7 most useful oils for women - cosmetic and food

Flaxseed oil is a colorless or yellowish oily liquid obtained from ripened and dried flax seeds. It is in demand for food because it has a high level of Omega-3 fatty acids and many other substances necessary for humans. Many doubts arise among those who want to start taking flaxseed oil. The beneficial properties, benefits and harms that you hear about are so contradictory that it is a little difficult to understand them. Looking ahead, we should immediately say that you need to use this product with great caution so as not to harm your health. Before starting such treatment, you should always consult a specialist.

What is flaxseed oil?

The oil is obtained by pressing dried flax seeds. It has a range of applications, from furniture finishing to oil painting. It is added to paint, inks, varnishes and resins, since such manipulations help surfaces treated with oil dry quickly. Treating wood with linseed oil gives it a more finished, well-maintained appearance and provides a rich, luminous finish. There are many other uses for this substance, so not all flaxseed oil can be used as a dietary supplement or for treatment.

benefits of flaxseed oil for women

There are raw (cold pressed) and “cooked” (hot pressed) oils. The former is most often used as a dietary supplement because in its raw form it retains all the nutritional value. It has a pale golden color and is odorless and tasteless. The situation is completely different with hot-pressed oil, or drying oil. When processed thermally, it has a darker color and a characteristic pungent odor; it is unsafe to eat it and can be seriously harmful to health.

Pumpkin oil

Pumpkin oilPumpkin oil
When talking about a healthy diet and self-care, we cannot fail to mention pumpkin seeds. A product made from pumpkin seeds improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and has a number of other valuable properties.

  • Normalizes the activity of the gallbladder, relieves heartburn.
  • Speeds up metabolism.
  • Clears arteries of cholesterol, prevents the risk of high blood pressure, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Promotes healing of skin damage.
  • Sharpens vision.

Oil properties

Flaxseed oil is a popular remedy used for both food and healing. It contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), Omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for maintaining human health and preventing many diseases. Oily sea fish has similar properties, but, unfortunately, not everyone eats it, and the required amount of microelements can be replenished by eating unrefined, cold-pressed flaxseed oil.

For women, flaxseed oil is recommended not only for the treatment of certain diseases, but also for improving well-being, skin condition, nails, hair, and more. It consists of lignans, which are also considered plant estrogen. The therapeutic effect of flaxseed oil on the body is to establish a hormonal balance, prevent metastasis of estrogen-related tumors, improve conditions for various symptoms of inflammatory diseases, and so on.

Sesame oil

Sesame oilSesame oil
Sesame oil has a characteristic bitterness and tart aroma. It has a number of beneficial properties for the female body:

  • it is rich in omega 3-6-9 fatty acids;
  • contains antioxidants squalene, phytin, sesamol;
  • contains large amounts of vitamin E;
  • due to the absence of carbohydrates in the composition, it has a low glycemic index - almost zero (GI is a unit that reflects the effect of carbohydrates in a product on changes in blood sugar levels);
  • the oil is rich in vitamin K, which stimulates the formation of new blood cells, which is a measure to prevent anemia and reduce blood loss during menstruation.

The benefits of flaxseed oil for the female body

The benefits of flaxseed oil for women are obvious. Since women after menopause are prone to developing many different diseases, they urgently need to eat this valuable product. It can be added to salads, side dishes, taken pure or in the form of medications, such as capsules. If a woman over 30 years old makes it a rule to eat flaxseed oil every day, she will be able to prevent various diseases of a hormonal nature, the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system, and improve the condition of her skin and complexion.

Mustard oil

Mustard oilMustard oil
Mustard oil has been widely used in alternative, home medicine for a long time.

  • Mustard seeds contain vitamin A, which strengthens the immune system, improves vision and the condition of the skin.
  • The oil is rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that is involved in the process of tissue regeneration and is of great benefit to a woman’s reproductive system.
  • It is a source of vitamin D, which maintains normal levels of phosphorus and calcium, normalizes thyroid function, protects against cardiovascular pathologies and prevents fatigue.
  • Vitamin B6 in mustard oil improves the functioning of the central nervous system, acts as an antidepressant and regulates metabolic processes, and also has a good effect on the reproductive system and is indicated at the stage of planning a child and trying to conceive.
  • The phytosterols in the oil have anti-inflammatory properties and improve the appearance of problem skin.

Use of oil for women's diseases

Essential fatty acids for the body, which are contained in large quantities in flaxseed oil, help minimize the risk of breast cancer in women. In addition, it is often used to treat female genital diseases, premenstrual syndrome, endometrial hyperplasia and endometriosis, ovarian cysts, menstrual pain, premenopausal symptoms, and female infertility. If a woman starts taking this remedy, then within a month she will notice a normalization of the menstrual cycle and an improvement in uterine function. The level of progesterone in the body will be balanced. In addition, headaches, mood swings, sleep disturbances, anxiety, etc. disappear.

flaxseed oil benefits and properties application and treatment

The benefit of flaxseed oil for women is to prevent the production of prostaglandins. They can cause heavy menstrual bleeding if released into the body in excess. Phytoestrogens contained in flax seed oil are involved in stabilizing the levels of estrogen and progesterone, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on hot flashes during menopause. The healing substance is also an excellent dietary supplement for women who suffer from osteoporosis. Omega-3 fatty acids can improve the body's absorption of calcium and thus reduce the risk of calcium deficiency.

Oil for pregnant women

During pregnancy, women feel vulnerable more than ever and need attention and care.

Consuming flaxseed oil helps women survive this difficult period. It enriches the body of mother and child with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Beneficial features:

  • regulates blood cholesterol levels;
  • accelerates and stabilizes metabolism;
  • helps with constipation;
  • stabilizes hormonal levels;
  • stimulates the body's immune system.

However, there are also a number of contraindications:

  • an excess of the product can activate the work of the uterus, resulting in a threat to the life of the fetus;
  • allergic reaction to components;
  • problems with the pancreas, liver, and genitourinary system;
  • low pressure.

Using flaxseed oil for weight loss

Many women use flaxseed oil for weight loss. Reviews about the benefits, how to use it for medicinal purposes and other information can often be heard from friends, but it is best to seek advice from a nutritionist. He will talk about the benefits of losing weight in this way and warn against negative aspects. The benefits of flaxseed oil for weight loss are quite great. Nutritionists often recommend their patients use it as a dietary supplement to combat excess weight. Plus, replacing saturated fats and trans fats with healthy ingredients can provide additional health benefits. However, if you decide to use flaxseed oil for weight loss, the use, benefits, contraindications and dosage should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

flaxseed oil for weight loss reviews about the benefits how to use

Oil saturated with fatty acids will provide the necessary energy, vitamins and beneficial microelements, and reduce the risk of developing high cholesterol and heart disease. The benefits of flaxseed oil for weight loss are to effectively help women achieve their desired results. A small amount of it per day is enough for a person to painlessly control the amount of calories consumed and digest the food eaten without depositing “reserves” on the sides. Women who have reduced their daily calorie intake to 1,200 units should consume up to 4 teaspoons of oil per day.

Storage methods

Flaxseed oil contains fatty acids. When they come into contact with air masses, they thicken. A strong, thin film is formed on the surface of the product.

When storing oil products, the following rules must be observed:

  • the oil should not dry out. It is stored in an airtight container. Usually bottles with a narrow neck are used;
  • The product should not be exposed to light. You need to put it in a dark place. There should be no heating devices nearby;
  • For the manufacture of containers in which the oil product is located, opaque glass is used. When exposed to sunlight, the oxidation process can start. The oil will be very bitter;
  • It is unacceptable to use plastic containers for storing products. As a result of a chemical reaction, harmful substances may be transferred from the plastic;
  • the product is poured right up to the neck of the bottle. It is usually packaged in small containers.

Oil products are stored at room temperature. It should not exceed 23°. Some people keep the product in the refrigerator. In this case, it may thicken. In order for the oil to acquire its initial consistency, it must stand for some time at normal room temperature. But it cannot be heated. Heat treatment can lead to deterioration in the quality of the oil product.

Harm from using flaxseed oil

Of course, there is some harm to the body from using this substance. The harm and benefits of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach are especially obvious. It contains soluble fibers that can cause diarrhea, cramps, bloating and flatulence. If you take flaxseed without enough fluid, you may experience constipation or intestinal obstruction. Therefore, during treatment, the harm and benefits of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach should be assessed, and adjustments should be made to the dosage.

Under no circumstances should unripe seeds be used for treatment, as they can be poisonous and cause intoxication of the body. When using any medications together with flaxseed or oil, the latter can block the normal absorption of drugs and affect the effectiveness of painkillers, anti-inflammatory, and hormonal drugs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that if you want to use flaxseed oil, the benefits and properties, use and treatment of diseases should be discussed in detail with your doctor.

What criteria should you pay attention to when choosing quality products?

When making oil, the necessary production technology is not always followed. Therefore, when purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • adequate cost;
  • packaging quality;
  • compound;
  • taste characteristics;
  • shelf life.

A natural product cannot be cheap. The price for 200 ml of a high-quality oil preparation, when purchasing in a pharmacy chain, should not be less than $1. It must be packaged appropriately. Oil can oxidize quickly when exposed to air. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Dark glass containers with an airtight lid are used to store products. The drug is packaged in containers with a volume of 100 ml and 200 ml.

The product must have a strictly defined composition. During the manufacturing process, manufacturers sometimes add other impurities to it. Additional ingredients reduce the quality characteristics of the oil. The label must contain information about the nutritional and energy indicators of the product and its composition.

Often on the market you can find a product packaged in plastic, transparent bottles. Long-term storage of an oil product in such a container can lead to the formation of harmful compounds, which will subsequently have a negative effect on the body. The substance should be stored only in dark glass containers.

Flax oil

Low-temperature technologies are used in the production of natural linseed oil. It shouldn't be rancid. Its odor may be slightly reminiscent of fish oil. But it should not smell strongly of fish. Sometimes the product has a nutty flavor. This suggests that an extraction method was used in the production process. With this manufacturing method, the cost of oil is reduced.

How to use flaxseed oil

As already mentioned, flaxseed oil is of enormous importance in the treatment of numerous diseases. But in order for treatment with such a remedy to be beneficial, you should know how to use the substance, in what quantities it can harm the body and how it affects various organs.

Flax seed oil is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the chemicals of which can reduce inflammatory processes. That is why it is actively used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, edema and other inflammatory diseases. In addition, the oil is used by women during menopause and for the prevention of female diseases. For these purposes, four tablespoons per day will be enough; the course of treatment ranges from 6 to 15 months.

For skin diseases, as well as to improve the condition of the skin and nails, lotions and masks should be made with the addition of linseed oil. A few drops of it are added to a regular hand or face cream, and the product is rubbed into the skin and nails with gentle massaging movements. After just a month of regular use, you will be able to notice the first positive results and see for yourself how great the benefits of flaxseed oil are for women. It is recommended to perform therapeutic procedures daily in the evenings, after cleansing the skin.

Recipes for eternal youth

The oil is extracted from flax seeds by cold pressing. It is important to know that any heating destroys the beneficial substances of the product.

To prevent various diseases and general tone of the body, the oil is drunk on an empty stomach, one tablespoon at a time, for a long time. Monthly courses of treatment should be interspersed with weekly breaks. The daily dose of oil for a child is limited to one teaspoon. Flaxseed oil can also be added to sauces, yoghurts, other cold dishes and salad dressings. The most important thing: the terms and storage rules must not be violated! You need to buy oil in small packaging, in dark glass bottles.

Health formulas

For rejuvenation


  • linseed oil - 0.5 liters;
  • liquid honey - 1 glass;
  • lemons - 3 pieces;
  • garlic - 1 head.


  1. Wash the lemons well and grind them in a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Peel the garlic and chop finely.
  3. Mix all ingredients.

Take the mixture morning and evening, half an hour before meals, a tablespoon. The treatment helps improve skin condition, increase libido and even, according to some reviews, increase breast size. In addition, the drug is strongly recommended for women over the age of forty - to preserve youth, attractiveness and prevent gynecological problems.

A spoonful of flaxseed oil a day - and you are healthy!

During menopause

Natural phytoestrogens in flaxseed oil help to survive menopause gently and without problems - a difficult period for every woman. Just one or two tablespoons of oil, distributed over several doses per day, will help significantly alleviate the condition of a woman during menopause and relieve all unpleasant symptoms. The folk remedy should be used regularly for three weeks. If necessary, repeat the course. Using oil for preventive purposes helps delay menopause.

For the treatment of ovarian cysts

Flax oil normalizes healthy hormonal levels, thereby preventing ovarian diseases. A folk remedy helps cure if the problem has already arisen. Functional cysts are especially treatable.


  • linseed oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • green tea - 2 glasses.


  1. In the morning, before your first meal, drink flax oil.
  2. Wash it down with weak and not hot green tea.
  3. Already two weeks of using the drug will give noticeable results.
  4. The course can be extended, there will definitely be no harm from it.

To regulate the menstrual cycle


  • flax oil - 1 glass;
  • honey - 0.3 cups.


  1. Mix honey and butter thoroughly.
  2. The mixture must be stored in a cool, dark place.
  3. Drink a tablespoon before meals three times a day.

The folk remedy also increases blood pressure and vitality in general.

Flaxseed oil treats gynecological problems

For thrush

In order to cure candidiasis, it is enough to take half a tablespoon of flax oil daily on an empty stomach. The treatment course usually lasts no more than two weeks.

For uterine fibroids

To treat uterine fibroids, you need to take 30 grams of flaxseed oil per day, distributing this dose randomly throughout the day. The first dose must be on an empty stomach. The treatment is long-term, in courses of one month, with breaks of one week.

To improve fat metabolism and weight loss

Flaxseed oil should be taken daily according to the following regimen:

  1. On an empty stomach, drink a teaspoon of oil with a glass of warm purified water.
  2. At lunch, add one or two tablespoons of oil to salads or other dishes, just not hot ones.
  3. At night, half an hour before bed, take another teaspoon of oil. After this you can no longer eat anything.

Flax oil helps you lose weight

After two to three weeks of regular use, you will begin to notice pleasant changes in your figure: extra pounds will go away, your skin will tighten. The slimness will last for a long time.

From conception to birth

Flaxseed oil has another amazing property - it can promote conception and in some cases even cope with infertility. Natural flax estrogens are very similar to female sex hormones, and if there is a shortage of the latter, they can simply be replaced!

This improves the functions of the ovaries and uterus, creating the most favorable conditions for conceiving a long-awaited child. During pregnancy, taking this folk remedy also provides many bonuses. Flaxseed has little beneficial effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus, minimizing the risk of possible pathologies.

Only excessive use of a medicinal drug and a significant excess of daily dosage can become unsafe for mother and child. Abuse of flax oil in the second half of pregnancy can provoke premature birth. Therefore, it is better to take the oil under medical supervision so that the harm does not outweigh the benefits.

Application in cosmetology

For beautiful skin and hair


  • flax oil - 100 milliliters;
  • honey - 0.5 liters;
  • lemons - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - 1 head.


  1. Wash the lemons and chop them together with the peel.
  2. Peel and chop the garlic.
  3. Mix honey, garlic and lemons.
  4. Add oil little by little.
  5. Mix well.

Store the mixture on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Take a dessert spoon two to three times a day before meals. The product also helps boost immunity and improve liver health.

Flaxseed oil - balm for the beauty of face and hair

Hair strengthening mask

An excellent product for weak, split ends and hair loss.


  • flax oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • sour cream - 1 tablespoon;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 medium size.


  1. Peel the cucumber and grate it on a fine grater.
  2. Mix all ingredients.
  3. Apply the mask to your hair immediately.
  4. Massage the hair roots.
  5. Rinse off with warm water after 20 minutes.

The same mask can be used at the same time for facial skin.

To accelerate hair growth


  • flax oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • large onion - 1 piece.


  1. Peel and chop the onion.
  2. Mix the resulting mass with honey and add butter.
  3. Apply the mask to your hair and wrap it up.
  4. After 15 minutes, rinse with hot water and shampoo.

Mask for dry skin


  • flax oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • homemade cream or sour cream - 0.5 tablespoon;
  • fresh chopped cucumber - 0.5 tablespoon.


  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Apply to face.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

The mask refreshes, nourishes, tones, improves complexion.

Mask for normal skin


  • flax oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • fresh strawberries (or tomatoes) – 1 piece;
  • chicken egg yolk - 1 piece;
  • oatmeal or rye flour - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Chop strawberries or tomatoes.
  2. Mix and beat all ingredients.
  3. Apply to face.
  4. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Mask for oily skin


  • flax oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • egg white - 1 piece;
  • cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon;
  • sour cream - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Apply to face.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Flax oil for the beauty of hands and nails

For hand skin


  • flax oil - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • oily vitamin E - 1 capsule;
  • yolk - 1 piece.


  1. Pre-steam your hands in hot water.
  2. Mix all the ingredients of the nourishing mask.
  3. Apply to the skin of your hands, wear gloves made of natural fabric or knitwear.
  4. After 15–20 minutes, wash off the mask.

For hands and nails


  • flax oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • any essential oil of your choice - 3-5 drops.


  1. Mix the oil ingredients.
  2. Apply to nails and skin of hands.
  3. Massage for 15 minutes, rubbing the healing oil into the base of the nails.

Flaxseed oil in cooking

If you don't like to drink the oil with spoons, you can add it to your food. For example, cottage cheese with flaxseed oil and dried fruits is considered tasty and healthy. To prepare a portion of this delicacy, mix 250 grams of cottage cheese, 1-2 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, 1-2 tablespoons of flax seed oil and a handful of any dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, etc.) in a blender. Beat everything until smooth and eat. By the way, such a dish can be eaten for breakfast or afternoon snack instead of the main course.

benefits of flaxseed oil for weight loss

Flaxseed oil is added to vegetable salads, side dishes, fish or meat. Fats bind to proteins and allow them to be more easily absorbed by the body.

Contraindications and possible harm

There are a number of chronic diseases in which you should refrain from ingesting flaxseed oil: cholecystitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis. You should not drink the drug during exacerbations of intestinal inflammation, or with increased levels of lipids in the blood. It is undesirable to use oil in parallel with certain medications: antidepressants, anticoagulants, antivirals. Pregnant women should take flax oil with caution, especially in the second and third trimesters. Consult your doctor if you want to combine flaxseed oil and oral contraceptives.

Flax oil has contraindications

Flax oil - medicinal properties and contraindications

The healing properties of flaxseed oil have been widely used since ancient times. For example, the founder of medicine, Hippocrates, actively used it in his medical activities in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the stomach, burns and wound healing (externally). In Ancient Egypt it was successfully used in cosmetology. Women prepared various creams and ointments with it, took care of their skin and hair, using various masks and wraps. This oil was used effectively for health in ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, and Colchis (Western Georgia). In the northwestern regions of Russia and Polesie, the product was widely consumed. With its help, various diseases were treated.

Over time, due to high production costs, flaxseed oil has been displaced from our diet by other cheaper vegetable oils. For example, sunflower, corn and soybean. But this state of affairs was clearly not in favor of our health, and today we have come to understand this fact. Therefore, many countries around the world have again begun to show interest in flaxseed oil, including in the countries of the post-Soviet space. People increasingly began to buy it and use it for preventive and therapeutic purposes for various ailments.

Currently, nutritionists around the world agree: flaxseed oil promotes good health and active longevity. It is recommended to include it in the daily diet of overweight and obese people. This product has the ability to speed up metabolism in the body and, as a result, reduce weight. The effect of losing weight can be up to three kilograms without dieting or reducing calorie intake.

Studies have shown that flaxseed oil has significant antitumor activity. This happens due to the presence of a high content of plant phenols (lignans): podophyllotoxin and arctiin. These phenols have powerful antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. The use of this product is especially important for women. This prevents the development of breast cancer, since its occurrence in the female body is often caused by an excess of the hormone estrogen, and lignans maintain its normal amount. Therefore, regular intake of this product with food allows people to reduce the risk of cancer. For example, the risk of breast cancer and colorectal cancer is reduced.

The presence of alpha-linolenic acid (Omega-3) in our body helps prevent vascular atherosclerosis. By preventing the deposition of cholesterol and triglycerides on their walls, Omega-3 significantly reduces the risk of thrombosis. And thrombosis, as statistics show, is often the cause of heart attacks and strokes. In other words, flaxseed oil cleanses our blood vessels and significantly reduces the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

Flaxseed oil perfectly supports our body with weakened immunity, and is good at preventing high blood pressure. Athletes like it because it promotes rapid muscle recovery after heavy loads. The use of this product increases the tone of the body, treats inflammatory processes of various etiologies. It promotes better absorption of calcium in the body and, as a result, strengthens bones, which is especially important for older people in whom these processes are impaired.

Flaxseed oil promotes better liver function, has antiparasitic activity, improves vision, and increases color perception. The benefits of this product in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis have been proven; it also helps people suffering from bronchial asthma.

The healing properties of flaxseed oil have proven invaluable in influencing the endocrine, digestive and cardiovascular systems. Flax oil is effective in the treatment of gastritis and colitis, reduces the risk of developing diabetes, and helps get rid of constipation. The stronger sex can also appreciate the properties of this product: it has a beneficial effect on the function and condition of the prostate gland, and increases male potency. And the female gender is even more so, since it facilitates the course of premenstrual syndrome and menopausal manifestations.

When lipid metabolism is disturbed (hypercholesterolemia), the vessels become clogged with cholesterol plaques and the risk of not only stroke and heart attack increases, but also due to chronic oxygen starvation of the brain, a disease such as discirculatory encephalopathy. This disease manifests itself with severe neurological symptoms and can lead to profound dementia. Flaxseed oil functions as a “nurse” for our vascular system, so such patients need it like a breath of fresh air.

It has been established that flax oil stimulates brain function in older people, helps treat depression, and induces more or less stable remission in patients with mental disorders. It is also beneficial for people suffering from an autoimmune disease such as multiple sclerosis.


Contraindications for consuming flaxseed oil include the presence of liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract diseases, cholelithiasis, etc. This product should also not be given to children under 5 years of age. Flax oil is also contraindicated for people with reduced blood clotting and pregnant women.

How to choose the right product and store it after opening?

When purchasing, it is important to choose the right flaxseed oil. When choosing this product, first of all, pay attention to how it is made: choose cold-pressed, unrefined oil, then look not at the bottling date, but at the date of manufacture (squeezing), and calculate the age from the latter. Remember that the “younger” the product, the better it retains its beneficial properties. Try to buy flaxseed oil no older than a month and a half, since due to increased oxidation it cannot be stored in the light, and in pharmacies and stores all goods are displayed in illuminated rooms. Next, look at the container in which the product is located. It should be dark and preferably glass. After this, read the label; the product should not contain any additives in the form of other oils, stabilizers, flavors, etc. If an element such as selenium is added, this is very good, since it enhances the beneficial properties of the product, buy it first.

Due to the fact that linseed oil is very susceptible to oxidation, it is necessary to prevent access to air and light. Therefore, it must be stored in a tightly closed container in a dark place at a temperature of +5 to +20 degrees Celsius, but preferably +5. A refrigerator, that is, its main chamber for storing food, is well suited for this. You can put it in one of the sections located on the door.

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