Tatarka FM about Didenko’s wedding: “A woman who has lost her beloved will not get married so quickly”

Mistakes girls make in relationships

If you want to understand how not to lose a guy, then first you need to learn about the typical mistakes girls make in relationships with guys, and try to never make them.

Your boyfriend is the best, the smartest and just wonderful! Remember this, even when during a quarrel you want to be rude to him or say a bunch of nasty things. Often girls greatly offend their boyfriends with angry words, shouting, and criticism. Guys don’t like to be criticized, humiliated, compared with other guys, or praised in their presence for the virtues of other guys (Brad Pitt is a sexy handsome man! - never say these and similar expressions in his presence). In general, be very careful with your words, think before you say anything to a guy.

Women's hysterics, tears, showdowns - all this needs to be left behind. Learn to behave with restraint and calm. A sobbing, screaming, angry, noisy, touchy, always whining, dissatisfied girl only pushes you away. This way you won’t show yourself at your best, and you definitely won’t evoke good mutual feelings.

A lot of guys complain that girls don't understand them. The guys are not from another planet, he’s just different in his psychology, and this needs to be understood. He is not interested in what cool blouse you bought for yourself, what happened with your friend Katya, how your favorite TV series ended, etc. Save conversations on women's topics for communicating with friends. Also, you shouldn’t be hostile to every acquaintance of his, or create scenes of jealousy; he may have friends among girls.

When a guy says that he wants to be alone today or relax with friends, don’t interfere, because he, like you, has the right to take a break from relationships. In general, there can be a lot of such nuances, I advise you to study the psychology of men, you will understand a lot and will be able to save your relationship from unnecessary problems.

Guys are owners by nature. It will be great if he thinks that many people like you, but only one is faithful to him. The sympathy of other guys for you will flatter him and fuel his interest in you thanks to slight jealousy, and your loyalty will show him that you are a worthy girl for a serious relationship. However, in the presence of a guy, do not flirt with his friends and acquaintances, it is ugly and not very good for many reasons.

How not to lose a guy? Try to get rid of these qualities, they really irritate guys, and sometimes make them think about breaking up with a girl:

  • Imbalance.
  • Talkativeness.
  • The desire to be first in a relationship.
  • Ingratitude.
  • Boringness.
  • The habit of gossiping.
  • Reluctance to compromise, to look for ways out of difficult situations in relationships.
  • Reluctance to ask for forgiveness and admit guilt.
  • Reluctance to discuss your desires, needs, or talk about what you don’t like about your partner.
  • Doubts about your boyfriend, lack of faith in his success, lack of support.
  • Obsessiveness and annoyingness.
  • Deceit.
  • Excessive self-criticism and self-deprecation.

How not to lose love?

How to maintain brightness, warmth, mutual respect and, most importantly, love in a long-term relationship? This can be done in different ways, but in all cases you need to remember five simple rules that will help your feelings not fade away.

So let's reveal these secrets and make our relationship stronger!


If you want to have a vibrant, long-term relationship, you must learn to be aware of your obligations and responsibilities.

First, you need to learn to be aware of the things that lead to disharmony in relationships. Let's say a man cheated on his wife. Subconsciously, he understands that he will eventually be figured out, the details of his adventures will come to light. The best solution in this situation may be recognition and repentance. Thus, the consequences for the relationship will be less painful than if the man confessed only when he was “pushed to the wall.”

Secondly, you don’t need to take responsibility for things that you can’t control. For example, the promise “I promise to love you forever” is impossible to keep. Because there are moments in life when you don't love yourself. Love is a mystery. It cannot be subject solely to your will. In this case, it would be better to talk about your feelings at the moment.

Share experiences, thoughts, feelings

If you want to save your relationship, you need to learn to make your emotions transparent. In order for the intimacy that is so necessary in a relationship to appear between you and your significant other, you need to remove all barriers in conversations, tell each other only the truth about everything: feelings, deeds, dreams...

Avoid guilt

If you want to save your relationship, learn to avoid guilt and unfounded criticism.

Leading American psychologists recommend transforming the phrase “Why are you doing this again?!” in “What did I do to stop my partner from doing this again?”

Focus on creativity

Focus your potential not only on your partner, but also on something creative.

Often in couples, people concentrate on trying to change some features of their spouse that most irritate or dislike. Unfortunately, such actions rarely lead to positive changes; more often they cause irritation, disharmony in relationships and, ultimately, internal despair.

Try to spend this energy on realizing your creative potential: draw if you like it; sign up for dancing; play the piano (guitar, violin); grow home flowers. Believe me, after this, many of the things that irritated you so much about your partner will not seem so terrible!


Say more about what you don’t like in the relationship (just don’t break into mutual reproaches), but don’t forget to tell us what you like!

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How to improve relationships

Of course, to understand how not to lose a guy, it is important to say a few words about how to improve your relationship. If the relationship is strong and healthy, then he himself will not want to leave you!

  • Praise him, a lot and sincerely, admire him, say kind words and compliments, thank him for what he does for you. The guy is ready to listen to the tender and sincere words of his girlfriend for a long time, they are very pleasant to him. But everything should be in moderation: make sure that your speeches do not turn into lisp - no one will like that.
  • Develop mutual interest. Find common hobbies, things that are interesting to both, travel, learn new things, get fresh experiences together, go to new places. The more new experiences you get together, the stronger your relationship will be, the more interesting you will be for him. Be proactive in finding mutual interests.
  • If you have entered into a sexual relationship with a guy, then do not be afraid of variety in bed, offer him new ideas, show him your desire, be passionate and tender. For men, sex is of great importance, so a girl needs to behave especially correctly in bed.
  • Don't forget to take care of your appearance. It’s nice for a guy to be next to a beautiful and well-groomed girl, and it’s quite possible for you to make yourself like that! If this is all right, then just maintain your beauty: eat right, get enough sleep, exercise, take care of your hair, nails and skin, choose clothes and makeup wisely.

Now you know how not to lose a guy. Of course, there are many more nuances in this issue than are described here, so study male psychology, watch your boyfriend, try to feel what he likes and what repels you. Analyze, draw conclusions, behave correctly, and everything will be fine!

How not to scare a guy3

Strange as it may seem, this applies to both strong and brutal men and their more timid “countrymen.” The trick here is that a man and a woman perceive communication, and even more so sex, radically differently. And many girls, not having time to start a relationship with a guy, almost immediately begin to consider him almost their husband.

But men, on the contrary, neither after the first dates (even if they were successful), nor after the first sex, do not consider themselves obliged to the girl or attached to her. In their understanding, they continue to be free and independent.

This is where lies the main mistake of girls who, after the first few meetings, begin to plan out loud their future life - buying a new apartment, planning a wedding celebration and choosing a name for their first-born.

how to start a relationship

For most guys, the reaction to such an “offensive” will definitely be negative. Not wanting to lose their own freedom, they will simply try to end the relationship as soon as possible, without waiting for them to be “constrained.” Therefore, dear ladies, if you do not want to ruin your relationship with a guy, do not force things and let him decide for himself that you are his beloved and unique one.

I'm afraid of losing my loved one

Hello, I met a girl on the Internet 4 months ago, she is married, she has 2 children 5 years older than me, she is 27 and I am 22, I work in dentistry and am studying at a higher education to become a defectologist. At that moment I was interested, maybe I even wanted to sleep with her, I know that this is bad, she has her own family, but from the first day of our communication we were fine, and I could not imagine that over time I would fall in love with her and not I thought that it was possible to love someone like that. She has now left her husband for her parents with 2 children and wants to divorce him. but I don’t want this, that she would divorce her husband, he doesn’t drink his business, even at some moments I don’t understand her, that her husband needs to have everything, and she has, maybe there are even people who don’t need this, but now it’s just time is like this, he is neither a bad nor a good person, she complained that he devotes little time to her and the children all the time at work. Before communicating with me, she simply communicated with one person for 2 years, nothing happened between them. there was sympathy for each other, he wanted her and her husband to divorce and live with him, and he also has a family, she refused because they had mutual friends and the fact that he had a wife and child. but then I appear, correspondence on the Internet until 2 am, telephone conversations for hours, I am jealous of her at every post, I am afraid of losing her. at the time she was living with her husband, I wanted her to interrupt all these communications on the Internet and spend more time with the children and be with her husband, since she had previously told me that she wanted to divorce him, I told her there was no need, I really wanted that If only this family hearth would not go out, he forbade her to communicate with others on the Internet, she has a lot of other people, so she is a sociable person, she said, and I will leave if she stops all this communication. I was in contact and it was the best day of my young life. She got divorced and for me it was a complete disappointment. I told her that she would return to her husband and she was categorically against it

then I told her either you will be with me or with your husband and there are no other options. Now she got a job with a man with whom they used to communicate with their families, but he used to want to look after her and sleep with her and she knows it all perfectly well, as I found out I was against it, so I said you don’t understand what he’s trying to achieve, she told me what she wanted he doesn’t give a damn that she only needs me and how should I understand her? She has two children, she doesn’t want to sit on her parents’ necks, she has to pay for kindergarten, she doesn’t want to take anything from her husband, since she wants to live there temporarily with her father he won’t find another job and so he says we won’t see him, he’s in another office and I’m in another office and she told him that she wouldn’t hear anything like that about the date since she would leave right away. but I was absolutely against it, I said that she would be patient a little bit, I wanted her to find a job himself, she refused to pay her for the kindergarten, but that she would not go to work with him. Now she has been working there for 2 days. and I feel something is wrong in our relationship and it scares me, I told her if you get divorced, we will sign and we will have a family and leave this city and it doesn’t scare me that she has two children

and I understand the responsibility that falls on my shoulders, on the contrary, I’m glad about it and I really want to be with her, don’t let death do us part

and she doubts me, she says that it’s all temporary, you’ll meet a young woman, and I tell her the opposite, that I don’t need anyone except her

and the fact that everything will be fine with us, I’m sure of it, but it just takes time and my desires and goals in relation to her will not change, I’m sure of it. but with this work everything went to waste in 2 days I’m afraid of losing her when such thoughts come to my head the taste of life disappears

I’ve had insomnia for 2 days now and I have no appetite, I don’t know what to do. God forbid, of course, that our paths will diverge and she will meet someone else who will not be so sincere with her and will not love her as much as I do, but only one thing will be necessary for him to spend the night with her and this angers and scares me. I want one either with me and we will sign and we will live together or return to my husband and live with him. I don’t know what I should do, I know one thing is that I will no longer love anyone as much as she does and I wouldn’t want to live with a person who has no feelings, I will deceive myself and her and I understand what will be needed over time and with age for the sake of the child. If she doesn’t return to her husband, I want to maintain our relationship and be only with her. I don’t know what to do, what to do. but I know one thing: I will feel bad without her and this pain will never go away because sincere love does not come the second time.

What do i do?

I'm afraid of losing my loved one

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