How to behave correctly in a restaurant and at a banquet?

How to enter a restaurant according to etiquette

When you come to the restaurant, don't rush. At the entrance you will be greeted by the head waiter or administrator who will lead you to your reserved or free table. There are also several unspoken rules:

  • You can arrive before your friends. If the group is small, you can wait outside for them to come in together.
  • The man who arrived before his companion must warn the hostess that he will not be alone. The girl will be met and escorted to a table.

You can sit at a table with friends only after you have received their invitation. Try to avoid intrusiveness.

The etiquette for serving VIP guests in a restaurant does not differ much from the standard rules. If you haven't met the head waiter, don't look for a table on your own. Wait a couple of minutes, they will definitely take care of you.

When entering a restaurant, stick your fancy smartphone as far or deep as possible!!!

It doesn’t matter where: in a jacket pocket or in a purse, and ideally turn it off altogether. Unless you're a seller of stolen phones and want to sell them to pay for food

If you think that by taking out your smartphone you are showing how cool you are, then I will disappoint you. Apple alone has sold 700 million smartphones in 7 years, so you are one of several tens of millions.

Now I will explain why.

You came to a restaurant for one of two reasons: either to communicate with a person, it doesn’t matter who it is, a business partner, or a girlfriend, or a friend, or someone else. So communicate and talk

There are very few events in life that can interrupt your meeting. Or are you looking for an excuse not to communicate, so why did you come?

I watched the picture once. A group of 6 people came to the restaurant. All they said during the evening was asking for a menu, placing an order, asking for the bill and muttering something as they left. Throughout the evening, not one of them let go of their smartphone.

The second reason is to eat deliciously, so try it, eat it, enjoy the food. A lot of people worked for this moment, starting from the farmer who grew meat or vegetables. Skipping the long chain, let me remind you about the team of cooks who prepared this dish and, ending with the waiters, who, often arguing with the kitchen, tried to ensure that you received your food on time.

And you don't even need to take pictures of the food. For what? Boast of? This is a bad trait. Repeat at home? Try it! Photographing food reminds me of photographing paintings in galleries, their series, and I saw the same “Alyonushka” in the Tretyakov Gallery live.

Over the course of a long time, I even compiled a typical scenario for the behavior of ill-mannered people in a restaurant.

Logged in – search for available Wi-Fi networks.

You need to check your email and social networks. Check in. The menu is studied at the same time as glancing at the smartphone screen. We need to see what others have written and posted in the last 10 minutes (that’s exactly how much time has passed since the previous login to the network).

Take a selfie. Post it.

They brought snacks - we need to take a photo and post it in the SS. At the same time, some, instead of starting their meal after this, sit and wait for the first comments on the photo.

Ate snacks - reply to comments.

They brought hot food. We take pictures. We post it. Some people film not only the food, but also how they eat it!!! Not the most appetizing sight.

We respond to comments. Oh, here’s another “smart” thought that came to mind, I need to share it with the whole world. Yes, reply to selfie comments.

Ask the waiter to warm it up, or eat it cold.

While they are warming up, you can watch the “seals” on Instagram.

Dessert arrived. Why, without a photo, without a selfie, and there were a dozen more messages attacking, I need to answer everyone.

So we ate. So we talked...

What am I talking about? Besides, if you don’t get into the habit of putting your phone away when entering a restaurant, everything else that I’ll write for you is absolutely useless

Why do you need to know how to sit, what equipment and how to use it, when to start eating, when you can leave the table, if all your attention is in the virtual world

Are you ready to bet? I will answer for every word!


How to behave at a restaurant table

Restaurant etiquette at the table involves more than just the correct use of cutlery. When you haven't made a reservation in advance, you need to select everything on the spot. If you come to dinner together, the menu is immediately offered to the lady. She can ask her companion to make a choice for her.

It is also worth remembering that:

  • You can start the meal after the dishes have been served to everyone sitting at the table.
  • The waiter uncorks the bottles.
  • Are you allergic to specific foods? Don’t hesitate to ask about the ingredients of dishes you don’t know.

If cutlery falls on the floor, restaurant etiquette does not allow guests to clean it up themselves. Just ask them to replace them for you. If you break a plate or glass, don't fuss either, they will be included in the bill.

When visiting an establishment where the main feature is meat dishes, do not order fish and do not limit your choice to salad. Pay attention to the restaurant's specialization.

How to teach a teenager to observe the rules of decency in a restaurant?

To teach your teenager to be polite in a restaurant, you need to set a good example. Starting from childhood.

When you visit a cafe with your whole family, observe the rules of decency. Communicate with waiters courteously. Don't raise your voice at them. And follow other rules of behavior. Then the child will be able to adopt the correct behavior. And he will behave in accordance with the standards of decency.

Teach your teenager to book a table in advance

Teach your teenager to reserve a seat in advance. According to the rules of etiquette, this must be done before coming to the cafe. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the place will be occupied. And a teenager will not be able to sit down with his girlfriend at a table in a particular cafe.

When a teenager comes to a restaurant, he must first talk to the administrator. Find out from him if there are free places. There is no need to sit down at the first table that appears to be vacant. This is not appropriate. Because the table can be reserved.

Where can I find the administrator?

When a teenager enters a restaurant, he will be greeted by the administrator at the entrance. If an employee of the establishment is not there, then the teenager needs to wait until he comes. Most likely, the administrator escorts other guests to their table.

You cannot enter the hall on your own.

You need to behave relaxed and calm

A teenager needs to relax without fail. He shouldn't feel stressed. His task is to enjoy visiting the restaurant.

The waiters will help the teenager begin to feel comfortable and relaxed.

You need to start eating at the same time as the people with whom the teenager came to the establishment

Regardless of who the teenager came with - a girl or a group of friends - he should start eating at the same time as everyone else. Wait for other participants in the meal to bring their dishes. And only after that proceed to eating.

If food is brought to a teenager first and he starts eating it, it will look indecent. To avoid such embarrassment, a teenager can ask the waiter to bring all the dishes at the same time. When ready. So that the teenager doesn't have to wait for other people to get their food.

The teenager must take into account the specifics of the restaurant

The teenager must order the food that the restaurant specializes in:

  1. If he goes to a fish restaurant, he must try the fish.
  2. If you go to a Japanese restaurant, then sushi.
  3. If you go to a restaurant that specializes in preparing delicious steaks, then, accordingly, meat.

When visiting such cafes, you need to buy targeted food. And in no case should you eat salads or other dishes that in no way fit with the theme of the restaurant.

If a teenager doesn’t understand something, he can ask the waiter

Tell your teen that he or she can ask the waiter any questions about the menu. For example, if he does not understand what the name of a particular dish means. What are its dimensions? How the cost is formed (for example, 300 rubles per 100 grams of meat). And so on.

The waiter will be happy to answer all the teenager’s questions.

If a teenager does not understand how much a dish costs, he can clarify its cost

If a teenager does not understand how much a particular dish costs, then let him ask about it. Let's give an example. The menu states that meat steak costs 150 rubles per 100 grams. We understand that for a particular cafe, serving a whole steak for such a low cost is very cheap. Accordingly, we confirm the price with the waiter. He explains that the final weight of the steak will be 400-500 grams. Accordingly, its final cost will vary at the level of 600-750 rubles.

Based on the information received about the formation of the cost, we can conclude whether we will buy a steak. Or it's too expensive.

How to eat in a restaurant according to etiquette

Rules of behavior in a restaurant (etiquette) provide for a number of simple rules that are easy enough to remember:

  • Conversations at the table should not be too loud so as not to disturb other guests of the establishment.

  • People don’t reach to the other end of the table for salt or pepper. Ask them to give it to you.
  • If the food is very hot, do not blow on it. Wait, it will soon cool down on its own.

Restaurant etiquette does not allow talking on the phone. An urgent conversation can be had by stepping aside. In this case, you need to warn the guests sitting with you.

Top 7 how to behave correctly with a man

  • It doesn't matter who you communicate with, it matters how you do it. Regardless of whether you want to continue communication or quickly get rid of an unpleasant stranger, always be polite. You can put an insolent person in his place without using offensive language or raising his voice. There is no need to stoop to the level of your interlocutor. Always remain on top, no matter who you are talking to: man or woman, adult or child, intellectual or worker.
  • Learn to get out of any situation, not to get lost and lose control, even when you did or said something out of place. Sincere interest in your interlocutors, a good mood and a sense of humor will help in any situation. In addition, it is always much more pleasant to communicate with someone who knows what she wants from life, looks into the future with confidence and adequately evaluates herself, rather than trying to show off.
  • Always try to show your best qualities, but don't worry if you make a mistake. There are no bad qualities, only the wrong attitude towards them. Often, what we did in a given situation was the only option we could use. Now you can work on yourself if there is something about yourself that you are not happy with, but you cannot change the past and you don’t need to suffer because of it.
  • Avoid excessive criticism of anyone in conversations. Otherwise, the stronger sex will have an opinion of you as a quarrelsome person who should not be fed bread, just let him criticize someone. It is believed that the stronger sex loves to discuss someone no less than women, but the shortcomings of others will never help you become better compared to them if you do the same.
  • Avoid monologues. Don't tell your biography in great detail. In general, a man should not talk about absolutely everything, even to his husband. You should always maintain some mystery and mystery that he would like to unravel. And for the sake of your own peace of mind, it is better to keep silent about something than to give a reason to use it against you at the first disagreement or quarrel.
  • Be interested in their plans, what they like. Listen to what they say. Nothing brings you closer together than the opportunity to speak out and share your experiences and thoughts with loved ones.
  • To feel behind a man like behind a stone wall, you need to make him respect you. And you can achieve this only by remaining yourself. Don’t adapt to someone else’s tastes or desires, don’t become who they want you to be, but value yourself for who you are. It is always much more correct, safer and better for you to wait and meet someone who will love you for who you are, than to break yourself and strive to be like someone, just not to be alone. How many people, so many opinions. Everyone is attracted to something specific, and there is no point in striving to live up to some ideal. First of all, you should be liked, and not the image invented by someone.
  • Love is a wonderful feeling, but even for the sake of it you cannot lose yourself and sacrifice your dreams, aspirations and, most importantly, self-esteem on its altar. She doesn't demand it. Real feeling helps you live, and does not turn life into hell. Self-love, self-confidence, confidence and determination are no less important in relationships with men than culinary talent, fidelity, care and the ability to listen. No matter how much you would like to devote yourself completely to your loved one, don’t do it. In order not to lose your chosen one, you need to make him value and respect himself, and not allow him to do whatever comes into his head. You are worthy of love for who you are, and not for what you are willing to sacrifice for him.

How to use cutlery according to etiquette

When staff observe etiquette in a restaurant, cutlery is placed in strict order when setting the table. While at the table, do not use your hands to eat something that is usually eaten with a fork. There are many nuances to using tableware, but there are also basic ones

  • Always hold the knife in your right hand.
  • The fork or spoon should be parallel to the table while eating.
  • If there is some soup left in the plate, you can finish it by tilting the plate away from you.

Following etiquette in a restaurant, cutlery is placed on the plate after eating. The knife and fork are placed parallel.

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Now let’s briefly look at some national features of restaurant etiquette.


A country where the cult of food reigns, it is therefore not customary to arrange business meetings in a restaurant. And in general, discussing business over a meal is bad form.

Don't order cappuccino during the day or evening. Of course, they will serve it to you, but in this way you will demonstrate your ignorance and lack of knowledge of national traditions, because Italians drink this drink exclusively in the morning. But they drink espresso at any time of the day and even night.

In Italy, bread is placed next to the plate; there are no separate baskets for it. But, unlike the prim British, the Italians are happy to pick up the leftover sauce with bread. Little of! There is no greater compliment for a chef than such behavior from a guest.

And under no circumstances use a spoon when eating spaghetti! These cutlery are illegal here - Italians eat long pasta, wrapping it around a fork directly on the plate.

Pasta in Italy is always served with a sauce that suits it, so don’t make the oil too oily or add anything else. Moreover, do not even think about asking for ketchup - you will offend both the waiter and the cook.


The French are real gourmets. Their cuisine is very nourishing and high in calories, but at the same time, the French are for the most part very slim. Paradox? Not at all! It’s just that in France it’s customary not to eat food, but to taste it, so don’t be surprised by the size of the portions in gourmet restaurants. Of course, in simpler establishments you will be fed to your heart's content, as elsewhere.

Don't be confused by the large number of cutlery on both sides of the plate - they are located in the same sequence as the dishes are served. So don't get confused.

The French are very conservative when it comes to their favorite restaurants, so very often they know the staff and behave with them like relatives. But don't follow their example, it may even offend employees. And don’t address waiters first name. Men here are called monsior, girls - mademoiselle, ladies - madam.

By the way, 10% of the bill amount for France is a huge tip. As a rule, with an amount of 70-100 euros, only 3-5 euros are left as a tip to the waiters.


Unlike the French, the Germans prefer to eat very heavily, so their portions inspire awe even among Russians who know a lot about large meals. That's why, no matter how hungry you are, don't order an entire page of the menu. Believe me, most likely you will be full after the first course. Moreover! It is likely that one for two will be enough for you. This is not frowned upon in Germany, so you can ask the waiter for an extra plate and cutlery - he will not refuse.

But this does not mean that German restaurant etiquette is overly democratic. Still, no one has canceled the rules of good manners. For example, here, as elsewhere, it is forbidden to place your elbows on the table during a meal. Only your hands can be placed, and your arms should be kept parallel to the floor. Restraint in movement is an important part of German culture. Do not wave your arms, fiddle with your napkin, twirl your glass in your fingers, or hold your hands under the table.

You can attract the waiter with the phrase: “Kellner, bitte schön.” Politeness and respect for staff is part of the national character.


When paying a bill, always round up the amount. Moreover, rounding should be understood as rounding not to ones, but to fives. That is, if you receive a bill for 25.8 euros, pay 30. And so on. In general, generous tips (up to 15%) are accepted here.


Everything here is quite simple, since basically global rules apply, to which we paid a lot of attention at the beginning of the article. But there are also peculiarities. If you want to change your dish, simply place your cutlery on the plate. Otherwise the waiter won't understand you. And under no circumstances put fruit seeds, napkins or candy wrappers on your plate. This is bad form! All waste should be carefully placed in a napkin or in a container specially provided for this purpose.

And one more thing - do not talk to your companions at the table in a whisper or in the national language, the British react to this extremely painfully. Everyone present should participate in the general conversation.

Etiquette for finishing a meal

Etiquette in cafes and restaurants involves not only good manners when communicating with each other, but also with the service staff. If you want the bill, don't attract the waiter's attention by shouting loudly or clinking a metal object against your glass. It is enough to call him with a gesture. Decide who pays for dinner in advance.

If you liked the service, leave a tip. They make up about 10% of the order amount.

If it was a social dinner, you can ask the waiter to count your orders separately.

We figure out how to behave correctly with a man

Constant criticism, attempts to suppress and force one to do what parents think is right often lead to the fact that, even as an adult, a person has not learned to objectively evaluate himself. It becomes common for him to only criticize himself and look for shortcomings.

Many complexes do not disappear with age, and continue to directly influence self-esteem in the future. Girls grow up subconsciously believing that they must please men in everything, obey them and submit, otherwise they will remain lonely. After all, they are not so good that they need to be looked after, appreciated and carried in their arms. And, as many believe, statistically there are fewer men, although this is not entirely true.

For others, due to excessive self-love, inflated self-esteem appears, which requires that there be not just a good and beloved man nearby, but a real millionaire. And few people think that such requirements sharply reduce the chances of being happy. Not because rich men are not easy to meet, even in Moscow, if you yourself do not belong to this circle, but also because money does not guarantee that he will turn out to be a wonderful husband and father for future children.

But you can increase your chances of a happy marriage by learning to objectively evaluate yourself and competently build relationships with the opposite sex. You need not to spend all your time looking for a partner, but to understand what you really want from life, and what kind of man can make you happy. Learn to defend your choice and don't rush to get married, because it's time, if you don't want to risk your future.

Education and the ability to find a common language with a man are one of the main components of a happy life. We all live in a society and we have to interact with different people. It is how we do this that determines what kind of men surround us and how they treat us. If a girl is excessively shy and has a large number of complexes, it is very difficult for her to meet a worthy person. And even if this happens, there is no guarantee that their relationship will last long. Few people will like a downtrodden and insecure companion. Few people can stand for a long time next to someone who has failed to evoke admiration and respect in him and will leave, and the tyrant will enjoy complete power over someone who is so defenseless. If we don't love and respect ourselves, it's even harder for others to do so.

The situation is no better with the ladies who are always dissatisfied with life and the surrounding ladies. Everyone, including their relatives, tries to escape from such difficult people. And if, for some reason, a representative of the stronger sex lingers for a long time, then it is difficult to call him a real man, because he turns out to be henpecked, who, due to self-doubt and unwillingness to take responsibility, prefers to endure such a difficult character, just to To do nothing. But he is also unable to give anything to a representative of the fair sex who has failed to find harmony in her soul.

None of these conditions can be called normal. Because they bring nothing but disappointment and pain. When communicating with men, everything depends on how a woman presents herself. We evaluate others based on what we see, hear and what limits are placed in front of us. If you don’t stop attempts to offend, offend or use us in time, very soon a man will get used to it and, without thinking any more, will begin to cross the line more and more often.

Of course, there are representatives of the stronger sex who are distinguished by excellent upbringing, attention and care, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Not because men are bad, but because life itself requires them to be strong, fast and sharp in order to defeat others and win their place in the sun. It is very difficult to change gears when you are forced to constantly remain on combat readiness. Therefore, they build relationships with the fair sex, focusing both on their life experience and on how a woman behaves with him, what she allows him and how she reacts to certain actions.

To let your partner know that he is allowed, do not hesitate to talk about your feelings and never tolerate everything he does for fear of losing him. The one who suits you and with whom true love connects will never leave if he loves you.

What is not allowed according to restaurant etiquette

How to behave in a restaurant - behavioral etiquette has clear boundaries. Absolutely forbidden:

  • Call on the waiter by snapping your fingers or waving gestures . If the staff does not pay attention to you, contact the administration and the problem will be resolved.
  • Eat with slurping and other sounds . Eat as quietly as possible. Chew food with your mouth closed. Don't talk while chewing. If you are approached, chew before answering.
  • Hurry while eating . Haste is bad manners. Enjoy the dish, appreciate its taste and enjoy it.
  • Drink heavily on alcohol . You shouldn't get drunk, even if it's a fun corporate party. Stick to the norm.
  • Laugh loudly and show emotion . Even if you didn’t like the dish or don’t like the service, you don’t need to announce it to the whole room.

Even if you are delighted with the skill of the chef, do not try to finish the rest of the dish by banging on the plate with a spoon. Do not clean it with bread, and certainly do not lick it.

What to eat with your hands at a communal table

Eating with your hands is sometimes decent, good and tasty. Don't be afraid to get dirty. In restaurants, after serving some dishes, they bring water to rinse off oily fingers. Then you can blot your palms with a napkin. What you can eat with your hands according to etiquette:

  • Some types of cheese;
  • Fish, shellfish, seafood;
  • Bird;
  • Fruits, vegetables, some desserts;
  • Pastries, bread;
  • Pizza;
  • Closed sandwiches;
  • French fries;
  • Salt and sugar.


According to etiquette, soft varieties should be spread on bread with a special knife, and then eaten with your hands. If the cheese is served in cubes strung on skewers, it is eaten holding the stick with your fingertips. For other cases, there is a separate small fork with two or three prongs. In a casual setting among friends, it is quite acceptable to take pieces of hard cheese with your fingers from a shared plate.

Fish and seafood

Dried fish is usually served cut into pieces, which can be safely consumed without cutlery. Dried squid and beer snacks can be taken with your fingers. Mussels do not require special cutlery. You can use the empty flap to remove the tender pulp. The oysters are opened with a special knife, brought with the palms to the mouth, and then the tender flesh is eaten. Afterwards, you are supposed to wash everything down with aromatic juice from the shell. Crabs, lobsters, shrimp, lobsters, and crayfish are served along with a plate for cleaning. They eat them with their fingers. The claws are broken using special forceps. To make it more convenient to remove aromatic meat, a separate fork is provided.

Bird and game

It is customary to eat game and wings by holding the bone with your fingers. This makes it much easier to separate tender meat. There is debate among etiquette experts about the proper consumption of poultry. In a formal setting, chicken is eaten with a fork or cut into pieces with a knife, but if a container for washing hands is served on the table, cutlery is not required.

Desserts, vegetables and fruits

Cherries, cherries, and currants are served with cuttings, by which you can take the berries and eat them with your hands. It is acceptable not to use utensils when eating whole fruits. Apples can be peeled with a knife, cut on your plate, and then bring the pieces to your mouth with your fingers. Bananas or tangerines are peeled by breaking off small pieces of the fruit. Artichokes are eaten by tearing off the tender leaves with your fingers. There are no utensils provided for this delicacy. The waste is placed on the edge of the plate or in a special container. The marshmallows can be divided into several pieces by hand on a dessert plate. Afterwards it is permissible to eat it with your fingers. Small cakes can be placed on your plate using cutlery. No utensils are needed to enjoy their delicate taste.

Bread and pastries

You can safely take the bread with your hands. It is customary to eat it on a special pie plate, pinching off small pieces. Cupcakes and pastries should be eaten with your hands. Closed sandwiches are eaten without cutlery. If they have a filling on top in an expensive restaurant, you still have to take a knife and cut off small pieces. Canapés are eaten by holding the skewer with your fingers. The pies are brought to the mouth with the palms of the hands. This way you can enjoy the taste more fully and avoid spilling the filling on the plate.

Fast food

Restaurants that serve hamburgers and cheeseburgers tend to have a more casual atmosphere than upscale establishments. You can safely take all the food there with your hands. A fork and knife would obviously be superfluous. To avoid getting your palms dirty, you can use a paper napkin. Take the French fries with your fingers, dip them in the sauce and eat them. At a table in an expensive restaurant you will have to use cutlery. Each piece is cut in half with a knife and put into the mouth with a fork. Pizza usually does not require the use of a fork and knife. The cut triangular piece is folded in half so that the filling is inside. If it is inconvenient to eat it with your hands, you can cut it into small pieces on your plate.

In the lobby

And so, a young couple enters the restaurant. The gentleman must hold the front door and let the lady go forward. Then help her take off her coat and give her time to preen herself in front of the mirror. At this time, you can undress yourself and put your outerwear in the wardrobe.

A man must remove his hat at the entrance. And put it on after leaving the restaurant.

In front of the mirror in the lobby, you are only allowed to straighten your hair with your hands. If more significant manipulations are necessary, you can go to the ladies' room for a while. Or men's if you need to straighten your tie.


The way a person eats food, what utensils he uses and how he holds them in his hand speaks about his culture and upbringing. Therefore, everyone should know the general rules of table etiquette by heart. And even more so if we are talking about a restaurant.

The meal begins when the dish is in front of each guest. If the banquet is too large and the food takes a long time to arrive, waiting guests may offer to start without them. Or you can politely ask if you can start eating.

An excellent etiquette tip - not to keep your elbows on the table - is gradually becoming a thing of the past. In a friendly company, no one will focus on this, but at a banquet with the older generation, it is better not to risk your reputation.

You need to eat slowly and calmly. You cannot grimace, slurp or bang with a fork or spoon. Naturally, you can’t talk while eating. But at a banquet you can be approached at any second; in such a situation, it is better to quietly apologize and finish chewing your food rather than muttering with your mouth full.

When a man and a woman are dining at the table, the lady should start eating earlier, but finish after the gentleman. According to the rules of restaurant etiquette, you cannot rush a man through a meal, much less ask the waiter to bring the bill before the end.

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