Sensitive skin: the main signs and main mistakes in care that all women make

Sensitive facial skin signs

Most women may not even realize that they have such a problem. They notice that conventional cosmetics do not suit them, but often cannot understand the reason for this. The main signs by which you can identify sensitive skin are as follows:

  • Constant rashes not associated with acne.
  • Regular appearance of red spots when exposed to the environment.
  • Dryness and peeling of the epidermis.
  • Irritation.
  • Acute reactions to various care products.
  • Pale skin, noticeable thinning.
  • Visibility of the capillary network.
  • The impossibility of prolonged exposure to the sun, the rapid appearance of sunburn.

If you notice the above signs, do not despair. Sometimes sensitivity is acquired and turns out to be a consequence of a lack of vitamins, minerals or previous skin diseases. In this case, the situation can be changed by establishing the correct diet and curing the disease.

Care for men's facial skin after 30 years

After thirty, the activity of the sebaceous glands begins to gradually decrease, and if after washing and toning a feeling of dryness and tightness appears, you can include a gel or face cream in your care.

This can be either a regular moisturizing gel or cream, for example, with aloe, or products with anti-aging components, for example, with peptides or vitamin C.

With age, there comes a time when, after waking up, there is no longer excess sebum and oily sheen in the T-zone, in which case in the morning it is quite enough to simply wash your face with water.

After this, if necessary, you can move on to shaving and then toning.

Face cream

If you already use face cream, then to begin with it is quite enough to apply this product only once a day, for example, in the morning.

And in the evening, just wash your face with foam and apply facial tonic. With age, when the skin becomes even drier, the cream can be used twice a day - morning and evening.

But if a man does not like the feeling of the cream on his face during the day and it seems that the cream is noticeable on the face or gives an oily sheen, then in the morning you can limit yourself to cleansing and toning.

And use moisturizer or anti-aging cream only in evening care. The same goes for eye cream.

Your basic care

For men over 30, four care products are enough:

  1. Washbasin
  2. Tonic
  3. Face cream
  4. Eye cream

And if a man really uses them regularly, that’s already good. This is simply wonderful!

Additional care

However, there are men who like to take care of themselves, or men for whom appearance is of great importance, such as actors. And such men may be interested in additional facial skin care.

In this case, 1-2 times a week you can include peelings and face masks in your care.

Peels have an exfoliating effect and will make the skin smoother, and various masks - cleansing, nourishing or moisturizing - will give the face an even more well-groomed appearance.

Dry and sensitive facial skin

Representatives with severe skin sensitivity experience problems with metabolic processes in the epidermis, which lead to thinning and dryness of the skin. The reason may lie in a genetic predisposition or be acquired, the essence is that the skin is unable to independently secrete the required amount of sebum to create a coating that protects against environmental factors. Skin cells do not retain the required amount of moisture and, as a result, their life cycle is noticeably shortened.

Even minor changes in temperature negatively affect sensitive skin, causing flaking, red spots or even irritation and a slight tingling sensation. It has been proven that overdried skin is more susceptible to aging and the formation of wrinkles, so it is necessary to take proper care of it in a timely manner.

There is definitely a salvation. Cosmetics based on natural ingredients, and even better - natural oils will help provide additional nutrition and saturation with necessary substances.

Why is the skin prone to sensitivity?

Increased irritability is caused by thinning of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and, as a consequence, a decrease in its barrier function. Insufficient protection from adverse external factors leads to the skin reacting to various irritants. The protective function is also provided by immune cells of the skin and the normal functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands. And if, for various reasons, their activity is reduced or the composition of the water-lipid mantle changes, skin irritation may begin, which can be provoked by almost any external factors (heat or cold, water or sun, wind or dust). As a rule, the first signs of irritation appear in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and the area around the eyes.

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It is worth noting that increased skin sensitivity to cosmetics, neuropsychic stress, and weather factors is often confused with allergies or taken for a skin disease. However, this skin condition can occur against the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially gastritis and gastroduodenitis), allergic, skin, endocrine diseases, as well as disorders of the immune system. In such cases, a decrease in skin reactivity occurs after treatment of the underlying disease.

Oily sensitive facial skin

As paradoxical as it may sound, oily skin can also be sensitive and irritated.

Quite often, this problem arises after diligent attempts to cleanse the skin with peelings and scrubs. It's always worth considering the fact that your skin needs sebum to protect it, and overdoing it with shine will only make things worse. In fact, everything is very simple. Frequent use of degreasers (and even more so those containing alcohol) leads to dehydration of the skin and the disappearance of the protective layer. Trying to recover, dry skin causes processes of more activated fat production and becomes even fatter than it was initially.

Frequent scrubbing with coarse particles causes the same result.

To care for oily skin, you simply need a special moisturizer, so do not neglect this care product.

Under the sign of testosterone

Men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, in a word, alien creatures,” wrote the American writer John Gray about the “enormous” differences between men and women. If we leave psychology aside and focus only on physiology, these differences are easily explained: the female and male bodies are controlled by different hormones. The main male hormone is testosterone - for a man it is like gasoline for a car. He is responsible for a man’s appearance, character traits, ambitions, and mood. And including for the characteristics of the skin and its specific “male” problems.

Differences in female and male skin, that is, gender differences, begin to appear during puberty (from about 12 years old), when the synthesis of sex hormones begins and persist throughout a man’s life. And they must be taken into account in care programs.

Men's skin

Men's skin is much denser than women's . The dermis has a larger number of collagen fibers and is on average 15-25% thicker, the stratum corneum of the epidermis is about 50% thicker, which makes the epidermis much stronger.


Very often, when talking about the greater density of men's skin, they refer to a study conducted by L'Oreal, according to which, on average, men's skin is about 20% thicker than women's skin. There are quite a lot of anthropometric studies studying the structural features of male and female skin, but they are all very contradictory. Most of the research comes down to the fact that the thickness of the stratum corneum and the epidermal barrier of the skin are structured the same regardless of gender. And the main differences lie, of course, in hormonal receptor regulation.

Due to the greater amount of melanin, hemoglobin and keratin, men's skin is darker in color .

Men's skin has fewer sebaceous glands, but due to the predominance of testosterone, they work more intensively than in women. This should be taken into account when choosing men's cosmetics and care methods. Increased sebum production is the reason why men's skin is usually oily, with enlarged pores. She often suffers from a problem such as seborrheic dermatitis. Dry skin usually occurs in certain areas of men - for example, around the chin or cheeks. Only by the age of 50 does the oil content of women's and men's skin become almost the same.

In men, the degree of skin extensibility is lower, and firmness and elasticity are higher than in women, since the fibers of the connective tissue of men's skin fit more tightly to each other. Thanks to these features, men rarely suffer from cellulite and stretch marks. Therefore, when talking about caring for men’s skin, hormonal differences and cell structure taking into account hormonal reception come to the fore: the susceptibility of some tissues and the total immunity of others, depending on gender.

The larger number of capillaries in men's skin means that it is much better supplied with blood. But men suffer from weakness of small blood vessels, leading to rosacea and giving the face an unhealthy red or purple tint. Moreover, with age this problem only gets worse. Colorometric studies have revealed that skin redness in men aged 55 to 88 years is more pronounced than in their peers. And here we are not just talking about “unhealthy redness,” but about undiagnosed forms of rosacea, which require not only aesthetic removal of capillaries, but also competent dermatological treatment.

The thickness of subcutaneous fat in men is significantly less . This difference is clearly evident at the beginning of puberty.

Men's sweat glands are larger and are found in greater numbers on the skin. Hence the tendency to increased sweating. Very often, it is men who suffer from a disease called hyperhidrosis.

— Due to constant shaving, men’s skin often suffers from
increased sensitivity .
That is why you should not neglect men's cosmetics created for care and moisturization. Another difference is the level of acid-base balance . If in women the pH is on average 5.7, then in men it is 5.4. This makes their skin more sensitive. But men's skin feels less pain and “gives in” to changes in temperature. However, according to many researchers, there is no precise evidence yet whether such small differences in acidity affect the physiological parameters of the skin of men and women.

Sensitive combination skin

Combination and sensitive facial skin is a common occurrence. The reason for this condition is improper care or lack of any care.

Often the problem of combination skin is a consequence of constant exposure to irritating chemicals on the epidermis. These can be peelings with an aggressive composition that deplete the skin and make it irritated and dry on the one hand, and irritated and oily on the other.

Problematic skin of this type requires the most careful and regular care using mild moisturizers and cleansers. Don't try to cleanse or moisturize your skin as much as possible. Regular application of the correct product will eliminate the problem over time.

Care for men's facial skin up to 30 years old

To care for young male skin up to 30, as a rule, two products are enough - wash and toner.

Facial cleansing

You can use gel or foam as a washbasin for daily cleansing, and I described in detail how to choose a good washstand in a separate article.


To tone the skin after cleansing or shaving, men can use sensitive skin toners or soothing aftershave lotions.

It is necessary to cleanse and tone the skin every day, morning and evening.

Your natural face cream

In principle, nothing else is required to care for young male skin.

At this age, men have quite high activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, the secretion of which forms its own cream on the surface of the skin - a hydrolipid mantle, which perfectly protects the skin from external irritants.

Therefore, as a rule, young men do not need to use facial moisturizer. Quite the contrary, using a moisturizing gel or cream unnecessarily can often contribute to oily shine or clogged pores.

The exceptions are trips to the sea, trips to the beach, that is, prolonged exposure to the sun, when both women and men need to use sunscreen.

Problem skin

A special approach is required to care for skin prone to rashes. In this case, it is advisable to purchase a cleansing gel and tonic for problem skin.

Such products, as a rule, contain acids, plant extracts and other components that not only cleanse, but also:

  • Acidify the skin
  • Normalize pH
  • Provides antibacterial and
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.

Those with problem skin can also be prescribed gels or creams with acids, retinol and plant extracts.

Or pharmaceutical preparations that will have an exfoliating effect, regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands and help reduce rashes.

Some brands produce 2 in 1 products: for shaving and cleansing the face

Cleansing sensitive skin

When cleansing irritated skin, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Wash with warm, preferably boiled or distilled water.
  • Do not use soap for daily washing.
  • Get rid of all cleansers that contain alcohol.
  • Use products suitable for your skin type. For high fat content, soft gels or foams are suitable, and for dry skin, moisturizing milk.
  • Micellar water is suitable for cleansing different skin types, including combination skin.
  • Gently pat your face with a towel after washing.
  • The use of moisturizer after hygiene procedures is a must.
  • In the presence of inflammatory processes, it is necessary to select a product that has both a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect.

By following all the rules, you can achieve a gentle cleansing of the skin without damaging the protective layer. Over time, the skin will become less irritated and prone to all kinds of rashes.

Skin care for men

There are certain men's skin care products that you should have on hand to take care of your facial skin every day:

  • Cleansers . You should wash your face twice a day with a good cleanser. If possible, it should contain alpha hydroxyl acids to help flush away dead skin cells and keep pores clean.
  • Shaving cream . Use a product that will properly lubricate the skin so that the blade glides over it, preventing cuts. You can choose shaving cream or gel in aerosol cans, or you can buy shaving soap that is applied to the face with a brush. Some men find that the brush makes the hair stand up straighter for an easier shave.
  • Aftershave lotion . Many men use aftershave lotion to soothe their skin after shaving. The lotion should contain an antiseptic to prevent infection and a facial moisturizer.
  • Moisturizing cream . Skin tends to dry out as its essential oils diminish with age, but a good moisturizer can help. Choose a moisturizer that contains antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E, which can protect skin cells from aging. Stay away from creams or lotions containing sodium lauryl sulfate, which strips the skin's natural oils.
  • Sunscreen is the best thing you can do to prevent skin aging and should be applied whenever you plan to spend time outdoors. Some experts even recommend applying sunscreen immediately after shaving. Make sure it has an SPF level of at least 15.

Proper shaving

Shaving has hidden benefits - the exfoliation that occurs every time you shave will help keep your facial skin looking young and healthy. But if you shave incorrectly, you can cause cuts and infection in your skin. To shave properly, follow these steps:

  • Soften the stubble . Wet your face thoroughly with hot water. To wet the bristles, you can use a warm cloth to further soften the hairs.
  • Apply shaving cream . Cover all stubble with foam or shaving cream. Make the hairs stand up and lubricate the skin.
  • Shaving . Use a sharp razor and shave in the direction the hair lies. Keep your skin relaxed while shaving.
  • Rinse your skin . Rinse any remaining shaving cream from your face. Use cool or warm water as hot water will dry out your skin.

How to keep your facial skin young

The best anti-aging product you can use is sunscreen, which will both hydrate your skin and prevent sun damage. However, to treat skin that is beginning to show signs of aging, like wrinkles and dullness, consider tretinoin gel or emollients (Retin-A Micro, Renova). These products boost the natural production of collagen and elastic fibers in the skin, so they treat discoloration, wrinkles and degeneration of elastic tissue. They are available by prescription only, so consult your doctor.

Care for sensitive skin

Care should include cleansing and moisturizing the skin, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the desired result.

Cosmetic preparations must be selected that are specially designed for this type. They have a more gentle effect and contain more natural ingredients.

Also, care products must be chosen depending on the time of year to provide the greatest protection: in summer - from ultraviolet rays, and in winter - from cold air and strong winds.

Girls with hypersensitive skin should avoid mechanical stimulation by using scrubs or peels. You can achieve a cleansing effect without their help.

If you have hypersensitivity, it would be a good idea to visit a dermatologist who will help you find out the cause of this condition and choose the appropriate medications.

Causes of sensitive skin

This type of skin is quite dry by nature, which means that the sebaceous glands produce little oil. As a result, the stratum corneum is very thin and does not protect the skin well from external influences. Harmful substances easily penetrate through this layer. Sensitive skin often affects blondes with fair skin that lack protective pigmentation.

Dermatologists blame external factors such as air pollution, stress, and poor cosmetics for increased skin sensitivity. Many women find that their skin is sensitive due to any form of allergy. However, this is not quite true. There are only external symptoms here. According to experts, we are talking about allergies only in cases where our immune system is affected. This can only be determined by a blood test.

An allergy is recognized by the following signs: it never appears just like that, that is, it never happens immediately after applying any cream. An allergic reaction appears on the skin only after 3-5 hours. Sensitive skin, on the contrary, will instantly react to a bad cream.

Moisturizing sensitive facial skin

As already mentioned, proper hydration is the key to a healthy epidermis. Daily application of moisturizers will help restore the condition of skin of any type and degree of sensitivity.

It is best to use creams for day and night care, preferably from the same manufacturer, so that the care is comprehensive. Pay attention to the composition of the chosen product, as well as its effect on the epidermis. Under no circumstances should it form a film on the face.

As strange as it may sound, for additional hydration you need to drink enough liquid every day. You should not drink tap water, which may contain chlorine and other impurities; the best option would be distilled or boiled water.

Having chosen some specific moisturizing preparations and masks, you should not change them often. Let your body get used to it! Then all efforts will not be in vain and over time, irritability will noticeably decrease.

What is important to know if you have sensitive skin?

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that care is not very difficult. This applies to both the recipe and the drugs used. Because during one care procedure with cleansing (milk and eau de toilette) and application of cream, the skin comes into contact with about 30 different substances. But the fewer substances that affect the skin, the less danger that it will not be able to tolerate any of them. This means that it is necessary to abandon a care program where two creams are applied one on top of the other. For example, instead of a day cream and tone, it is advisable to use a tinted day cream, etc.

For sensitive skin, try new products only when it is not exposed to various stresses. Rushing to work or family quarrels can spoil the skin so much that it will not tolerate the cream well, which under normal conditions could be quite suitable for it.

Expose your face to ultraviolet rays as little as possible, and if you go out into the sun, apply a protective product with strong light-protective filters. Water-resistant sunscreen can protect your skin from the harsh effects of chlorinated pool water.

During stressful periods, give up anything that can ruin your skin from the inside: coffee, black tea or carbonated drinks. You need to be careful with alcohol and spicy seasonings and dishes. They stimulate blood circulation and increase nervousness, which with sensitive skin often leads to dermatitis and itching.

Sensitive skin nutrition

To provide nutrition, it is a good idea to apply homemade nourishing masks using various oils that contain omega-6 and omega-3 acids. These oils include almond, apricot or grape seed, and rice. It is not recommended to apply them in their pure form, since they can aggravate the situation, but as part of masks they will help saturate the cells with the necessary building material and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Without nutrients, the barrier properties of the skin are disrupted, allowing the penetration of irritants and the occurrence of allergic reactions.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to use creams that contain vitamin A, panthenol or herbal extracts.

Cosmetics for sensitive skin

Most cosmetics manufacturers produce entire lines of products for those with sensitive skin. They do not contain harsh chemicals and provide nutrition and hydration. When choosing products, you must carefully read the composition. It must contain the following components:

  • Hyaluronic acid or glycerin, which will help create a special protective layer that retains the necessary moisture.
  • Vitamin E or vitamin C. They will help give youth and freshness and protect cells from negative effects.
  • Clay, especially white clay, will help cleanse the skin.
  • Lactic or salicylic acid will help to gently cleanse the epidermis of dead cells without resorting to the use of scrubs.
  • Panthenol will help soothe irritated skin and heal it.

Diagnostic methods

Determining the causes of an illness, as in any other case, begins with an analysis of all the patient’s complaints and collection of a medical history, that is, information about the course of the disorder, living conditions, previous diseases, etc. This is followed by a neurological examination. The patient's olfactory functions and vision are checked, and the reaction of the skin is assessed. To establish the causes of pathology and diagnose it, contacting a psychiatrist or psychologist will help, who will help assess the psycho-emotional state of a person.

Masks for sensitive skin

Masks will provide nutrition and hydration to irritated skin. The most popular are the following:

1. Banana . Crush the pulp of one banana and add a little natural oil (linseed, olive) to the pulp. Mix the resulting mass and apply to the face. Keep the mask on for no more than 20 minutes, then rinse carefully.

2. Potato. Boil one potato and crush it, mixing in the yolk and a little milk. The duration of application is the same as for a banana mask.

3. Yolk with sour cream will also be an excellent way to give the skin elasticity. Mix one yolk with 2 tablespoons of sour cream and add a little carrot juice. Your skin will clearly appreciate such a gift.

4. Kefir or sour milk , even without additives, will turn out to be a simple and nutritious mask. It is applied in several layers, waiting for each layer to dry, and then rinsed off thoroughly.

5. An excellent mask with a light scrubbing effect can be made from oatmeal. Pour boiling water over one spoon of flakes and leave to steam for 10 minutes. Apply the resulting paste onto the face with massage movements and hold for several minutes.

Peeling for sensitive skin

Those with sensitive skin types should avoid such procedures or use them extremely rarely.

If it is necessary to carry out a procedure, you should choose specialized preparations with small exfoliating particles that will not damage the protective layer.

By selecting all the necessary products, the owner of sensitive skin will be able to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, and sometimes completely restore the condition of the epidermis.

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