Designing a document using styles

The question of finding your own style pops up in a woman’s mind with about the same frequency as the question of the interaction of atoms and neutrons in the head of a nuclear physicist. The only difference is that a scientist, having once solved the problem assigned to him, begins to think about a new goal, and a woman, who thinks about how to create your own style, has been answering this question all his life.

How to create your own style, unique, individual and not like others? How not to get lost in a wide variety of fashion trends and remain yourself? The website for women, Stylish Thing, answers these questions.

Why is this necessary?

And really, does the beautiful half of humanity have nothing better to do than torment themselves with insoluble questions? After all, the question of how to create your own style belongs to the category of the most famous questions, such as “To be or not to be?” Shakespeare or "What is to be done?" Chernyshevsky. Neither the author himself nor all of humanity together could answer these questions. So why torment yourself with unsolvable problems , if there are a lot of other pressing questions, the answer to which will help solve a really existing problem?

Here's why: creating your own style is one of the three pillars on which female attractiveness is conveniently located. Who now dares to argue that personal style is a secondary issue? Is there at least one person in the world for whom one’s own attractiveness is not important? Even the aborigines on godforsaken uninhabited islands are breaking prehistoric spears in the struggle for the first lady of the tribe, who has proven to everyone her irresistibility and attractiveness.

Therefore, there is absolutely nothing unnatural in the fact that the better half of humanity tirelessly tries to solve the riddle of how to create their own style.

Who needs it?

At first glance, the question is very strange and stupid. Who else needs to create their own style, if not its future owner? Of course, one can agree with this, but one can also argue.

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Undoubtedly, a person with a style first of all created this style exclusively for himself: a lot of options were considered, everything unnecessary faded into the background, and as a result of this cutting, his own, individual and unique style was born. The question of how to find your own style no longer torments you, the person is happy, satisfied, and his only task now is to maintain the style he found with such difficulty.

However, upon deeper examination, everything turns out to be not so simple. Each person’s style is not only his property, but also a common property. Don't believe me? But in vain! Confirmation of this lies on the surface

the most famous women in the world famous for ? Their talents, acting abilities, beauty, sexuality, scandals associated with them. All this is true, but these qualities (except for talent) are the collective image of their inherent style. These women have been thinking for years about how to always look stylish, how to create their own image, polishing it and honing every detail. As a result, their Style, sparkling in the rays of glory like a cut diamond, became the property of all mankind.

Millions of fans copy the style of the great Mademoiselle Chanel. But at the age of 18, Gabrielle Chanel was completely unknown to anyone, and thoughts about her own style were just beginning to appear in her pretty head. Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Marlene Dietrich, Margaret Thatcher, Princess Diana, Madonna, Milla Jovovich, Angelina Jolie. These women are connected by only one thing - Style , which has become public property.

What prevents each of us from taking our rightful place at the top of the stylish Olympus? How to create your own style so that it not only brings joy to yourself and proves your own individuality and taste, but is also desirable to others?

Start over.

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How to create a harmonious image?

How to create a harmonious image and what does it look like? I wonder how many people on the planet are puzzled by this question? In everything that surrounds us there are two opposite poles “-” and “+”, harmony and disharmony. There are people who strive for harmony all their lives and try to get closer to it by any means. Be it art or self-expression in other areas. For some, this topic is of no interest. But there are also those among us who intuitively feel the integrity of the image, combining in it, at first glance, a wide variety of things. And these are not necessarily people from the world of fashion and art. But, the possession of these innate qualities undoubtedly makes a person more creative and multifaceted.

The very word “harmony” evokes calm and tranquility. In everything beautiful, beautiful and harmonious there is a creative principle. Clothing in this sense is, like everything else, only a tool for expressing our individuality. Even without special knowledge, many people can feel disharmony in external images; this, for example, is due to the physiological characteristics of color perception.

A harmonious external image includes many components, such as: hairstyle, makeup, colors, clothing, fabric texture and design, suit proportions, accessories. The connecting link in this case is the person’s personality. This is the main condition for the integrity of the image and, as a consequence, harmony.

The combination of all elements of the image, as well as the composition of the costume, is subject to certain rules. The famous ancient Roman architect Vitruvius said that neither talent without science, nor science without talent can create a perfect artist. Composition involves combining all elements into an organic whole. Creating a form of a thing that would have constructive, functional and aesthetic value. When it comes to things, a prerequisite is that the shape of this thing corresponds to the human figure. There are many examples when incorrectly selected clothing, or rather its shape, distorts the external image, without fulfilling its main task - to make a person attractive.

You've probably noticed that many objects and things around us have axes of symmetry. For us, this is a more harmonious and correct perception of spatial forms. This is one of the striking properties of the composition, determining the state of the form, as well as its active pattern. Our wardrobe is dominated by symmetrical items, with parts equally located relative to any point. Symmetry is one of the most important means of achieving unity and expressiveness of composition in a costume. There are various types of it: axial, central, planar, mirror, etc. Visually, this already creates a harmonious image. But deviation from symmetry is not a condition for disorganization of form. With the right layout, an asymmetrical element can be successfully connected with the rest of the volume, which overall will create an effect of originality and originality. An asymmetrical composition usually adds dynamism to the image.

Another important property of a composition is the subordination of its elements. There are always major, less significant and secondary ones. Elements of form are consistent with each other according to the principles of contrast, nuance and similarity.

Contrast involves the juxtaposition of different principles in form - in color, volume, texture of material, etc. This makes the image more memorable and vibrant, but not always unambiguous. Mixing styles, colors, fabric patterns can either give your image a special charm and originality, or make a rather strange impression. When combining incompatible things in a suit, you need to remember the idea of ​​​​creating a complete image that reflects your individuality.

The similarity or repetition of any element in a suit creates a more harmonious image. This could be finishing, color scheme, accessories. In the 50s of the last century, a style consistent in a single color or design was popular. For many, this option seems too correct and boring, although it is often advantageous.

It is in such a situation that the accent can play a decisive role, which will become the center of the image . Provided that you are dressed in the same color scheme or, even more radically, in the same color from head to toe, then your hairstyle or makeup can become such an accent. A compositional or semantic center is an object, part of an object, or a group of objects that are located in a composition in such a way that they first attract attention. The law of the main as a whole shows what the parts of the whole are united around. All components of the image must obey the compositional center. This is a dominant feature that attracts attention with color, design or mass. There may be several such centers, but they must certainly be connected with each other by a common style and design. Since they are accents, there should not be many of them so as not to overload the model.

Often the center of a suit is the details. This could be a contrasting scarf or shawl, wide sleeves combined with a tight-fitting dress silhouette, voluminous flounces, gloves, glasses, a belt, details of an unusual shape or color, etc. In any case, the center of the composition should be impeccable, and everything else will be a favorable background for it. We must not forget about the location of the center, using it correctly for our own purposes. We decide what we want to emphasize: chest, waist, hips, and focus on this. A suit with a missing compositional center lacks expressiveness and integrity of the image. Try to find it and you will be the center of attention.

Finally, another important principle of composition is nuance . It is between contrast and similarity, being a transitional state. Creates additional connections between elements in the form of light decor and a combination of halftones, which makes the costume more interesting and richer. Using nuance allows for creativity and experimentation, something anyone can do.

I wish everyone good luck in creating a harmonious image! I hope that this knowledge will be useful to you.

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Best regards, Irina Shirokova.


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