Benefits and harms, calorie content of sunflower seeds

So, first we look at the vitamin composition:

VitaminContent in 100 g of raw seeds, in mgDaily vitamin intake during pregnancy
Vitamin E35.17 mg 22.5 mg
Vitamin B1 1.48 mg 1.1-1.5 mg
Vitamin B6 1.3 mg 1.5 - 2 mg
Folic acid 0.227 mg 0.4 mg
Vitamin PP, nicotinic acid 8.3 mg 17 - 18 mg
Vitamin B2 0.355 mg 1.1 -1.5 mg
Vitamin C 1.4 mg 70 mg
Vitamin A 0.003 mg 1.5 mg
Vitamin D 0 mg 0.01 mg
Vitamin B12 0 mg 0.0024 mg

The seeds contain the most vitamins E, B1, B6 - about the daily requirement and above. Half the daily dose of folic and niacin. There is very little vitamin A, C, and no vitamins D and B12.

Now let's go over the main functions of the vitamins that seeds are so rich in.

Sunflower seeds: composition, calorie content, daily dosage, benefits and harms

Sunflower seeds

Good afternoon, dear readers! Sunflower seeds are simply a tasty and popular delicacy for many. Who doesn't like to crack sunflower seeds while sitting in front of the TV?

For some time it was believed that such a craving for this product could provoke an attack of appendicitis, but this myth has now been dispelled.

Traditional medicine and even modern science have recognized the fact that sunflower seeds are useful to take for disorders of the endocrine and nervous system.

What else are sunflower seeds good for our body? Let's take a closer look!

Sunflower seeds: chemical composition

Seeds are simply vitamins, amino acids, and vegetable fats. In addition, the kernels contain fiber, which is necessary for normal digestion. This product is especially valued (especially by raw foodists and vegetarians) for its high content of Omega-6 and -9.

Vitamins can be distinguished - Vitamin A, B vitamins, Vitamins C, E, Vitamins D, K, PP. Of the macro- and microelements, the most abundant are potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc.

BZHU for 100 gr. – proteins (20.7 g.), fats (52 g.), carbohydrates (15.5 g.)

Chemical composition

How many seeds can you eat per day?

On a note! The seeds are digested in the human body for two hours and thirty minutes.


Sunflower seeds: benefits

Only with moderate use:

1. Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, reduce “bad” cholesterol, and improve heart function.

2. Improves intestinal function and eliminates constipation.

3. Nucleoli are a good prevention against joint diseases and oncology.

4. Improves the condition of teeth, visual acuity, strengthens bones.

5. It is recommended to use to normalize a person’s emotional state, nervous disorders, help fight depression, and relieve stress.

6. Will help improve the functioning of the respiratory system in asthma.

What are the benefits of sunflower seeds for women?

1. Thanks to the high zinc content, they will help restore shine to hair, eliminate dandruff and flaking of the skin.

2. Vitamins A and E play an important role in the body's metabolic processes and slow down the aging process. Only 30 gr. There are enough nucleoli to cover the daily requirement of Vitamin E.

3. Based on the nucleoli, you can prepare scrubs that will restore the structure of the skin, renew cells, and remove the stratum corneum.

4. Vitamin B6 and folic acid also improve the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. Help relieve unpleasant symptoms during menopause.

5. They help cleanse the intestines, improve digestion, and therefore promote weight loss and weight normalization.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Sunflower seeds during pregnancy and breastfeeding

1. It is recommended to consume raw seeds during pregnancy. They have fewer calories and rarely cause heartburn or diarrhea.

2. It is better to buy already peeled or clean with your hands, so as not to chew the husks or spoil the tooth enamel, which during this period becomes very fragile.

3. They will enrich the body with vitamins and beneficial elements, especially in the first and second trimester of pregnancy.

4. Folic acid is especially necessary for the proper development of the fetus.

5. Dosed consumption will help control weight and normalize cholesterol.

6. One small seed of seeds will put the nervous system in order, relieve irritability and excess excitability, and can also be used to relieve toxicosis and vomiting.

7. During breastfeeding, be very careful and attentive. Seeds are classified as allergenic foods, so try introducing them into your diet in minimal doses two months after giving birth and monitor your baby’s reaction. If everything goes well, this product will enrich mother’s milk and make it more nutritious.

8. Use no more than 20 grams. raw seeds per day, otherwise the child may experience diathesis, colic or bloating. Fried kernels add a slight bitterness to the milk and the child can simply refuse such milk.

The benefits of sunflower kernels for weight loss

Even with such a high calorie content, you can consume this product in minimal doses (20 grams) when losing weight.

1. They satisfy hunger well, so they can be used as a snack replacement.

2. The product normalizes stool, improves digestion, cleanses the body of toxins, which all together, of course, helps normalize weight.

For diabetes

The magnesium in this product can lower blood sugar; in addition, the glycemic index is only 25 units. But, consume only in small doses, only raw or slightly dried in a frying pan, so as not to provoke obesity or harm the liver.

Hulled seeds

Use in traditional medicine and recipes from traditional healers

The small kernels, due to their medicinal properties, can relieve the symptoms of certain diseases if properly prepared and taken in moderation.

For the treatment of bronchitis and persistent cough

You need to prepare a decoction of 50 g. raw seeds and a glass of water. Place the ingredients in a small saucepan, bring to a boil, cook over low heat until the volume has reduced by a third. Leave the broth to cool completely and brew, strain, take 2 tablespoons three times a day.

For the treatment of hypertension

You need to prepare a decoction of two glasses of raw seeds and a liter of water. Boil the product for two hours after boiling. Then cool, strain, take 0.5 cups twice a day for 14 days. After a week, if necessary, the course can be repeated. To boost immunity

If you have a weakened immune system or during cold and flu season, you can prepare a medicinal mixture from their raw, peeled seeds, fresh honey, and adding a few drops of lemon juice. Take a teaspoon every morning.

How to fry raw sunflower seeds

It is not at all necessary to buy ready-made, roasted seeds in the store; you can roast them yourself very simply and quickly.

Pour unpeeled raw sunflower fruits into a hot frying pan, fry over low heat, stirring all the time for 10-15 minutes. When the kernels are fried (just try one), pour into a plate, cover with a towel, and let cool completely.

You can simply dry it in the oven with the door open for 5-10 minutes.

With any method of preparation, the seeds must be thoroughly washed first.

You can fry the seeds with sea salt. To do this, they need to be soaked in water, where a little salt was previously diluted, for 20-30 minutes. Then pour directly into the frying pan with water and fry until all the water has evaporated.

On a note! You can fry the peeled kernels immediately, but no more than 5 minutes over low heat until golden brown.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds: how to choose, how to store

When buying in a store, it is difficult to determine the quality of seeds, since the packages are always dense and opaque. You can only look at the date of packaging. The harvest is harvested in the fall, which means the date should be somewhere in these autumn months.

If the seeds are sold by weight, then you should pay attention to:

1. Smell without rotten or bitter aroma.

2. Black peel without damage, gray coating, shines a little.

3. It is better to take from medium-sized seeds, they are the most delicious and easier to clean.

4. If the seller allows you to try, then this is the best way to check the quality of the product.

Raw kernels spoil very quickly, so it is better to spread them in an even layer in the sun and dry them a little.

It is better to store in the refrigerator, put the seeds in paper bags. Can be stored for up to 9 months.

Roasted seeds can be stored for no more than a month or a maximum of one and a half.

Sunflower seeds: harm and contraindications

1. Do not consume seeds with husks. The husk is not digested in the body and can cause constipation or problems with the intestines or stomach.

2. Do not consume roasted seeds if you have chronic liver diseases, stomach ulcers, acute gastritis, pancreatitis, only raw or slightly dried and in very limited quantities.

3. Do not use at night, otherwise all the calories will be deposited in problem areas.

4. Do not use if you have gallbladder diseases, acute gout, intestinal colitis, or a tendency to obesity.

5. If you have an individual intolerance or allergy to this product.

6. The habit of regularly shelling seeds can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel, the development of caries, and the formation of tartar.

7. Vocalists are prohibited from using this product, as the seeds have an enveloping effect on the vocal ligaments.

: “Living healthy” and Elena Malysheva. Sunflower seeds - benefits, how to choose, how to store, how to cook

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Functions of Vitamin E

There is a separate and very detailed article on vitamin E on the blog: “All about vitamin E during pregnancy,” here I will simply list its main functions.

  1. Reduces blood
  2. Participates in the synthesis of proteins : collagen in subcutaneous tissue and bones, contractile proteins of smooth muscles and the heart, proteins of the mucous membranes and placenta, liver enzymes and gonadotropic hormones.
  3. Necessary for body growth, development of the nervous system, muscles, liver and other organs.
  4. It is an immunomodulator that helps strengthen the body's defenses.
  5. Is a cell membrane protector

Functions of Vitamin B1

Let's see what B1 is responsible for:

  1. Vitamin B1 is the most important vitamin in a child’s energy metabolism ; it normalizes the activity of the central, peripheral nervous systems, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
  2. Vitamin B1 plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism . Each cell of our body “feeds” and gives up everything it needs, that is, it lets in water, fats, vitamins, microelements and gives away the waste products of its life to activities - these simple and understandable processes are usually called “metabolism”. Therefore, vitamin B1 is simply necessary for the normal functioning of any cell in the body, especially nerve cells, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
  3. Vitamin B1 normalizes the acidity of gastric juice , the motor activity of the stomach and intestines , which is extremely important during pregnancy.
  4. Increases the body's resistance to infections and other adverse environmental factors.

Functions of Vitamin B6

  1. Vitamin B6 is involved in protein metabolism in
  2. Necessary for the construction of enzymes that ensure the normal functioning of 60 different enzymatic systems.
  3. Necessary for the synthesis of antibodies , i.e. to maintain immunity,
  4. Necessary for the formation of red blood cells
  5. Needed for normal functioning of the central nervous system
  6. Helps get rid of nighttime muscle spasms, calf muscle cramps , numbness of the hands, and some forms of neuritis of the extremities
  7. Necessary for normal absorption of vitamin B12
  8. Needed for the formation of magnesium compounds in the body
  9. Improves the absorption of unsaturated fatty acids
  10. Helps increase gastric acidity

What types of seeds are there?

Of course, even in Russia there are a great many varieties of seeds, but the most popular are pumpkin and sunflower seeds. In first place, after all, are sunflower seeds. From them, our ancestors learned to make oil, which no housewife or cook can do without today. Sunflower oil is designed to improve the taste of food, make it healthier and tastier. For example, a dish cooked in sunflower oil is much healthier than one cooked in animal fat. Do not confuse the concept of benefit and calorie content. Sunflower oil is not inferior in calorie content to animal oils. The benefit of sunflower oil, firstly, lies in the absence of cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels and clogs them. This in itself does him credit. And secondly, sunflower oil contains substances (phytosterols) that prevent the absorption of cholesterol that enters the body with food. Of course, this will not help you get rid of cholesterol if you eat fatty beef or pork fried in vegetable oil.

Pumpkin seed oil is rarely used in cooking, as it is much more expensive than sunflower seed oil. But that doesn't mean it's less useful. In our country, pumpkin seed oil is used more often for medicinal purposes. It is perfect for treating problems with the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, for cosmetic purposes in the fight against dry skin and for general cleansing of the body.

Macro and microelement composition of seeds

In addition to vitamins, seeds contain a lot of interesting macro and microelements.

Micro/macro elementContent in 100 g of seeds, in mgDaily norm of the element during pregnancy
Magnesium 325 mg 350 mg
Phosphorus 660 mg 700 mg
Zinc 5 mg 12 mg
Iron 6 mg 18 mg
Potassium 645 mg 2000 mg
Calcium 280 mg 1500 mg
Sodium 9 mg 500 mg

So, from the table it is clear that the seeds are champions in content - magnesium and phosphorus (daily dose in 100 grams), they contain a lot of zinc and iron (half/third of the daily value), a little, but there is Potassium, Calcium and Sodium.

Let's see what the benefits of magnesium and phosphorus are.

Sunflower seeds: calorie content, nutritional value, beneficial properties, vitamins

Currently, there are more than 60 varieties of sunflowers. The seeds of this plant differ in size, shape and color. Scientists believe that sunflowers were brought to Europe from America in the 16th century.

This is how it began to spread throughout the world. The product can be bought in almost any store.

What do you know about sunflower seeds? Let's take a closer look at this long-familiar product.

Composition of sunflower seeds

Only sunflower seed kernels are suitable for consumption. They have a grayish tint and are shaped like a droplet. The kernels are hidden in a dense shell of gray or black color, and in some plant varieties the shell is striped.

The beneficial properties of sunflower seeds are due to their unique chemical composition:

  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.
  • Beta carotene.
  • Amino acids.
  • Fatty acid.

Macro and microelements, as well as vitamins, are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

Amino acids normalize fat metabolism, and fatty acids restore and support the functioning of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

Thanks to beta-carotene, sunflower seeds have immunostimulating and antioxidant properties. The product also contains dietary fiber and oils, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

On a note:

Sunflower seeds can prevent the development of heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis. Unripe kernels in a white shell help increase appetite and lower blood pressure.

Food and calories

On food labels and packaging we often find the following characteristics: nutritional and energy value. How are they different? Every person studies biology at school and knows that in the process of digestion a certain energy is produced.

The amount of this energy is called calorie content or energy value. It is measured in kilocalories/kilojoules and is calculated per 100 grams of product. From the same biology, we remember that any food contains carbohydrates, fats and proteins necessary for health.

BJU is a nutritional value.

A feature of sunflower seeds is their nutritional value, which is due to their nutritional value:

  • Proteins - 20.7 g.
  • Fats - 52.9 g, which is 88.2% of the required daily value.
  • Carbohydrates - 10.5 g.
  • Dietary fiber - 5 g.
  • Water - 8 g.

We've sorted out the nutritional value, now let's see how many calories are in sunflower seeds.


The calorie content of roasted sunflower seeds per 100 grams differs from the energy value of the raw product. 100 g of roasted sunflower seeds release 700 kcal of energy, and the calorie content of raw sunflower kernels is 578 kcal.

Such high figures are a kind of warning. Yes, you heard right. Seeds are not such a harmless product. People who are prone to obesity should be careful when consuming the product, otherwise there is a chance of gaining a couple of extra kilos of weight.

Vitamins in sunflower seeds

Sunflower kernels are rich in vitamins and minerals.

The seeds contain:

  • Vitamin A or retinol and beta-carotene.
  • B vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6, B9. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails, giving them a healthy appearance.
  • Vitamin D, which ensures the absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the small intestine.
  • Vitamin E, which protects body cells from destruction.
  • Potassium and sodium.
  • Calcium and magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Iron and iodine.
  • Selenium and zinc.

The vitamin-mineral complex of the product provides the body with the most important and necessary substances, supporting its health and longevity.

Regular consumption of sunflower seeds reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, increases the body's resistance to harmful radiation, and prevents the development of serious diseases. In addition, the seeds are used in cosmetology.

They are included in various cosmetics because they are able to restore the hair structure and improve the condition of the skin.

Often fried seeds serve as a kind of anti-stress. The process of separating the kernels from the shell calms and distracts from unnecessary thoughts. It is doubly pleasant to crack the seeds, knowing that it is not only tasty, but also healthy. Seed lovers should not get carried away. Excessive consumption of the product increases the risk of tartar formation and destruction of tooth enamel. It is also important to know that if you have gout, colitis, stomach or intestinal ulcers, the use of sunflower seeds is contraindicated.

When buying treats and favorite foods, pay attention to their composition, nutritional and energy value. You will discover a lot of useful information, you will be able to balance your diet, normalize your weight, and take a step forward on the path to your health. Don't forget that sometimes ordinary foods turn out to be very necessary for your body.


Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

In addition to vitamins and elements, seeds are interesting for their fat composition.

100 grams of seeds contain:

  • 20 grams protein
  • 20 grams carbohydrates
  • Over 52 grams of fat

At the same time, the seeds contain: 23.172 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids, 18.52 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids and 4.45 grams of saturated fatty acids.

Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated acids are extremely beneficial for humans; the body cannot produce them on its own, so a person must receive at least 5-10 grams of unsaturated fatty acids per day.

Polyunsaturated acids (also called Omega 3):

  • stop the development of atherosclerosis,
  • help improve blood circulation,
  • have cardioprotective and antiarrhythmic effects.
  • reduce inflammatory processes in the body
  • improve tissue nutrition

How to cook and eat seeds?

All useful functions and properties can be preserved only if the seeds are eaten raw. If you fry them and fatty acids oxidize, most of the vitamins will disappear and little will remain of the initial benefits.

Eating 100 grams of raw seeds is not an easy task. I do this: I add seeds to vegetable salads, green ones to smoothies. I eat it just like that during the day in a slightly sprouted form: for this I simply soak the seeds in cold water, let them stand for about 4-5 hours, drain the water, cover with wet gauze and let them sprout a little.

This is what the seeds look like in sprouts:

This is what my favorite salad with seeds, cabbage and tomatoes looks like:

Sunflower seeds: composition, calorie content, use, benefits and harm

When grandmothers diligently crack seeds at the entrance, they are unlikely to realize how many useful substances they receive. Sunflower grains have such beneficial properties that many pharmacy vitamins cannot compare with.

Chemical composition and calorie content of sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds can often be found ready-roasted. This is how they are used to eating. But there are also connoisseurs of raw seeds. Their calorie content and composition of vitamins and minerals are somewhat different.


The composition of substances in products is usually calculated from 100 grams of product. Sunflower seeds are no exception. They have a rich composition:

  • fats – 49.8 g;
  • carbohydrates – 24.1 g;
  • proteins – 19.3 g;
  • water – 1.2 g;
  • dietary fiber – 11.1 g.

The calorie content of fried seeds is slightly lower than that of raw seeds, amounting to 582 kcal. They are rich in vitamins, valuable microelements, and essential amino acids. Fried sunflower kernels contain: vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9), C, PP, K. Useful macroelements are represented by K, Ca, P, Mg. Among the microelements are Fe, Cu, Mn, Se, Zn. Amino acids – arginine, valine, leucine, etc.

Raw peeled

The nutritional value of the product in its raw form differs from the fried version, but not significantly - 601 kcal. The composition of sunflower seeds is as follows:

  • water – 8 g;
  • fats – 52.9 g;
  • carbohydrates – 10.5 g;
  • proteins – 20.7 g;
  • dietary fiber – 5 g.

The list of vitamins in the raw product does not differ from the fried version. But the list of macroelements is supplemented by Na. Microelements are represented by the same set. Amino acids (larger quantities) - arginine, valine, leucine.

Vitamin D in the usual black and striped sunflower seeds is contained in small quantities (virtually absent), but white sunflower seeds contain quite a lot of it. They were brought from Turkey. They are also rich in vitamin A, which is practically absent in our domestic seeds.

The benefits and harms of seeds for the body

It is believed that the seeds can replace eggs or meat in nutritional value. Another advantage is that they are much easier to perceive by the body and are well absorbed. The rich chemical composition is a real boon for the human body. But there are also negative sides to eating seeds.


Roasted until tender, seeds are not only a source of vitamins, but are also rich in magnesium, vegetable fats, antioxidants (the same vitamin E), and fat-soluble vitamins. Thanks to this, “good” cholesterol is produced. It is possible to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol (prevention of atherosclerosis). But there are other useful properties:

  • arginine has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart, vitamin B1 protects against thrombosis;
  • antioxidants improve skin condition;
  • Magnesium, which is included in the list of benefits, normalizes blood pressure;
  • the process of peeling seeds has a calming effect on disorders and diseases of the nervous system: excessive excitability, anxiety, panic attacks. B vitamins have a positive effect on neurons, and magnesium relieves anxiety.
  • doctors recommend consuming seeds for diseases of the liver and gallbladder in order to improve their functioning;
  • for stomach diseases (high acidity, lack of appetite) can be consumed in small quantities to improve digestion.

With the inclusion of the seeds of this sunny plant, many diets have been developed aimed at combating excess weight and reducing cholesterol levels. Overcooked seeds do not contain the amount of nutrients that the body needs. Thus, they have deteriorated taste.


Raw kernels have even more beneficial properties than fried ones. They are more appropriate in the fight against “bad” cholesterol, as they contain more antioxidants. And also they:

  • useful for use in sports nutrition: help build muscle mass, strengthen the skeletal system and muscles, accelerate the body’s recovery after training, improve endurance;
  • reduce the acidity of gastric juice, eliminate heartburn;
  • daily dosed consumption has a positive effect on the condition of the hair, scalp, and skin;
  • maintain normal metabolism if you have diabetes;
  • prevent the appearance and active development of cancer cells;
  • Sunflower oil can be effectively used in cosmetology for rejuvenating and nourishing masks, for wrapping, and not just when used for food.

Face mask based on seeds

If we compare simple peeled sunflower seeds with heat-treated (fried) ones, then raw ones are more beneficial for the body. They contain a larger amount of vitamins and additional nutrients that are necessary for the optimal functioning of organs and systems of the human body.

Use in folk medicine

Decoction and porridge from seeds is not a sign of poor gastronomic taste. These are just some of the means for treating and preventing certain diseases.

  1. Treatment of bronchitis. Peeled raw seeds (2-3 tbsp) pour 0.5 l of water, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and wait until a quarter of the liquid has evaporated. Take a chilled decoction of 15 ml three times a day.
  2. Normalization of blood pressure, prevention and relief of cardiovascular diseases. Measure out raw peeled seeds into 2 cups, add 2 liters of water, and simmer for 2 hours over low heat. After straining, the broth can be gradually drunk in a glass throughout the day. It is recommended to use it for a couple of weeks and repeat the course every other month.
  3. Rapid decrease in pressure. Grind half a glass of peeled raw seeds in a mortar to a paste, add 2 tbsp. l. chopped parsley, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Eat this paste in three doses with an interval of 1 hour.

The seeds should be consumed separately by both women and men. There are certain reasons for this.

For women

Seeds have a special positive effect on the female body. Eating a moderate amount of seeds per day can help you look good and young.

  • Vegetable oils promote skin rejuvenation, as they contain vitamin E (an antioxidant) and A. With regular consumption of such vegetable fats in their raw form (for example, sunflower oil added to a salad or sauce), the hair structure is restored, and nails become stronger and less prone to to destruction.
  • Sprouted seeds have additional vitamins that are useful for maintaining female beauty. They are added to salads during a diet and included in the daily diet.

To germinate, you need unpeeled seeds that have not undergone heat treatment. They are first soaked in water for a couple of hours. After time has passed, they are washed and placed in a shallow flat container, filled with water until the seeds are slightly covered. In a couple of days the sprout will hatch and the skin will be easily removed. Now the seeds are ready to complement a fresh salad.

  • If a woman decides to lose excess weight, then seeds in limited quantities can help establish fat metabolism and remove toxins from the body. It is useful to make a tandem with pumpkin seeds.
  • The full complex of substances in the product is necessary during pregnancy, and also relieves symptoms during menopause.

For men

The seeds are equally beneficial for the male body. They can have the following effects on a man’s health:

  • thanks to the selenium contained in the seeds, they promote the production of the hormone testosterone, improve erection and sperm quality;
  • vitamins increase immune functions, help eliminate toxins that attack the body due to drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • Selenium also helps prevent prostate cancer.

As for women, the seeds have a rejuvenating effect for men, when consuming the product per day - about 70 g.

Are there any contraindications?

Of course, gnawing on seeds is not only entertaining, but also useful. Although the seeds of a beautiful sunny flower have a very beneficial effect on the body, their use is not recommended for everyone. Sometimes they can cause significant harm to health.

Such a harmless hobby as cracking seeds should be limited for the following reasons:

  1. Tendency to obesity. This fact requires a minimum consumption of seeds in any form (up to 20 g per day), since seeds contain a large amount of fat and have a high calorie content. You should also not eat them on the same day as high-calorie foods.
  2. Allergic reactions to seeds. If there is one, then eating sunflower seeds is not recommended.
  3. Weak tooth enamel. Existing cracks in the teeth, which make them sensitive, will become even more vulnerable if you regularly crack the seeds. And a considerable amount of carbohydrates can cause tooth decay.
  4. Throat problems. If you have chronic pharyngitis, which worsens seasonally, then eating sunflower seeds is not advisable. The transparent film that envelops the seed core acts as an irritant to the mucous membrane of the throat. People who perform professional vocals should also not eat seeds often. This will lead to a deep voice and irritation.
  5. Gastrointestinal disorders. These include irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, and constipation. It is also not recommended to consume seeds for chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  6. Presence of urolithiasis. Oxalate salts contained in seeds provoke the formation of new stones.

If a healthy person is recommended to eat no more than 70 g of seeds per day, then they will not cause any harm to the body. Systematic overeating can lead to gastrointestinal problems. And given that sunflowers can grow in polluted places, their seeds may contain harmful substances - cadmium and other heavy metal salts that settle in the cells of the body.

How to select, prepare and store sunflower seeds?

To be sure of the quality of the product, it is better to grow it yourself on a proven plot of land. But if you had to purchase sunflower seeds, you should evaluate them visually:

  • the color should be uniform, without signs of damage to the shell and bloom;
  • foreign odor is unacceptable;
  • It is better that all seeds are the same size and shape.

Appearance of quality seeds.

Purchasing sunflower seeds at spontaneous markets is very risky, since their origin is unknown and storage conditions are also unknown.

To prepare the seeds for long-term storage, they need to be washed and then dried in the oven for a quarter of an hour. After this, they are placed in bags made of natural fabric and stored in a dry but well-ventilated place.

If the seeds have already been fried, it is not recommended to store them for more than one week. If you have to store it longer, then you shouldn’t expect the usual aroma and taste - they will simply disappear.

Peeled roasted seeds should not be stored outdoors for longer than a day. This is due to the rapid oxidation of fats, after which carcinogens harmful to health are formed.

In order for the seeds to retain the maximum amount of nutrients, it is better not to fry them, but to dry them well in the oven.

There are also special recipes that involve frying the seeds with the addition of sunflower oil or salt (or both).

But it is worth considering that additional seasonings, for example, butter, increase the calorie content of the product, and salt retains water in the body and also contributes to swelling of soft tissues.


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