Heart in heels, it’s time to think about God: what are Capricorns most afraid of?

The earth element, which rules the sign of Capricorn, endows people born under this constellation with practicality and prudence.
It is not for nothing that this sign is called reserved and cold, however, after reading its characteristics, you will learn many other features in the behavior of Capricorn people.

Thanks to their external coldness, these people are able to perfectly control their behavior. There are rare situations when Capricorn can publicly lose his temper, because he does not allow himself such violent manifestations of emotions, considering such behavior to be wrong. But this does not mean that the Capricorn man does not experience deep feelings, he is simply accustomed to hiding them deeper.

Capricorn – practical, reasonable, secretive
Capricorn – practical, reasonable, secretive

This sign is practical, has a down-to-earth outlook on life, and is not able to be led by emotions. Capricorns set goals for themselves, patiently and painstakingly achieving them. Despite their taciturnity and restraint in behavior, they take a long time and carefully to choose their soulmate, carefully and quietly looking at her. Sometimes it is impossible to understand how Capricorn really treats you, because they are equally polite and reserved with the people around them.

In their career, they can go for a long time, scrupulously towards their intended goal. Capricorns can make good leaders if they are ready to remove excessive passivity and detachment from the common cause. Another hidden character trait of people of this sign is a tendency towards tyranny, since they like to insist on their own, despite their own wrongness.

Capricorns seem unapproachable, they are not inclined to share their inner experiences, but if you win their heart, they will be able to share their experiences and thoughts, but only slowly and gradually. Capricorn gets used to keeping emotions to himself, so only those closest to him know that this seemingly cold sign is capable of eccentricities and madness. But only in your own circle and in very measured portions.

Working slowly but surely

If you drive more quietly, yes, yes, you will continue.

Capricorns are hardworking and thorough. They do not fly up the career ladder, but slowly climb it thanks to many years of honest work.

Sometimes it seems that Capricorn will not be able to cope - but, having mastered his chosen profession for a long time, he will throw all his strength into it and, over time, will even overtake most of his colleagues.

Taken from Google or Yandex pictures

Capricorn (12/22-01/20)

Sunny period from December 22 to January 20

1. Tenth sign of the Zodiac, Earth sign. 2. Type - female. The main feature is practicality. 3. Astrological symbol - goat. 4. Ruling planet - Saturn. 5. Happy day is Saturday. 6. Favorable dates of the month are 8, 17, 26. 7. The corresponding color is black. 8. Talisman stones: ruby, onyx, malachite. 9. Metal - lead. 10. Flowers - black poppy, white carnation, ivy. 11. Symbols, indices - goat, ladder, tower clock. 12. Talisman - devil, black cat.

Those born from December 22 to January 2 - under the influence of Jupiter - are calm, calculating natures; gain fortune and success, but there is also a risk of ruin. Important years: 30, 57.

Those born from January 3 to January 13 - under the influence of Mars - are people who reek of a homely fairy tale. Important years: 16, 24, 30, 33, 57.

Those born from January 14 to 20 - under the influence of the Sun - are efficient, have vitality, passionate, sometimes contradictory, sometimes prone to despondency. Important years: 21, 30, 31, 41, 50, 57.

Capricorn is the toughest and most resilient of all the zodiac signs, both physically and mentally. Secretive, secretly ambitious, lives by real activity, knows how and loves to work. Step by step he moves towards his intended goal, overcoming all obstacles with great patience and incredible perseverance. It’s unlikely that anything can make Capricorn go astray. It is almost impossible to fight him. He doesn't like to attract attention to himself.

Being an earth sign, Capricorn keeps his feet on the ground and looks straight ahead rather than at the stars. Such qualities as passion, jealousy, impulsiveness, laziness and carelessness are alien to him. True, there are also romantic Capricorns, but they also do not allow their emotions to blind them.

Capricorn never makes public scenes and does not expose passions. To win his respect, you need to meet many requirements. Respect for age and experience is part of Capricorn's nature. He loves his relatives very much and often idealizes his ancestors and elders. Capricorn is not one of those who gets married without thinking; on the contrary, he prepares for this for a long time and carefully. Capricorn comes across as a gentle, timid and slightly stubborn person. Capricorn has a developed intellect and excellent memory. He is an excellent worker. Being a reserved person, he is shy, sensual and tries in every possible way to hide it. His pride often becomes a source of constant suffering for him.

The second half of Capricorn's life is usually more prosperous than the first.

Capricorn Woman

A characteristic feature of the Capricorn woman: her beauty and charm only intensify with age. This is the so-called “winter beauty”, when at 30 she looks better and more attractive than at 18. There are always many fans around her, but it is not easy to care for her. The Capricorn woman is very independent and does not forgive betrayal. This could be a superwoman who actively flirts and charms men. Or, on the contrary, it can be calm, cold and aloof. But no matter what she is, she usually chooses a man with a fairly high position in society, someone she could be proud of.

The Capricorn woman usually has a successful career. From the outside it seems that love and marriage come second to her. But it only seems so. Her goal is a secure and prestigious position. And it doesn’t matter how she achieves it - with her work or with the help of her husband.

One of the hallmarks of Capricorn is good upbringing and manners. Appearance is calmer and emotionally stable than it really is. In fact, she is subject to many moods, and she has very long dark periods. She can remain in a deep trance for several days, weeks and even months. The gloom, pessimism and depression that Saturn endows her with are rooted much deeper than simple sensitivity. They come from her fear for the future, worries about the present and regrets about the past.

This woman does not accept ridicule. But you can’t buy her with compliments like others. She will only accept those who are truly sincere. She rarely relaxes in romantic situations. The Capricorn woman is a wonderful housewife, she loves nature and everything beautiful. The concept of “saving” for her does not mean buying cheap things. Her motto: “The miser pays twice.”

Her children will have the best. She will try to instill in them a sense of respect for relatives and elders, teach them discipline and good manners. Capricorn has very sensitive skin, so she won't have to overuse makeup. Most Capricorn women are allergic to paint. One of Capricorn's vices is stubbornness. But she never complains about difficulties.

Capricorn man

One of the key aspects of Capricorn's character is persistence. Redoubled by her determination to pursue her ambitions, she helps her reach the top. All Capricorns are self-centered to some extent. Being overly sensitive, they are often offended by actions committed by those around them.

Capricorn, without demonstrating his merits, strives to climb to the top of the spiritual or worldly. To achieve his plans, he does not always have enough endurance and endurance. Failure plunges him into depression, which can unbalance him for a long time.

They say that Capricorn lives in reverse - he is born old, but grows younger over the years. At first, he is alien to people due to a distant connection with instincts and resists infatuation due to fear of loss and suffering. He wants a minimum of pleasure, but a mask of icy indifference can hide the most painful passions, which are suppressed in order to avoid submission to the feelings. The consequence is disruptions of various forms. Some men try to fill their inner emptiness with a thirst for power and collecting, while others withdraw into silence. All this can lead to long-term loneliness. During this period, Capricorn can even resign himself to fate and live outwardly in a calm state, thereby proving to others that he is satisfied with himself and does not want any changes. Sometimes only by the age of 40-50 a man is ready to begin a full life, filled with human pleasures. In the most extreme case, Capricorn can remain single and become a misogynist.

In a woman he looks for honesty, reliability, completeness and chooses a life partner in a familiar environment. He prefers a partner who is older than himself, wealthy and non-scandalous.

In relationships with women, he almost always achieves success, since Capricorn is a realist and correctly determines the path to the goal. This does not mean at all that he collects love affairs. The object of his passion is also the object of worship. He remains faithful to him for a long time, knows how to listen to a woman’s erotic experiences. Sex for Capricorn is always tinged with feeling, which the partner values ​​very highly. He is closed and carries erotic secrets within himself, but he is able to open up and show all the passion of his nature.

Capricorn marries only when he comes to such a decision himself; all attempts to persuade him to marry will end in failure - he values ​​​​his personal independence too much. In marriage, he calms down, and the attraction to his wife intensifies even more over time.

To win a Capricorn man, you need to remember that he does not like it when: - they impose their feelings on him; - show inattention to him; - underestimate his ambition; - compared with its predecessor; - inferior in everything.

A woman is created for him if she is: ambitious, strong personality, worthy of admiration, sensitive and attentive, natural in behavior.


Impact - knees, skeleton, skin and digestive system. Diseases - broken bones, arthritis, deafness, inflammation of the sebaceous gland. The condition of Capricorn depends greatly on the composition of minerals in the body, on the quality of the skin, connective tissue, superficial mucous layers and the sympathetic peripheral nervous system. This sign governs the condition of the knees, the bone structure of the body, tendons and cartilage. Most Capricorn accidents involve broken bones, contusions, bruises, sprains, dislocations, and knee injuries.

From birth until age seven, Capricorns are rarely very healthy. But in the future, if there is no unfavorable location of the planets, their vitality increases, although they never have the reserve of vitality inherent in the stronger signs of the Zodiac. Nevertheless, they do not give up easily, and if they maintain a normal routine, they can live an active and healthy life until old age. The disease that overtook Capricorn due to the influence of Saturn becomes chronic. Capricorns tend to overthink their illnesses and become isolated in them. This constellation directly affects the functioning of the gallbladder; in the case of an unfavorable position of the planets, it can contribute to a delay in the flow of bile.

One of the best prerequisites for Capricorn's health is a healthy sense of humor. Zodiac Capricorn cannot eat everything indiscriminately with impunity. Due to the influence of Saturn, which suppresses the function of the excretory organs, liver and gallbladder, his system is not ready for attacks from fatty foods, seasonings, sauces and alcohol. Chocolate and mayonnaise are also undesirable, especially if your birthday falls in the first decade (December 22 - January 1). He should take protein from lean meat, yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs and lentils. You should drink more water between meals. However, since the chlorine used in tap water destroys vitamin E, which is important for the health of Capricorn, you should drink boiled or mineral water.

When Saturn is dominant or unfavorably placed in the horoscope chart, Capricorns become prey to worries and fears, causing an increase in adrenaline levels in the blood. At this time, the child of Saturn, who succumbs to this influence, suffers, mopes and is tormented, subjecting himself to serious liver diseases, and chronic ailments in general. A diet high in protein, supplemented with mineral salts and vitamins, helps to overcome the influence of Saturn.

The main cellular salt of Capricorn is calcium phosphate, which, together with protein from food, helps build the skeletal system of the human body. With a deficiency of this salt, the protein is not retained in the body and leaves the body through the kidneys. The result is kidney disease, rheumatism and acid disorders. Unused protein can cause skin rashes and boils. It also accumulates in the ears, causing deafness. Calcium phosphate is supplied to the body by cabbage, asparagus, spinach, lentils, beans, celery, almonds, cucumbers, barley, egg yolk, lean meat, unrefined wheat, strawberries, figs, blueberries and prunes. Medicinal herbs that are harmonious with the sign are kupena, red beet, mullein, knotweed and quince.

All by myself

Even in kindergarten, Capricorn will pull on tights - albeit backwards, but without the help of the teacher.

As an adult, this sign will never whine, complain or look for someone to blame. If something didn’t work out, it means you couldn’t do it yourself, and you need to continue to improve and achieve your goal.

By the way: this does not mean that Capricorn will refuse help if your work or life’s hardships are beyond your strength. This sign is one of the best friends.

Capricorn Woman

Smart, calm, outwardly reserved Capricorn women are excellent workers and good housewives. They can achieve career success, competing with men, because they have amazing endurance and calmness. Over the years, many Capricorns only blossom - a rare representative of this constellation looks like her passport age.

Over the years, Capricorn women only get younger
Over the years, Capricorn women only get younger

The home plays a big role for Capricorn women; they are ready to sacrifice their work in order to create comfort for their loved ones and children. These ladies are not inclined to openly show coquetry and flirt, preferring restraint and a certain coldness. The thing is that even female Capricorns consider it inappropriate to clearly and publicly demonstrate their feelings and emotions.

Calm and confident women attract the attention of others, because they always demonstrate a decent level of manners and wisdom. Restrained, but at the same time, bright Capricorn women are able to win the love of others with their inner confidence and inner magnetism. Capricorn woman more >>

Take care of honor from a young age

Slowly moving up the career ladder, simultaneously being considered a “good boy” or “nice girl,” all Capricorns understand that just one hasty decision or stupid act will irreparably set them back.

Reputation is not a coat; you can’t take it to the dry cleaner. Therefore, it is better not to get dirty at all.

But that's why Capricorns:

  • often quite suspicious, especially when making important decisions;
  • calculate all their actions five, or better yet, ten steps ahead;
  • always work conscientiously.

Children are not only joy, but also pride

Capricorns sincerely want to be proud of their offspring. Therefore, when raising children, they are often demanding, critical, and strict.

At the same time, their desire is not to “break” the child, but to teach him to be responsible for his actions, to instill in him commitment, responsibility, and respect.

It often turns out that in childhood a son or daughter conflicts with a Capricorn parent, desperately rebelling. But, having reached adulthood, they realize that they are actually grateful to their father/mother for a good upbringing.

Taken from Google or Yandex pictures

Capricorn man - pros and cons

My Capricorn boyfriend, who else has such a gift?
What pros and cons do you see in it? Mine smokes weed

The administration of the Woman.ru website does not evaluate recommendations and reviews about the treatment, drugs and specialists discussed in this thread. Remember that the discussion is being conducted not only by doctors, but also by ordinary readers, so some advice may not be safe for your health. Before any treatment or taking medications, we recommend that you consult a specialist!

There are some pros in the current one, some cons in the past Capricorn.

New features and design have appeared for the version of the Woman.ru Forum on computers. Tell us, what are your impressions of the changes?

They are wild bores, although this is somehow strangely intertwined with exuberant gaiety!)

I've been in love for a long time. It's gone. Very reserved. All at work. Lots of complexes.

They often have complexes, like to lie and are very cunning

But mine disappeared periodically. Has anyone else had this happen?

Mine also smokes weed. They are very prone to depression.

Very smart, will make money out of wind (if necessary), loving, afraid of flying on planes, 100% family man. Born on January 6th.

oh, I forgot...he doesn’t drink or smoke!!

wants to seem sincere, but they are all chatter

Mine smokes weed

There are some pros in the current one, some cons in the past Capricorn.

They are wild bores, although this is somehow strangely intertwined with exuberant gaiety!)

I've been in love for a long time. It's gone. Very reserved. All at work. Lots of complexes.

my reliable but persistent

They often have complexes, like to lie and are very cunning

Bad - boring, pessimistic, insecure, mired in complexes, talker. Good - gentle, friendly, sociable, principled, etc.

But mine disappeared periodically. Has anyone else had this happen?

my reliable but persistent

Mine also smokes weed. They are very prone to depression.

Bad - boring, pessimistic, insecure, mired in complexes, talker. Good - gentle, friendly, sociable, principled, etc.

And when they “withdraw into themselves,” is it better not to interfere with them?

And when they “withdraw into themselves,” is it better not to interfere with them?

Very smart, will make money out of wind (if necessary), loving, afraid of flying on planes, 100% family man. Born on January 6th.

oh, I forgot...he doesn’t drink or smoke!!

My (now husband) is a terrible workaholic, honest, a very big optimist, correct, reliable... But sometimes boring

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