Excess weight during menopause: why do we get fat and what is the best way to lose weight?

Metabolism slows down

In a large study of the Relationship Between Basal Metabolic Rate, Gender, Age, and Body Composition in 8,780 White Obese Subjects. 2010 tested more than 8 thousand people of different ages and found that in adults after 40 years, basal metabolism decreases by 3.1–3.3%.

This means that the body burns 50–60 fewer calories per day at rest. This doesn't seem like much, but if you don't change your level of physical activity and your diet, you could gain three kilograms in a year.

What to do about it

You need to reconsider your diet and reduce your calorie intake. If you want to lose weight, reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates, at least approximately count the calories you consume and try not to exceed the daily allowance.

Why do women get fatter over the years?

Ecology of life: Health and beauty. With age, most women become overweight. What is the matter - genetics, diet or psychological characteristics of our body?

Full breakfast and light dinner!

Russians are considered to be a slender nation, but if in their youth the majority of Russian beauties have good figures, then with age exactly the same majority become overweight.

What is the matter - genetics, diet or psychological characteristics of our body?

Why do women get fatter over the years?

The first reason: energy consumption has become less

Scientists have proven that energy consumption gradually decreases over 10 years. Metabolism, blood circulation and even breathing slow down. This is considered one of the reasons for weight gain. By the way, this applies equally to both men and women.

Second reason: hormonal levels

This is mainly a women's problem. Significant weight changes occur during pregnancy, as well as during lactation. Those whose bodies are naturally inclined to be overweight are especially susceptible to this. During menopause there are also certain risks.

Third reason: it's all in your head

Youth encourages you to stay in shape. But as you get older, it becomes more and more difficult to find the strength and time to take care of yourself. We fall into a routine, and there is a decrease in tone and activity. From time to time a person finds himself in stressful situations and sees the only pleasure in food.

The fourth reason: genetics

Yes, it's hard to argue with genetics. For example, the famous beauty Jessica Alba, whose entire family is inclined to be overweight, constantly works on herself to keep herself in good shape. And this is colossal work! By the way, even people with excellent health are at risk of gaining several unnecessary kilograms with age. A young body copes with stressful situations more easily, therefore (as many have noticed) many young people lose weight due to stress. But an older body can no longer cope with adrenaline.

Fifth reason: diets

Tell me, which of you hasn't been on a diet? The question is especially relevant for ladies. The network is simply teeming with all kinds of instructions about miraculous weight loss. But those who like to torture their bodies soon realize that they were doing the wrong thing.

Why do women get fatter over the years?

While you are actively losing weight, your body experiences stress and stores fat. Metabolic processes slow down, and then, when the diet comes to an end, the body does not have enough time to rebuild. All excess energy goes into “reserve”.

What should I do?

1. Monitor your diet throughout your life. What you eat must be carefully selected, especially as you age. No heavy or fatty foods!

2. The slower you eat, the better. In Japan, it has long been known that chewing food slowly is beneficial. Products are better absorbed, and the brain sends the command about satiety earlier, that is, you quickly fill up with less food. So, what is the secret of thin Japanese people?

3. Distribute physical activity correctly. At age there is no need for excessive activity. Better keep your muscles toned!

4. Eat right. Remember and repeat throughout your life, like a mantra: a full breakfast and a light dinner.

5. Heredity is something that we cannot change, but we can influence. The slenderest of beauties has the risk of becoming fat if she does not deny herself anything. It's easy to explain. If you've ever gained weight and then lost it, you haven't gotten rid of fat cells. They exist and can be filled or empty. That’s why you shouldn’t let your guard down after long-awaited weight loss.

6. Women are advised to control themselves during pregnancy. Those who managed not to gain weight while expecting a baby are less likely to gain weight in old age. published econet.ru

PS And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Muscle mass is lost

After 50 years, muscle mass decreases very quickly - up to 15% per year. However, the process of losing muscle and strength begins after the third decade. According to the study Strength and muscle mass loss with aging process. Age and strength loss. 2013, the difference in the amount of muscle mass in people under 40 and after 40 years is from 16.6 to 40.9%.

Age-related changes, lack of physical activity, decreased testosterone levels - all this negatively affects the amount of muscle mass, but the body spends a lot of calories on its maintenance. By losing muscle, you further reduce your metabolism and increase your chance of gaining extra pounds.

What to do

If you haven't exercised yet, now is the time to start. Strength training combined with a high protein intake will help you maintain and increase muscle mass.

Causes of excess weight

Weight, of course, increases not from air, but from what and how much you eat. Sometimes, in some people, obesity is the result of improper metabolism, which is caused by hormones, that is, a violation of internal secretion, but in the vast majority of cases this is not the reason. Most often, the fatness of our women is a direct result of food and drinks.

Too much sugar, too many sweet and flour products, too much fat, many dishes cooked in oil and animal fats - why be surprised? If in past centuries plumpness was a sign of prosperity, then in our time not only we, but also men do not like it.

Hormonal levels change

In women after 35 years of age, there is a decline in estrogen production, which eventually leads to menopause and the onset of menopause. And while too much estrogen promotes fat storage, too little estrogen is also bad for your weight. The transition to the postmenopausal period is characterized by The emergence of the metabolic syndrome with menopause. an increase in the amount of abdominal fat and levels of glucose and insulin.

In men, testosterone levels decrease after 30, but this becomes especially noticeable after 40 years. According to the study Testosterone and Aging: Clinical Research Directions. 1991, in men after 39 years of age, free testosterone levels (not bound to proteins) decrease by about 1.2% each year.

Depression, decreased libido, loss of muscle mass and increased body fat are all signs of decreased testosterone levels.

What to do

Check your thyroid gland, the organ directly involved in hormone production. About 20% of women over 40 years old suffer from thyroid problems. If you feel sluggish and are gaining weight for no obvious reason, ask your doctor about getting a hormone balance test. Hormone therapy may help you avoid weight gain.

In addition, there are natural ways to increase testosterone: strength training, a high-protein diet without consuming sugar, and avoiding stress.

It's possible to stay fit after 40, especially if healthy eating and exercise are part of your lifestyle. And although time is against you, you may well look better at 40 than you did at 30.

Why are older women supposed to gain weight? Or fat is a mature woman's best friend!

During menopause, women experience many changes in their bodies.

My lifestyle doesn’t seem to have changed, but my weight is starting to gain. And women are trying to urgently get rid of the hated kilograms, because modern society imposes a stereotype: thin means healthy and beautiful! But it is not always the case. Especially in adulthood. We will tell you about the changes in your body and why a few extra pounds are normal.

1. Absolutely everyone gets old! Unfortunately, this is a normal physiological process that no one has yet managed to avoid. Wrinkles are not all signs of aging; the entire body ages, including internal organs. You can buy all the anti-aging creams or do expensive procedures, but old age will still come. As the reproductive system declines, the level of estrogen and progesterone in the female body decreases. And this is the main cause of all the problems that a woman encounters during menopause: hot flashes, sudden increase in heart rate, sleep disturbances, sudden mood changes, etc.

2. Fat is a woman’s friend! During menopause, a woman's ovaries stop producing estrogen. And a wise body begins to produce it from adipose tissue. That's why these extra centimeters appear at the waist. An increase in adipose tissue during this period is normal!

3. Lack of fat - lack of estrogen! Lack of fat during menopause will lead to a lack of estrogen in the body. This means that all the signs of menopause in women will intensify. It’s amazing that everyone around is talking about diets during menopause. That if you lose a little more, you will certainly become healthier. But, alas, no one will tell a woman how harmful it is. Lack of estrogen leads to memory problems, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, bones become fragile, and osteoporosis occurs.

And a lack of estrogen leads to fluid retention in the body and a decrease in skin elasticity. Your wrinkles and dry skin are the result of your struggle with extra inches during menopause. It is important and necessary for every woman to realize that all the changes that occur to the body during menopause are not a disease, but the norm. It’s just that stereotypes are imposed on us that wrinkles and extra centimeters in a woman are a pathology. And only when every woman can accept and love her body, then she will be happy and healthy!

Women, love yourself, because you are always beautiful!

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Move more

In order to avoid weight gain, adding regular movement into your day is crucial. This could mean taking the stairs at work or going to the gym a few times a week - every little bit counts.

In fact, new research published this spring suggests that for achieving good health and reducing the risk of death, any movement is better than no movement at all. This means that every effort that gets you moving and breathing, whether it's a twice-weekly kickboxing class or a 30-minute walk to work, has tangible benefits for your brain and body.

Boosting your metabolism is a myth

Our metabolism (the term for the process of burning calories), which our bodies naturally do, changes depending on the different activities we do throughout the day.

Unfortunately, the rate at which we digest food and use energy cannot be changed enough to cause weight loss.

But as we age, we also become less active, sticking to more or less the same diet. Researchers say our metabolic rate isn't the real culprit for the extra pounds we pack on as we get older.

Why does a woman gain weight quickly? 5 Main Reasons Why Women Gain Weight

Obesity is a common problem in a number of developed countries. For example, in the United States, about 40% of people have problems with excess weight. The figure is impressive. Our figure is slightly lower. But the trend towards its growth does not give reasons for joy. There are many reasons for obesity. Why do women gain weight after childbirth and how can they lose weight? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Why women gain weight quickly: reasons

First, let's get acquainted with the main reasons why a woman gains weight sharply during pregnancy and some time after childbirth. In fact, there are not only two of them:

• preparation of the body; • hormonal imbalance.

Both mechanisms operate simultaneously. That is why the mass is increasing at such a rapid pace. In most cases, after giving birth, a woman will lose weight on her own. Proper nutrition and exercise speed up this process.

Why does a woman gain weight quickly? 5 Main Reasons Why Women Gain Weight

Preparing the body

Pregnancy is a stressful situation. Moreover, a woman’s body should receive a lot of nutrients, because some of them go to the development of the fetus. Let's add to this a decrease in physical activity. The result is natural. The body itself gradually prepares for bearing a child and subsequent feeding. This will require a lot of resources.

Hormonal disbalance

During pregnancy and some time after it, the body synthesizes a lot of hormones. As a result, weight gain occurs. There is nothing dangerous in this case.

Why do women gain weight as they age?

Now let's look at why women gain weight with age. Here the situation is a little paradoxical. On the one hand, eating habits remain stable, on the other, the mass is steadily growing. The causes of the problem lie in a number of points:

• disruption of hormones; • problems with metabolism; • low activity.

Often all factors act together. Uncovering how each works will help reduce the risks of obesity.

Disruption of hormones

With age, hormone production decreases. This leads to disturbances in lipid metabolism. As a result, fat mass increases.


Over time, basic metabolic processes also slow down. The result is natural. The food eaten is stored as fat and does not turn into energy.

Low activity

The older you get, the lazier you become. This statement applies to many women and men. Maintaining weight at the same level is only possible if the amount of calories eaten is equal to or lower than the amount burned. In this case, the balance is disrupted.


The reasons why women gain weight vary. This often occurs due to endocrine diseases. In fact, there are a lot of options.

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