Hanging moles
What is the danger of hanging moles and how to remove them?
A wide variety of neoplasms can appear on a person’s skin throughout his life. Often
Yoga for weight loss legs and thighs exercises
Yoga classes make your figure slim, and with our set of exercises, your hips and buttocks
pumpkin seeds
Homemade pumpkin face masks: TOP 10 recipes for acne and wrinkles
Pumpkin is not only a delicious autumn fruit and a symbol of Halloween, but also an excellent
Vaginal burning after antibiotics
Do you feel discomfort in the vagina, which is often accompanied by itching and burning? Such symptoms may
Burning vein on the leg photo 1
To keep your legs beautiful and your veins healthy. Expert advice.
Why does the vein in my leg burn? It is difficult to answer the question why a vein in the leg burns,
Galina Menshikova – Facial exercises for the skin and muscles of the face
What is facial muscle training? Gymnastics for the face, as a new way of rejuvenation, has recently
Chamomile tea
Monastic tea for insomnia and normalization of sleep
Stress Chamomile tea is most often used to relieve stress and anxiety. It allows
Can mastopathy develop into cancer: are the fears real?
Unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands are familiar to many women; they can be a sign of a variety of
Walking as a means to longevity
Walking as a means to longevity
Every person has a desire to be physically active until old age. Therefore, many are interested in
Beauty requires sacrifice? Women have been using toxic cosmetics for centuries
Beauty does not require sacrifice: procedures for which you are not worth enduring pain The desire to be beautiful
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