White tea, health benefits and harms of the drink

White tea: what is it?

More than 800 years ago, tea was first mentioned in ancient writings. The Chinese emperors knew firsthand what it was. They considered this drink one of their favorites, valued it for its subtle aroma and ability to clarify the mind. Special breeding of individual varieties began about 150 years ago. Now tea bushes are grown not only in China - the plant is also popular in India, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Eastern Naples.

The name “white” tea comes from the appearance of the collected buds (tips) and leaves, densely covered with white hair (baicha). Its main features: minimal human intervention in fermentation and high requirements for the collection process.

The harvest is harvested strictly from 5 to 9 am in the period from mid-March to early April in sunny weather. Pickers are required to have a neutral odor at the time of work so as not to distort the aroma of the future drink.

After collection, the leaves are alternately placed in the sun and in the shade. Natural sun-shade fermentation occurs up to 5-7%. After subsequent drying in the oven, the product is sorted and “infused” for 1 month.

Properties of white tea: sophistication and usefulness - 2 in 1

Why do we drink tea? Agree, the question is simple, but not everyone is able to answer it properly. Some will say to keep you warm during the cold seasons, others - “I love the tart taste and aroma of tea”, others - it helps to create a soulful atmosphere in the house, it’s pleasant to spend time with family and friends... But only a few will say: “But this healthy!" Despite the fact that the Internet contains a huge number of articles on the topic “What is tea good for?”, few people can name at least 3 real reasons “from the start.” In fact, tea is a storehouse of useful substances that have a positive effect on the human body. Drinking high-quality tea means properly receiving vitamins, microelements, amino acids and other organic compounds. And this, in turn, is the key to health and external beauty, longevity and good mood!

But now we are interested not just in “tea”, but in “white tea” - the most refined and sophisticated, grown in China, namely, in the tea province of Fujian. Yes, white teas are rightfully considered the most refined drinks, the taste and aroma of which not everyone can appreciate. This does not mean that there is anything wrong with you. Simply elite white tea - very thin, delicate, almost weightless, and at the same time perfectly refreshing. It absorbed the hot daytime sun and the coolness of the night, becoming the source of a magnificent aroma - floral-fruity, sometimes with notes of honey. Many tea lovers believe that those who appreciate it are a real gourmet.

Before moving on to the topic of “the benefits of white tea,” you should answer the question: what is white tea? After all, most Ukrainians are not only not familiar with it, but are not even aware of its existence.

Chinese white tea

- one of the rarest, most expensive, unique varieties, obtained from young leaves of the tea tree, covered with thick white hair. In China, the drink has been known since ancient times. More than 890 years ago, it was available only to members of the imperial families and their entourage. And, although today the situation has changed radically - white Chinese tea has become widely available, the Chinese are still reluctant to export raw materials that are subject to a minimal degree of oxidation (up to 12%). To compare: the oxidation degree of black tea is 80%.

The main reason for making white tea is to preserve as much as possible the appearance of the tea leaves, which gives a natural, natural taste and aroma. At the same time, human intervention in the production process is minimized.

As mentioned earlier, this type of tea is mainly grown and processed in Fujian Province. The period for collecting leaves of tips (unopened buds) is in early spring, from mid-March to mid-April. Collection is carried out strictly on time: from 5 to 9 am and only in clear, sunny weather. But that's not all! Special requirements apply for tea pickers. White tea instantly absorbs odors, so before work people do not have the right to drink alcohol, eat onions, garlic, spices, not smoke, not wear perfume, etc.

Interesting fact:

When white tea begins to be harvested, fruit orchards bloom at the same time in the provinces of the Celestial Empire. The fibers of tea leaves instantly absorb strong floral aromas, due to which the drink has the aroma of spring flowers and fruity undertones.

After collection, young, undamaged leaves are treated with hot steam for no more than a minute and undergo a process of natural drying under the sun's rays. Thus, the tea leaf does not lose its beneficial properties, and the drink has good healing qualities.

Why are white teas expensive?

To produce 1 kg of raw materials, more than 100,000 small white leaves must be processed.

Varieties and types of white tea

There are no more than 10 types of this drink around the world. The main ones are:

  1. Baihao Yinzhen (“White-haired silver needles”). The most expensive type, produced only from tea tree buds in the Chinese province of Fujian. For harvesting, mainly 2 varieties of tea bushes are used: Fuding and Zhenhe Da Bai.
  2. Bai Mudan (White Peony). Considered elite, it consists of tea buds and two top leaves of the same size. Grown from the Dabaicha tea tree.
  3. Shou Mei (“Eyebrows of an Elder”). This type is made from category 4 residues after sorting buds for Baihao Yinzhen. To create it, take a bud and one top leaf. Shou Mei is distinguished by its late harvest, which allows it to obtain a dark color and a pronounced taste of the drink.
  4. Gong Mei (“Eyebrow” or “Gift”). Consists of a bud and four upper leaves. When brewed, the drink acquires a transparent golden hue, the aroma is notes of meadow herbs, fruits and flowers.

White tea for weight loss

White tea, which has a light fruity aroma and a desaturated light color, is the birthplace of China, a country with a certain reputation for medicinal herbs, teas and herbal medicine in general. Therefore, the people of China know and know how to use various plants to treat many diseases, and white tea became one of these plants.

White tea has numerous beneficial properties and is a very effective way to lose weight naturally. It is not at all necessary to create any specific diet that includes this drink. It is simply advisable to drink three cups of this tea daily: the first with breakfast, the second after lunch and the last before going to bed.

However, if you supplement this simple tea drinking with the right food, that is, a healthy diet combined with physical activity, the effect will be achieved in a shorter time.

White tea: benefits and harms

The saturation of microelements, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins makes white tea a favorite for many, the benefits and harms of which have been worrying people for several centuries. It has gone through a series of eras from the status of a medicine to the status of an elite drink.

The main beneficial properties of white tea:

  • contains vitamins of groups B, C, PP;
  • contains less caffeine than any other tea;
  • cools, quenches thirst, suitable for use in the morning and evening;
  • relieves fatigue, calms the nervous system due to the presence of glutamic acid and phosphorus compounds;
  • makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic;
  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthens tooth enamel with fluorides included in the composition;
  • prevents the proliferation of bacteria and viruses in the body;
  • accelerates the healing of superficial and internal skin damage;
  • promotes weight loss thanks to the epigallocatechins it contains.

Bai Mudan tea has a beneficial effect on the emotional state, relaxes, and relieves fever. Shou Mei is considered the optimal type of white tea in the fight against intestinal diseases. It improves metabolism and strengthens the body's cells. Gong Mei tea reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and normalizes blood pressure.

Excessive consumption of white tea is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

It is contraindicated for:

  • stomach ulcers, high acidity;
  • diseases of the kidneys or genitourinary system in the acute stage;
  • high blood pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • overexcitation of the nervous system.

White tea beneficial properties

What are the benefits of white tea? Oh, this topic is interesting not only for researchers, scientists, doctors, but also ordinary people who prefer to drink not a “surrogate”, but really healthy tea drinks, the composition of which is distinguished by rich healing potential.

White tea and its properties:

  • Due to minimal processing and weak fermentation, white tea contains a large amount of antioxidants and polyphenols, which help the body maintain youth at the cellular level.
  • Essential oils and trace elements contained in huge quantities help the drink to have a tonic effect on the body and at the same time relieve stress and irritability. Any tea can tone, but these varieties do it softly and delicately.
  • Fluorides strengthen tooth enamel and prevent the development of caries.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • A cup of white tea will not only help you warm up in winter, but also get rid of thirst in summer.
  • Speeds up metabolism. This does not mean that without changing your lifestyle and drinking a couple of cups of tea a day, you can count on active weight loss. Yes, it speeds up metabolism, acts as a diuretic, removes waste and toxins from the body, but it does this effectively only in combination with a properly balanced diet, physical activity and the proper amount of drinks per day (at least 4.5 cups) .
  • Protects against the development of cancer and ultraviolet radiation (only with regular use).
  • 1 cup of white tea contains as many vitamins as 1 carrot.
  • Rejuvenates and refreshes the appearance of the skin, slows down the process of wrinkles (a huge plus, especially for women of any age!).

What else is white tea good for?

  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Helps with varicose veins.
  • Used as a prophylactic for cardiovascular diseases.
  • Enhances blood clotting.
  • Prevents the development of thrombosis.
  • Calms the nervous system.
  • Used as an additional medicine for colds.
  • Removes excess cholesterol from the blood.

Evaluating the impressive list of the “white tea properties” section, you begin to understand why the Chinese call it “the drink of immortality.”

White tea for weight loss

Drinking tea is an important process for losing weight. Like most high-quality elite Chinese teas, white varieties have a positive effect on weight loss. Tea not only perfectly breaks down fats and removes them from the body, but also helps to get rid of a bad habit - overeating.

When using it, you do not need to drink any laxatives or cleansers.

White tea has a delicate taste, so its consumption does not stimulate an increase in appetite (as with black tea). If you drink it hot (warm) 5 times a day, it will perfectly replace additional snacks.

Pleasant white tea is organic in itself. He doesn't need sweeteners, chocolate, jam.

The ancient tenets of Chinese medicine claim that white tea perfectly strengthens the immune system and improves metabolic processes in the body. It helps to quickly recover after heavy physical exertion and excellently maintains strength during active work.

Enhances the effectiveness of any dietary system. Regular intake of tea can completely replace the use of vitamins.

Nutritionists consider the varieties “Silver Needles” and “White Peony” to be the most valuable and useful for weight loss.

How to brew white tea correctly?

An important factor influencing the final result of preparing white tea is the quality of the water used. It should be soft and clean. The technique of brewing a drink directly affects not only its aroma and richness, but also the fullness of the benefits it can give to the body.

To ensure optimal tea taste and consistency, you must follow several rules:

  1. You cannot brew white tea with boiling water. The boiled water should be allowed to cool to a temperature of 50-70°C.
  2. Do not use a plastic or metal teapot for brewing. It is better to take a product made of glass or ceramics. The kettle must first be rinsed with boiling water.
  3. For each cup of tea, take 2 pinches of tea leaves.
  4. Do not pour too much water into the kettle. Free space is necessary for the circulation of warm vapors.
  5. Leave the brew for 3-5 minutes. The same tea leaves can be brewed up to 3 times.

White tea during pregnancy

Elite white teas contain a huge amount of vitamins, microelements, antioxidants, beneficial organic compounds, including calcium, necessary for a pregnant woman and unborn child. These types contain minimal amounts of caffeine, so doctors recommend taking them during pregnancy. But, first of all, you need to consult your doctor.

White tea can relieve unstable pressure changes in a pregnant woman. To do this, you need to steep the tea for at least 15 minutes and drink the drink 3 times a day in small sips, warm.

Along with the topic of “white tea benefits”, there is also “white tea harm”


The following diseases may prevent you from enjoying this unique drink:

  • gastritis,
  • stomach ulcer,
  • diabetes,
  • kidney disease,
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (in certain parts),
  • insomnia.

How to choose a good white tea

Natural white tea is collected from young bushes, it undergoes light fermentation, the tender shoots are rolled into tight balls and packaged. Sometimes aromatic impurities are added to white tea, for example, lotus, jasmine, lychee, rose and others. However, the product is a rare and expensive commodity, so the mass producer resorts to various tricks. The most harmless “cheap white tea” is collected from the debris and residual products of processing of real young shoots. This tea can be found in bags. Sometimes stems of other plants or light varieties of cheaper green tea are sold under the guise of white tea. This product is harmless, but it does not have the healing properties of white tea.

To choose natural white tea, look into a tea shop where tight knots are sold by weight. White tea has a characteristic sweetish aroma that can be distinguished from highly fermented varieties. Finely ground white tea bags can also be good for your body, so if drinking luxury white tea regularly isn't an option for you, try alternating good examples with other varieties or an affordable version. Caffeine-free herbal teas high in antioxidants, green oolong or soursop can replace white tea.

Health Benefits of White Tea

Elite varieties of white tea are produced from unopened buds of the tea bush. If the buds are allowed to mature, tea leaves will eventually emerge that can be used to produce green and fermented tea. However, to harvest white tea, people wake up on a certain day at dawn, before the buds open, and carefully pick them by hand. This is painstaking and hard work. In the process of such collection and careful drying, elite white tea is obtained.

There are also “small varieties” - they are produced from slightly damaged raw materials. They say this affects the taste of small varieties.

The benefits of white tea are due to the fact that no heating or fermentation is used during its production. Vitamins, antioxidants and minerals contained in the plant are “supplied” to the body in the form in which they are put into the tea bush by nature itself. It is believed that this tea is richest in B vitamins and vitamin C and therefore promotes rejuvenation.

The benefits of white tea are quite extensive. Traditional sources call it a remedy for depression, low mood and apathy. They also claim that white tea is a long-lived drink that allows you to maintain health throughout your life. The drink reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the body, and its consumption promotes healthy blood vessels. It has a mild anti-inflammatory effect and can serve as an excellent recovery agent after physical activity. You can also drink white tea to prevent diseases associated with decreased human immunity.

According to Chinese medicine, this tea can have a positive effect on the health of patients with hypertension. It is recommended for various metabolic disorders; its use contributes to the normal functioning of the entire hormonal system. Some sources attribute to it a calming effect, others – a moderate tonic property. However, due to the high content of B vitamins, it is really capable of regulating the functioning of the nervous system.

It is important to brew white tea correctly. It is not poured with boiling water in earthenware dishes. To prepare the infusion, only glass teapots and cups are used. And in the Chinese tradition, the drink is prepared and poured only in porcelain.

Usually tea is not brewed with boiling water or boiled water. In the tea-making tradition, this is explained by the fact that such water is regarded as “dead.” Take filtered water, heat it to 60-85 degrees and brew the drink using this water. After the infusion is ready (after 20 minutes), it is drunk; standing in a teapot for such a drink “for a day” is considered impermissible.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The plant contains flavonoids (polyvenols and catechins) and tannins. At the same time, the percentage of flavonoid content directly depends on how carefully the camellia leaves and buds were sorted for the preparation of raw materials.

Another important feature of the composition is caffeine, or rather, its minimal presence. For example, in white tea the concentration of this substance is 8-10 times lower than in coffee and 4-6 times lower than it is found in black tea.

Important: Since the plant is capable of absorbing fluoride from fertilizers and pesticides during growth, it is necessary to take the choice of white tea extremely seriously!

Beneficial properties of the drink: antioxidants

Thanks to the high concentration of flavonoids, the drink protects the kidneys, pancreas, heart, as well as the liver and skin from oxidative effects caused by free radicals.


White tea extract and the drink itself can have a beneficial effect on the skin, reducing the number of wrinkles, tightening it and giving it a healthy color. In addition, this plant is often used to make sunburn creams and as an ingredient in lotions and masks.

On the topic: Red tea - benefits and harm.


As you understand, white tea is especially useful for women! A constant feeling of fatigue, early gray hair and wrinkles - these are the signs of premature aging, which this drink successfully fights! Tea catechins are a real shield against toxins and free radicals that can steal youth!

Teeth and gums

The fluorides contained in the product reduce the chances of caries, and the high content of antibacterial components prevents the formation of tartar and plaque.

Weight loss

Regular consumption of the drink speeds up metabolic processes and reduces sugar levels. Caffeine and catechins also influence processes that interfere with obesity.


Recent studies by Japanese scientists have proven that white tea is a powerful antitumor agent. Its regular use is not only effective in preventing cancer, but also helps slow down the growth of existing tumors.

The cardiovascular system

Tea flavonoids, which we have mentioned more than once, can cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, as well as reduce blood viscosity, reducing the chances of developing thrombophlebitis. In addition, drinking white tea lowers blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle. The catechins contained in this aromatic drink significantly reduce the level of bad cholesterol.


Drinking white tea by diabetics helps such patients cope with some of the symptoms of this serious disease (thirst, excess weight, blood pressure, etc.).

Antibacterial effect

The active chemical compounds in the Chinese camellia drink can protect the human body from bacterial and viral infections, as well as strengthen the immune system.


The Chinese claim that properly brewed white tea relieves depression and the consequences of stressful situations (apathy, irritability, etc.). scientists confirm this fact, claiming that such a drink stimulates the production of happiness hormones in the brain.

Liver diseases

According to the results of clinical studies conducted in Canada last year, white tea not only protects the liver from toxins, but also restores the cells of this organ after illnesses.

Chemical composition of white tea

Extractives are so-called soluble substances, of which the most important are:

  • Tannins are a complex mixture of more than 30 polyphenolic compounds, which include: catechins, polyphenols, tannin, etc.
  • Essential oils , the content of which in the tea leaf is only 0.02%, but they are responsible for the quality of the brew and the tea aroma.
  • Alkaloids - the most famous of them are caffeine and tannin, forming caffeine tannate, which gently tones the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Alkaloids also include vasodilators - theobromine and theophylline, and diuretics - adeine and guanine.
  • Protein substances and amino acids. Proteins are tea leaf enzymes that serve as a source for amino acids.
  • Acids, enzymes (enzymes). This is a whole series of organic acids that make up tea: malic, oxalic, citric, succinic, pyruvic, fumaric and other acids. All of them are responsible for the nutritional value of tea.
  • Carbohydrates are presented in tea in simple (sucrose, maltose, fructose) and complex (polysaccharides - cellulose, starch, hemicellulose) form.
  • Pigments and vytamin. Pigments (thearubigin and theaflavin) are coloring substances that allow the tea leaves to take on different colors. As for vitamins, they are presented in tea in a complete set.

White tea diet

For breakfast you should eat:

  • 1 glass of freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice.
  • whole grain toast with one teaspoon of processed low-fat cheese.
  • 1 cup of white tea.

Closer to noon, you can have a snack with the following foods to choose from:

  • Diet cereal bar or fruit.
  • You can also eat low-fat yogurt or a piece of low-fat cheese.
  • If for some reason the above options do not suit you, you can drink a fruit or vegetable smoothie without added sugar.

For lunch:

  • A portion of baked skinless chicken breast.
  • A bowl of vegetable soup.
  • Medium portion of boiled vegetables of your choice.
  • Fruit salad.
  • A cup of white tea.

For afternoon tea:

  • Fruit.
  • Low-fat yogurt.
  • A cup of white tea.

In the evening, you can also have a snack similar to what was suggested for midday by choosing one of the following options:

  • Diet cereal bar or some fruit.
  • You can also eat low-fat yogurt or a piece of low-fat cheese.
  • If for some reason the above options do not suit you, you can drink a fruit or vegetable smoothie without added sugar.

For dinner:

  • A bowl of vegetable soup.
  • A small portion of rice (unpeeled, brown).
  • A moderate amount of vegetable salad with ingredients of your choice.
  • Fruit.
  • A cup of white tea.

Along with this, you should drink another cup of white tea before going to bed. You should also remember that when following a certain diet, you need to eat small portions and avoid foods high in sugar. It is also recommended to exercise at least 40 minutes a day.

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