Raw smoked meat at home

Dried meat in the oven


Prepared by: Galate

10/15/2014 Cooking time: 6 hours 0 minutes

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You can make jerky at home in the fall, when your apartment is cold because the heating hasn't been turned on yet. I’m sitting in the kitchen and warming myself from the oven, at the same time I’m drying the chokeberry, or I can also dry the meat, it’s a long process

Oven-dried meat

Making jerky is not at all difficult; any beginner can handle these jerky recipes in a convection oven. You can smoke anything at home: beef, pork, fish or chicken – it’s up to you. The main task of the cook during drying is to ensure that nothing gets too dry and to periodically lower the temperature.

Prepared by smoking, the dish is stored for a long time, so you can take the dried snack for long trips.

Meat on the grill

How to cook "Meat jerky in the oven"

Prepare the spices.

Freeze the meat a little to slice it thinly, 0.5-0.7 mm thick.

Place the meat in a bowl, add all the ingredients and let it sit for 40 minutes.

Pierce the meat with skewers and hang in the oven on a wire rack. Once the marinade has drained into the pan, begin the process.

For the first hour, turn on the oven with convection mode at 80 degrees, then reduce the temperature to 50 degrees and dry the meat for 2.5-4 hours, depending on the thickness of the meat.

Bon appetit!

Smoked meat in the oven

Oven drying is a very simple way to smoke a product without smoke. What is a step-by-step recipe for smoked meat in the oven? To prepare beef jerky, you don’t need any special conditions, but you will need a lot of different spices, sauces, and herbs for delicious smoking:

  • Beef – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1 tsp.
  • Juniper berries – 6 pcs.
  • Worcestershire sauce – 40 ml.
  • Soy sauce – 30 ml.
  • Tabasco – 1 ml.
  • Black pepper, paprika - 2 tsp each. everyone.
  • Chili pepper, dried garlic - 1 tsp each.

You will also need long skewers and toothpicks - they are convenient for hanging pieces of beef for even smoking in the oven. Also use other favorite aromatic spices and herbs for drying.

Cooking smoked meat in the oven is a simple task that only requires time. If the right conditions are met, you will get excellent dried tenderloin. You can use it as a snack or cook other dishes with it, for example, baked with vegetables.

Calorie content of smoked beef

On average, the calorie content of smoked beef is 320 kcal per 100 grams.

One piece (approximately 50 g) contains:

  • Fats – 14.7 g;
  • Proteins – 6.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0.1 g;
  • Calorie content – ​​160 kcal.

Marinated meat

How to dry meat in the oven

Let's start getting acquainted with the recipe for properly drying beef at home. The result is a delicious treat, and drying it at home is very easy.

To dry meat for camping in the oven, cut the beef into thin long pieces, approximately 0.5 cm thick. Put everything together, add spices for drying, sauces, mix thoroughly, then leave to marinate for 40 minutes. Stir the beef carefully so that the thin slices do not tear.

Pierce the pieces at the ends with long skewers, then hang them on a wire rack in the oven. It is better to place a baking tray underneath, you can cover it with paper, otherwise the dripping marinade will stain the entire cabinet during long-term smoking.

Preheat the oven to about 80 degrees. After the first hour of drying, reduce the temperature to 50. These are ideal conditions to dry the beef. Monitor the condition of the slices, pay attention to the color so that you can get smoked on time and the tenderloin does not become too dry.

Read now: How to smoke lamb ribs?

Feel free to try!

Dried beef calories

100 grams of dried beef contains:

  • Fats – 10.1 g;
  • Proteins – 49.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0.5 g;

Calorie content – ​​290 kcal.

Meat in the oven

Preparing brine: with and without water

There are simple recipes that require nothing but salt and sodium nitrite. Others will require adding a variety of spices and boiling.

Option one, dry

The first stage of the recipe for cooking raw smoked meat in dry brine is actually rubbing the piece with a mixture of salt, sugar and seasonings to your taste (most often coriander, ground black pepper, cloves, chopped bay leaf are used). Next, the product is placed under pressure, which leads to the appearance of a marinade. It turns out meat in its own juice.

Option two - with adding water

The technology for recipes with wet marinade is pouring a specially prepared solution. It can be simple salt, when table and nitrite salts are dissolved in cold or hot water. There are recipes that are a little more difficult to prepare.

Marinated meat

Add to 500 ml of water:

  • juniper berries;
  • mustard and coriander seeds;
  • black peppercorns (all three ingredients - 1 tbsp.);
  • Bay leaf;
  • dry chili pepper (both spices – 4 pcs.).

Read now: How to smoke lamb ribs?

This mixture needs to be cooked - bring to a boil. Cool and add:

  • 4.5 liters of cold water;
  • 50 g brown sugar;
  • 200 g salt;
  • 30 g Insta Cure (nitrite salt).

The marinade for pork, lamb or other meat is ready (calculated for a total weight of 8 kg).

Oven jerky recipe

In the oven installed in the kitchen, you can cook not only fried dishes. If you turn on your culinary skills, you can easily cook smoked or dried meat using the oven. For example, for a beef jerky recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • beef tenderloin (1 kg);
  • paprika (1 tbsp);
  • garlic powder (1 tbsp);
  • red hot pepper (25 g);
  • soy sauce (50 ml);
  • Teriyaki sauce (125 ml).

Step by step recipe:

  1. Prepare the meat: cut off the film, rinse and place in the freezer for 180 minutes. This will make the beef easier to cut.
  2. During this time, prepare the marinade from all the remaining ingredients.
  3. Remove frozen meat and cut into strips. Pat the pieces with paper towels to remove excess liquid.
  4. Mix the beef pieces with the marinade, cover the container with foil and marinate in a cool place for 12 hours. To ensure even coverage, turn the meat over a couple of times and taste for salt and pepper.
  5. After the time has passed, turn on the oven at 70-80 °C. Place foil on a baking sheet and place on the bottom of the oven. Thread the pieces onto barbecue skewers.
  6. Hang the finished skewers on a wire rack (you can use an oven rack) and place in the oven.

After 5-6 hours you can taste the meat.

Smoking beef for beer

When relaxing with friends, you always want to cook something interesting. To prepare a delicious delicacy that goes perfectly with beer, you will need the following products:

  • beef meat (500 g);
  • soy sauce (100 g);
  • tomato sauce (25 g);
  • ground black pepper, salt;
  • garlic (2 cloves);
  • ginger, curry.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the beef carcass into thin strips.
  2. Prepare a marinade from two types of sauce and spices. Mix thoroughly, add pieces of meat to it and marinate in the refrigerator.
  3. After 7 hours, remove the meat strips and place them on the wire rack so that the pieces do not touch each other.
  4. Cover the bottom drying tray with paper or foil and place wood chips on top, and place a rack with meat on the top level. Place them so that the smoke from the smoldering wood chips reaches the meat evenly.

Cooking time takes from 7 to 9 hours, but for even smoking, try to turn the pieces after 4 hours. Serve the finished delicacy cooled along with beer.

Bon appetit!

Tips for smoking in the oven

In order to smoke a truly delicious delicacy in the oven, you need to know certain rules. Otherwise, all efforts to prepare smoked meat will go to waste. Let's look at some of the main tips:

  • Particular attention should be paid to the recipe, fulfill all the required points, because the quality and taste of the product depends on this.
  • There should be enough salt so that the smoked meat does not spoil in the future.
  • If a large piece of meat is selected, it is advisable to make cuts on it so that it is completely saturated with marinade or salt.
  • It is important to monitor the smoking temperature and do not open the oven unless necessary.
  • The main process of cooking smoked meats is carried out over low heat (120-150 °C). When the meat is almost ready, it should be browned, creating a crust - to do this, raise the temperature (200-220 ° C) and hold until the dish is ready.
  • To give the product a smoky smell, you can use a special flavoring liquid or natural smoke due to the smoldering of sawdust.
  • The finished product must be cooled, dried and allowed to sit in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 days.

Read now: What can you cook from lamb tail?

Meat for smoking: types and tips on how to choose

Knowledgeable people say: the best option is pork - the finished raw smoked meat will be soft, tender, juicy and you won’t have to fuss with it for a long time. Chicken and beef come next, but here it is necessary to take into account that the first is delicious, and the second is somewhat dry. Horsemeat and other species very rarely appear in recipes.

You can smoke sirloin, ham, or brisket according to the recipe. Experts advise choosing pieces with small streaks of fat. Fresh or frozen meat is suitable. In terms of thickness, it is best to choose pieces 4-5 cm in thickness so that it does not take too long to cook.

Smoked pork

Important! The main criterion is the freshness of the product, because there is no heat treatment during the smoking process.

Visual inspection is the first way to determine its suitability. High-quality raw materials are clean, elastic, there are no stains or bruises. It’s also worth sniffing the offered piece: if there are no foreign or suspicious odors, it’s good.

A little about the smoking process

To make raw smoked meat at home, there is no need to acquire special equipment or build any utility rooms. For personal consumption, the cold smoking method is used, that is, the future delicacy is obtained as a result of processing with smoke at a temperature not exceeding 18-25 degrees.

The simplest smokehouse is an ordinary barrel, inside of which rods for hanging or a grate are fixed.

Cooking a homemade delicacy consists of two stages. The recipe is simple: the meat is first marinated, and only then treated with smoke.

Marinade for meat

Salting for raw smoked meat comes in three options:

  1. wet – when the marinade is being prepared;
  2. dry – usually called when the recipe contains a mixture of salt and seasonings and no water;
  3. combined - a mixture of the first two.

It is recommended to use oak, aspen, ash, alder, and sea buckthorn for smoking. The wood of pear, cherry, apricot, grape vine, apple tree with the addition of juniper branches will give raw smoked meat an extraordinary aroma.

Advice from knowledgeable people: do not use birch or coniferous wood, because the raw smoked delicacy will taste like turpentine or tar.

To determine the duration of the process, it matters what and how long will hang on the hook and be saturated with smoke. A large ham can be smoked for up to 20 days, medium-sized pieces - 5-7 days.

Read now: How to properly salt lamb tail

Sometimes confusion occurs: dry-cured and uncooked smoked products are mistaken for the same thing. The main difference is in the process of obtaining the final dish, which follows from the name. Cold smoking recipes involve processing raw materials using smoke. What they have in common is that in both cases a marinade is required.

Smoking meat using a slow cooker

If you like or find it more convenient to cook using a double boiler, then there is an excellent recipe for smoked meat in a slow cooker. Thanks to the large number of programs and functions of the multicooker, you can also cook any meat: beef, pork, bacon, lard.

To prepare a delicious snack at home, take the following products:

  • Pork neck – 500 g.
  • Garlic – 2 cloves.
  • Soy sauce – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Liquid smoke – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato sauce – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.
  • Curry, ginger – 1 tbsp. l.

Cut the pork into thin layers. Marinate it with sauces and spices to dry it, leave it to soak and saturate for several hours.

Meat in a slow cooker

Cover the bottom tray with paper, otherwise the dripping juice will stain the entire multicooker while the tenderloin is drying. Place the pork pieces on the mesh. After 3-4 hours, turn over so the pork will dry evenly.

Each type of meat requires its own temperature and hours of drying. This table will help you avoid drying out the product and prepare the perfect snack:

Type of meatSmoking temperatureSmoking hours
Fish60 – 1401-3 hours
Chicken80 – 1002-4 hours
Pork70 – 1203-4 hours
Beef80 – 1404 hours

Smoking beef in the microwave

Many people use the microwave oven as a technique for heating food. But you can make delicious smoked meat in it, the recipe for which will later become your favorite. To prepare it you will need the following products:

  • beef tenderloin (1 kg);
  • mustard (3 tbsp);
  • liquid smoke (3 tbsp.);
  • spices to taste;
  • salt.

Having collected all the components together, begin the cooking process:

  1. Separate the meat from the film and rinse under running water.
  2. Rub the carcass thoroughly with seasonings and mustard. For a richer taste and aroma, let the meat soak in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 hours.
  3. After the time has passed, take out a piece of beef, wrap it in a baking sleeve and make a few holes.

Microwave the tenderloin for 30-40 minutes. Set the mode yourself, since each equipment comes with different functions.

How to dry meat in wine

Bresaola is an Italian delicacy made from beef that is first soaked in wine before drying.

Unfortunately, such a product cannot be found on our shelves today, but do not despair, because you can prepare this snack at home.

  • 1 kg beef tenderloin;
  • 1 kg sea salt (coarse);
  • nine tablespoons of black pepper (coarsely ground);
  • spoon of oregano;
  • spoon of thyme;
  • spoon of dried garlic;
  • spoon of rosemary;
  • a spoonful of hot paprika;
  • a spoonful of dried juniper berries;
  • 250 ml dry red wine.
  1. To make jerky, it is best to cut the beef tenderloin into two equal parts.
  2. Pour salt and coarsely ground black pepper into a container (for this you can take regular peas and grind them).
  3. Place the pieces of meat in a separate container and sprinkle them well with a mixture of salt and pepper and pour in wine. Cover the preparation and put it in the refrigerator for a week. During this time, the meat should change its color.
  4. We take out the beef and dry it with napkins, as it must be completely dry.
  5. Now we take the remaining spices, mix and thoroughly coat the meat - you should get a “fur coat” that wraps the meat tenderloin.
  6. We place the pieces of meat on gauze, wrap them in several layers, tie them with food thread and hang them in the refrigerator for a week.
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