10 signs that your interlocutor is lying

Since ancient times, people have noticed that the human gaze carries a mysterious power that can fall in love, charm, convince, attract, jinx (harm), instill fear and even kill.
And in our time, research by scientists from different parts of the world has confirmed this. They showed that the human gaze emits very high-frequency short-wave radiation, which can affect the central nervous system, the brain, and the functioning of the entire body.

Perhaps you have met a person who has such a heavy and determined look that it is difficult to bear. It is this kind of view that is commonly called “magnetic” . It is also called “central” , since it is directed to the very center of the face. Where the eyebrows meet and the nose begins. In this place, people have a sensitive nerve center that is capable of perceiving thought waves. This place is also called the “third eye” .

Additionally, the physical power of gaze is demonstrated by how many people feel when someone is looking at them. To find out whether a person is really capable of feeling someone else's gaze, American scientists from Queen's University conducted an experiment in which more than a hundred people took part. Its essence was as follows. The subject sat on a chair in the center of the room, blindfolded, and behind him at a distance there was another person who at a certain time looked intently at the subject. The first was to determine the moment when the gaze was directed at him. The result was amazing. In 95% of cases, the subjects were able to feel someone else's gaze.

The killing power of a glance

At one of the meetings at a Moscow research institute, the head of a department made a remark to his subordinate in a rather rude and disrespectful manner. He did not say anything in response, but began to look at the offender with displeasure and intently, after which he suddenly fell and wheezed. The arriving ambulance team found that the victim was dead. A medical examination showed that the deceased was completely healthy, and his death was due to sudden cardiac arrest.

The human gaze can have a detrimental effect not only on people, but also on animals. Several years ago, the Canadian newspaper Canadian Tribune reported the following story. While hunting, 55-year-old Steve McKellan was attacked by a huge grizzly bear. Falling to the ground, Steve instinctively put his hand with a knife in front of him and stared at the beast with eyes filled with rage and despair. The bear froze in place. The hunter continued, without taking his eyes off, to look into the pupils of the beast. He knew that this action could awaken aggression in the beast, but he could not help himself. Suddenly, after a moment, the bear roared and fell to the ground. The beast was dead. During the examination, not a single scratch was found on the animal’s body. In this regard, the researchers came to the conclusion that the bear died from a strong bioenergetic blow, which was unknowingly inflicted by the gaze of the hunter.

People have long noticed that a person who is in strong emotional arousal or on the verge of death is capable of inflicting a crushing blow on those at whom he is directed with just a glance. That is why, since ancient times, it has been customary to blindfold those sentenced to death.

What does his ring finger tell about a person?

A special role in this matter is given to the ring finger. It is enough just to take a closer look at him to understand what kind of personality is in front of you. To do this, you don’t have to be a palmist; you just need to be observant and know the main signs that reveal the nature of a stranger.

This knowledge will help when getting a job, establishing a personal life, and even in identifying the hidden inclinations of your own child.

If the ring finger is equal in length to the index finger , this means that the person has a balanced character. This is a self-confident person.

Photo: Victoria_Borodinova, pixabay.com

An overly long ring finger , which is almost equal in length to the middle finger, reveals a player in all areas of life: in love matters, finances, etc. Such a person is prone to excitement. He cannot live without excitement and adrenaline.

A short ring finger indicates that the character of its owner is dominated by ambitious aspirations, while culture remains on the sidelines. The owner of a short ring finger is a successful person.

If the ring finger leans toward the middle finger , this speaks volumes about the person’s emotional immaturity. Such people are childish, they have their head in the clouds and have an unrealistic view of love and relationships. It is difficult to build a family and raise children with them.

Photo: cm_dasilva, pixabay.com

If the finger has a smooth conical shape , then you have a talented person. Such fingers are usually found among singers and poets.

It is also interesting that people with sharp ring fingers have musical abilities, but at the same time the person is not able to master the technique of playing any instrument. He will never become a virtuoso and achieve public recognition.

A smooth spade-shaped finger indicates that its owner has a knack for applied arts. If at the same time the third lower joint is especially long, then such a person can become an outstanding sculptor.

A knotty and angular ring finger reveals excessive precision and punctuality in the owner.

Responsive and noble natures have a beautiful and even ring finger . Curvature will testify to the cruel heart of a person and his inconstancy.

Photo: Depositphotos

The presence of vertical lines on the second joint indicates that the person will achieve great honors in life. However, this will not affect his financial well-being.

The presence of a cross on the first joint portends need for the owner of such a ring finger.

If the hill under the ring finger is well developed , then this indicates a pleasant, cheerful character of the person. Such people strive for beauty and have artistic abilities.

If the hill is shifted towards the middle finger , this indicates a person’s serious attitude towards life and the presence of creative inclinations.

An overly developed mount is a sign of talent. Such people are extravagant and emotionally unstable. They love attention, dream a lot, but achieve little.

A flat hill under the ring finger occurs in a person who has little interest in aesthetic values. Such a person lacks imagination, which is compensated by practicality.

The presence of a star on this hill is a lucky sign. She is a harbinger of wealth, prestige, success, which will be the result of talent and the help of influential people.

If you see a triangle on the hill under the ring finger of your interlocutor, then this is a darling of fate. All the blessings of life will fall on him as if from a cornucopia.

Plutos with a cornucopia Photo: Depositphotos

The lattice on the hill under the ring finger happens to those who have to pave their way to happiness with their elbows. Such people are fussy, they crave fame.

Knowing these features, you can use just one ring finger to figure out what kind of person is standing in front of you. This knowledge of character determination will help in any area of ​​life, especially when choosing friends.

Tags: definition of character, human character, ring finger

Development of a magnetic gaze

Exercise 1

Take a white thick sheet of paper and draw a black circle in its center the size of a large coin or 3 centimeters in diameter. Then mount this sheet on the wall so that the circle is at your eye level. Stand or sit in front of a dark spot at a distance of 1-2 meters and focus your gaze on the center of the point, without blinking or taking your eyes away from it for one minute. At the same time, concentrate all your attention and thoughts on the object and imagine that energy is emanating from your eyes in the form of a beam, and with it the command that you want to convey. After resting, do a few more approaches. Then move the sheet 90 centimeters to the right and sit in your original place. Look at the circle without turning your head (with a side gaze) for one minute. Repeat exactly the same exercise, moving the sheet to the left 90 cm from its original position. Do 3-4 approaches on each side. These exercises should be performed for three days, after which the duration of each exercise should be increased to two minutes. After another three days have passed, increase the duration to three minutes. Then reduce the number of sets to one for each exercise. But at the same time, look at the circle for as long as you can. It is enough to learn to keep your gaze fixed on a point for 10-15 minutes for you to develop a strong gaze.

What can the color of his eyes tell about a person?



Brown eyes are influenced by the element of fire. They have a mixture of the energy of the Sun and Venus, so astrologers believe that such people are more impulsive. In ancient times they were considered dangerous. They are full of energy, they like to be praised, but at the same time they try not to let anyone get close.

It is believed that people with brown eyes are strong individuals who love power. They often become leaders and want to conquer the whole world. Brown-eyed people are often more quick-tempered, emotional, impulsive and can be aggressive. But at the same time, they are very sociable and usually have high self-esteem.

Women with brown eyes are energetic, love adventures and are capable of adventures. If a blue-eyed woman can be a diligent wife, then a brown-eyed woman will always remain true only to herself. But a man is able to hold her with gold; brown-eyed women love everything chic. By the way, they are often successful in sports.

Men with brown eyes are most often workaholics; they want to make a career, but rarely occupy high positions. Many brown-eyed men are amorous, but quickly cool down. They do not forgive betrayals and are very selfish. Sometimes the closest woman in their life is their mother.



But people with light brown eyes are more shy and indecisive, sometimes even withdrawn. They daydream a lot and like to be alone. But they still have a core. They absolutely do not tolerate pressure from others and often achieve success because they know how to concentrate on their goals.



Even in ancient times, people with black eyes were considered unusual. These are energetically strong people. They are resilient and full of passion. It is believed that men with black eyes are excellent lovers. But they are prone to impulsiveness and hasty decisions.



The energy of Venus flows in them. These people are absolute romantics. They are very emotional and sensitive; if they fall in love, they are immediately head over heels. Often, blue-eyed people have a strong sense of justice, but at the same time they can be arrogant. They are very impressionable, so they easily lose their temper and get angry. If blue-eyed people become leaders, they behave very carefully, but sometimes they begin to intrigue. They are very fickle, so they tend not to finish things, but at the same time they are talented and created to create. They have an incredible thirst for change and new experiences.

Women with blue eyes simply cannot help but be in the center of male attention; this is their life credo. In their youth they dream of a prince, but in adulthood they will always choose a profitable partner. But still, the blue-eyed woman is very kind by nature and is not capable of betrayal, but if she was offended, she will never let that person near her again.

Men with blue eyes remain children for life and are often monogamous, although rather flighty. In their careers, they are responsible and successful, often occupy high positions, but all this is mainly due to people’s sympathy for them.



Blue-eyed people are wise, they love to argue and defend their opinions. It is impossible to convince them, but they have a good heart, so they always fight for justice. Moreover, they are fearless.



People with gray eyes can be irritable. They are very freedom-loving, so they do not tolerate interference in their plans, schedules and schedules. They can be very trusting and simple-minded, which is why they often get into trouble. They have both romanticism and pragmatism, which helps them achieve their goals. By nature, they are real workaholics, but sometimes they completely surrender to their feelings, forgetting about everything around them.



By nature, green-eyed people are very gentle and capable of loving passionately and devotedly, but often life makes them tough, turning them into real flint. They are very reliable, excellent at supporting and listening to a friend. Most often, people with green eyes are rich and occupy leadership positions. They are reserved, tactful, and may seem pedantic, but behind all this lies a very vulnerable and tender nature. And yet there is an opinion that people with green eyes have a predisposition to magic. But, like other people with light eyes, they lack their own energy, so they borrow it from others.

It was not for nothing that women with green eyes were considered witches, because few men could resist such beauty. These girls are not inclined to waste themselves, so they carefully choose their partner.

A man with green eyes can become an excellent family man, although he likes to go to the left. He is tactful and always gets along well with others.


How do they call this rare color! Its owners are truly the most extraordinary personalities. These people are most often very artistic, it is always fun and pleasant to communicate with them, they are generous and kind, but this warmth is projected only onto loved ones. People with such eyes have a very sober mind, a good instinct for self-preservation and determination. They also sense deception very subtly and do not like to obey.

Original link: https://peopletalk.ru/article/chto-mojet-rasskazat-o-cheloveke-tsvet-ego-glaz/

Thoughts and positions published on the site are the property of the authors, and may not coincide with the point of view of the editors of BlogNews.am.



The power of gaze from a psychological point of view

Everyone has met people who, with their decisive, concentrated, barely bearable gaze, “drove us into a corner,” because it seemed that the person saw right through us. Such people can subjugate anyone, they are familiar with the power that an ordinary eye can have.

Psychology may not understand the mechanisms of the influence of gaze on a person, but numerous studies show that there is such an influence. For example, an experiment was conducted in which participants with their eyes closed were asked to feel someone else's gaze from behind. And in most cases, this was determined accurately.

It is believed that a glance can send a thought wave directly to the interlocutor’s brain. In this case, you should look at the bridge of your nose, where the eyebrows meet. This is where a person’s nerve center is located. In Eastern philosophy, the “third eye” is located there. Desires, feelings or commands sent to this center will certainly be perceived if the gaze has that same power. To give your gaze special properties, you need to develop certain skills.

I can see it in your eyes! What does the color and shape of the eyes tell you?

Recently, scientists from Swansea University (UK) proved that you can tell from a person’s eyes that he has suffered serious injuries. Vecherka found out what else a look can tell about.

The connection between health and eye color is obvious, says ophthalmologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Elena Markova.

“It has long been proven and is beyond doubt,” the expert believes. — There is such a direction - iridodiagnosis, when we judge the disease by the iris. This possibility was discovered in the 19th century by the Hungarian doctor and hunting enthusiast Ignaz von Peczely. As legend has it, as a child he caught an owl and accidentally broke its leg. Then the future doctor saw a change in the bird’s iris. Since then they began to study this phenomenon. This is how the direction of iridology arose.

According to Elena, almost all diseases that a person may have can be diagnosed by the condition of the iris.

“As for the pupil, it reacts through the nervous system,” the doctor continues. — Accordingly, if there is some pathology of the nervous system, in some cases the pupil stops responding to light altogether.

Is it possible to independently determine whether you have a disease by looking in the mirror? The expert assures that this is quite possible.

Yellowing of the protein

One of the characteristic signs of hepatitis. With this disease, a spill of bile occurs, the body thus tries to remove the excess out. As a result, the skin and eyes turn yellow.

The inside of the lower eyelid has turned white or simply paler

A sign that there is not enough iron in the blood. This symptom may also indicate internal bleeding.

Gray ring around the cornea

Indicates high cholesterol levels.

Irritation or swelling of the eyes (provided that the person does not drink and gets enough sleep)

It may be a sign of an inflammatory process in the body, and also indicates other diseases and some forms of arthritis.

Eyes have increased in size

If you notice this, check your thyroid gland. Especially if your vision has also deteriorated.

— There are a number of diseases due to which a person’s eye color and pupil configuration generally change, and other pathologies arise — and there are many such diseases. However, with such symptoms, it is better to immediately contact qualified doctors and not diagnose yourself,” concluded Elena Markova.

Response to threat

During an experiment at Swansea University, participants were shown scary pictures that depicted weapons and aggressive animals. It turned out that in people who had experienced severe trauma, the pupil could not contract normally in response to changes in lighting. And when they saw the pictures, their pupils dilated more than those of other participants. This reaction suggests that when a person sees frightening images, the so-called threat recognition system is activated in the human brain.


Vyacheslav Kurenkov, ophthalmologist:

— It is impossible to accurately determine the disease by the iris of the eyes. But based on the condition of the fundus, it is quite possible. As for iridology, in my opinion, this method is akin to fortune telling on cards; we do not use it in medical practice. I am convinced that with the help of iridology it is impossible to obtain information that could be considered reliable.

Moreover, I don’t think that a person can independently determine by the condition of his eyes what he is sick with. However, it is useful for each of us to sometimes look in the mirror and ask ourselves: How long has it been since I visited the doctor?

Open gaze or squinting

Not only doctors, but also physiognomists can read eyes. Vecherka found out from an expert what the most expressive part of a human face can tell a professional.

“The amount of information we receive through the visual channel is directly related to the shape of our eyes,” says physiognomist Artem Pavlov. — The size of the eyeball in people is the same, the differences are only a few millimeters. And everything related to behavior and character depends on the shape of the eyes and the size of the eye lumen. That is, the question is not the size of the eyeball, but how much it opens.

A sign of naivety

According to the expert, the more information comes to the retina, the more it enters the brain. Therefore, big-eyed people are more prone to fantasies, abstract thinking, more dependent on various ideological concepts, and impressionable.

“Big-eyed girls with a small nose (and the nose indicates analytical abilities) are a classic child’s face type,” says Artem Pavlov. “He actualizes a certain program in a man’s head, and he strives to protect and protect such a woman. All this is connected with evolutionary mechanisms.

Like a predator

— When people moved to the steppes, it became necessary for them to protect their visual analyzer, that is, their eyes. They squinted all the time, because there is a lot of wind and dust in the steppe,” says the expert. — Small eyes are usually deep-set. Here we can draw an analogy with targeting prey, like animals, with a subconscious desire to hide their eyes in order to receive the least damage in a fight.

Thus, it becomes clear: people with large eyes are more likely victims, and people with small eyes are hunters, at least the closest to these types of behavior. Although, of course, there are many more gradations.

— Behavior is a consequence of a combination of factors, so there is no need to take it out of context either. In addition to the shape of the eyes, it is worth paying attention to other facial features, the expert warns.

Gives away a lie

— The eyes, undoubtedly, are the mirror of the soul, a reflection of the work of the brain. You can determine a lot from them, for example, sincerity - by the increase or decrease of the pupil. When a person lies, his pupil narrows,” said Artem Pavlov.

Developing the Power of Gaze

To develop the required skills, training is necessary. They will develop skills, and after some time the result will be noticed: the interlocutors will begin to behave somewhat differently during conversations, requests of any kind will increasingly be fulfilled unquestioningly.

Afghan girl Sharbat Gula

Exercise with a sheet of paper

Take a sheet of white paper, preferably thick. Draw a circle with a diameter of 3 cm in its center with a black felt-tip pen and fix it on the wall so that it is at eye level. Next, you should sit opposite this circle at a distance of 1 meter and peer into the center, concentrating your gaze. You cannot blink or look away for one minute. Concentration is required: it is very important to imagine that energy or a ray is coming from the eyes. After a short rest, you can do several more of these approaches.

Then you need to move the sheet a meter to the left and look at it without turning your head (with peripheral vision) for 1 minute. Move the paper a meter to the right, look with peripheral vision in that direction. The exercise is repeated several times.

It is advisable to perform these exercises every day, and when they become easy (usually after 4-5 days), you should increase the exercise time to 2 minutes per approach. Then reduce the approaches to one, prolonging the execution. Ultimately, you need to ensure that you do not lose concentration for 15 minutes at a time. This exercise will help you develop a strong gaze.

Blue-eyed African boy

Using a mirror

Place a mirror in front of you and peer into the reflection of your own eyes. Then you need to draw a small dot on the mirror, between the eyebrows, and look at it. You should proceed according to the principle of the first exercise, increasing the time of looking to 15 minutes per approach. This exercise will help you withstand the strong gaze of others and sharpen your own gaze.

The magic of a look

The magical gaze is considered a gift that appears from birth. Most likely, it cannot be learned, you can only possess it. Some people don't realize how powerful a weapon they have at their disposal. The magical gaze is used to the fullest by clairvoyants, healers, and sorcerers.

You are lucky if the magical gaze is directed at a person with good positive energy and a desire to help. But it negatively affects a person’s condition if they begin to scan him, siphon off his energy, or want to harm him, jinx him or cause damage. But you can protect yourself from it if you learn to resist the flow of negative energy.

Exercises to develop protective properties:

  1. A black dot is drawn on a piece of paper. The sheet is hung at eye height. You need to move 2 meters away and look at the point without blinking for as long as possible until your eyes get tired. Then you should stop the exercise and rest for a couple of minutes. When performing it, it is important to imagine an evil look, someone else’s eyes that can do harm. The main thing is to inspire yourself when performing the exercise that no one can do harm with their gaze, that is, cause damage. It is important to see the thin threads that connect the eye to this point on the wall and understand that these threads do not harm, but only protect from adverse influences.
  1. The exercise will allow you to quickly take away the energy that someone else has taken away. A white candle is placed on the table and lit. You need to sit opposite her and with a momentary glance try to take away the energy of fire, and then give it back. The exercise is repeated several times and ends at the stage of taking energy.

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