“Traditional varieties and types of bread in different countries”

What is bread for us?

In general, bread has global significance in people’s lives. For many nations, the product is part of the culture, because it is not without reason that each nation has its own national recipes for its production. This product saved people from hunger in harsh times. Therefore, bread is not just a culinary product, but a universal treasure.

This product has become popular due to its properties. Its basis is cereals. This means that from it a person receives plant proteins and valuable amino acids.

In addition, bread is a source of B vitamins, minerals, plant fiber, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. The product is very high in calories and rich in carbohydrates.

Currently, people do not have enormous physical activity in their daily lives. This means that excessive consumption of bread will not be beneficial either. Therefore, products made from rye and other cereals have become popular. These types of bread improve digestion and contain less carbohydrates.

Bread can complement dishes, or can act as a separate product. After all, we often use sandwiches, casseroles, sandwiches. In recipes from different cultures you can find a decent number of dishes based on it - bread pie, jelly, bread soup.

Black bread benefits. The benefits of black bread

The benefits of black bread, compared to white bread, are due to the use of rye flour, which imparts its properties to the product. It is this component that contains practically no fat and has a high fiber content. Brown bread has long been recommended to prevent vitamin deficiency, as it contains a complex of vitamins and amino acids that prevent an increase in blood sugar levels.

The benefits of eating black bread are significant for patients with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, as it can increase insulin levels. Black bread helps remove toxins from the body, improves intestinal function, fights gout, regulates the process of salt deposition, and increases hemoglobin levels.

Thanks to numerous studies, the benefits of black bread for women have been revealed. In most cases, eating this product prevents the formation of gallstones. In addition, black bread prevents the occurrence of breast cancer.

For many people, eating fresh black bread is unacceptable. This is not a particular problem, since bread can be replaced with crackers. The benefits of black bread crackers will be even greater. This product retains all the beneficial substances. At the same time, breadcrumbs contain fewer calories, since during drying the work of yeast completely stops. Rye crackers are easily absorbed by the body due to the presence of minerals, iron and B vitamins. Naturally, you can prepare such crackers yourself or buy them in a store.

The harm of black bread

In addition to its many beneficial properties, black bread can also be harmful to health. It is not recommended for people with high acidity. Due to the fact that black bread contains a lot of gluten, it is contraindicated for people intolerant to gluten.

Black bread is an excellent component of proper nutrition, despite all its negative properties.

Black bread benefits. The benefits of black bread

Bread is a food product that is obtained by heat treatment of dough. It can be baked, fried, steamed. To make the simplest bread dough, just mix flour and water. This is exactly how the very first flour product was prepared many centuries ago. A little later, in ancient Egypt, people learned to make yeast dough and began adding products such as eggs, milk, and butter to it. What bread is good for adults and children? This is exactly what the article will discuss.

Black bread benefits. The benefits of black bread

National bread

For every nation, bread is not only a wonderful pastry, but also a part of culture. National recipes have been formed since ancient times and have their own characteristics in different parts of the world.

The original Russian bread is the rye loaf. Today there are many types of such baked goods made from rye flour, the most famous of them are “Kupechesky” and “Borodinsky”.

Speaking about what bread is and types of bread, we must understand that each nation has its own cooking recipes and its own views on its taste.

In Italy they prepare the famous ciabatta. This is a yeast bread made from white flour. The peculiarity of the baked goods is that it has a crispy crust and a very large-porous structure inside. In addition, onions, garlic, and spices are put in it.

France is famous for its baguettes, which are nothing more than small, crispy loaves. This bread is made from premium flour so that it is very white.

The famous pizza came to us from the Mediterranean. It's not even really bread, but a dish based on it. When pizza first appeared, it did not have so many ingredients, it was an ordinary yeast flatbread, greased with tomato sauce and sprinkled with cheese. Initially, poor peasants ate it. Later it changed and acquired a lot of recipes.

The famous Israeli matzah is made from dough that has not undergone a fermentation process.

Lavash has been prepared in the Caucasus for a long time. It looks like a thin flatbread and is baked in a stone oven. In Central Asia, bread similar to lavash is cooked in a special oven - a tandoor.

We can talk endlessly about what kind of bread there is, the types of bread among different peoples. The main thing is that before any person it was the basis of nutrition. Now many people limit themselves to its consumption by following diets and replacing it with other products.

“Traditional varieties and types of bread in different countries”

State educational institution "Emmaus boarding school"

Prepared by students

3rd and 4th grades


Terentyeva M.V.


You cannot find a country that is not proud of its traditions of baking national types of bread. Among the favorite types of bread, it is worth highlighting - lavash, yukha, appek, fetir, churek.

“Lavash” is a pancake-shaped bread, the dough for which is prepared without the use of yeast, from flour, salt and water.

Small flatbreads with a surprisingly pleasant taste - “Yuha”, they are often used as a shell, wrapped in baked goods for various dishes - cheese, sausage, fish or meat.

“Fetir” is a pastry made from thin puff pastry, more like pies, which have various fillings.

“Churek” is an oblong oval-shaped bread with thickened edges.

A large assortment and variety of high-quality traditional types and varieties of bread in Azerbaijan, as well as bakery and flour products, can surprise anyone with their taste who decides to taste the fresh and aromatic traditional baked goods of Azerbaijan.

Austria is a very hospitable and friendly country with huge cultural traditions and attractions and, of course, excellent cuisine. The indigenous people of this country treat baking baked goods with great care and respect; bread here is an integral part of cultural traditions.

Bread in Austrian stores is represented by a huge number of items and all of them are amazingly delicious. A popular type of bread for Austrians is “House Bread”, made from mixed varieties of wheat and rye flour with the addition of sesame, caraway and sunflower seeds. There is also the cheapest social type of bread, baked with rye flour, covered with caraway seeds or decorated with snow-white glaze, very similar in taste to our Slavic traditional Borodino bread.

"Stangerl" - long baguettes in the shape of a pigtail with or without fillings.

“Zemeln” are small round buns in the shape of a chamomile, the top of which is decorated with poppy seeds or sesame seeds.

“Kolatshe” are yeast rolls, round or square in shape, filled with jam or cottage cheese filling.

During the Christmas holidays, “Shtolen” - bread with various fruits, marzipan filling and all kinds of spices - is very popular, and in everyday life it is perfectly replaced by “Reindling” with dried fruits and cinnamon.

“Kipferli” – vanilla nut bagels, cookies so delicately crumbly that they immediately melt in your mouth.

The famous Austrian “Stritzel” is a roll prepared on the basis of yeast dough, filled with a mixture of apples or poppy seeds and the addition of candied fruits, raisins, and nuts.

Pie “Linz Cake” - filled with jam and nuts, decorated with a thin mesh of dough, has been very popular for more than three hundred years.

It is believed that Germany is the most grain-producing country in Europe. The average person in Germany can eat up to 86kg of baked goods per year. There are simply a huge number of types of baked goods in local bakeries - bread with onions, bread with sunflower kernels, with raisins, rye bread of various sizes and shapes, diet bread, baguettes and loaves, wheat and milk buns, pretzels, croissants, bagels, all kinds of baked goods.

The most traditional and famous German bread is called “Pumpernickel”.

This Westphalian bread is baked from coarse rye flour with the addition of parts of whole grain.

Another type of traditional and beloved bread for Germans has a name - “Bamberg Fladen”. This is a large or even huge flat, dark, very spicy and heavily baked bread. For this type of bread, the dough should not be rolled out, but beaten.

Particular attention should be paid to “Pretzels” - salted brown pretzels. Pretzels acquire their taste and appearance thanks to the soda solution into which the product is dipped before baking.

The favorite dough for Israelis is unleavened.

Matzo is the most common traditional type of bread in Israel among all varieties and types of baked goods. Matzo is a Jewish unleavened flatbread made from dough without salt and without yeast.

The bakery market in Israel is represented by a wide range of different types and varieties of bread. The windows of bakeries and shops are filled with a variety of fresh baked goods, where you will be offered: sourdough bread, rye bread, flour products based on wholemeal flour, as well as baked goods with the addition of wheat germ.

Another type of bread, which is very popular, is called “Lechem Kal” (light bread). This type of flour products differs from ordinary types of bread by its greater airiness, as well as by the content of ingredients based on dietary fiber and artificial sugar substitutes.

Pita, an unleavened round flat bread, is incredibly popular. The difference between pita and other types of bread is that the steam that forms inside the flatbread during baking separates one layer of dough from the other, forming a so-called pocket, which is then filled with various fillings - salads, vegetables, meat, falafel, hummus, chocolate spread.

The most popular bread product in Israel is undoubtedly challah. Challah is a buttery bread shaped like a braid. This traditional challah recipe contains yeast, wheat flour, water, salt, sugar and a large number of eggs.

The symbol of the Jewish New Year, honey cake - “Lekah”, is prepared with the addition of various spices and honey, and to give the cake a dark color, coffee or tea is added to the dough.

During the Purim celebration, traditional triangular-shaped cookies “Hamantaschen” are baked, adding various fillings to the delicacy: fruit, poppy seed or nut.

For Hanukkah, traditional Israeli donuts “Sufganiyah” are prepared, which contain a large amount of olive oil.

Cupcake “Tu Bishvat” - paying tribute to the holiday “Tu Bishvat” (New Year of the Trees), a delicacy that practically does not have dough in its composition but is rich in the presence of various dried fruits and nuts.

India occupies one of the first places in the production and consumption of a variety of bakery products in the World, which are very popular in this country. Vegetarianism is very widespread here, so fresh traditional types of bread and pastries in India are indispensable products during any meal. The food problem in this country always comes first, the reason for this is the population, which has already exceeded a billion. In India, it is not customary to prepare bread for future use; bread here is baked and bought for just one meal.

Almost all bread in India contains a special flour called “Ata”. In the north of the country, buttered “Ladakh Chambir” is very common, which is eaten with apricot jam or served with tea, while in the east small round breads with sesame and poppy seeds are more popular.

The most popular and widespread type of bread in India, which is very popular in this country, is called “Naan”. For baking Naan, unleavened wheat dough is mainly used, without any additives. Indians love to use these flatbreads to wrap various fillings - all kinds of vegetables, potatoes, cheese, minced lamb.

In rural areas, especially in Northern India, Chapati flatbreads are popular - a flat round flatbread, the dough for which is prepared using wholemeal flour, water and a pinch of salt.

A type of traditional flatbread is “Kulcha”, prepared from white flour with the addition of curdled milk, a large amount of butter, soda, salt and sugar. The top of the finished kulcha is generously sprinkled with black onion seeds.

Puri flatbreads are baked in a special way by dipping the prepared dough into a large amount of boiling oil.

A classic South Indian breakfast pastry, Appam is made from fermented rice batter with the addition of coconut milk. In appearance and method of preparation it is very similar to Russian pancakes, the only difference is that only one side of the product is fried until golden brown.

A special attitude towards bread has developed in India. In ancient times, there was a law in this country, the essence of which was as follows: a criminal was punished by excluding bread from his diet for a time. The length of time depended on the severity of the crime he committed. The Indians sincerely believed that those who do not eat bread will be in poor health and their fate will be unhappy. In the modern world, bread in India is treated with the same respect as in ancient times.

Italian cuisine has always been known for its variety of baking traditional types of bread and bakery products. The products may contain barley, soybean, corn, potato flour, and we are generally silent about the types of seasonings - chamomile, mint, rosemary, cumin, marjoram, coriander, dill seeds as well as additives such as olives, peppers and even chestnuts.

The most delicious Italian pastries come from a traditional wood-fired oven. Crostini (bread with herbs and olives),

“Ciabatta” (white fragrant bread made from wheat flour),

"Bushetta" (toasted bread rubbed with garlic),

“Katzolina” (round flatbread with the addition of pork fat and onions with cracklings),

“Karpazina” (barley bread),

“Chiavari” (with black olive pulp),

In truth, the most national and favorite dish for Italians is traditional Italian pizza. The variety of types and tastes is simply impressive. The world famous “Margarita” - with green basil, tomatoes and white cheese. Classic “Nepoletana” with anchovies and mozzarella cheese. Pizza “Four Seasons” - divided into four parts, each part separately - olives, mushrooms, artichokes, ham. “Calzone” is similar in appearance to our cheburek, the main part of the filling is minced meat.

Traditional types and varieties of bread in Mexico combine the cuisines of different nationalities, which is why the cuisine in this country is so diverse and can surprise even the most fastidious gourmet.

In Mexico, Central and South America, the basis of every meal is Spanish “Tortilla”. tortilla (bread flatbread) is a flour pastry made from wheat or corn flour, filled with all kinds of fillings (cheese, meat, fish, minced meat).

Mexican tortilla bread is considered the basis for various national dishes - burritos, enchiladas, fajitas, burritos, fajiras.

Corn tortilla tacos are, simply put, a shawarma-like roll filled with pieces of beef, seafood, beans, cheese, cabbage or boiled corn.

If the filling of cheese, meat and eggs, seasoned with pepper, is wrapped in tortillas and fried in a frying pan, and then baked in the oven, you will get a traditional Mexican roll - “Enchilada”.

In every restaurant of traditional cuisine you will be offered to try a meat pie - “Buritto”, prepared on the basis of the same flatbread in which, in addition to fried minced meat or meat, slices of avocado, tomatoes, cheese and beans are wrapped.


In Armenia, locals treat food with great respect. Here they believe that heaven sends food to people so that a person can gain strength and energy. Translated from Armenian, the concept of eating or meal literally means – EATING BREAD.

The national traditional Caucasian bread is, of course, “Lavash”, without which Caucasian cuisine simply does not exist and about which the whole world knows.

To bake lavash, the most basic ingredients are used - plain flour and spring water. Lavash is baked in ancient clay ovens of a cylindrical shape and a specific design - “Tonir”. Lavash is widely used as a shell for all kinds of fillings, from cheese and herbs to various meat products.

Another popular type of bakery product in the Caucasus, which has a round or oval shape with longitudinal grooves in the middle, has the name “Matkanash”, which translated from Armenian means “stretched with fingers.”

This type of bread is prepared using a special technology, using sour sourdough, wheat flour and pressed or liquid yeast to prepare the dough. From the resulting dough, mold a product of the desired shape with longitudinal grooves, cover it with a cloth and place it in a warm place until the dough rises, then add vegetable oil and salt to taste.

Bread with zhengal or “Zhengyalov Khats”, this type of pastry is the hallmark of the traditional cuisine of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Zhengyalov hats is prepared from flour, vegetable oil, seasonings and herbs, and the finished baked goods look like a flat cake. For the filling of Zhengyalov hats, more than 20 different types of wild and garden herbs are used - beet leaf, nettle, sorrel, horse sorrel, dandelion, smoothie, violet leaves, chickweed, lettuce, spinach, quinoa, openwork carvel, green onions, etc.

Also, on the table there are always such favorites for Armenians as “Durum”, sandwiches with cheese,

or traditional sweet flatbreads - “Gata” with various fillings.

In Turkey, traditional types of bread and pastries are treated with special respect and reverence. In this country, various flour products are the main component of the diet for the population; not a single dish is served without bread.

The most important traditional flour product in Turkey, which should be noted with special attention, is definitely “Simit”.

This is a bagel made from premium wheat flour, the top of which is decorated with sesame seeds.

The second most popular flour product in Turkey is considered to be “Barley”.


In appearance, this bun resembles the same bagel, only the dough is softer and contains olives as a filling.

The simplest and most common type of bread in Turkey is called “Ekmek”, ordinary bread made from varieties of wheat, millet or rye flour, common in rural areas.

Another popular type of baked goods, similar in appearance to flatbreads, is called “Pita”. The ingredients are flour, water, yeast, sugar and a pinch of salt.

In Turkish fast foods, the flatbread "Gözleme" is very popular in shape, similar to Armenian lavash, which is supplemented with various fillings - cottage cheese, vegetables, spinach, parsley, cheese, minced meat or potatoes.

Pizza in the Turkish style - “Lahmacun”, the basis of the dish is a thin flatbread, in which finely chopped vegetables and minced meat are wrapped and generously flavored with various spices.

The boat-shaped Pide flatbreads have a very appetizing and beautiful appearance, inside of which there is a rich filling - minced lamb and beef, mushrooms, onions, red and green peppers, garlic, tomatoes, spices.

In Antalya shops and on the shelves of bakeries you can also find: “Çavdar ekmei” (bread made from wholemeal wheat flour),

“Chichek ekmei” (baked goods consisting of small buns in the shape of a chamomile),

“Mysir ekmei” (yellow bread made from corn flour),

“Trabzon ekmei” (large round bread),

“Kepekli ekmek” (bran bread),

Anyone who has tried Uzbek freshly baked flatbread at least once will forever remember this miracle pastry with a crispy crust and pulp with a fragrant aroma. Traditional types of bread and pastries in Uzbekistan have been considered sacred food for a long time and are an integral part of traditions, rituals and customs.

The most common bread in Uzbekistan is considered to be two types - improved and regular. A simple dough is used to make Obi-Non bread, in the process of preparing the dough for which a secret recipe for a special sourdough is used.

According to the old recipe, the main ingredients for preparing this pastry are sour milk, meat broth and chopped onions. All components are thoroughly mixed, flour is added and the resulting mass is left to ferment for 16 hours. After the allotted time, a certain amount of water is added to the starter, the flour is mixed in again and again left to ferment for 4-5 hours. The kneaded dough is again left to rise for about 40 minutes. After all the stages of preparing the dough, the resulting dough is formed into flat cakes, generously sprinkled with sesame seeds or caraway seeds and baked.

Also, “Patyr” bread is very popular.

To prepare it, they use an improved recipe for butter dough, fermented with yeast with the addition of a small amount of butter and lamb fat.

In the Fergana Valley, favorite baked goods include flatbread with cracklings, “Kuk Patir” (made with medicinal herbs leaven),

“Zagora-Non” (corn flour flatbread).

Bukhara is famous for its traditional flatbreads “Fatyr”,

in Khivi, “Chorech” is popular, but the most famous flatbread is considered to be “Gala-Osiegi-Non” (Samarkand).

In bread shops and large markets you can find a huge assortment of baked goods that do not sit on the counter for a long time. Bakery products are baked both at home and in specialized bakeries, using ancient recipes and technologies for preparing tasty, healthy and great-tasting flour products.

Finland is one of the few countries in which they were able to reliably preserve ancient recipes for baking traditional types and varieties of bread, methods and methods for preparing flour products, in order to apply this knowledge in practice today. Local residents in different parts of this country prefer different types of baked goods.

The traditional rye bread of Finland is called Reikäleipää.

This bread has the shape of a flat cake up to 5cm thick, approximately 30cm in diameter, and in the center there is a hole like a Russian bagel with a diameter of up to 5cm. The baking process takes place at a temperature of 250°C and takes 20-30 minutes.

An obligatory product that is present on the Finnish table during every meal is rye crispbread.

This type of flour products is known far beyond the borders of this country due to its beneficial composition and long shelf life. In Finland, books for children describing “good habits” say that the bread is good for digestion and cleaning teeth from bacteria, mechanically removing plaque and bacteria as effectively as brushing with a toothbrush.

Another type of flour product that has gained immense popularity among the Finns is “Kalitki” pies.

This is a type of Karelian pie made from rye unleavened dough, filled with potatoes or porridges from various types of cereals. In order to appreciate the delicious taste of wicket, you need to try this delicacy prepared exclusively at home.

The French are not only skilled fashionistas, but also excellent bakers who are known throughout the world for their traditional types of bread and culture of baking baked goods. Surely everyone has heard about airy and crispy French baguettes.

The main difference between this baking and other types of bread is its soft, airy pulp and crispy, golden-colored crust. The recipe for baguette dough is simple and does not require special technologies or ingredients - sourdough, flour, water, yeast and salt, that's all you need. The range of baguettes is simply huge - with various fillings, added cereals, long, short, large and small, fluffy and not very fluffy, but still delicious.

Among the traditional types of bread, the traditional Provencal rectangular flat bread - “Fugasse”, which is often filled with bacon, herbs and onions, is currently popular in France.

Fugasse is baked from simple unleavened dough, but only with the addition of olive oil, and the appearance of the product should be shaped like a sheaf of wheat.

How can we not remember the world-famous French croissants, without which more than one French breakfast is complete. The most favorite and common fillings for croissants are cheese, vegetables, fruits, berries, cottage cheese, chocolate, and all kinds of jams.

Those people who are planning to visit France in the near future should definitely try “Brioche” - a sweet bun with butter and raisins.

Fresh traditional types of bread and pastries are always on the Czech table, but in fact, Czechs eat little bread. Dough products are presented in a wide range in many stores, bakeries, and are also found in cafes, bars and restaurants.

Traditional Czech bread tastes more like sweet bread, is dry and quite dense, maybe with the addition of hazelnuts, poppy seeds, cottage cheese or jam.

For breakfast, we eat “Roglik” buns, made from white wheat flour, which come in two types: a simple bun, long and thin in shape, and the second type, round, more tasty, but coarse in flour composition.

The most popular Czech pastry, which is the hallmark of local cuisine, is, of course, the famous “Czech dumplings”.

Also popular in the Czech Republic are baked goods – “Vanilla bagels” with almonds and “Kalachi”, which are considered a favorite snack and an alternative substitute for bread. The “Houska” bun, prepared on the basis of yeast dough from wheat flour, water and salt, the top of which is sprinkled with salt, poppy seeds or cumin, is in great demand.

Popular are buns with a hollow inside, which are filled with various sweet fillings; for the Christmas holidays, New Year’s buns “Vannochka” and, of course, the favorite sweet pancakes “Palachinka” are baked.

Sweets are represented by a wide range of puff pastry and shortbread cookies, as well as a large number of waffles. Particular attention should be paid to the Czech waffles called “Karlovy Vary oplatki”.

Another very popular sweet, a tube of yeast dough with a hollow inside - “Trdelnik”. This favorite delicacy is cooked over an open fire and then covered with powdered sugar, vanilla, cinnamon or nuts.

Although Strudel was invented by Austrian confectioners, the Czechs consider this dessert their national dish. Apple is considered the classic and most popular. Externally, the product looks like a small puff pastry roll with an internal filling of fruits, berries, cottage cheese, poppy seeds, nuts, and chocolate.

The culinary traditions of Greece were still known 4000 thousand years ago. The first book in history about cooking was born thanks to the same Greeks, and the very food culture of this country was taken as the basis for all Mediterranean cuisine.

Local bakeries and retail outlets are simply fragrant with the variety of types and tastes of fresh baked goods.

The largest part of the population eats traditional white bread made from premium flour.

In bakeries you can always find a huge variety of different pastries, baguettes and loaves with the addition of all kinds of cereal grains, nuts, cranberries, raisins, and olives.

Still in use are baked goods, the dough of which is prepared with sourdough – rye and wheat breads, Zea bread, the famous “Dinkel”, all kinds of “Pitas”. The Greeks also love pies with minced meat, spinach, leek and cheese.

The most famous types of holiday bread are Easter and Christmas loaves.

On Easter holidays, it is customary to bake a loaf - “Tsurek” or a type of Easter loaf - “Lambreopsomo”, which translated means traditional holy bread.

It is worth paying attention to the sweet round bread - “Vasilopita”, the top of which is decorated with a dough shape in the form of crosses, inside of which there is a lucky coin, foretelling good luck for the whole year to the one who finds it.

In fact, it is difficult to even imagine Ukrainian cuisine without traditional types and varieties of bread, which are associated with various traditions and customs in this beautiful country.

Of all the types of flour products that are baked in modern Ukraine, it is worth highlighting three main types, the most beloved, in demand and popular in all regions - wheat, rye, rye-wheat bread.

Wheat bread is traditionally baked using premium, wallpaper and second grade flour. The crumb of the finished product turns out snow-white, and the crust and appearance are golden yellow, and there are two types of such bread - pan and hearth. These include various loaves, Easter cakes, Ukrainian palyanitsa, rolls.

Rye breads are prepared using peeled, wallpaper and sifted flour. The appearance and crumb of the product are dark in color and sticky in consistency, may contain various types of dried fruits and be small in size. Of the most popular types of rye bread, the absolute champion in popularity is “Borodinsky Bread”. Also popular is “Darnitsky”, a round hearth-shaped or tin-shaped regular rye bread.

Of the assortment of rye-wheat types of bread, the traditional one, “Ukrainian Bread,” has gained absolute popularity. The outer color of the loaf and the color of the crumb is dark and has a sweet and sour taste.

Not a single meal in Russia is complete without traditional types of bread and pastries. Since ancient times, Rus' has been able to grow and harvest rich harvests of various cereal crops - oats, barley, millet, wheat, rye.

The most popular types of bakery products in Russia at the moment include molded wheat rectangular bread, rye bread and wheat loaf, the production of which is industrialized in bakeries.

The most famous flour products from Russia, which are known all over the world, are pancakes, bagels and traditional Russian pancakes.

The traditional and most beloved Russian bread is considered to be “Borodinsky bread”, prepared on the basis of rye flour.

Of all the types of bread baked from white wheat flour, the most popular is “Kalach”.

This pastry belongs to a variety of sieve breads, made from high-grade, fine and very dry flour, has a fluffy appearance and is endowed with a soft crust with a pleasant and viscous bread crumb.

“Russian pies” are traditionally Russian pastries that have come down to us from time immemorial and have not succumbed to foreign influence. Various berries and fruits are used as filling for pies, as well as rice, potatoes, meat, fish, onions, carrots, cabbage, and mushrooms.

“Shanga” are round-shaped pies made from wheat, rye and rye-wheat flour. The main difference between shanga and pies is that the filling is located on the top and not inside the product, which becomes covered with natural cracks during cooking. Traditional fillings for shanga are considered to be mashed potatoes, bird cherry shavings, wheat porridge, peas, and sour cream.

Originally Russian pastries - “Rasstegai” are prepared on the basis of yeast dough with various fillings (rice, egg, fish, meat, potatoes, mushrooms).

It is worth paying attention to the traditional holiday pastry “Loaf”. This type of bread always has a round shape, personifying the sun, and since ancient times it has been a powerful energy amulet, symbolizing well-being and prosperity in the family.

And in conclusion, let us remember one popular wisdom: “Whether it’s the new way or the old way, you can’t live without bread.” Everything in this world passes and changes, but such eternal and simple values ​​as bread will always be with us.

Delightful Georgia, a country of amazing mountains, crystal clear air, cheerful people known for their longevity, good health and love of delicious food. Every corner of this country has its own favorite traditional types and varieties of bread.

Baking has always been in first place in national Georgian cuisine. Flour products are presented here in a huge assortment, and can be very, even very different, both in composition and in form.

Among the most popular types of bread, it is worth highlighting dedas-puri (long), puri (kvass bread), mrgveli (round), shoti (sickle-shaped).

One of the obligatory attributes of any meal for every resident of the Caucasus is the traditional national bread “Shoti”.

Unleavened corn flatbreads “Mchadi” resemble Slavic cutlets in their shape, are endowed with an amazing taste and are often baked with cheese, which is used as a filling.

However, the most popular flatbread in Georgia is “Khachapuri” (flatbread with cheese).

The most classic khachapuri is considered to be Megrelian (round with internal filling), but the most original and special in taste are Adjarian, boat-shaped with the addition of a beaten or fried egg, before the start of the meal.

Currently in this country there is an opinion that the healthiest and highest quality bread is sourdough bread

Poles bake the most delicious black bread at home, but in order to prepare real Polish bread, a special training procedure is required. The only thing that can compete equally with types of black bread is a thin, long loaf of white wheat flour with the addition of cheese, onion and mushroom filling.

It is worth paying attention to the type of bread, where regular wheat flour is replaced with potatoes. Polish "Potato Bread" can be yeasted or yeast-free and contain all kinds of baked ingredients.

An obligatory symbol of every festive Easter table are Easter “Kulichs”.

In Poland they joke that real Polish Easter cake has a special property of constantly disappearing somewhere before the holiday arrives, even if it is hidden well, because it is endowed with an amazing taste and aroma that is simply impossible to resist.

One of the most favorite Christmas desserts for Poles are donuts with various types of fruit jam, candy made from rose petals, and less often pudding or liqueur. The shape of the donuts resembles the shape of a flattened ball; they are deep-fried and then filled with fillings

In Japan and the countries of the East, bread, as we are accustomed to imagine this main food product of human life, was not popular, and it was simply not needed. Since time immemorial in Japan, rice has served as an alternative to classic baked goods made from flour and has perfectly replaced traditional types and varieties of bread. Bread was first tasted here with the arrival of the first sailors from Portugal.

Although until the mid-19th century the Japanese practically did not eat bread, thin flatbreads “Mochi”, made from a special type of rice flour, have always been held in high esteem and are still very popular among most residents.

Shoku Pan bread is the most common type of bread in Japan, traditionally prepared in the rectangular shape of our brick, the taste is a little sweet, very soft and fluffy.

“Japanese milk bread” is an unusually airy and soft pastry, with an almost weightless internal dough structure and a golden-brown crispy crust.

Almost all names of bread in Japan contain the word Pan, which means bread.

“Reizun Pan” (raisin buns) are in great demand.

Thanks to the unique milk evaporation technology, the buns come out fluffy with a unique internal structure. This flour product is eaten exclusively fresh, because after a day it acquires a sour taste and the shape of the product falls off.

For morning breakfasts, the prudent Japanese came up with “Cope Pan” - buns based on butter dough, which are divided into two parts, filling them with cheese, ham and deep fat between the parts.

Among the favorite baked goods, it is worth highlighting “Melon Pan” - a butter bun, the top of which is sprinkled with powdered sugar after readiness, its color reminiscent of a melon with an attractively fragrant crust.

A long time ago, when ancient people, with great difficulty, were able to cultivate the land, sow grain, harvest crops, and then prepare the first bread, it was then that the very concept and meaning of the word - Motherland - was born for man.

In modern Belarus, preference is given to traditional types of bread, and its share in the production of all bakery products is more than 70%.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the production of butter and bakery products that have a richer recipe.

To prepare this kind of product, various natural types of raw materials are used - malt, potato grits, invert syrup, kvass wort, molasses, linseed oil, cumin and other components.

From the huge assortment of bakery products, it is worth highlighting such branded types of bread as “Norochansky”, “Noble Souvenirs”, “Zorka Gandlyu”, “Izobilny”, “Dvinsky”, “Gorodnya”, “Gubernatorsky”, “Detkovsky”, “Slavia. ”

Bread: types of bread

Speaking about bread, it should be noted that it is often divided into varieties by color: black, gray, white.

For a more accurate division of types, it makes sense to take as a basis the type of flour from which the bread is made. Based on this, the following types can be distinguished:

  1. Wheat (white).
  2. Wheat-rye (gray).
  3. Rye.
  4. Wholegrain.

Separately, it is probably worth highlighting the loaf, which is now quite popular among consumers. So, a loaf of bread is made from white wheat flour, but from a richer dough. This, in fact, is the whole difference. Of course, it turns out very tasty and aromatic, which is why it is especially popular.

Let's take a closer look at each category of bread.

Lefse, Norway

Lefse is a traditional Norwegian flatbread made from potatoes and flour, topped with butter, milk or cream. Special wooden rolling pins are used to prepare the dough, which, after rolling out, is fried in a flat frying pan. Typically, lefse is served rolled into a roll, greased inside with butter, topped with cinnamon or sugar, jam, etc. Traditionally, flatbreads were eaten with fish, but now the dish is combined with meat and mustard with sour cream.

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Varieties of rye bread

Rye bread is always lean bread. It is rarely made from only one type of flour; as a rule, a wheat-rye mixture is used for preparation. The proportions may vary. We can say that the more rye flour, the healthier the baked goods. It contains many minerals, vitamins, fiber, which lowers blood glucose levels and regulates digestive activity.

Usually there is a loaf on sale that consists of sixty percent rye flour and forty percent wheat flour. The appearance also depends on the proportions.

Another lean bread - only based on rye flour. It is very healthy and contains a huge amount of fiber. As a rule, it is used by people who want to lose weight. And this is not without reason. The fact is that such bread speeds up metabolic processes. However, this product is quite difficult to digest, and therefore is not suitable for everyone. It may cause stomach problems for some.

Oriental bread with sesame and cumin flavor

“Oriental Bread” mixture was developed taking into account the characteristics of bread baking in Eastern countries. Sesame and cumin seeds give white bread its bright aroma and taste.

Oriental bread is an excellent base for sandwiches. Pairs with marinades, baked fish, pilaf and other oriental dishes.

Oriental bread with sesame seeds


  • Bread mix “ Oriental bread with sesame and cumin flavor ” S. Pudov

Method of preparation in a bread machine:

  1. Place 1 package (500 g) of the prepared mixture and water at room temperature (see the quantity on the label) in the order recommended by the manufacturer of your bread machine.
  2. Bake bread using the main program, selecting a loaf weight of 750 g.
  3. To prepare dessert breads, add butter.

Oven cooking method:

  1. Pour the finished mixture into a bowl, gradually add the required amount of water. Knead the dough with your hands. Knead the dough for 5-7 minutes until it comes away from the sides of the bowl. Cover the dough with a towel and leave for 1 hour in a warm place until it increases in volume by about 2-3 times.
  2. The dough can also be prepared in a bread machine using a special mode.
  3. Carefully place the dough onto a greased baking sheet or baking dish. Cover with a towel and leave for 30 minutes in a warm place.
  4. Preheat the oven to 220C. Bake at 200C for 40-50 minutes until the crust is golden brown.

The combination of sesame flavor with the aroma of cumin makes the bread tender and appetizing.
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