Recipe for three-egg omelette with milk (sp). Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Denver omelette

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Prepared by: Arina Volskaya

10/20/2013 Cooking time: 30 min

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The Denver omelette is a very popular dish in the western regions of the United States. There it is one of the most widespread men's breakfasts. Quick to prepare and filling.

How to cook an omelette with milk in a frying pan?

Classic omelette with milk

Ingredients: 100 ml of milk, 5 eggs, one tablespoon of flour, salt and herbs to taste.

How to cook:

Beat the eggs into a deep bowl, add salt (about 0.5 teaspoon), a tablespoon of flour, pour in the milk, and beat well with a whisk. Pour the prepared omelette mixture into a hot frying pan with heated vegetable oil. Cover the pan with a lid and fry the omelette over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Sprinkle the finished omelette with finely chopped herbs.

How to cook an omelette with milk in a frying pan (recipe No. 2)

Ingredients: 10 grams of butter, 30 grams of hard cheese, 3 eggs, three tablespoons of milk, pepper and salt to taste.

How to cook:

In a deep bowl, mix eggs and milk with a fork until smooth. Add grated cheese, pepper and salt to taste. Heat the butter in a small frying pan and once it sizzles, pour in the egg mixture. After the omelette is well fried on the bottom and not too liquid on the top, turn it over to the other side with a wide spatula and fry until golden brown (the second side of the omelette fries much faster than the first). Sprinkle the finished omelette with chopped herbs.

Recipe No. 3

Ingredients: one onion, 1 sweet bell pepper, 25 grams of butter, 4 eggs, two tablespoons of milk, 0.5 teaspoon of salt, 50 grams of cheese (grated), ground black pepper to taste.

How to cook:

Finely chop the washed bell peppers and onions. Melt a piece of butter in a frying pan over medium heat. Sauté the onion and bell pepper in the oil until softened (about four to five minutes). While the peppers and onions are stewing, beat the eggs with milk in a bowl, add salt and pepper. Place the prepared vegetables on a plate and add a little salt. Melt a small piece of butter in the pan again. Let it spread over the entire surface of the pan. Once the butter begins to bubble, pour in the beaten eggs and cook the omelette over medium heat for about two minutes or until the eggs begin to curl. Then carefully lift the edges of the omelette with a wooden spatula so that the liquid part moves closer to the edge. Cook for another two to three minutes until the center of the omelette is dry. Sprinkle with grated cheese and place vegetables in the center. Then carefully lift the edge of the omelette with a spatula and fold it in half so that the onion, bell pepper and cheese are inside. Cook until the cheese melts (about two minutes). Transfer the finished omelette to a plate, sprinkle with chopped herbs, cut in half and serve.

Recipe No. 4

Ingredients: two tablespoons of milk, 2.5 tablespoons of flour, one sausage, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt, 4 slices of cheese.

How to cook an omelette with milk in a frying pan:

In a deep bowl, beat 2 eggs, add wheat flour, a pinch of salt, milk, beat with a mixer for about five minutes. Heat oil in a frying pan, pour in the egg mixture, cook until golden brown. Top the omelette with pieces of sausage and slices of cheese. Cook the omelet until the cheese melts. Pour ketchup over the finished omelette and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Recipe No. 5

Ingredients: 50 grams of smoked salmon, 0.5 onions, salt, pepper, butter, 3 eggs, half a glass of milk, 50 grams of cheese (grated).

Cooking an omelet with milk in a frying pan:

Cut the smoked salmon into small pieces, and the onion into cubes. Heat the butter in a frying pan, add the onion and fry for 5-10 minutes. Then add the chopped salmon and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Beat eggs in a bowl with milk, add fried onions and fish, pour the mixture into a frying pan with a little oil. Fry the omelette until golden brown on both sides, at the end of cooking, sprinkle with grated cheese, cook until the cheese melts.

Recipe 1. Classic omelette


  • Chicken eggs – 8 pieces
  • Milk – 100 ml
  • Butter – 30 grams
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the eggs into a large bowl, beat well with a whisk, then pour in the milk, add ground black pepper and salt.
  2. Beat the eggs with milk again and pour the mixture into a heated frying pan greased with butter.
  3. Then cover the pan with a lid and fry the omelette over very low heat for 3-4 minutes.
  4. To prevent the omelette from burning, you need to pierce it with a fork or knife, and then the lower liquid layer will flow down. This way the omelette can cook evenly and not burn on the bottom.
  5. Before serving, in order to serve the omelette as a whole, you need to place a plate on it facing the omelette and sharply turn it over. Or the omelette can be cut into triangular pieces and placed on plates.

How to cook Denver Omelette

Finely chop the champignons, peppers and onions. Fry in vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes. Salt and pepper.

Cut the ham into small cubes and add to the pan with the mushrooms and peppers. Fry for 2 minutes. Then put the entire contents of the frying pan into a bowl. Grate the cheese there on a coarse grater and mix.

Beat 2 eggs with a fork and add a pinch of salt. We don't go overboard with beating - we just need to mix everything well. Pour our scrambled eggs into a heated frying pan with butter. After a few seconds, use a spatula to evenly distribute the eggs throughout the pan.

When the egg mixture remains liquid only in the center, spread half the mixture of ham, peppers, mushrooms and coarsely grated cheese onto half the omelette. Fold the omelette in half and cook until the cheese has melted. You can turn the omelet once. Now one portion of the omelet is ready. We prepare the second one in the same way :)

Recipe 3. Diet omelette


  • Chicken eggs – 2 pieces
  • Milk – 300 ml
  • Butter – 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the eggs into a separate bowl and pour in the milk.
  2. Next you need to add melted butter and salt and whisk everything well.
  3. Pour the egg-milk mixture into two glasses and place in a saucepan with three-quarters of the water.
  4. Place the pan on the fire, bring it to a boil and cook the omelette for 50 minutes.

Recipe 2. Moldavian omelet


  • Chicken eggs – 8 pieces
  • Milk or water – 200 ml
  • Ham – 100 grams
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons
  • Parsley – 1 bunch
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. The eggs are broken into a deep container, milk is poured in and salted.
  2. Then the mixture must be beaten well with a whisk.
  3. Cut the ham into small cubes.
  4. Parsley needs to be washed, dried and chopped.
  5. Heat a frying pan, add vegetable oil and fry the ham.
  6. Then you need to pour in the eggs with milk and fry with the lid closed for 4 minutes over low heat.
  7. The finished omelette is cut into portions, placed on plates and sprinkled with herbs.

Omelette of 2 eggs with milk and tomatoes

The calorie content of a simple omelet made from two eggs and milk, cooked with a minimum amount of butter, is 161 kcal.

The most popular variation of this dish involves adding tomatoes.

An omelette made with milk with two eggs and the addition of a tomato contains 151 kcal per 100 grams.

To reduce the energy value of the dish, you can use skim milk or use a few more techniques.

Calorie content and nutritional value of an omelet made from 2 eggs and milk

This food product is included in the diet of BZHU supporters as a convenient breakfast option, ready to give you a feeling of fullness for several hours.

The final nutritional value of a dish depends on a significant number of additional factors. Including:

  • The size of the selected eggs. Small ones weigh about 30 grams, medium ones about 40 grams, large ones can reach a weight of 90 grams.
  • Type of additional fillers, choice of milk of varying degrees of fat, cream.
  • The choice of oil for frying or not using oil.

The dish, which was prepared from medium-sized eggs, from 40 to 50 grams, contains about 135 kcal per 100 grams.

Classic recipe

The simplest way to prepare this widespread and well-known dish is to use two medium-sized eggs, approximately 50 grams of medium-fat milk.

Break the eggs into a deep container and beat until thick foam appears with salt and spices. At the end of the beating, add milk and continue using the mixer or whisk. The finished mass should be knocked out into a preheated frying pan.

When cooking, both vegetable and butter can be used. The use of this component will significantly increase calorie content. It can increase to 230 kcal per 100 grams. When following healthy eating principles, it is recommended to use a non-stick frying pan or steam an omelet.

When calculating the BJU in the case of preparing the option in oil, the finished omelette will include:

  • about 25.5 grams of fat, which is about 72% of the daily value
  • about 19 grams of protein, which is approximately 24% of the norm for BJU proteins per day
  • approximately 3.5 grams of carbohydrates, or about 4% of the daily value of BZHU

Good to know!

It is no coincidence that this dish is recognized as a healthy and tasty breakfast option. It brings a large amount of nutrients to the body, becoming a good food base for the whole day.

Other omelet recipes

The recipes for this delicious dish include a wide range of options, including a variety of additional ingredients. Such additions can significantly change overall caloric intake.

The list of additives that are not recommended for supporters of a healthy lifestyle and healthy lifestyle includes cheese, sausages, sausage, croutons made from white wheat bread, and lard. In this case, those who are not yet accustomed to the principles of healthy eating will have to remind themselves that everything “delicious” and “fatty” ultimately becomes harmful and contributes to weight gain.


It is useful to diversify the classic recipe using vegetable additives. For example, tomatoes or cauliflower will reduce your overall caloric intake. When using cauliflower, this figure will decrease from 230 to 135 kcal per 100 grams.

How to cook a low-calorie omelette?

Proponents of proper nutrition can pay attention to dish options with minimal calorie content:

  • An omelette steamed only from whites without the use of yolks and milk will add only 70 kcal per 100 grams to the calorie table.
  • An omelet with tomato added will only contain 98 kcal.
  • If you use bell pepper, the figure will change and be 76 kcal.
  • By adding mushrooms, you can get a dish with a nutritional value of 83 kcal.
  • Including broccoli in the egg mixture will increase the figure to 104 kcal.
  • You can add chicken breast to get up to 138 kcal per 100 g.


To reduce nutritional value, it is also recommended to use milk with a fat content of 2.5%. When planning to add cheese, you will need to give preference to low-fat varieties.

A dish made only from eggs with a small addition of low-fat milk can be called one of the most successful food options for weight loss supporters.

The benefits of eggs include the inclusion in the composition of a chicken egg:

  • Vitamin A necessary for immunity, optimal condition of skin, hair and nails
  • B vitamins that are beneficial for the immune system and nervous system.
  • Vitamins of group D that promote natural vasodilation.
  • Vitamin E, ready to heal wounds and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Good to know!

This product also contains a large number of microelements and nutrients. Including magnesium, sodium, folic acid, iron, iodine and other components. Lutein helps break down bad cholesterol.

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