10 Unexpected Things That Could Cause You to Have Cancer

Factors that provoke the development of cancer

1. Decreased immunity is a key factor in the development of oncology. Cancer cells form in the body of every person, and almost always the strengthened immune system itself destroys them.

2. Exposure to carcinogens . This very term - “carcinogen” - is formed from two extremely clear Latin words. Cancer, that is, cancer, and generare - to give birth. Physical events can cause cancer. For example, X-rays, streams of charged beta and alpha particles. Many people have heard about dioxins. They are formed, for example, when burning household waste - you probably shouldn’t breathe such smoke. Tars in tobacco smoke - chemical carcinogens - are also active provocateurs of the disease.

In addition, viruses can aggravate the situation. For example, the human papillomavirus increases the risk of developing cervical cancer, and hepatitis B and C viruses increase the risk of liver cancer.

3. Chronic stress. Well, everything is simple here - an excited nervous system reduces a person’s immunity. And then read point number one.

4. Unhealthy lifestyle: indiscriminate eating, smoking, alcohol abuse, excess weight.


All berries contain phytonutrients and are therefore effective in the fight against cancer. However, according to research by Harry Stoner, Ph.D., professor of internal medicine at Ohio State University of Medicine, black raspberries contain very high concentrations of phytochemicals called anthocyanins, which slow the growth of precancerous cells and prevent the formation of new blood vessels needed to nourish cancerous tumors.

Black raspberries help against cancer of the colon, esophagus, mouth and skin.

Optimal dose: half a cup of berries per day.


Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and cauliflower contain a rich arsenal of cancer-fighting substances. However, broccoli is the only vegetable that has a significant amount of sulforaphane in its composition. This substance increases the human body's defense enzymes and helps eliminate cancer-causing chemicals from the body. A study conducted at the University of Michigan concluded that sulforaphane can prevent cancer stem cells that promote tumor growth.

Broccoli is an excellent food against liver, prostate, breast, lung, stomach, bladder and skin cancer. Research shows that the effect of consuming broccoli increases in direct proportion to its amount in the diet.

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