group fitness classes for weight loss

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Fitness classes at home are a popular hobby for many modern people who want to keep fit while lacking the money and time to regularly visit gyms. Recent specialized studies have shown that an increasing number of the population prefers fitness at home. If we compare the percentages, the number of people training at home is almost equal to those who prefer the atmosphere of modern gyms with piles of iron and motivating music.

Fitness for losing weight at home is a modern trend that is winning new fans of a healthy lifestyle every year.

In order to perform exercises at home, it is not necessary to purchase expensive sports equipment and equipment. It is enough to set a goal for training at home, be patient, tighten self-discipline, and master the theory and technique of performing simple exercises for each muscle group. Some workouts may be familiar from the school physical therapy program; many are generally basic for any sport.

Fitness classes at home are especially relevant for those who have set themselves the goal of losing extra pounds. In this case, you need to develop not only an effective training program aimed at burning fat, but also learn to eat right.

Plus, the process of losing weight at home rarely ends in success, because many quickly burn out, break down and despair due to the lack of instant results. But those who achieve their goals in such conditions can safely call themselves special. What should fitness classes be like to lose weight at home?

What exercises for losing weight at home should you do to achieve your goal?

General recommendations for doing fitness at home

First of all, you need to determine a place for fitness classes. There should be enough space to perform exercises in a large amplitude - stretching, swinging arms and legs, running in place. Before each lesson, the room must be ventilated.

It is important to carry out fitness training in comfortable clothes - you should not skimp on this aspect, because high-quality equipment is an important key to achieving a positive result. It is better to give preference to well-known manufacturers who produce truly high-quality sportswear for fitness.

To make it comfortable for you to perform exercises in a lying position, do not be lazy to purchase a karemat - a fitness mat.

What is it and what types of training are considered the most effective?

Fitness classes for weight loss can be very diverse. There are a lot of training methods, but not all of them are considered effective. The main areas that bring practical results include:

  • aerobics, that is, a complex of cardio exercises. Can be expressed in regular running, jumping rope, cycling, fitness, or performing a variety of other high-repetition exercises and loads;
  • a combination of strength and aerobic exercise, it is advisable not to do them together;
  • group classes. Most often aerobic in nature;
  • circuit training. You can perform a moderate load of movement, but at a fast pace, which ultimately stimulates the metabolism and consumes a lot of calories.

At different stages of training, different techniques can be used. For example, at the very beginning, simple exercise will be effective to achieve progress. Further, the load will need to be more complicated.

Warm-up stage before fitness classes at home

Any fitness exercise at home should begin with a warm-up - this is a fact. Home fitness classes are no exception. On the contrary, for training within the walls of your own apartment, a high-quality warm-up plays almost a decisive role, being a barrier that protects against injuries.

Warm-up for home fitness can consist of a variety of exercises. The main thing is to choose the most convenient and effective ones for yourself. The most common warm-up exercises before the main part of classes:

  • stretching: professional trainers recommend conducting home fitness workouts only in the absence of contraindications, stretching all muscle groups, regardless of the muscle group that you will train that day.

It is very important to stretch the muscle fascia correctly, so as not to end up in the infirmary during the warm-up. Stretching should begin with the neck muscles and end with the calf muscles;

  • rotations and tilts of the head at a slow pace (2 sets of 10-12 times in each direction);
  • swing your arms – (15 times each);
  • body tilt (10 times in each direction);
  • squats: you need to squat deeply, at a slow pace, controlling the depth of the squat and amplitude (20 squats);
  • leg swings (10 swings with each leg);
  • warming up hands, feet and elbows with circular rotations;
  • running in place, technique with high knees is allowed (2 sets of 25 repetitions).

Fitness at home for weight loss requires a warm-up! You can and should warm up to rhythmic music that stimulates the desire to improve your own body. There are a lot of options for warming up, most of them can be easily found on the Internet, but it is better to select fitness exercises for yourself.

The duration of the stretching phase should not exceed 5-7 minutes.

Effective fitness workouts for weight loss

Vzhechinskaya Eva Psychologist. But is this really the case? Aerobic classes help keep your body in good shape, that's a fact.

This type of training is a cross between functional strength training and cardio. Therefore, to maintain shape, such a load is a good option. But in group classes, most of the girls are those who, on the contrary, want to lose weight. These are by no means slender and skinny women, but rather overweight ladies whose goal is to lose extra pounds, and not to maintain muscle tone.

After reading a dozen articles about fitness, we can conclude that just regular exercise is enough to get rid of those annoying extra pounds. But in reality, everything is somewhat more complicated, and if you want to practice fitness for weight loss, you should learn a few tricks in advance. Training for weight loss is necessary for a number of reasons, the main one of which is the acceleration of metabolic processes that occur in the body during physical activity and even after it.

It turns out that the product itself is good, but it was chosen for the wrong purpose. The conclusion is this: if you like your figure and you go to the gym to support what you have, then OK, group programs are a normal topic. But if the task is more difficult, namely to lose weight, then it is better to choose strength training and separately cardio from time to time. Any workout is a little stress for the body. Moreover, the more intense it is, the greater the stress. For forty to sixty minutes of such active work, you receive a huge amount of cortisol, which only complicates the process of losing weight.

And if you are a workaholic and stay for two or three workouts in a row, then it’s terrible: the level of stress hormone is just off the charts!

Unlike strength training, which requires strength and recovery, with group aerobic exercises you stop wasting energy the moment you leave the gym. Also, don't overestimate the number of calories you'll burn in a group class. At best it's kcal.

The main part of fitness training for weight loss

Often, fitness for weight loss at home begins with exercises to pump up the abdominal muscles. The most effective exercises for the group in question are:

  • standard body bends: you need to lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, place your hands behind your head or stretch them forward. Then, with a rounded back, raise your body towards your knees. The chest should come as close to the knees as possible (2 sets of 15 repetitions);
  • “scissors”: an incredibly effective exercise for home fitness. The technique is quite simple: lie flat on your back, stretch your legs, place your arms along your body, raise your legs 40 cm from the floor and alternately repeat the scissoring motion with your legs (3 sets of 15 repetitions). The break between approaches should not exceed 20-30 seconds.

To effectively lose weight at home, it is imperative to train your legs, thighs and buttocks. The most effective exercises:

  • squats: not a single fitness workout is complete without them, because this is a basic exercise for developing leg muscles. Technique: place your feet shoulder-width apart (can be a little wider), place your hands behind your head, and press your heels to the floor. Start squatting, keeping your back as straight as possible, placing emphasis on your heels while doing so, without lifting them off the floor (2 sets of 25-30 repetitions);
  • Lunges: Another must-have leg exercise for your home fitness routine. It must be performed with a straight back, hands at the waist. Stand up straight, and then alternately lunge with your legs at a right angle, bending at the knee, the second leg bends at the knee when lunging (3 sets of 12 repetitions).

Program options from the best trainers for 30 days

There are a lot of training programs aimed at losing weight. The effectiveness is quite different, especially since the result will depend on other factors, such as nutrition, daily routine, metabolism, and so on.

But still, the training program is very important. A properly drawn up plan will speed up the results, put the body in order, and the result will be noticeable in the near future. For example, world-famous aerobics trainer Jane Fonda recommends adhering to the following training program:

Jane Fonda

Recommends adhering to the following training program:

  • bends to the sides. From a standing position, tilt the body to each side in turn, raising the arm opposite to the side of the tilt;
  • lifting the legs from a side lying position. You need to lean on your elbow, raise your leg up without bending it at the knee;
  • leg lifts from a lying position. Get into a push-up position, but rest on the knee of one leg. Raise the second leg, bent at the knee, to the side;
  • lunges. Take a maximum step forward, bending your leg at the knee;
  • pelvic lifts from a lying position. Press into the floor at the level of your shoulder blades and legs, bend at the knees, lift your body up.

These are the basic exercises that Jane Fonda advised beginners to do. Each is done 10-20 times in a row, one after the other, then the circle is repeated up to 5-7 times. After the exercises cease to be difficult, they can be supplemented with other movements.

Cassie Ho, Pilates trainer

Cassie Ho, Pilates trainer

He advises you to do the exercises in a way that makes them enjoyable. Therefore, her workouts are often accompanied by music. It is based on the principle of interval loading. One workout can be one song long, and another can be done until the total number of repetitions reaches a thousand.

So, a short workout might look something like this:

  • stepping onto the bench - 20 times on each leg;
  • forward lunges - 20 times;
  • squats with a side step (first you need to squat, then do a side lunge) - 20 times;
  • push-ups - 20 times;
  • bending to the sides - 20 times;
  • pelvic lifts - 20 times.

This load will warm up the body and is also effective in the early stages of training. Subsequently, it can be complicated by adding new elements.

Weight loss exercises at home for the upper body

Fitness classes for weight loss at home should include exercises for pumping the muscles of the upper body. List of effective and simple exercises:

  • push-ups: there is probably no particular need to describe the technique, because any workout for weight loss at home is not complete without this exercise. It is also performed by professional athletes, noting the effectiveness of push-ups for working the muscles of the abs, arms and back;
  • “boat”: lie on your stomach, stretch your legs and arms (in front of you). Perform a slight bend in the lower back, look straight, raise your arms and legs above the floor by 10-15 cm. You cannot bend too sharply or too large. When performing, strain your back muscles.

Pros and cons of group exercises

Quite often training takes place in groups. Most often, women who prefer aerobics and Pilates do this. This method has a number of advantages:

  • Group classes provide discipline. A person is responsible not only to himself, but also to other athletes;
  • group training is cheaper than classes with a personal trainer;
  • Classes last for a strictly defined time, prescribed exercises are performed.

But such training also has disadvantages:

  • unlike personal training, in group classes each individual athlete is not given the necessary attention, and accordingly, errors in technique are possible;
  • a general training program is carried out, and in some cases an individual plan would bring greater results.

Before starting classes, you need to weigh all the pros and cons and only then proceed to training.

Fitness for weight loss at home: conclusions

The presented fitness exercises for weight loss have proven their worth and effectiveness in practice, so you can safely include them in your training program.

Regular home workouts with this list of exercises will allow you to transform yourself by losing excess weight. Home fitness workouts, if performed regularly and correctly, will definitely bear fruit. But you shouldn’t expect instant results, everything has its time.

Fitness training for weight loss at home is an effective solution for people who want to take care of their health outside the walls of stuffy gyms.

Group classes: losing weight or toning?

Group training: effectiveness and risks. When and to whom is it important to give aerobic exercise?

Aerobic classes help keep your body in good shape, that's a fact.

This type of training is a cross between functional strength training and cardio. Therefore, to maintain shape, such a load is a good option.

But in group classes, most of the girls are those who, on the contrary, want to lose weight. These are by no means slender and skinny women, but rather overweight ladies whose goal is to lose extra pounds, and not to maintain muscle tone.

Group training for weight loss is like Strepsils for a runny nose. It turns out that the product itself is good, but it was chosen for the wrong purpose.

The conclusion is this: if you like your figure and you go to the gym to support what you have, then OK, group programs are a normal topic. But if the task is more difficult, namely to lose weight, then it is better to choose strength training and separately cardio from time to time.

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