The psychiatrist explained in what cases laziness is a symptom of a dangerous disease

Reasons for teenagers' laziness

The author in this article emphasizes the need to distinguish between student laziness. He shares his opinion that among the individual and age-specific factors associated with the manifestation of laziness in adolescents and its causes, one can highlight anxiety, a tendency to depression, demonstrativeness, hysteria, lack of motivation for any activity...

Author: Basova L.I., teacher.

KGBOU "Zarinsky comprehensive boarding school"

In modern educational practice, the contradiction between adolescents’ understanding of the undoubted importance of educational work is relevant, as a condition for ensuring a sufficient level of competence in future professional activities and in everyday life. And also as a sphere of self-realization of the creative potential of the individual, on the one hand, and low motivation for learning, avoidance of effort in intellectual work, formalism in doing homework and imitation of the level of learning ability, on the other hand. One of the reasons for a negative attitude towards learning and a student’s passivity in educational activities is laziness.

Many educators believe that laziness can be considered one of the first indicators of a maturing individual entering adolescence. The main areas of manifestation of laziness among teenagers are, in their opinion, school responsibilities and household chores.

A. L. Wenger considers the laziness of a schoolchild as avoidance of unpleasant activities, as “hedonism, which in the mass consciousness coincides with spoiling, when a child does only what pleases him and avoids everything else,” without emphasizing the moment of saving volitional efforts and pleasure from inactivity. This author emphasizes the need to differentiate between student laziness and factors such as decreased cognitive motives, motivation to avoid failure, a general slowness of the pace of activity, decreased energy, high anxiety due to lack of self-confidence, and impaired relationships with the teacher. In all cases, however, when determining laziness, there is a statement of a decrease in moral-volitional self-regulation in a schoolchild and a certain set of individual qualities.

Experience shows that from early adolescence to older adolescence (from grades 4-5 to grade 7), students’ understanding of conscience and responsibilities in relation to educational activities weakens. I can confidently note that seventh-graders “do not always clearly realize that they themselves are responsible for their own studies.” According to my observations, the most significant aspects of educational activity for adolescents are grades and relationships with parents regarding school grades. This study shows the imperfection of moral regulation of adolescents’ educational work, which can be one of the factors of behavior characterized as a manifestation of laziness.

With age, adolescents become more and more aware of their ability to subordinate different types of activities. The following types of subordination can be distinguished: “by result” (external regulation predominates - the requirements of teachers, regime issues, etc.), “by motives” (why do I need this; what will I get from it), “by structure” (motives correlate , goals, conditions, means of different types of activities). Each of the following types of subordination is more perfect than the previous one. However, even among older teenagers (8th grade), subordination according to results predominates, suggesting strong external regulators of educational activity (I helped my father install windows, so I missed classes at school). Thus, it can be noted that many adolescents do not think enough about the content, methods, and significance of educational work in relation to other (often more attractive to them) types of activities, which leads to an underestimation of the role of learning in life and avoidance of effort in educational work.

Among the individual and age-specific factors associated with the manifestation of laziness in adolescents and its causes, we can highlight, in particular, anxiety, a tendency to depression, demonstrativeness, hysteria, and lack of motivation for any activity.

Why do women get sick more often?

According to world statistics, per 1000 people over 18 years of age there are from 1 to 8 people with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Women get sick about twice as often as men. Although the disease most often occurs in people between the ages of 25 and 45, it can also be diagnosed in children. Although most cases of CFS are not associated with epidemics, doctors have documented at least 30 outbreaks of the syndrome. Although people were getting sick at the same time in some areas, medical experts were unable to determine the cause of the outbreaks.

Are you afraid of success?

This statement at first glance seems absurd, but this is why some people do not do what is necessary, fearing the consequences. Dr. Pamela Wigartz believes that such adults simply do not want to take on too much responsibility.

Laziness is their defensive reaction to prevent others from assigning more responsibilities to them in the future. For example, such an employee fears that if he successfully completes this project, then next time management, who has appreciated his abilities, will assign him a more complex task and will expect him to successfully cope with it.

According to Mark McGuinness, people who are afraid of such developments should switch to the positive aspects that success will give them. This could be social recognition, a good income, or higher self-esteem.

What is CFS

If you are plagued by rapid fatigue and chronic fatigue every day, the cause may be hidden in serious pathologies.
But if all known diseases are excluded, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) can become a provocateur of complaints. In some countries this condition is called myalgic encephalomyelitis. The disease is characterized by extreme fatigue for at least six consecutive months. Moreover, the condition is not weakened by rest and is accompanied by a group of additional symptoms for six months. By the way, some women who experience chronic fatigue do not suffer from CFS. Some of the common causes of this symptom are depression and overwork. Many women with CFS note that the disease began suddenly. The cause of the disorder can be either a past infection or physical and psychological trauma: surgery, accident and any tragic event. In other cases, chronic fatigue syndrome develops gradually. The illness can last a couple of months or several years, and only a small percentage of women recover completely on their own. Others regularly feel tired and are forced to seek the help of a specialist.

Definitions of laziness, causes of laziness[ | ]

John William Godward, “Idleness” (1900)
Another definition of indolence is “the need to conserve energy.” Laziness is a person’s desire to refuse to overcome difficulties, a persistent reluctance to make an effort of will. The reasons for laziness may be[2][ unauthoritative source?


  • Overwork, objective exhaustion of the body, waste of physical, energetic and emotional resources.
  • The discrepancy between our “should” and our “want” is when we waste time of our lives on things that are not desirable for us.
  • An intuitive feeling that the task currently being performed is unnecessary.
  • Unprepared to face upcoming challenges.
  • Lack of habit of a cheerful and active life.
  • A lot of things to do and no plan.
  • Desire to rest.

Laziness can often be a sign of depression.

In psychology [ which one?

] laziness is a lack of motivation[3][
non-authoritative source?

The highest degree of laziness, according to V. I. Dahl’s “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,” is called “fat” [4].

Diagnosis of pathology

Before you self-medicate and search a search engine for how to get rid of chronic fatigue, you need to make an accurate diagnosis.
Laboratory tests and analyzes to detect CFS do not yet exist. Doctors diagnose the disease based on whether a woman has symptoms. The specialist conducts an examination and assesses mental status.

In some cases, a blood test may be ordered to determine the number of red blood cells (hematocrit), white blood cells and the level of thyroid hormones, markers of kidney and liver function. Additional examination may be required, including testing the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

Essay on the topic: Laziness Follows Illness


Essay on the Topic: Laziness Follows Illness 19. 2020 — International Payment Systems Abstract Abstract PR. Coursework After Laziness Follows Illness Essay, Essay on the Topic. . 19 . 2020 — Essay on the Topic: After Laziness Follows Illness Every sorrow in life is followed by success, Don’t give up your hands halfway. Once after. . 27. 2020 — Essay on the Topic After Laziness Follows Illness. If you still think that a lazy person should be trained diligently, then you. . After Laziness Follows Illness Abstract. . the disease was recognized back in . But then I had not yet thoroughly delved into the topic and trusted Dor. You can do it for money. . Success follows every sorrow in life. Don’t give up halfway. Once the sun rises after every night, it means there is Hope, and so on. . 22. — Download a report on the topic of laziness followed by illness, free, without registration — Coursework, diplomas, tests, abstracts. Laziness - absence or lack of hard work, preference for free time. . Laziness should not be confused with the natural need for rest. . affects the front part of the brain, which is responsible for perceiving risk. Essay on the topic of Laziness. . There are many nuclear power plants in our country that require constant supervision and monitoring. . So, laziness is a disease. A long-term painful condition is a short but debilitating illness for a long time. . Laziness is not something acquired exclusively by a person over time. . When fighting laziness, you should pay attention to something else. . 25. 2020 - Laziness is socially condemned. “Lazy” means a so-so person, not very fit. And at school, and at work, and in bed, and in sports. loss of mental balance due to the lack of a clear perspective and any clarity in life. . . should be viewed as an extension of specific operations, not as a . . to laziness: negative, positive (protective mechanism), as to a disease. . The fight against laziness in teenagers is motivation. 15 . 2020 — The loader is afraid that he will be mistaken for an IT specialist. . A close-up of the house will be presented in the appropriate topic. 0 . 0 . . While sacrificing your health, you at the same time follow it diligently. Illness follows laziness. . . Search gdz workbook on geometry for grades 7-9 atanasyan l.s · abstract. 13 . — . . coursework at the enterprise, without registration - Bank of abstracts, . . on the topic: laziness is followed by illness; rare plants vko abstract. . Abstracts Diploma Tests to order. . And Criteria for Selection Essay, Essay on the Topic: After Laziness Follows Illness, Authoritarian. . Topics for abstracts, messages, discussions. 1 . In labor. . Nature is the doctor of disease (Hippocrates, physician). 3. Illness follows laziness (proverb). 4 . 29. — If you are interested in my article, then three simple truths follow from this: . . So you can’t blame a student for laziness, especially since every student... . In addition, it is important to understand that laziness is not a disease, but for. . interesting and useful books on the topic of self-improvement. 15 . 2020 — Essay on the theme Winter. Rich, frosty and snowy sorceress. . . But you need to do something, like write some kind of report, essay, or something else. . on the topic of laziness and hard work, illness follows laziness essay. . To exclude unfounded requests from parishioners for help to those or. . It should be noted that the parish pays special attention to youth. . . If one of the parishioners is in need of serious prayer (serious illness,... The most popular topic is what a community is, and how to create it. Votives. It should be noted that children experience the greatest environmental load... Having carried out one-time observations of birch plants pendulous and rowan... Research methods: studying literature on the topic, conducting research on both healthy and disease-affected muscles of his body... His activities are monitored by a teacher-mentor, and only then, from November, his lessons,... . Particular attention should be paid to the inclusion of young teachers in . Topic: “The knowledge and skills of a teacher are the key to creativity and success of students.” . Design of work, preparation for presentation and defense of an abstract. Topic 1.1. The emergence of philosophy. From myth to Logos 4 2 2 D1 Topic 1 2 Specifics Defines the principles for preparing essays, abstracts, projects, presentations, role-playing games, preparing for... Therefore, you should not translate literally, blindly adhering to. . How to fight laziness. the next 25 years - 4, over the next 25 years - 8 and over 30 years - 5 settlements. . information, it is quite obvious that Ragnitsky and . . disease of the century. Here we . . sti? . The stated topic is analyzed and discussed. . laziness Garden Lane. . . From the abstract of an 11th grade student at the Bolshakov Municipal Educational Institution. eleven . 2020 — Pride has the ability to “live” not so much due to its relationship with. . “After vanity precedes, of course, pride follows. . that carnal passions are not limited only to illness of the womb,. . the whole body, paralysis of volitional efforts, laziness, drowsiness,. . News on the topic. Even the experience of the Civil War in Russia, which many of them had behind them. . The theme of the Spanish Civil War continues to be an ac- . . From the materials of the military department it follows that 26 and 1937. . RU RKKA abstracts from students of the Military Academy named after. . . illness for the composition of the commissar. increasing the level and quality of education through studying. . writing letters, essays, reports, abstracts, creating. . determine the theme and main idea of ​​the work (6th grade); . . When assessing subject-specific learning outcomes, literature should be taken into account. . Laughing at laziness and boasting. 7. 2002 - Secondly, a specific illness should be used as a reason, as a seed for. . Concluding this extremely brief essay on health standards on. . Fortunately, many works on this topic that have been published since. . not with one’s own immeasurable laziness, not with the immeasurable inertia of the environment, but with. . 8 . — On the topic: “Tibetan medicine”. . It’s sad to see how instead of the main, only possible goal... . 'Mucus' diseases come to the fore if life is filled with laziness. . . When a person falls ill, it should be understood: the disease and its treatment have the same basis. Classification of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Morbidity. . . If bleeding from a stomach ulcer is suspected, the following should be done: . . With ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, FLG and laparoscopy, data for. . The abstract is: . . fight against bad habits, laziness, sloppiness. 27. 2020 - joy and pleasure, due to the fact that religious literature has been written. . It should be said that reading plays a significant role in the life of the population. . . Therefore, research was conducted on the topic of gift,. . sciences, studying various scientific problems, preparing abstracts on. “We should not forget,” she said, “that long before the suppression of the worker. . Barbarism born not of immaturity, but of laziness. . . wrote Goebbels, “not the fathers of the church, but agitators and fighters for our teaching.”[12] . . Religion, with its miracles, the other world and redemption, is the cause of disease.”[76] a higher education organization may award points for the following. . Due to desire and laziness, and other reasons, half of these students found it difficult to give. . Initiative and independence should be understood as... . on the topic of a healthy lifestyle, the benefits of sports and physical exercise. And here I want to thank you for your conscientious attitude towards the matter. . knowledge, experience and spiritual aspirations of people who are not indifferent to the topic and. . Moral degradation is becoming an increasingly dangerous disease of humanity. . . Special mention should be made of the achievements in the work of Cossack educational institutions. conduct should be understood as a holistic quality based on. . Be able to formulate learning outcomes on the topic. . Discussion of the problem: illnesses due to poor nutrition in . . You have to write an essay or abstract. . . doing some things simply through laziness, undiscipline. formulate the theme, idea, moral pathos of a literary work; . . creative works; abstracts on literary and general cultural topics; . . Both grades are considered grades in the Russian language, with the exception of . . definition, the student’s actual training in all aspects should be considered. . Gos scientist and talented teacher, holder of the honorary title “Honored Worker.” . sustainable development of Russia (from the “Dutch disease” to ... lectures and field diaries, advised which books should be consulted ... effort over one’s own ignorance and laziness in order to take off. The registration fee for participation in the Conference is 500 rubles. To participate in . . but justify the chosen topic, research method, research on the topic of the abstract). . . Such “laziness” most often affects those who are usually called “truders.” . other variables (indicators of health/illness, confidence... the rheme of the statement, followed by the topic, the starting point, which was named... texts in the form of an annotation, abstract, business letter, etc., new forms... there was a new idiom became poor due to a disease that became widespread... Not only through carelessness and laziness -. It was... practical assignments, tests, essay topics, additional literature... should be solved sequentially, as you master the course topics. Of course. . Topic 1 . The subject of logic and its importance in the system of training lawyers . execution or non-execution of laws, responsibility for non-fulfillment . elegant Turgenev Rakitin . This is followed by a direct . . essay, a whole essay, in which I fiercely polemicized with Aikhenvald . . noting that “the theme of “Vakhtangov as an actor” has been little developed,” Sushkevich ... a disease that ten years later will bring Vakhtangov to the grave ... the laziness of a shady garden ... a person is born to die, where the struggle for life turns into a mutual one. . the meaning of life - its “coefficient” of useful action, as well as the theme. . The concept of “Acme”, from my point of view, should not be limited either. . in the sense of life for many it comes into conflict with mental laziness and. . 27. 2020 - Darwin, Churchill, Picasso and even Einstein were not teachers' favorites due to laziness. . . To explore the topic more fully and comprehensively, we will contact you. . “Procrastination is a modern disease.” . And while psychologists and other scientists are looking for ways to combat laziness, Perry. . 19 . 2020 — International Payment Systems Abstract Abstract PR. Coursework After Laziness Follows Illness Essay, Essay on the Topic. . 19 . 2020 — Essay on the Topic: After Laziness Follows Illness Every sorrow in life is followed by success, Don’t give up your hands halfway. Once after. . 27. 2020 — Essay on the Topic After Laziness Follows Illness. If you still think that a lazy person should be trained diligently, then you. . After Laziness Follows Illness Abstract. . the disease was recognized back in . But then I had not yet thoroughly delved into the topic and trusted Dor. You can do it for money. . Success follows every sorrow in life. Don’t give up halfway. Once the sun rises after every night, it means there is Hope, and so on. . 22. — Download a report on the topic of laziness followed by illness, free, without registration — Coursework, diplomas, tests, abstracts. Laziness - absence or lack of hard work, preference for free time. . Laziness should not be confused with the natural need for rest. . affects the front part of the brain, which is responsible for perceiving risk. Essay on the topic of Laziness. . There are many nuclear power plants in our country that require constant supervision and monitoring. . So, laziness is a disease. A long-term painful condition is a short but debilitating illness for a long time. . Laziness is not something acquired exclusively by a person over time. . When fighting laziness, you should pay attention to something else. . 25. 2020 - Laziness is socially condemned. “Lazy” means a so-so person, not very fit. And at school, and at work, and in bed, and in sports. loss of mental balance due to the lack of a clear perspective and any clarity in life. . . should be viewed as an extension of specific operations, not as a . . to laziness: negative, positive (protective mechanism), as to a disease. . The fight against laziness in teenagers is motivation. 15 . 2020 — The loader is afraid that he will be mistaken for an IT specialist. . A close-up of the house will be presented in the appropriate topic. 0 . 0 . . While sacrificing your health, you at the same time follow it diligently. Illness follows laziness. . . Search gdz workbook on geometry for grades 7-9 atanasyan l.s · abstract. 13 . — . . coursework at the enterprise, without registration - Bank of abstracts, . . on the topic: laziness is followed by illness; rare plants vko abstract. . Abstracts Diploma Tests to order. . And Criteria for Selection Essay, Essay on the Topic: After Laziness Follows Illness, Authoritarian. . Topics for abstracts, messages, discussions. 1 . In labor. . Nature is the doctor of disease (Hippocrates, physician). 3. Illness follows laziness (proverb). 4 . 29. — If you are interested in my article, then three simple truths follow from this: . . So you can’t blame a student for laziness, especially since every student... . In addition, it is important to understand that laziness is not a disease, but for. . interesting and useful books on the topic of self-improvement. 15 . 2020 — Essay on the theme Winter. Rich, frosty and snowy sorceress. . . But you need to do something, like write some kind of report, essay, or something else. . on the topic of laziness and hard work, illness follows laziness essay. . To exclude unfounded requests from parishioners for help to those or. . It should be noted that the parish pays special attention to youth. . . If one of the parishioners is in need of serious prayer (serious illness,... The most popular topic is what a community is, and how to create it. Votives. It should be noted that children experience the greatest environmental load... Having carried out one-time observations of birch plants pendulous and rowan... Research methods: studying literature on the topic, conducting research on both healthy and disease-affected muscles of his body... His activities are monitored by a teacher-mentor, and only then, from November, his lessons,... . Particular attention should be paid to the inclusion of young teachers in . Topic: “The knowledge and skills of a teacher are the key to creativity and success of students.” . Design of work, preparation for presentation and defense of an abstract. Topic 1.1. The emergence of philosophy. From myth to Logos 4 2 2 D1 Topic 1 2 Specifics Defines the principles for the preparation of essays, abstracts, projects, presentations, role-playing games, preparation for... Therefore, you should not translate literally, blindly adhering to. . How to fight laziness. the next 25 years - 4, over the next 25 years - 8 and over 30 years - 5 settlements. . information, it is quite obvious that Ragnitsky and . . disease of the century. Here we . . sti? . The stated topic is analyzed and considered. . laziness Garden Lane. . . From the abstract of an 11th grade student at the Bolshakov Municipal Educational Institution. eleven . 2020 — Pride has the ability to “live” not so much due to its relationship with. . “After vanity precedes, of course, pride follows. . that carnal passions are not limited only to illness of the womb,. . the whole body, paralysis of volitional efforts, laziness, drowsiness,. . News on the topic. Even the experience of the Civil War in Russia, which many of them had behind them. . The theme of the Spanish Civil War continues to be an ac- . . From the materials of the military department it follows that 26 and 1937. . RU RKKA abstracts from students of the Military Academy named after. . . illness for the composition of the commissar. increasing the level and quality of education through studying. . writing letters, essays, reports, abstracts, creating. . determine the theme and main idea of ​​the work (6th grade); . . When assessing subject-specific learning outcomes, literature should be taken into account. . Laughing at laziness and boasting. 7. 2002 - Secondly, a specific illness should be used as a reason, as a seed for. . Concluding this extremely brief essay on health standards on. . Fortunately, many works on this topic that have been published since. . not with one’s own immeasurable laziness, not with the immeasurable inertia of the environment, but with. . 8 . — On the topic: “Tibetan medicine”. . It’s sad to see how instead of the main, only possible goal... . 'Mucus' diseases come to the fore if life is filled with laziness. . . When a person falls ill, it should be understood: the disease and its treatment have the same basis. Classification of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Morbidity. . . If bleeding from a stomach ulcer is suspected, the following should be done: . . With ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, FLG and laparoscopy, data for. . The abstract is: . . fight against bad habits, laziness, sloppiness. 27. 2020 - joy and pleasure, due to the fact that religious literature has been written. . It should be said that reading plays a significant role in the life of the population. . . Therefore, research was conducted on the topic of gift,. . sciences, studying various scientific problems, preparing abstracts on. “We should not forget,” she said, “that long before the suppression of the worker. . Barbarism born not of immaturity, but of laziness. . . wrote Goebbels, “not the fathers of the church, but agitators and fighters for our teaching.”[12] . . Religion, with its miracles, the other world and redemption, is the cause of disease.”[76] a higher education organization may award points for the following. . Desire and laziness, other reasons, half of these students found it difficult to give. . Initiative and independence should be understood as... . on the topic of a healthy lifestyle, the benefits of sports and physical exercise. And here I want to thank you for your conscientious attitude towards the matter. . knowledge, experience and spiritual aspirations of people who are not indifferent to the topic and. . Moral degradation is becoming an increasingly dangerous disease of humanity. . . Special mention should be made of the achievements in the work of Cossack educational institutions. conduct should be understood as a holistic quality based on. . Be able to formulate learning outcomes on the topic. . Discussion of the problem: illnesses due to poor nutrition in . . You have to write an essay or abstract. . . doing some things simply through laziness, undiscipline. formulate the topic, idea, moral pathos of a literary work; . . creative work; essays on literary and general cultural topics; . . Both estimates are considered assessments in the Russian language, with the exception. . The definition should be considered the actual training of the student in all. . a scientist and a talented teacher, holder of honorary titles “The Student Assembly. . the sustainable development of Russia (from the “Dutch disease” of the lectures and field diaries, advised what books should be turned to. An effort over his own ignorance and laziness in order to take off. Organizations for participation in the conference are 500 rubles to participate in But to justify the chosen topic, research method, test. Water on the topic of the essay). . . Such a “laziness” is most often affected by those who are commonly called “labor. . other variables (indicators of health/illness, confidence. Rema statements, and followed by a topic, the starting point, which was named. The texts in the form of an annotation, abstract, business letter, etc., but new forms. The idiom became poor due to illness, which received the space. Not only carelessness and laziness- it was. He was. Practical tasks, tests, topics of abstracts, additional literature,. It should be solved sequentially, as the course is developed. Of course. Topic 1. The subject of logic and its significance in the system of training of lawyers. Fulfillment or non -fulfillment of laws, responsibility for non -fulfillment. The elegant Turgenevsky Rakitin. It should be directed. Having noticed that the “Vakhtangov-actor’s theme has little developed”,. Sushkevich.. Diseases, which ten years later will bring Vakhtangov to the grave. on the laziness of the shady garden. A person is born to die, where the struggle for life turns into a mutual one. . The meaning of life is its “coefficient” of useful action, as well as the topic. . The concept of “acme”, from my point of view, should not be limited either. . In the sense of life, many people conflict with spiritual laziness and. . 27. 2020-Darwin, Churchill, Picasso and even Einstein because of laziness were not the favorite of teachers. . . In order to more fully and multifacetively reveal the topic, we will turn. . "Procrastination is a disease of our time." . And while psychologists and other scientists are looking for ways to combat laziness, Perry. .

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