, especially if you use salted butter.

Such oil mixtures should be consumed every day during epidemics, and they will help reduce the risk of viral and colds.

Another plus in favor of butter, which is not reported by those who call for stopping its use, is the content of oleic acid. This monounsaturated acid, which is about 40% in oil, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, improves fat metabolism and suppresses the activity of genes that can cause cancer.

Why I love butter

You can't spoil porridge with oil, we all know that. And here I completely agree - the more butter, the better. And not only will butter make porridge tastier, but also mashed potatoes or omelettes. And many other dishes. I suggest we talk about the benefits of butter and how to use it to make your dishes even tastier.

The benefits and harms of butter

Since butter consists mainly of fat, it is a high-calorie product. One tablespoon (about 14 g) of butter contains about 100 calories, which is equivalent to one medium banana.

Although butter is mostly fat, it is rich in many vitamins and nutrients, especially D and K2. It is also a good source of vitamin A, which is essential for a healthy immune system, good skin condition and healthy vision. The oil also contains vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant and supports heart health.

If you dig a little deeper into the scientific research, it turns out that the oil contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). This type of fat is found in dairy and meat products and helps reduce fat deposits and improve immune system function and may have anti-tumor properties.

mashed potatoes with butter and pickles

It seems like there are only advantages. But it's worth remembering that butter contains large amounts of saturated fat, which has long been considered artery-clogging and unhealthy. This means that butter can be consumed strictly in moderation. It is recommended to adhere to the norm of 1-2 tablespoons (14-28 g) per day in combination with other healthy fats found in nuts, fatty fish, seeds and olive oil. Eating butter in large quantities can very easily lead to weight gain and related health problems.

Although the oil has very little protein, it still contains enough allergenic whey proteins to cause reactions. Therefore, people with milk allergies should be careful with butter or avoid consuming it altogether. Good news for people with lactose intolerance. Butter contains only small amounts, so moderate consumption should be safe for most people with lactose intolerance.

How to choose butter

According to Ukrainian standards, oil can have a fat content of 82.5%, 72.5% and 63%. If the fat content is lower, then such a product can no longer be called oil. You also need to pay attention to the price; cheaper options most likely indicate that this is not an oil, but a fake with the addition of plant materials.

Butter with sorrel

In addition to fat content and price, be sure to study the composition. A good butter may only have two ingredients listed: cream or milk. Try not to buy oil at spontaneous markets, no matter how attractive the price may seem to you. The chance of buying a low-quality product in such places is quite high.

Butter in cooking

Butter has a delicate texture and rich taste due to its high concentration of fat. It is great for frying, where it works well in combination with vegetable oils. Butter is also often used in baking to add volume and delicate texture to pies, scones and other desserts.

I already talked about puree. The most important thing here: the oil must be cold. Then the puree will be incredibly fluffy, airy and tender. To balance the creamy sweetness, I recommend adding something sour: berries, pickled cucumber or lemon juice. For example, I really like mashed potatoes with pickles.

Carrot oil

Have you ever tried putting a stick of butter on cooked steak, fish or roasted vegetables? If not, make it today, I guarantee it will be a whole new level of flavor!

I also love mixing softened butter with my favorite herbs, herbs, or even vegetables. Everything seems simple, but it turns out to be a completely new taste. For example, this carrot paste with nuts and butter can be prepared even for children. And green butter with sorrel is simply incredible in combination with fish or simply on a sandwich with fresh fragrant bread.

Homemade yogurt VS Store bought
Homemade yogurt VS Store bought

Why I love tangerines
Why I love tangerines

Add some lemon
Add some lemon

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