Don't have enough time for sports? Can a short, intense workout replace the routine of slow running?

Just start

Yes, it's very simple. You just need to start and you will see that you can always find time for sports. You won’t even notice how training will become a habit without which it will be difficult to imagine your life.

If you are being prevented from training not only by a lack of time, but also by high prices for a subscription and sportswear, read our article about 15 life hacks that will help you save money on sports.

How to find time for exercise even for the busiest people.

The vast majority of people are well aware of the health benefits of physical activity. But if you do a survey about the reasons for their ignoring physical exercise, the most popular answer will probably be four words familiar to everyone - I DON’T HAVE TIME.

Yes, we live in a fast-paced age, and many of us do have quite busy schedules. However, there are thousands of people who work just as much, and maybe even more, than you, but this does not stop them from paying attention to their health. Moreover, if you look closely, you can find quite a sufficient amount of free time for running, training or visiting the gym. Shall we try?

First of all, please note that improving your health does not require mandatory hours of training. This is rather necessary for professional athletes striving for records and medals. For the average person, even ten minutes of exercise a day will improve your health, give you energy, and improve your mood. In fact, new scientific research shows that if previously inactive people exercise just 15 minutes a day, they can reduce their risk of premature death by 14% and increase their life expectancy by three years.

Also, remember that a “workout” doesn’t have to take place in a gym or require expensive equipment! Short 15-minute bursts of physical activity, repeated several times throughout the day, can improve your health and help you achieve a lean and strong body. Well, the following tips will help you find time for this.

Get up earlier

Sleep is undoubtedly of great importance for the overall health of the body and your mood, but why not get up at least 30 minutes earlier and take this time for yourself? Morning training has many benefits - it gives you a boost of energy and vigor for the whole day, excellent appetite and mood. But the most important thing is that you do it at the very beginning of the day and no fatigue can stop you! In the evening, you can simply relax after a hard day, spend time with family or entertainment.

Cut your media

Try a little experiment. Try recording how much time you spend each day watching TV, playing computer games, or chatting on Facebook or chatting. Believe me, the recordings made will surprise you. I do not urge you to give up TV, the computer and go to a mountain monastery, but a reasonable limitation of such pastimes can give you ample time for studying.

Be an active TV viewer

It’s not realistic to completely give up sitting in front of the TV, otherwise how will we find out how our favorite series ends? But no one ties you to a sofa or chair, right? Stretch, squat, do push-ups, do yoga or jump rope - you'll get double the benefits from watching it. And such long commercial breaks are simply created for a physical jolt for your body.

How to find time for sports?

What if you can’t workout in the morning? Get up 10-15 minutes earlier! It's not difficult. And if it’s difficult, then the problem is not time, but desire. And in this case, you need to look not for time, but for motivation to play sports. Or simply admit that you don't want to train. But don't deceive yourself! Self-deception is the most stupid and unproductive thing a person can do. And perfectionism, by the way, is a kind of deception. Because many people want to play sports almost like professional athletes. Just every day or at least 3-4 times a week according to a special training program. And that's not bad! But if there is no such opportunity now, then it’s worth doing as best you can.

The advantage of at least some physical activity is its effect on health and physical condition. This will allow you to immediately join the training when the time appears. Moreover, such training will create this time. Because, as we said above, it's all about priorities. And when a person gets into the training regime, he will begin to find time to visit the gym. Of course, if he really wants it. If a person just wants to look for excuses for himself, then he will never have time. But if a person wants something, he should do the minimum that can be done today, right now. And this applies not only to sports. This is how you need to act in all areas of life.

There's really no time

But what to do if a person is already training at home, but really doesn’t have time to go to the gym. Well, then, firstly, you can use a home workout program . Because it really helps to save time, providing more or less acceptable results. Secondly, you can buy an exercise bike. Because it allows you to do cardio workouts. And cardio is very good for health . And since the percentage of body fat most affects physical attractiveness, cardio also has the most significant effect on appearance. After all, it develops mitochondria. And well-developed mitochondria allow you to eat and not gain weight. At the very least, mitochondrial atrophy definitely leads to obesity.

How to force yourself?


Regarding our topic of sports and proper nutrition, this is first of all a clear daily routine . Without this, you shouldn’t even try, otherwise you risk losing a lot of time in philosophical bargaining with yourself “so, I’ll lie down for an hour and go to the gym.” As a result, the “hour” stretches into three, but there was still no fuse.

You must structure your day so that there is enough time for cooking and going to the gym, for work and rest, i.e. provide for everything and allocate clear time for each item. Not “after lunch to the gym” (this is non-specific and gives room for laziness), but “from 16:00 to 18:00” or, for example, “immediately after work”.

Don't have enough time? Get up earlier or remain the same person you were before. Cruel, but true. Do you think that the main thing to be healthy and slim is to work hard in the gym and that’s it? No, the cornerstone of your future high self-esteem is a change in your thinking style and lifestyle.

Many people believe that the secret of success is that you finally made it to the gym. But no!


Do you think that the life of all kinds of bikinis and fit-necks is a continuous holiday? No, no and no - this is a routine , the monotonous performance of systematic actions (sports, nutrition, rest, work). You will have to accept the rules of the game, otherwise there will be no success either in terms of physical beauty or in professional and personal growth.

Motivation for sports, motivation for losing weight, quotes

Don’t be afraid, it looks scary now, in fact, it’s a huge thrill to live according to a comfortable, adequate daily routine, eating quality food, playing sports and developing spiritually. Try it and it will seem inconceivable to you that you once lived differently!

When you know that you have clear terms of the task, it is easier to complete it. This applies to all areas of life. Responsibility to yourself should become your principle of life.

You can compare this to the work of a pilot. He has a clear algorithm, beyond the boundaries of which he has no right to go, but at the same time the most important decisions (when to take off/land/lower the landing gear) remain with the pilot. The plane is your life, you are both the pilot and the flight center, you have both freedom and responsibility in the conditions of a detailed system created by yourself.

But you should not create a rigid and inflexible system for yourself that will push you to breakdowns. A daily routine (convenient and clear) is the first step towards discipline .

You need it to face facts while maintaining faith in success, to develop the “inner discipline” that will help you move forward without thinking about breaking down and giving up. However, it is not enough to draw it up; you also need to live by it.

Of course, at first you will have to force yourself. You must set the condition for yourself that there cannot be any excuses Going to the gym should be like brushing your teeth for you - yes, you’re lazy, yes, you don’t want to, but as they say, you have to, Fedya, you have to.

DON'T SHARE. Believe me, it will go into the system very quickly.


Second, be honest with yourself. Speak your thoughts completely in your head and then analyze them.

For example, not just “my leg hurts, I won’t go anywhere,” but honestly and in detail, “yes, my leg hurts a little, but in reality I’m just too lazy to go to the gym and I’m looking for excuses.”

By the way, such a conscious style of thinking will help you in all areas of life; it teaches you to take responsibility for your actions only on yourself and to be honest with yourself. At the same time, the shame and embarrassment that you will experience will stimulate you better than all these motivational photos, videos, etc.

The whole truth about when to do cardio: in the morning, before or after strength training?

But please don't lose your head and keep it on. If you have sprained your leg, you are incredibly overwhelmed at work, or your child is sick, then you have the right to postpone some things, be objective and honest. DON'T GO CRAZY. Excessive heroism and obsession will not bring you anything good.



Third, have patience.

The fairy tale will soon be told, but the deed will not be done soon. It’s a pity, but the process of losing weight and achieving a harmonious figure cannot be called quick; it’s a marathon, not a sprint. As Albert Einstein said, “he who wants to see the result of his work immediately should become a shoemaker.” Be prepared to change your lifestyle and your thinking.


Motivation for sports, motivation for losing weight, quotesIt shouldn't be like the one in the picture!
Find time for both sports and personal joys - otherwise what is the point of living such a limited life? And finally, the fourth point, which you cannot do without: forget about maximalism .

All or nothing is not our option. When developing a diet and exercise plan, do not forget that you also have LIFE. Don't push yourself into limits that you can't stand. The process should be comfortable and convenient for you, otherwise you will quickly break down and be disappointed.

Going to extremes is always bad.

Sleep is the key to health. Meditation and relaxation

You shouldn’t go to zumba, rumba, the gym and at the same time go to the pool, you’ll just be blown away in a week and the stress from such an experience will hinder you in the future. The slower you go, the further you go, that’s our motto!

Play sports

“But sports need time, and we don’t have enough of it.”

Please do not fall for this provocation. Exercise does take time, and it is a worthwhile investment: if you exercise regularly, you improve your physical and emotional health. You will feel better, think better, and complete tasks faster.

Just two to three hours of exercise a week will give you five or even ten hours a week that you can spend on something else.

Say no to people you don't want to spend time with

You should go see them, otherwise it’s inconvenient. We should meet him, otherwise it’s inconvenient. It should be... the person is asking.

Remember: there can be a lot of cases in your life when it is “inconvenient” and someone “asks”. There is no law that says your time and energy is enough for everyone.

Will not be enough.

In any case, you will “offend” someone and it will be “inconvenient” for you.

After this, everyone will continue to live. There will be no tragedy. You will have more time to do important things and to be with those you truly care about.

And the Universe won’t even notice it.

Simple and effective exercises that everyone can do

Don't think that to stay healthy and fit, you need to work up a sweat in the gym. You can do several simple exercises throughout the day that do not require special preparation. You can do them at work or while you are stuck in a traffic jam if you are driving a car; during a commercial on TV, while watching a movie, or while cleaning the house. Do you like to chat on the phone? So why not do a couple of useful exercises during this time?

  • Tilt your head to the sides, forward and backward: just do 5-6 times in each direction!
  • Alternately raising your shoulders to your head (reminiscent of the silent answer “I don’t know”) - 5-6 times on each shoulder and your back will thank you!
  • Toe-to-heel rolls are easy to do, right? And the result is a good massage for all feet.
  • Stretch! This relaxes the muscles of the back, abdomen and arms.
  • Alternately moving your legs back from a standing position is beneficial for the gluteal and back muscles

Do them throughout the day and several times. The exercises are not difficult, not time consuming and any of you can do them. Now, armed with our practical advice, you can stay fit anytime, anywhere.

Set strict deadlines

Get to know Parkinson's Law:

“Work fills all the time allotted for it.”

This law was formulated as part of a satirical article once published in The Economist, and ridiculed the order that reigned in British government agencies. In fact, it turned out to be applicable in other areas.

Remember how often you gave yourself a certain amount of time to solve a problem, and completed it much earlier? More often the opposite happens: everything is completed at the last minute. This is neither bad nor good, we just need to focus on the fact that we ourselves set the pace at which we work.

Clear deadlines help you better plan your schedule and not relax.

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