How to look young after 50: 5 tricks of a well-groomed American woman

Hello! Russian fairy tales are full of examples of momentary rejuvenation. Once - and the rejuvenating apple worked. Two - and living water helped get rid of back pain. I want it to be like this, don’t I?

To be honest, I wouldn’t refuse such a gift either. But rejuvenation and healing is a comprehensive WORK on the entire body.

This is how I want to start a series of motivating articles about youth and health, not simple ones, but with a specific plan of action.

Where does health and beauty begin?

The answer is simple: we are what we eat.

You feel it yourself: if you eat fatty foods, your stomach will hurt. If you overload your liver with “synthetic” products, a rash will appear. And after salted or smoked fish, the reflection in the mirror will please you with swelling.

And this is only what is visible to the naked eye. In fact, the skin suffers much more. She does not have “food” - microelements for proper functioning and recovery. She doesn't have enough water. And swelling, rash, dryness are only an external result of nutrition.


: poor nutrition disrupts the functioning of the entire body. You can self-massage your face, but you won’t get the desired result because the skin has nothing to nourish. You can do self-massage or massage to get rid of the orange peel, but eat junk food, which will immediately be deposited on the thighs.


What foods should you eat to feel young at any age?, photo

Source: iStock

Researchers at the State University of New York recruited about 600 people.

They all took part in an online survey where they were asked about their most frequently consumed foods and their general mental state.

What healthy eating looks like

The first step: the right morning

How does a typical woman's morning begin? Drink tea or coffee with a sandwich, grab the breakfast that is being prepared from the pan on the go, or finish eating for your child or husband, because it’s a pity to throw it away.

Morning nutrition is a boost of energy for the whole day. And make it up correctly - breakfast is porridge (oatmeal or buckwheat). With milk, water, fruit or honey. Sugarless. For dessert, tea or fruit. By the way, I advise you to replace all other side dishes with porridge. Especially potatoes and pasta and, of course, bread.

Step two: proper lunch

What usually happens for lunch?.. At work - fast food or catering in the form of a pie and sweet cookies, tea and coffee. Snack at home again. Or the most common occurrence is that there may be no lunch at all, we gorge ourselves at night.

Take that same morning porridge for lunch and complement it with stewed or fresh vegetables. It will be tasty and healthy, and, most importantly, you won’t have the desire to have a big dinner before bed.

Third step: proper dinner

The most important rule of dinner is not to make it a holiday of overeating. You can prepare a salad with cottage cheese or vegetarian soup. And stop there.

Are you worried that after dinner you will want to eat again? It's OK. You can eat an apple or a pear, drink kefir. This will be healthier than overeating at night.

Step Four: Lots of Water

Be honest: have you ever wondered if you drink enough water? Hardly. And in vain. Water is the basis for healthy skin. And what’s most interesting is that it has been proven that often when you feel hungry, the body asks for a drink!

The optimal amount of water per day is about two liters, excluding endless breaks for tea and coffee. It's a shame that most of us don't drink it. Therefore, you can do this: pour your norm into a bottle or jug ​​and drink from it all day. This way you will know exactly how much you drank.

How to look young after 50: 5 tricks of a well-groomed American woman

The cult of youth makes women frantically search for new ways to preserve their beauty. In pursuit of smooth, glowing skin, some even lose their heads and resort to radical methods - plastic surgery. However, as practice shows, such drastic measures do not always pay off. Former model, and now designer, blogger and owner of her own boutique, Sherry Fried, shared the secrets that help her stay beautiful at 50+ without the help of surgeons and cosmetologists.

Uses cream with SPF 35+ every day

Sherri Fried's golden rule is to apply a product with a protective factor of at least 35 to the face and décolleté every day. The former model notes that the sun's rays have a detrimental effect not only on the health of the skin, but also on its appearance. An even bronze tan is beautiful, but, alas, it is contraindicated for anyone who wants to remain without age spots and maintain skin elasticity.



Refreshes the face with thermal water

Dehydration is the worst enemy of youthful skin. If you are always in an air-conditioned room, often turn on the heater in your car, or regularly fly on airplanes, then your skin is under real stress. Periodic spraying of thermal water will saturate your face with moisture and keep it fresh for a long time.




Washed using special gadgets

Smog and dust from big cities settle on open areas of the body, primarily on the face. To cleanse the skin of all impurities, regular washing may not be enough. In this case, it is better to use an ultrasonic facial cleanser or a special electric brush with soft bristles.



Wears sunglasses and glasses with BlueBlocker filter

We squint when the blinding rays of the sun hit our eyes. Working at the computer for a long time, we additionally strain our eyes and squint again to lighten the load.

Squinting your eyes guarantees the rapid appearance of crow's feet around the eyes. To avoid this, be sure to wear quality sunglasses. They should indicate the types of UV rays from which the lenses protect the eyes - UV-A and UV-B. When working at a computer, choose glasses with a BlueBlocker filter, which block blue radiation from screens through the glass.




Selects professional care products

When choosing facial skin care products, give preference to brands approved by dermatologists. Pay attention to what skin type they are intended for. Sherry Fried prefers the Eucerin brand. It is also worth taking a closer look at the following brands: Bioderma, Avene, Laroche-posay, Topicrem and Uriage.





What to do with such tasty but unhealthy food?

All these fried potatoes, cakes, buns - there are so many temptations around! This is a logical question)

If it’s difficult to give up unhealthy but delicious food, then start organizing loading days. Once a week, instead of one meal, we choose 1 unhealthy dish excluded from the menu and eat it without remorse.

But it is important to follow the rules:

  • no more than 1 dish
  • instead of one meal
  • preferably before evening

A separate discussion is fasting days. You know that I regularly arrange fasting days. It is good for both skin and general health. For information on how to conduct them, see my YouTube channel.

What foods accelerate aging?

There are also foods that negatively affect the functioning of the body and accelerate the aging process. It is better to refuse them. If these products are present in the diet regularly, then aging will occur many times earlier and the first wrinkles will appear at a young age.

To preserve youth, it is recommended to exclude from your diet:

  1. Sugar. This means sugar not only in its pure form, but also those products that contain it in large quantities. They make the skin less elastic. This means that with excess sugar consumption, the epidermis will quickly become flabby and sagging. Its further recovery will be slowed down.
  2. Salt. You've probably noticed that the next day after eating too salty foods, swelling appears and your appearance becomes more tired. Excess salt dehydrates the body.
  3. Coffee. The drink also contains substances that dehydrate the body. With its regular use, wrinkles and cracks appear on the skin. For this reason, a person looks many times older.


  1. Alcohol. A person who abuses alcoholic beverages is easy to recognize in a crowd. Alcohol destroys youth and destroys you from the inside. Collagen is lost. Redness and puffiness appear. Wrinkles appear many times faster. Additionally, alcohol also contributes to excess weight gain.
  2. Energetic drinks. They have the most detrimental effect on teeth. Energy drinks destroy enamel 8 times faster than regular sweet sodas. Energy drinks also speed up the formation of wrinkles.
  3. Roast. Such products destroy collagen. The skin becomes more wrinkled. Cracks appear.
  4. Sweet carbonated drinks. They also speed up the aging process. Additionally, sodas deplete the body and make a person look tired. With their regular use, the amount of muscle mass decreases.

To preserve youth, the diet should contain natural and healthy foods. All unhealthy foods should be completely eliminated.

Rejuvenation + healing in 30 days? Easily!

The new program “Beauty trainer using the Myoreforming system” contains all the courses and techniques for comprehensive rejuvenation and health improvement:

  • lessons on face and body rejuvenation
  • lessons on spinal restoration
  • lessons on restoring women's health
  • comprehensive program for rapid rejuvenation and recovery

The program is suitable not only for future beauty trainers. It will be useful to all women who want to become young and attractive, to receive all the necessary knowledge to preserve beauty and youth.

The third stream of training begins on September 15. There are special conditions for my subscribers - discounts and installments.

Significantly increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits

What you need to eat to be forever young: the expert answers photo No. 4
Vegetables and fruits are the best source of a number of vitamins and some active substances, as well as dietary fiber, which feeds beneficial intestinal bacteria responsible for immunity and digestive health. Where to take what vitamins and what fruits and vegetables to eat?

“In total, you need to eat 4-5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day. One serving is considered to be a handful of fresh or cooked vegetables and fruits. One of the servings must be green (lettuce, avocado, parsley, dill, green peas, broccoli and other types of cabbage). Everything green is a source of vitamins K and B. The remaining 3-4 servings should be of different colors: red, yellow, orange. All of these are sources of vitamins A and C. By the way, blue is also needed in the weekly gastro palette (blueberries, blueberries, eggplant). Blue vegetables and berries are champions in anthocyanin content. These substances can promote vasodilation, which is important for regulating blood pressure.”

How to prolong youth?

1) Fresh vegetables

Rich in vitamins and minerals, they are excellent sources of phytochemicals that protect our bodies from disease and aging.
They help regenerate cells. Eat more foods such as spinach, broccoli, lettuce, asparagus, cabbage and carrots

Secrets of carrots

2) Eat fresh fruit

, which are rich in vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.
These substances protect our body. Fruits such as lemons, apples, bananas, mangoes and watermelons
. Each fruit has its own special beneficial properties.

3) Eat whole grains

, such as
brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, millet, quinoa
. These are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein.

4) Drink more clean water

. Water is very important for good digestion, fluid circulation in the body and healthy joints.

5) Physical exercise. Good dream. Fresh air

. If your body begins to function normally, you will subconsciously stop being drawn to various unhealthy things that upset the balance in the body.

It is also important not to forget about mobility. If the body does not move properly, many toxic substances

that cause disease and illness.

Any physical activity is beneficial

All you need to do is maintain the right conditions for your body

, and the body itself will begin to recover and will remain young and beautiful longer.

A healthy body can heal itself and rid itself of various problems if it gets everything it needs. Anxiety, stress, fears and nerves

will also not contribute to the regeneration process, so it is also important to monitor your
state of mind

You may notice that helping your body stay young doesn't actually cost a lot of money. The secret is that almost everyone can afford it, the main thing is desire



Entire scientific treatises have already been written about the benefits of honey and its medicinal properties. Honey never ceases to amaze with its positive effect on facial skin. But you need to use it in small doses: say, a teaspoon with tea - black or green, or with milk. But only regularly.

Honey contains substances that nourish dermal cells, giving them elasticity. A tablespoon of honey can be added to porridge - oatmeal, buckwheat, which you eat for breakfast.

If honey has already frozen and acquired a thick consistency, it does not need to be brought to high temperatures, otherwise it will lose its properties and turn into ordinary and harmful sugar. Honey is useful for making homemade face masks.


Oats are rich in plant proteins and other nutrients that can act as a soothing agent while also moisturizing the skin.

Oatmeal is of great benefit to those people who have dry facial skin. Porridge made from oatmeal for breakfast is considered the healthiest breakfast. By the way, you can add honey and strawberries to it. This porridge will satisfy your hunger for a long time.

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