A streak of failures and bad luck: what to do, how to get out of it

Black line. Such a frightening and alarming phrase. However, every person in life has encountered unpleasant situations, one after another. The interesting thing is that some people, after a couple of failures, are back on top again after a short time. And for others, the black streak drags on for a very long time and, in some cases, does not stop for years and decades. There is a feeling - it seems like this is the beginning of a new life and a breakthrough, but no. An unforeseen unpleasant situation occurs again. Negativity seems to drag you into a swamp. And again failure after failure. It's like moving in an eternal circle. Today we will try to figure out how to cope with the “black streak” by breaking vicious energy connections.

Reasons for failure

Everyone knows that all failures and troubles arise exclusively in a person’s head. Only thoughts can generate an incredible amount of negativity in life.

A person’s dark streak often begins against the backdrop of some significant unpleasant situations. A person can live perfectly well and truly enjoy life and enjoy every day. However, at one moment a simply unpleasant situation occurs that unsettles him.

It could be anything: loss of a job, a loved one, death of loved ones, and so on.

But when faced with a stressful situation, different people react differently. For one person, after the event, practically nothing changes, and he continues to be on the wave of life. And others react completely differently, falling into depression and reflecting on their difficult lot. It is precisely with these thoughts that it is possible to attract negativity into your life.

How to deal with failures

It happens that troubles come in succession, but we do not understand how we deserved the disfavor of fate. Think about why this happened to you, try to answer the question honestly. Truthful answers will prompt further tactics of action. In an unpredictable life situation that threatens to turn into major troubles, you should not lose composure and inner strength.

If a bad streak has come in life, what to do first will be advised by the advice of psychologists:

  1. Stop panicking

All bad things come to an end sooner or later, so it is important to remain calm and not waste time on hysterics. Having calmed down, it is easier to find the right solution to the problem and swim out of the ocean of adversity.

  1. Ask for support

It is very difficult to cope with problems alone. Share your experiences with loved ones, and perhaps they will help you find a ray of light in the dark realm of troubles. Find people who have been in a similar situation and don't hesitate to ask for advice.

  1. Gather all your inner strength

Assess the situation soberly, resisting the temptation to leave everything to chance. Try to mentally think through several options for directing events in a direction that is beneficial to you.

  1. Accept what happened

The more objectively reality is assessed, the higher the chance that a white streak will come faster. Develop an action plan that will help you get out of trouble.

It is completely impossible to get rid of the black streaks in life, no matter how much you want it. However, by changing your attitude towards the period of failures and falls, you can become a truly strong person, immune to life’s difficulties, with a balanced psyche and moral health.

the girl is upset

Get your thoughts in order

You just need to step over past failures and start all over again. We need a reboot of sorts. You need to stop thinking about the failures that have befallen you and analyzing them. If you constantly ask yourself “Why? For what? For what?”, then you may never get off the ground. You need to get up one morning and say to yourself: “Enough is enough.” And from now on, just stop remembering all the grievances and negative moments you have experienced.

Just let go and start over. In such cases, each person has his own medicine. Some people get rid of negativity by listening to their favorite classical music, while for others the best medicine is a book, online fortune telling, or meditation. As soon as a person is distracted from the negative, the energy will again begin to provide positive emotions. And from the first positive thoughts you will want to smile at fate again.

Healthy Longevity

We've all had difficult times. And we all survived them. However, some people cope with them more easily than others. What is their secret? Professor Carol Morgan believes that it's all about our attitude to what is happening.

13 Tips to Remember When Life Throws You Up

1. What is, is.

The Buddha famously says, “Your suffering is caused by your resistance to what is.” Think about this for a minute. This means that suffering is only possible when we refuse to accept what is happening.

If you can change something, take action. But if change is impossible, then you have two options: accept the situation and let go of the negativity, or suffer for a long time, enthusiastically and passionately.

2. A problem only becomes a problem when you call it one.

We often become our own worst enemies. Happiness truly depends on perspective. If you consider something a problem, then your emotions and thoughts will be filled with negativity. Think about what lessons you can learn from the situation, and suddenly it won't be a problem anymore.

3. If you want to change things, start by changing yourself.

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. You probably know people whose lives are full of chaos and stress. And doesn’t this happen because they themselves are in a completely random order?

We like to think that changing circumstances change us. In fact, it works in the opposite direction: we must change ourselves in order to change our circumstances.

4. There is no concept of “failure” - only an opportunity to learn something.

You should simply eliminate the word "failure" from your vocabulary. All great people failed over and over again before they succeeded. I think Thomas Edison said this: “I did not fail in inventing the light bulb. I just found 99 ways it doesn't work."

Learn something from your so-called failures. Find out how to do it better next time.

5. If you don't get what you want, something better is on the way.

I know it's hard to believe sometimes. But it's true. Usually when you look back on your life, you realize that good things happened after things didn't work out.

Perhaps the job you weren't hired for would have alienated you from your family, unlike the one you ended up getting. Just trust that everything is happening exactly as it should be.

6. Appreciate the present moment.

It will never come again. Every moment of life has something valuable, don't let it pass you by. Soon everything will become a memory. Perhaps one day you will miss even those moments that do not seem happy now.

7. Let go of desires.

Most people live with a “tied mind.” This means that they attach great importance to their desires, and if they do not get what they intended, then their emotions become negative.

Instead, try practicing detached mind: if you want something, you will still be happy whether you get it or not. Your emotions in this state remain neutral or positive.

8. Understand your fears and be grateful for them.

Fear can be a great teacher. And overcoming fear often brings you closer to victory. For example, when I was in college, I was afraid of public speaking.

So now I find it funny that not only do I speak in front of a group of people every day as a teacher, but I also teach the art of public speaking. Overcoming fear just takes practice. Fear is just an illusion.

9. Allow yourself to experience joy.

Believe it or not, I know too many people who don't allow themselves to have fun. They don't even know how to be happy. Some are so dependent on their problems and inner chaos that they have no idea who they are without it all.

So try to allow yourself to be happy. It may be a small moment, but it is important to focus on the joys rather than the difficulties.

10. Don't compare yourself to others.

But if you compare, then only with those who are worse off than you. Unemployed? At least be grateful that you are receiving unemployment benefits. The majority of the world's people live in extreme poverty.

Don't look like Angelina Jolie? I think there are very few people like her. And you're probably a lot more attractive than most. Focus on this.

11. You are not a victim.

You are only a victim of your own thoughts, words and actions. Nobody does anything specifically for you or against you. You create your own experience.

Take personal responsibility and realize that you can survive difficulties. You just need to start by changing your thoughts and actions. Give up the victim mentality and become a winner.

12. Everything can and will change.

“This too shall pass” is one of my favorite sayings. When we are stuck in a bad situation, we feel like there is no way out. It seems that nothing will change. But you know what? There will be changes! Nothing lasts forever except death. So give up the habit of thinking that everything will remain this way forever.

It won't stay. But you will have to take some action to change the situation. She won't be able to magically change on her own.

13. Anything is possible.

Miracles happen every day. This is true. It’s a pity that it’s impossible to describe in one article all the amazing things that happened to my friends - from healing of the fourth stage of cancer to a sudden meeting with my soul mate.

This happens all the time.
You just have to believe that it happens. Once you believe, you can already win the battle. Share useful information with your friends, they may also find it useful:

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Review your environment very carefully

Sometimes people themselves allow toxic people into their lives. Often there are people around who negatively affect a person’s life. They cause guilt or shame towards them. Or they simply escalate a difficult situation and manipulate a person. You definitely need to stop this type of communication.

Often these people are in the closest circle and this makes it even more difficult.

But you definitely need to reconsider your communication with people. It is better to have a very small number of friends and relatives around a person, but they do not generate negative energy. Relationships between people should bring joy and charge a person only with positive energy. The environment should be reliable, positive and open.

A spell for good luck and happiness with a candle

The ultimate goal of this ritual depends on what color the candle is.

  • Red helps you find love.
  • Green - improve financial condition.
  • Yellow – improve health.
  • Purple promotes spiritual development.
  • White gives a person the strength to successfully complete all matters.

How the ritual is performed:

  • We imagine our ideal state, at the same time we light a candle;
  • We concentrate on sensations and emotions, imagining that what we want has already come true;
  • We look at the burning candle and say: “As the fire calmly curls, so the money (health, success, etc.) will return to me. Amen!";
  • We put out the flame. It is advisable to read the prayer at midnight before going to bed.

Change will come to the rescue

Places also have the ability to absorb negative information. Thus, productive energy is blocked. Very often, the environment also influences thoughts. Therefore, when there is a black streak, you can try to change the environment. Each person has different boundaries and therefore everyone needs their own. Sometimes a girl just needs to go to a salon to radically change her appearance, and she flutters and shines with happiness again.

For some people this is not enough. They need to change their place of residence, or maybe even change their city or country of residence. But first, you can try small. Start with the usual cleaning of negativity with your own hands.

In any case, a bad streak cannot last forever, just as everything is not smooth and wonderful all the time. It all depends on you and your thoughts. Love, rejoice every day and enjoy life. And then there will be no place for negativity in your life. And everything will be fine!

White streak in life

Audio program “White streak in life.”

If we are happy with everything, then we state that there is a “white streak” in our life. But, unfortunately, it does not last forever.

When the “white streak” in life suddenly changes to “black”, it always causes concern and anxiety.

Why does a “black streak” arise and how to quickly get out of it?

The greatest desire of a person experiencing a “black streak” in life is that it ends as soon as possible and a “white streak” begins.

Sometimes it happens that the onset of the “white streak” is greatly delayed and a person already loses hope that the “black streak” will ever end.

Meanwhile, many people simply do not understand that they linger on the “dark streak” of their own free will, because their own mind does not allow them to leave it.

The point is that our behavior depends on the automatic adjustment of the mind to the surrounding circumstances.

For example, if 2 people sit at the same table in a cafe or restaurant, then there is a high probability that they will order different dishes.

But, if 3 people sit at the table, then two of them will definitely order the same dishes, despite the wide variety on the menu. Three people are already “environment” and there will definitely be someone who will adapt to the order of one of the others.

When asked “how are you” during a crisis, you will hear the standard answer that things are not going well or very badly, since this is the case for almost everyone.

Here is a typical example of our mind adjusting to what it refers to as “environmental conditions.”

The mind finds an excuse for what is happening and calms down on this, deciding that now everyone is going through a “dark streak” and nothing can be done about it.

“Things are bad for me,” the man thinks. – But for others they are no better, and for many they are even worse.

Then everyone who is on the “black streak” falls into a state of waiting for the moment when the desired “white streak” will come.

At the same time, rarely does anyone understand that everything that happens is an automatic adjustment of consciousness to the generally accepted opinion.

-How to speed up the onset of a “white streak” in life?

First of all, you need to bring your mind and subconscious out of the state of automatic adjustment to what it defines as external conditions, i.e. the “environment” in which it needs to function.

It is useless to convince yourself with a mantra that everything is supposedly fine with you, because the mind will resist, seeing that everything is not so in reality.

In order to get out of the “dark streak” in life, you need to use the “body-mind” system, which will function as a single whole.

Our minds are more busy making excuses for our actions than finding opportunities.

Searching and finding excuses is an automatic adjustment that slows down the quick escape from the “dark streak”.

To help those who are sure that they are going through a “dark streak” in their lives, we have created an audio program and a set of exercises associated with it.

The “White Stripe” audio program, which we bring to your attention, is designed to bring your mind out of the state of automatic adjustment to “environmental conditions” that are supposedly equally bad for everyone, with a subsequent transition to more favorable conditions.

Neither tomorrow nor the day after tomorrow there will be a decree or law stating that the “black streak” ends with such and such a day on the calendar, after which the “white streak” will begin.

But the press makes us all happy every day with reports about the upcoming onset of the “white streak”, conveying to readers the opinion of experts and analysts that in 5 or 10 years everything will return to normal and prosperity will begin, a state of pride and joy will appear.

So, what lane you are in in life depends, first of all, only on you. If you have automatically adjusted to the fact that now there is a “black streak”, then you do not need to treat this as a prerequisite for your existence.

You can, if you want, jump from the “black stripe” to the “white stripe”, despite the fact that others will convince themselves that this cannot be done, since now, they say, the majority have a “black stripe”.

White Stripe we offer is a musical composition using “pink noise”, through which the audible sound is modulated by ultra-low frequency waves that resonate with the vibrations of the aura of a particular user of the program.

The program is individualized because it is based on the resonance of the frequencies of the modulated sound and your aura.

Working with it is not limited to just listening to the program: you need to follow the instructions included with the program.

The duration of the program audio file is 32 minutes. As mentioned above, the sound is modulated by vibrations of the customer’s biofield.

Program price – 56 Euro

Production time - 2 working days.

You can order the program in the “Purchase” section.

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