WorkHow to organize work from home: 9 simple steps


Many people repeatedly ask themselves various questions related to how they can manage everything at work and at home. Of course, every person wants to be able to do everything and combine everything perfectly in order to achieve any desired results much faster. Let’s take a closer look at useful tips that will help you start to manage everything not only at work, but also at home.

Tip #1: Plan your household chores

Take your household chores, as well as your work ones, as seriously and responsibly as possible. After all, you should understand that the chores and tasks that you perform around the house are also a kind of responsible and quite serious work. Also, in some cases, household chores can be much more important than work ones. Therefore, you should always properly plan your chores around the house in order to know how much time it will take you and for what exactly. As a rule, this approach to household chores allows you to start doing everything around the house without experiencing fatigue, irritation and overwork.

See your goals

Your motivation will fade very quickly if you don't see the end point of your goal. You will simply have the feeling of never-ending work that will last for a very long time.

Knowing the end point and being in full control and awareness of your goal, you will move much faster and successfully complete each of the stages of your work plan.

In this article I have collected, so to speak, basic ways to increase your productivity, but in fact there are a lot of such tricks and you can learn about many on our website, so subscribe to updates and stay with us.

How is your morning going? Do you jump up half an hour after the 25th ringing of the alarm clock, turn on the kettle with your eyes closed and frantically wake up a child who needs to be in the garden in less than an hour? 5 minutes after collective washing, you simultaneously have breakfast, feed the baby and try to put on the first clothes you come across?

Obviously, you can't live like that. Therefore, the morning of a difficult day must begin...

Tip #2: Plan your work routine

Working time planning allows you to correctly allocate time to complete all the tasks assigned to you. In addition, you will perfectly understand how much time you will need to complete the work you have set for yourself. In other words, during the planning process, you calculate the approximate time it will take you to complete a specific task. This way you understand how much time it will take you to complete all your work. Accordingly, if you stick to the schedule you set, you will be able to complete the work you set for yourself on time.

Planning things for the week

Such planning also teaches order and saves time. You just need to take a piece of paper and write down all the things that need to be done during the week. For example, the list might look like this:

  • Cooking food;
  • Washing dishes;
  • Wet cleaning and dust removal;
  • Watering flowers;
  • Wash;
  • Ironing;
  • Checking homework;
  • Other.

Everyone can add to this list for themselves. Next, you need to distribute all your tasks evenly throughout the week. The most important point is to carry out your plan strictly. It will be a little difficult at first, but then such organization will become a habit. After all, a person can “on autopilot” wash his face in the morning and brush his teeth! It's the same with household chores.

One more nuance: you should definitely include in your plan doing what you love, hobbies, planning any events, going to the cinema and walking in the park with the whole family. You can gradually plan to introduce tasks that you have long wanted to implement, but never succeeded. This way you can spend half an hour in the evening reading your favorite books or doing bead embroidery. So to speak, you need to reward yourself for your success, and then the desire to continue what you started will not disappear!

Tip No. 5. Competently combine work and home chores

Sometimes work and home affairs begin to overlap, which pushes a person to multitask. In this case, it is necessary to competently combine work and home affairs, while first correctly prioritizing all the tasks assigned to you. Of course, at the very beginning it will be quite difficult for you to combine everything at once. But, despite this, over time, you will accustom yourself to this mode of work, which will allow you to manage everything. The main thing is to be prepared to overcome difficulties and, moreover, do not “give up” if something doesn’t work out for you.

Clothes and toys - cleaning

How much time do you spend on:

  • neatly arrange children's things in the closet that the child has already outgrown?
  • collect toys that have long been no longer relevant for the baby in a drawer?

It seems that in five minutes you are unlikely to be able to cope with these tasks. The solution is simple - you need to quickly get rid of the junk: less things - less problems. Sort through your children's clothing, wash everything that is out of season, and pack it in special boxes. Get rid of what has become small: if you don’t dare throw it away, distribute things to friends whose children are younger than yours, advertise on forums and communities like “I’ll give it away for free.” Ask your nearest church parish if they take clothing to distribute to those who need it. Try selling what is still marketable via the Internet. If your subconscious bombards you with arguments like “maybe we’ll give birth to another one” or “what if in five years your sister has a child?”, the things, of course, can be left, but in any case they must be removed from the shelves of the “current” nursery clothes.


Clothes packed in vacuum bags take up much less space!

As for toys, if right now you distribute among your friends everything that the child is already tired of, throw out what has long been broken, and hide half of the rest away, the nursery will become much freer! In a month or two, you will give your offspring “long-forgotten old things” and send to a well-deserved rest those cars and dolls that are in circulation now... There is nothing more gratifying for a mother than a child who dived for a couple of hours into a box of toys that he has not seen for a long time ! And what savings!

We need to get rid of the junk quickly. Fewer things mean fewer problems.


large baskets for toys are extremely inconvenient - in order to find some little thing at the bottom, the child will inevitably dump all the contents on the floor. Shallow (ideally with transparent walls) boxes are much more practical. Beautiful stickers on each of them will help the child figure out where to put the dolls, where the animals are, and where only the parts of the construction set or the railway. “Go and collect your toys” is too global and boring a task for a preschooler. Break it down into small, manageable components like: “Put all the toy soldiers in this box/park all the big cars under the bed.”

Once you've gotten rid of clutter in your nursery, the most important thing is not to accumulate it again. Every time, trying to bless the heir with a gift, ask yourself whether he really needs this thing. One simple rule saves you from excessive clutter: as much as it comes, so much goes out. Have you brought a new toy into the house? Put one of the old ones away!

Tip No. 6. Don’t put off your business until later.

Never put off your business until later. Train yourself to be able to do everything you plan. Of course, there are sometimes situations in life when it is simply impossible to accomplish absolutely everything that you have planned. Of course, in such cases, you can move and reconsider all your plans. But at the same time, try to make sure that there are as few such moments as possible. Thus, over time, you will begin to manage everything and complete the work you have set for yourself exactly on time.

Take responsibility

It is much easier to complete your tasks if you really feel the responsibility and possible negative consequences of not doing them. The most commonplace way is to tell your friends and relatives about your goal; if you do not achieve it, then everyone will consider you an “idle talk” and a person unable to keep his word. With this responsibility, you will be able to perform better and motivate yourself.

But it’s better not to depend on other people’s opinions and take responsibility before yourself, and not before someone else.

Tip #7: Make the most of your time

Make the most of your time and don't waste it completely. Remember, even if you have completed absolutely everything you planned and you have some free time left, you don’t need to waste it. Use it to your advantage so that you don’t regret later what you could have done. This attitude will allow you not only to keep up with everything at work and at home, but will also help you achieve any success in your life.

Distinguish between the main and the secondary

Correctly set priorities will help you highlight the things of paramount importance and deal with them first. This increases the chances of being able to solve problems while they are still relevant and have not developed into more serious problems.

You shouldn’t leave things for later, risking a snowball effect. But there is no need to plan more than one important task per day, since there are still ongoing tasks (for example, cleaning, washing the dishes) that require immediate completion.

Tip #8: Get rid of bad habits

In most cases, it is a person’s bad habits that prevent him from completing any tasks in a timely manner. Accordingly, over time, a person begins to understand that it is difficult for him to have time to do anything. Therefore, you need to gather your strength and begin to gradually get rid of all your bad habits so that they do not prevent you from achieving the desired results in your own life.

Good evening

Everything is prepared for the morning, now spend 15 minutes cleaning where necessary. Immediately place dirty clothes in the laundry basket (the highest economic aerobatics is to store light and colored clothes separately). If enough things have accumulated, you can start washing without waiting for the next day. And finally, the final “household” chord - wipe all surfaces in the kitchen, including the stove and sink, and splash a little disinfectant liquid into the toilet - everything will clean itself overnight. So, the house is clean, the children are sleeping, the well-fed spouse is peacefully watching TV - it’s time to give yourself a fragrant bubble bath.


If you “on the fly” go through the plumbing and the stove at least once every two days, they do not require any serious effort at all.

Tip No. 10. Keep everything clean and tidy, both at work and at home.

By maintaining cleanliness and order at work and at home, you will be able to focus and concentrate much faster on what you need to do. As a rule, in chaos it is very difficult to concentrate on completing any assigned work, which is why it takes a person much more time to complete any tasks. As a result, this leads to the fact that a person, over time, simply stops being able to do anything. Therefore, in order to prevent this, it is necessary to constantly maintain order and cleanliness, not only at work, but also in your own home.

By adhering to the above tips, you can, over time, begin to manage everything both at work and at home. The main thing is to never forget to constantly work on yourself and improve all your professional skills and abilities. This way, you will not only be able to complete everything on time, but you will also achieve some success in your life.


Greetings, dear readers! Every day, many things and various tasks surround us. You need to have time to do everything planned for the day and not get exhausted. How to manage to do everything? An amazing thing is time. It knows how to freeze at the moment when it should run, and run when it should stop and wait.

We do a lot of things - it goes on. We stand still - it goes. Every person needs to master such a skill as time management.

Get yourself an accomplice who always works for you. Isn't this a miracle? This smoothly leads to the question: how to manage your time so that you can manage everything at work and at home and not get tired?


Different tempers

It's amazing how personalities influence a person's ability to deal with accumulated tasks in a timely manner. For example, windy people sometimes do not have time to follow what is happening and analyze the current situation, allowing things to be dumped into one big pile.

Where can one have time to do things around the house, and work, and take care of oneself - how can one manage to do everything?

People who are accustomed to being collected and keeping a clear eye on things manage to complete any amount of work on time. In a day, such people are able to redo all the necessary tasks at work, and still have the strength to clean the house.

However, both categories of people only need to do one thing to equalize their chances - show a little effort. As soon as you stop letting things take their course, then they will show themselves from a completely different side.

The first thing they advise you to do if you want to change the current situation for the better is to buy a beautiful notepad, pen and stationery (decorations), for example, bright stickers, flashy adhesive sheets, etc. It's a pleasure to write in a beautiful notebook.

Many researchers advise carrying out this practice: understanding time. To begin with, every hour should be imagined as a resource that is spent on anything: study, self-development, health prevention, etc. Everyone chooses their own spending unit.

Imagine how every hour you are given 60 units to spend on any business you like. Whether you sit through these 60 moments or do something important is your choice.

A notepad will help you figure out where you spend your time - just write down your whole day: what things you did and how much time was spent. Then you will be able to understand where time is running out and where you can borrow it for other things.

A few rules

However, a person who does not spend the required number of units on sleep is a priori not calm and successful.

Set the following rules for yourself:

  • Sleep is sacred. Get as much sleep as you need to improve your overall well-being.
  • Eat foods that will give you energy. Try to give up excess sweet, fatty and salty foods to see how your body feels differently.
  • Movement is life. Make it a habit to move as much as possible throughout the day. Do not use the elevator, but go up on foot. A couple of stops to walk home, fortunately the spring weather allows it.

Often, mothers with a small child try to manage all the housework during the baby’s nap. However, if this was preceded by a sleepless night, then the mother risks simply wasting her time, because the mother will not have the required amount of resource strength for cleaning. As a result, the mother will neither rest nor get things done.

How then can you manage to do housework with a small child? To begin, provide yourself with the conditions described above. Even if you need the help of your family, do not deny yourself sleep and nutrition. And also look at our tips below, they will also be useful to you.

Tips on how to do everything and even more

Remember we talked earlier about a beautiful notebook and bright stationery? It's time to use them again.

Make yourself a rule: every day, preferably in the morning, write down the tasks that need to be completed in the next 10-12 hours. At the same time, leave a column for time, where you will enter the limit of units allocated for a particular task.

For example, 14:00 – go to the boss (10 minutes), etc. Every completed task deserves to be crossed off the list. Also get into the habit of making global plans for 30 days or several months.

"Do the most important thing first"

As a rule, most people try to put off the most difficult task “for later.” Although, that’s exactly where we need to start. Once you complete the most difficult task of the day, you will feel relieved that the day was not wasted.

In addition, successfully completing a large task can give you strength, and you will not notice how you are clearing away a mountain of small tasks.

“Distractions are taboo”

It often happens that as soon as you sit down to work, thousands of things appear that cannot be put off for a minute.

Moreover, often these are matters that clearly do not qualify as “extremely urgent.” As a rule, you need to check messages on social networks, read a couple of materials about stars, scroll through the news feed, chat with a friend and drink tea - all this prevents us from achieving our goals.

One friend gave me advice that we use to this day: “Do you need to do something? You sit down and do it. You sit down and do it. Then watch the news and drink tea. First you do it." This is true. Learn to put off distracting things until later.

"Don't take more than you can carry"

When working, focus on yourself, and not on your neighbor, Uncle Vanya, who is doing a thousand things at the same time. Don’t bother your body and deal with things gradually. Someone submits 5 reports a day, and you have difficulty completing 3?

Don’t run to your boss and don’t take on extra work, only to then end up staying late, getting nervous, not meeting deadlines, and hating yourself. It's much better to do what you can. It may be small, but it is of high quality.

“The important thing is only one thing at a time.”

You should not include completing several important tasks at once in a day. You run the risk of being overwhelmed by several things at once and never finishing a single one, or you may become overtired. Plan your week so that there is no more than one important task per day.


If there is an opportunity to delegate easier tasks to someone else’s hands, feel free to use it.

Young mothers especially need to learn this rule, since with a small child it can be quite difficult to do everything alone. Look for helpers - husband, mother, girlfriend, older children - attract everyone you can.

But this rule also works for working people. While your colleagues help you with the easy tasks, you can focus on the most important task.

“Order in your head means order around you”

Remove items that will distract you from your work. Leave your desk tidy. No unnecessary things, objects, records. Let you be surrounded only by those things that are directly related to your work.

Store your work files in the right folders, create the necessary documents - do everything that will help you get back to work quickly.

“Don’t grab everything at once”

You should not start completing several tasks at once; you risk not finishing any of them. It’s better to pay attention to the high-quality execution of one task first, and then take on another task.

"Leave perfectionism"

Sometimes our perfectionism prevents us from getting even with things. We try to perfect one task without moving on to another. This can slow down the overall performance of the work. Sometimes perfection is not required, you just need to do it “good”, but not “perfectly”.

"Use useful apps"

Today, smartphones are not only a means of communication or an opportunity to hang out on social networks, but also a powerful tool for helping you manage your time.

In addition to all kinds of task planners that can tell you when you have planned too much or can do a couple more tasks, there are also all kinds of reminder programs.

Meeting at school, drinking a glass of water, taking a break and taking a walk - your phone can remind you of all this, and you shouldn’t keep these things in your head. The phone will tell you when to start completing each task.

"Praise yourself"

Did you get the job done? Drink delicious coffee with your favorite cake or just walk down the street for 15 minutes to unload your brain. The body works easily and naturally when it has a stimulus. Create it.

“Forget about “tomorrow” - you only have “today” now

Set clear deadlines, complete the work efficiently and on time, set reminders on your phone if you get distracted. Let there be some kind of call that will bring you back to work.

Understand that there is no point in postponing tasks because... sooner or later they will have to be fulfilled. It's better to do it now than to wait until the last minute. Verified.

We also advise you to pay attention to video courses on time management, which will teach you to concentrate on what is important:

— “The Master of Time – highly productive time management according to Evgeniy Popov’s system” — “Time management, or how to increase your efficiency”

"Switch and Rest"

Don't forget about rest. Even while working, you must be able to switch your attention to give your body a little rest and fill with energy.

So, when working sedentarily, it is recommended to get up from the computer every two hours - either walk or do a simple set of exercises. When doing standing work or heavy physical work, on the contrary, it is worth sitting for a while and resting.

This switch allows our body to rest and replenish energy for further work.

Another important rule: don’t work on vacation. You also need to be able to rest. This is not sitting at a computer on social media. networks, and not going to the grocery store, not doing household chores - these are still tasks, but no longer work tasks.

Rest means slowing down, a radical change of scenery - a leisurely walk in the park, for example, is perfect.

"Throw away what you don't need"

This rule will be useful to you both at home and at work. At home, you should immediately get rid of unnecessary things so as not to clutter the house and not waste more time on cleaning.

If you can’t throw it away right away, use the “6 months” rule. If you don’t need an item for six months, it means it won’t be useful to you in the future – feel free to throw it away.

At work - you shouldn’t accumulate unnecessary papers, as you can fill your closet and desk with unnecessary documentation. The same rule applies to your desktop on your computer - you shouldn’t save files there, otherwise you’ll waste time just trying to find the file you need.

"An association"

This rule may seem surprising to you, but you can combine several tasks and complete them at the same time. For example, while jogging outside, you can listen to audiobooks or podcasts for development.

Do you have any tips to help you get everything done on time? Share them with us in the comments. In any business, the main thing is to start. Don't be afraid of the new, and fate will smile on you.

If this information is not enough for you, then additionally read our articles:

— Self-expression of a person or where to start searching for your purpose — A serious breakup: how to understand and survive — You don’t want anything: a diagnosis or temporary insanity — The basics of developing self-discipline: we teach ourselves to be punctual — How to stop procrastinating for “later” or how to deal with procrastination - How to stop being nervous: some tips for finding peace of mind - Self-efficacy or how to overcome laziness and apathy

See you soon!

Friend Masha

Masha looked at me thoughtfully and sighed: “I can’t stand cleaning myself.” Therefore, I did everything to simplify this process. I can give you some advice. 1. When we bought an apartment, all the furniture was made to order. I hate open shelves and niches - a noticeable layer of dust settles there. But I don’t like wiping off dust; I’m scared of this task. That’s why our furniture is as “closed” as possible. Beds and sofas are on “podiums”, that is, there is no room for “under-bed” dust. A vacuum cleaner in hand, an attachment with a soft brush for removing dust from furniture, then I go over it with a damp cloth - and everything is clean. 2. A lot of dust settles on the curtains. My curtain rods are removed from the hooks along with the curtains, the curtains are attached with clothespins, so they are also easy to remove. Now I often wash the curtains, dry them, pin them again (at the bottom) and then hang the curtain rod along with the curtains. And before I had a cornice attached to the ceiling, curtains on hooks, about forty of them. By the time you unhook it, then by the time you attach it, you’ll get tired of holding your arms and head up. I rarely washed it. 3. Clothes hanging on the backs of chairs spoil the appearance. But you can’t put something you’ve worn back into your wardrobe, and you can’t put your home clothes back either. For this we have a narrow closet in the hallway. For example, my son came home from school - he took out his jacket and trousers in this closet, washed his shirt, took out his home shorts and a T-shirt and put them on. And there is nothing lying outside.

How to keep your brain in shape

The problem of lack of time does not always lie in the inability to manage it. Sometimes a person does not have the strength to complete all planned activities. How to improve brain performance? when the brain refuses to think?

Modern life is oversaturated with information, events and stressful situations. All this leads to a decrease in brain performance.

Some people intuitively come to the realization of how to increase mental performance; the body, as it were, tells them what to do.

For example, before an exam, students eat chocolate. Sweets not only improve your mood, but also improve brain function. Chocolate contains sugar, which is necessary for brain activity; it “charges” the brain.

In addition to chocolate, there are other, more effective and healthy ways to increase brain performance:

  • Work breaks

The ability to take a break from work for a while and get some rest has a positive effect on your performance throughout the day. After work, you need to take a break from it, do household chores, hobbies, and communicate with loved ones.

Obsessive thoughts about work do not allow the brain to relax. Often, it is after a person is distracted from the problem, “let go” of it, that ideas come to him on how to solve it.

Consciousness rests during sleep, and the unconscious part of the psyche continues to work. For people who follow the principle “morning is wiser than evening,” the answer to the question of how to increase performance is simple – get a good night’s sleep.

The optimal workload for a healthy and able-bodied individual is from thirty-five to forty working hours per week. Two days off are intended to restore strength, gain energy and desire to work further. In order not to waste your vacation hours, it is also better to plan your weekends.

  • Nutrition

It is good for the brain to eat foods containing natural starch and sugar: nuts, potatoes, rice, beans, brown bread, and so on. So-called slow carbohydrates, unlike fast carbohydrates, can provide energy to the brain for a long time. The diet should include all the minerals and minerals necessary for the human body.

When using writing, you need to know when to stop. If, in a desire to increase brain performance, a person overeats, the effect will be the opposite. Satiety negatively affects brain performance; the body spends energy on assimilation and processing of food instead of sending it to the brain. After a too heavy lunch, a person does not know how to force himself to work, as there is a desire to lie down and rest.

  • Warm-ups, gymnastics and physical activity

It is useful to do physical exercise during the working day. Specialists who work at a computer should periodically take a break from it and do eye exercises. Physical activity improves blood circulation in the brain and also helps restore old or create new neural connections.

Self-massage of the head and neck. Massage of the head and collar area improves blood flow in the cerebral cortex. If you self-massage your head at least once for ten minutes every day, the question of how to force yourself to work in the late afternoon will lose relevance, and the ability to maintain clarity of thinking will remain until the end of the working day.

  • Color therapy

It has been proven that color affects the brain, changing a person’s state and mood. You can charge your brain by looking at the color yellow. This is the color of the sun, energy, optimism. It increases mental performance, tones and invigorates.

You can find or print a picture in which the color yellow predominates, look at a yellow-colored piece of furniture, or look outside on a sunny day.

  • Aromatherapy

All natural essential oils are used in aromatherapy. Citrus and woody scents are the best stimulants for the brain. You can light an aroma lamp (if a person works at home), drop some oil into the aroma pendant and hang it next to you or apply a little to the skin (initially test for an allergic reaction).

  • Reading

Spending at least thirty minutes a day reading is a universal answer to the question of how to increase brain performance. This method is suitable for children, adults, and the elderly.

Reading increases concentration, develops imagination, imaginative and analytical thinking, broadens horizons, develops personality and brain. Of course, not all literature is useful; preference should be given to classical works, scientific and educational publications, and textbooks.

  • Rejection of bad habits

The idea that alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and all other addictive substances stimulate brain activity is wrong. These are false stimulants that only create the illusion of improving brain function.

In fact, they all worsen it, the volume of work performed is reduced and quality suffers. The answer to the question of how to get everything done in a day is obvious for a smoker - quit smoking. Smoking takes a lot of time and health.

Often a person does not know how to force himself to work because he does not know how to motivate himself. In this case, nothing will help him if he does not want to help himself.

How to manage everything when you really don’t want to have time, you’re too lazy to work, your thoughts are focused on anything but work? We need to create motivation!

The best motivation is personal goals. You need to realize and remind yourself why you need to try and work. When work is filled with meaning, it becomes easy and enjoyable. By working consciously, a person inspires himself and stimulates his brain to continue working to achieve his goals.

And live life to the fullest. This question is really difficult. After all, many people have problems over time. And only some manage to relax, live life to the fullest, and do all the planned things. You can learn such a technique. All you need to do is follow a few simple tips. At first it will not be easy, because redistributing time and planning the day is a responsible task that requires special skills. Only with experience will you be able to organize your day without any problems so that you can get everything done. What tips are recommended to follow?

Friend Zhanna

I got there for dinner. We ate, then Zhanka’s husband went for a walk with the dog, and his two sons went with him. While I was explaining my problem with everyday life, Zhanna continued to wash the dishes. When she was finished, she wiped the surface above the sink with a stiff sponge and wiped down the stove. “Go to the living room, I’ll be right back,” she unceremoniously told me (and what kind of ceremony can there be between us, we are longtime friends). It took her four minutes to scrub the kitchen floors, wash her hands, and come to me with two glasses of strawberry juice (I specifically timed it). After taking a sip from her glass, she picked up her knitting! “I’m knitting an openwork hat for my niece, I want to make it in time for Sunday,” she explained to me. “Let’s move on.” We exchanged remarks, the hook in Zhanna’s hands seemed to set the rhythm. I noticed that our conversation was going well, although Zhanna was not sitting opposite me, her elbows idly resting on the table. Her behavior did not offend me; I clearly saw how you can combine two activities. “My mother taught me this,” Zhanna said. “I don’t remember her just sitting around doing nothing.” Or knits, or glues books, or arranges and signs photos in an album. And she infected her neighbors - one neighbor came to us one day with her cereal. He sits next to his mother, complains about his drunkard husband and sorts out the millet. And my mother is ironing next to me. I got ready to visit my neighbor and classmate, and my mother said to me: “Zhanusya, take a geography textbook with you. We chatted a little and read the paragraph. Learn together quietly.” Maybe this is too much, but somehow she taught me and my sister to do two more things in between. My laundry is spinning now - do you hear? And I soaked the beans, I’ll let them cook later. - Okay, Zhanka, pour me some cereal, I’ll give it to you! – I said, laughing. Actually, it was a joke, but I really felt embarrassed that I was not doing anything. I’m sitting at my friend’s and whining instead of vacuuming at home. After listening to my friends, I understand that cleanliness in the house does not happen on its own. Either you need to get up an hour or two earlier, or go to bed an hour or two later. And get into the good habit of doing small things by the way. Since we don’t have money for servants, we’ll have to be more agile. And I also need to plow my husband. For example, let him iron. I'll go persuade him right now.

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