Reasons for deterioration of nails, what to do and how to restore them to a healthy appearance

Nowadays, few women face the problem of dry nails. This manifests itself in different ways, but usually, if the nail plate dries out, the nails become fragile: there is not enough moisture - they begin to peel and break. The cuticle also dries, and the skin around the nails becomes dry and rough, cracks and hangnails appear.

Our nails, like skin and hair, look the way they feel: if their health is not in order, they quickly react to this and reflect the general condition of the body, like a kind of small mirrors - dry nails really lose their shine and become “cloudy” and dim. Of course, dry nails can be explained not only by health problems, but the condition of the nails directly depends on the composition of the diet. Today we want to tell you exactly what the main causes of dry nails are, what nutrition they need and how you can help with folk remedies.

Main reasons

Dry nails due to aggressive products

A manicure and beautiful polish are great, but nail polish removers are not always safe: many of them still contain acetone and other chemicals that are extremely harmful to nails and skin. Girls and young women also really like to experiment, and their nails endure these experiments: one polish today, another tomorrow; nail extensions and other ways to decorate them.

Exposure to household chemicals brings even more harm to hands and nails: if we remove nail polish 1-2 times a week, then we do dishes, cleaning and laundry almost every day - not one thing, but another. And we “rinse” in chlorinated water: our nails absorb it, and the plates begin to deteriorate, and calcium and other minerals are washed out - hence dry nails, brittleness and brittleness.

Cheap or too aggressive nail files - for example, metal ones - can cause nails not only dryness, but also serious harm; In addition, women often process their nails in a hurry - they always don’t have enough time for themselves - and move the nail file “haphazardly”, trying to quickly get the desired shape. Such manipulations easily damage the nail structure; then household chemicals get into their fabric and - “the process has begun” (see above).

After winter, dry nails become especially important: this is facilitated by low air humidity in the rooms where we live and work, and it is difficult to combat this factor. Humidifiers are not available everywhere, and artificially humidified air is noticeably different from an atmosphere with natural humidity.

Poor nutrition is the cause of dry nails

Minimizing the impact of everything listed above is easiest for those who eat rationally and are accustomed to monitoring their diet at any time of the year. After all, the state of health depends on nutrition by 70-80%, and nails that receive nutrients from within the body are better able to withstand negative external factors: they are stronger, stronger and more durable, and are not damaged so easily. Even stress, which takes away many essential substances from the body, causes less damage to “well-fed” nails.

And with a lack of vitamins, minerals, complete protein and healthy fats, nails do not last long. Indeed, on this basis, health problems often arise, such as anemia, psoriasis, liver and thyroid diseases - nails with such diseases often dry out and break.

In women, in addition, thyroid dysfunction occurs tens of times more often than in men. So it’s worth saying a little more about proper nutrition, including for healthy nails. So, what kind of nutrition is needed for the beauty of nails in general and against dryness in particular?

Water and drinks for dry nails

Nails are moisturized from the inside in the same ways as skin and hair: for dry nails, you need to drink more clean water, and avoid foods and dishes that cause dehydration. For example, everyone knows that coffee, when consumed frequently, actively washes away calcium, but we don’t want to give it up: how else can you cheer up if drowsiness and lethargy “attack”? In fact, there are quite a few “energy drinks” - at least tea with ginger, but it takes longer to prepare.

So we drink coffee (and instant coffee too), black tea in bags, store-bought juices from “tetra packs”, and this is in the best case, if we don’t try to quench our thirst with cola or sprite. Healthy drinks are not cheap, and mineral water, if you buy it every day, will also cost a pretty penny.

A good filter for tap water will help solve the problem, and filtered water can be turned into melt water: it’s not difficult to find out how this is done. Drinking plain water is “boring”, but you can add a few drops of lemon juice to a glass, 1/2 tsp. honey, infuse water with orange zest or fresh mint for a few minutes - this fragrant herb is easy to grow on a windowsill.

It is better to prepare fruit juices at home, but if you can’t, at least dilute store-bought juices with clean water. It is worth remembering that domestically produced vegetable juices are often more healthy, but they contain significantly fewer calories. Vegetables are not as sweet as fruits and contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals, which means they are much healthier for your figure than fruit juices.

If you like tea, green and black, choose loose leaf; tea made from herbs, dried berries and fruits is good; Reduce your coffee consumption.

Essential nutrition for nails

You can’t talk briefly about nutrition for dry nails, for their health and beauty, but you can list several products that moisturize and nourish nails from the inside.

Among vegetables, fresh cucumbers are, of course, considered the best source of clean and healthy water. They can be added to any salads and eaten just like that; Fasting days on cucumbers perfectly moisturize your nails.

Melons and watermelons contain a lot of good water; Celery has a rich composition - it is especially rich in iron, due to the lack of which nails often break. It is worth paying attention to such vegetables and fruits as carrots, spinach, parsley, broccoli, sweet peppers, peaches, citrus fruits, mangoes, papaya, etc.

Aloe vera for dry nails is usually used as an external remedy for masks and baths, but it can also be used internally, little by little, adding to juices and smoothies.

Fatty acids help cells retain moisture better. Among “animal” products, sea fish is rich in them, and among “vegetable” products – raw nuts, seeds, and avocados.

Recently, chia seeds have been advertised - Spanish sage, which was attributed healing properties by the Aztecs and Mayans. These seeds are rich in fatty acids and minerals and retain moisture well, so if you have the desire and opportunity, you can add them to your diet. True, this product is exotic for us, and there are contraindications for its use; Many people even experience allergic reactions. But instead of chia, you can take flaxseed, which is well known and familiar to us.

How to remove dryness with folk remedies

The simplest and most effective way to combat dry nails is homemade baths.

Heat castor or olive oil slightly, add a little lemon juice, and dip your nails into the mixture for 7-10 minutes. This is how nails absorb beneficial substances; after the baths they stop drying and breaking and begin to grow better. It is advisable to do the procedure 2-3 times a week if your nails are already dry.

Another mixture for dry nails: sunflower oil and apple cider vinegar, 1:1. Soak your nails for 15 minutes.

You can also add pharmaceutical vitamin A in capsules and iodine, 3-4 drops each, to the warm oil; You can mix the butter with milk and sea salt dissolved in warm water.

Such procedures should be done at night, put on cotton gloves and go to bed: by morning the condition of the nails will noticeably improve.

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Dry nails bother many people, especially in winter and spring. Dry nail plate is often accompanied by problems with the cuticle and skin around the fingers. Sometimes this phenomenon is observed on the legs. Adults and children are susceptible to dry nails. What should you do if your child develops cracks in the skin around the nails and painful hangnails due to dryness? It is necessary to find out the causes and ways to solve this problem.

Diagnosis of dry nails and finger skin

It is important to carefully examine the nail plate to identify the following signs:

  • the nail has no shine, is cloudy;
  • there are vertical stripes on the nails;
  • whitish spots all over the nail;
  • lack of smoothness of the nail plate.

These symptoms indicate that the nails lack natural moisture. Nails consist of three layers, the first of which are soft and hard keratin. Between them there is a water-fat composition. If any component is missing, delamination occurs. This problem is more serious. Healing the nail plate becomes more complicated than simply increasing the moisture content between the layers of the nail.

Often, lack of moisture in the body affects the skin around the nails. Redness and peeling appear on it. Sometimes there is severe pain from cracks and wounds. This means that the skin loses its elasticity due to dehydration. The cuticle is also susceptible to moisture loss, resulting in painful hangnails appearing on the fingers. It is wrong to think that only the hands suffer from such troubles. Manifestations of moisture deficiency are also possible on the feet, resulting in the appearance of cracks, wounds, and brittleness of the nail plate. In the case of toenails, the reasons may be more serious.

What types are there?

Depending on the severity of the course, two stages are distinguished:

  • Early or initial, when thinning and flattening of the nail plate are noted. A small depression appears in the center, color and smoothness are preserved;
  • Late, in which the subungual space changes, the nail becomes fragile, the free edge of the plate bends upward. The nail plate crumbles at the edges, but retains its natural color and smooth surface.

Depending on the cause, koilonychia can be:

  • Hereditary or congenital, develops as a result of gene mutations. Dystrophy is inherited; many family members have it;
  • Acquired, formed during life under the influence of external factors or internal diseases;
  • Idiopathic, when the causes cannot be determined.

Source of dehydration of nails and skin around them

Before you start using various remedies, you need to determine why the problem occurred. The main causes of nail problems:

  • use of chemicals in everyday life (washing dishes, hand washing);
  • frequent use of an acetone-containing solution to remove nail polish;
  • daily excess moisture when solving household tasks (dishes, wet cleaning);
  • applying low-quality nail polish;
  • use of an inappropriate file, incorrect filing procedure;
  • deficiency of microelements necessary for the body;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

If the skin around the fingers and cuticles are also problematic, the following reasons are possible:

  • improper care of hands and cuticles;
  • using soap with alkaline or antibacterial substances;
  • non-compliance with the principles of healthy eating;
  • presence of fungal infection.

Brittle nails, cuticles with hangnails, or dry skin on the toes may indicate dangerous diseases such as fungus, psoriasis, eczema, reactions to medications, and the development of diabetes.

It is important not to neglect the problem and consult a doctor. If they rule out problems with internal organs, the problem can be solved without their intervention.

Nail fungus

One of the serious reasons why problems arise with toenails is fungal infection. The infectious disease onychomycosis is characterized by the rapid spread of pathogenic microorganisms. In its advanced form, the pathology requires long-term treatment. The fungus multiplies rapidly in conditions of high temperature and humidity. The causes of pathology on the legs are:

  • failure to maintain personal hygiene in the pool, sauna;
  • using someone else's shoes;
  • work in rooms with unfavorable conditions;
  • age-related changes;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

The development of a fungal infection is provoked by problems with blood circulation in the lower extremities, metabolic disorders, and hormonal imbalances. The main causative agents of infections are three types of fungi; each has its own symptoms of the disease and requires a special approach to treatment. Damage to toenails is caused by:

  • mold microorganisms;
  • candida – yeast fungi;
  • dermatophytes.

Signs of toenail fungus

An infection caused by pathogenic fungal microorganisms has pronounced symptoms. Signs of the disease depend on the type of pathogen, but there are general characteristics of pathological changes. These include:

  • the appearance of thickening;
  • cracking;
  • change in color of the nail plate on the toes;
  • fragility;
  • nail splitting;
  • damage to the surrounding skin with redness, burning, itching.

In the early stages of the disease, the plates become dull, their shine is lost, and yellowish spots appear. With timely contact with a dermatologist, a quick cure occurs. As the fungus on the feet progresses, the following is observed:

  • change in surface color to darker - brown, black;
  • the appearance of tuberosity;
  • plane deformations;
  • redness of the cushion;
  • tissue inflammation;
  • complete destruction of the nail plate.


It is a mistake to think that a fungal infection on the feet will go away on its own. It is unacceptable to self-medicate. Only a dermatologist, having identified the pathogen and made the correct diagnosis, can prescribe medications and a regimen of use. To combat fungal pathology on the feet, use:

  • local external medications in the form of sprays, ointments, solutions;
  • antifungal drugs for oral administration – tablets, capsules;
  • Traditional medicine recipes - baths, compresses, lotions.

It is very important to consult a specialist when the first symptoms of nail disease appear. This will help solve the problem in a short time. Dermatologists prescribe:

  • at an early stage of the disease - application of Fukortsin liquid, use of varnishes Ciclopirox, Lotseril;
  • if the lesion develops - Terbinafine ointment, Ketoconazole tablets;
  • to improve nutrition and activate blood circulation - physiotherapy;
  • in advanced cases - removal of the nail.

Presence of dry and brittle nails in children

This problem occurs not only in adults. She also often lies in wait for children. A torn cuticle is very painful for a child. The reason for this is considered to be the tenderness of children's skin. Often the precursor to dryness, brittleness of the nail plate, and cracks on a child’s fingers is a fungus that must be treated immediately. The digestive organs should be checked.

A deficiency of zinc, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus can also affect a child’s nails.

If no obvious diseases are detected, you can reconsider the child’s diet. The baby's diet needs oils, nuts, eggs, dried fruits, fish, buckwheat, and oatmeal. Vitamin deficiency is overcome with the help of specialized vitamin preparations.

Important: Approach the problem comprehensively. Use any vegetable oil (1-2 drops) for daily rubbing and nail bath (2-3 times a week).

To prepare the bath you will need lemon juice (1 tsp), iodine (2 drops), glycerin (100 g). These ingredients should be warmed up a little, and the child’s fingers should be immersed in them for 10 minutes. After the procedure, wash your hands in warm water and wipe with a towel. This action greatly strengthens the child’s brittle nails. It is very important to maintain regularity of procedures.

Self-treatment for dry hands and nails

Dry fingernails require special attention. To heal in natural, home conditions, you can use various products to care for your nails and the skin around them. The nail plate needs vitamins A and E. You can buy them at the pharmacy, add them to any vegetable oil, and then rub them into the nails and the skin around them. Baths and natural masks at home are inexpensive, but the effectiveness of their use is not inferior to expensive salon procedures.

Baths for treating dry hands and feet

Boiled potato bath. Stir 1 cooked crushed potato tuber, 2 cups of water and 1 cup of milk. If desired, you can add olive or burdock oil (1 tsp). Place your hands in the mixture for 20 minutes.

After such a bath, your hands should be rinsed with warm water, wiped with a soft cloth, and lubricated with liquid cream.

The skin on your fingers and palms will stop peeling if you use starch baths. Add 1 tbsp to a liter of water (45–50 degrees). l. potato starch. Soak your hands in the solution for 15 minutes, then wipe them with a soft cloth and lubricate them with a rich (nourishing) cream.

Vitamin bath. For the bath, dilute lemon juice (2 tbsp) and the same amount of sea salt in a glass of water (45–50 degrees), add grape seed oil (2–3 drops). Warm your fingers in this liquid for 15 minutes. After completing the procedure, you should dry your fingers with a towel and apply any nourishing cream. Such baths are recommended to be carried out once a week.

Why nails peel 4 reasons

  • Health problem. Splitting of nails can be caused by internal reasons, which requires consultation with a doctor. We have already talked about how to determine the state of health by nails, we recommend it for a detailed study of this issue.
  • Household chemicals. Frequent contact with chemical solutions, such as strong detergents, harms the nail plate. This is one of the most common reasons why fingernails peel. Chemicals wash away calcium from the nail plate, thereby weakening them.
  • Improper use of a nail file. A metal file is the enemy of nails; it destroys the edge of the nail, creating tiny cracks on its cut, which lead to their delamination. It is better to give preference to glass, ceramic or laser tools that gently sharpen the nail without damaging its structure.
  • Abuse of varnish. Frequent use of nail polishes, especially low-quality ones, and removing polish with cheap liquids can also harm the nail plate, thinning and weakening it. This is the most common cause of peeling fingernails in girls who, due to their profession, have to constantly paint their nails.

Peeling fingernails: what to do and how to treat them

Treatment of nails from splitting

  1. Baths. You can supply your nails with nutrients and vitamins in a simple way: just get into the habit of taking baths several times a week. Solutions can be made in advance and refrigerated, and when you have 15 minutes of free time, pour the mixture into a cup and immerse your nails in it. Here is the simplest recipe for treating peeling nails. Sea salt (2 tablespoons) is mixed with a few drops of iodine, diluted with 50 ml of warm water - the solution is ready.
  2. Oil for nails and cuticles. There are special mixtures for nail care, often they come in a convenient form with a dropper, which makes the product easier to use. Natural oils are a storehouse of useful substances and they perfectly treat the nail plate, making it strong.
  3. Taking vitamins. Weakened nails need help from the inside; for this you need to regularly take courses of nail vitamins. The complex should include vitamins B and E.
  4. Varnish base with vitamins. You can take vitamins with food, but it is better to use special products in the form of a base for varnish with a high content of vitamins.
  5. Varnish with calcium. Today there is a simple solution for treating split nails - this is “liquid calcium” in the form of varnish, it is applied to the nails with a regular brush and fills the nails with health and strength. Varnish with calcium
  6. Sealing the nails. Many salons offer a simple but very effective procedure - sealing the nail with wax. Manipulation allows you to cover the nail with the thinnest film, which will protect the nail from external harm and nourish it from the inside.
  7. Smart enamel. At home, you can use a special coating resembling varnish, which perfectly strengthens your nails and prevents delamination. You can apply it once a week just like varnish.
  8. SPA treatments for nails. Salons offer a whole list of useful manipulations that will help get rid of the problem of splitting nails: wraps, baths, massages, masks. All this will help strengthen the plate and grow long, even nails.
  9. Revitalizing balm. There are many natural products that will keep your nails strong and healthy. One option: mix equal parts of honey and lemon juice, add half of the olive oil, combine everything and immerse your nails in the liquid. Then put on plastic gloves and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  10. Vitamin masks. Paraffin mask. Melt natural wax or paraffin. In a separate bowl, mix 100 ml of aloe juice, 3 tablespoons of honey and a coffee spoon of peach or almond oil. Dip your hands into the liquid, hold for a while, then place your fingers in the warm wax. Then put plastic gloves on your hands and hold for 15 minutes.

What do you do if your nails peel? What treatment are you doing? What helps most effectively? What are your reasons for peeling nails? Leave reviews and comments!

Causes of brittle nails

Exposure of nails to external and internal factors leads to their fragility. They begin to crack, peel off, break off, they are impossible to grow back and, moreover, to do a high-quality manicure. To understand the reasons for this process, you need to consult a doctor. It will help identify or exclude chronic and fungal diseases, check the amount of vitamins and microelements in the body.

Genetic causes

Such causes of brittle fingernails are quite common. The ability of the body to produce keratin and a certain amount of sulfur to harden it is passed on to a person from his parents. To exclude this cause, it is recommended to submit a small part of the nail to the laboratory. People who have been confirmed to have a genetic tendency to break off nails stop fighting brittleness. You shouldn't give up. It is necessary to take more careful care of your nails and carry out medical procedures as preventive measures.

Poor care, manicure

If a woman suddenly discovers that her fingernails are brittle and peeling, the reasons for this often lie in improper and illiterate care. The use of cheap varnishes and liquids based on acetone, low-quality care products leads to the penetration of harmful substances deep into the nails, damaging their structure, making them more vulnerable. If girls often get manicures or nail extensions, this has a detrimental effect on them. The nails begin to fade, peel and become brittle. Not everyone knows how to properly do a manicure at home and learn on their own, performing manipulations that negatively affect the nails.

Pay attention to the most common mistakes:

  1. Do not use metal or glass files;
  2. The file must be held strictly perpendicular to the nail, then you will correctly form the shape of the nail plate;
  3. If detachment has already taken place, such a nail must be treated first on the sides, gradually moving to the center;
  4. The movements of the nail file occur in one direction;
  5. Prefer a tool with fine abrasive and do not grind it.

Playing musical instruments

Any mechanical impact on the nail plates, be it playing a musical instrument or typing on a computer, leads to damage to the nail at the microscopic level and, thus, to disruption of natural exfoliation. Any mechanical impact on the nail plates, be it playing a musical instrument or typing on a computer, leads to damage to the nail.

Working with aggressive substances

When cleaning the house, a person cannot do without chemicals that significantly improve and simplify cleaning. Even if a woman starts washing dishes, she cannot do without a chemical detergent. Therefore, it is recommended to do all housework related to chemistry with gloves. They will protect your nails and hands from exposure to aggressive substances.

Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal imbalances, mainly associated with adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause. During this period, brittle fingernails often appear. During hormonal imbalance, estrogen levels decrease, and this has a detrimental effect on the condition of the marigolds.


Vitamin deficiency, a lack of vitamins and microelements in the human body, leads to the fact that nails look dull and flake. Brittle fingernails look unpleasant. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of this phenomenon. It is recommended to eat foods containing: calcium; silicon; zinc; vitamins A, D, E. If you have vitamin deficiency, you must definitely consume foods containing calcium. The nail contains keratin, so that the body produces it; it is recommended to include poultry, eggs, and sea fish in the menu. When consumed daily, these products will have a beneficial effect on the health of the nail plates. To prevent vitamin deficiency, you can take a complex of vitamins once a year.

Nail fungus

This problem occurs to many people. If treatment is not started on time, the nails will lose their shape, color and become brittle. Outside interference Many people bite their nails or remove them with nippers; this is strictly prohibited. Under the influence of improper mechanical intervention, they break. Many people bite their nails or remove them with nail clippers; this is strictly prohibited. Under the influence of improper mechanical intervention, they break. Lack of water and dehydration Lack of water in the body causes nails to become yellow, dull and brittle.

Why do nails peel and break?

Before you start looking for methods and recommendations for strengthening and healing the nail plate, you must first try to determine what exactly caused the deterioration of the nails.
It is not recommended to carry out a course of treatment or try to find methods to strengthen nails until the cause is determined. After all, all measures taken may turn out to be ineffective. Nails can begin to deteriorate severely for the following reasons:

  • Lack of valuable vitamins in the body. Provided that the body does not receive the required amount of minerals and various vitamins, the nail plate gradually begins to thin out. It becomes thin and very fragile, delamination begins. Vitamin depletion can be caused by both poor nutrition and various diseases.
  • Poor diet is a very common cause of brittle nails. If a girl constantly follows strict diets, her body will not receive the required amount of valuable vitamins and nutrients. As a rule, this applies specifically to fatty foods. As a result, the nails become very brittle, dry, the surface becomes rough, and a healthy shine is lost.
  • Constant contact with household chemicals. Every woman regularly uses a variety of detergents, washing powders, bleaches and cleaning agents. All this has a negative impact on the general condition of the marigolds.
  • Various mechanical effects. There are cases when, due to the specific nature of the work, a girl’s hands are constantly exposed to negative mechanical influence, which, in turn, provokes injury to the nail plate.
  • Abuse of various manicure products. It is not recommended to frequently use nail polish removers containing acetone. Also, you should not paint your nails every day with colored varnishes, because they also have a negative effect on the condition of the nail plate. It must be remembered that if nails are filed or trimmed incorrectly, they can begin to peel and break.

Treatment of brittle nails

When the problem in question arises, many specialists prescribe various products specially developed by pharmacists and cosmetologists to strengthen the plates. And they, of course, cope well with the task, but the problem often remains completely unresolved, because the original source remains unresolved. Therefore, a qualified doctor, when prescribing treatment for brittle nails, first sends the patient for a full examination to find the source of the problem. And only after this is adequate treatment prescribed, which includes mandatory medical therapy, which should stop the provoking source.

The treatment includes creams, ointments and gels that strengthen the nail, nourishing it with useful substances and a mineral-vitamin complex. Vitamins and minerals are prescribed orally in the form of capsules, tablets or syrups. It is imperative to eliminate the cause of the pathology if it does not have pathological roots, but comes from outside. For example, when applying nail polish, apply a fixative as the last layer - this will reduce the number of nail polish removal procedures using acetone-based liquid. Train yourself to do housework only with protective rubber gloves. Consult a cosmetologist on how to properly care for your hands and feet to prevent the problem in question from occurring.

In parallel, but after informing your doctor, you can carry out procedures using folk remedies at home. For example, you can start with basic baths, in which warm water contains essential oils such as castor, bergamot, almond, ylang-ylang, eucalyptus, olive, rosemary, jojoba, and almond. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of iodine. The procedure lasts 10–15 minutes, after which the hands are rinsed without using soap.

Treatment of peeling and brittle nails

When nails peel, treatment should begin with a visit to a mycologist and dermatologist, and in some cases, a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. Only in this case will the therapy be targeted, selected in accordance with the cause of the pathology. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a study of the nail plate for trace elements, fungus, as well as a biochemical blood test and blood for hormones.

Drug treatment

Vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements that help eliminate imbalances of vitamins, macro- and microelements in the body. It should be noted that a positive effect is observed with a course of taking the drug for at least 1 month.


A diet full of protein foods, enriched with fruits and vegetables (see), as well as: dairy products, sesame seeds, nuts, spinach.

Salon and physiotherapy treatments

  • Wax and paraffin applications, which improve blood circulation in the tissues and promote the rapid regrowth of a healthy nail. Softened and warm wax or paraffin is applied to the nail and soft tissues near the nail and left for 15-20 minutes. A similar procedure can be carried out at home.
  • Spa manicure combining aromatherapy, various nourishing and strengthening baths and masks, paraffin therapy and hand massage. Professional care allows you to restore your nails to a healthy appearance.
  • Japanese manicure. A manual hand massage is performed, jojoba oil is rubbed into the nails, followed by a water hand massage. The procedure ends with the application of a mineral mask and a special polishing powder with beeswax.
  • Salon sealing of nails. Indicated when fingernails are very peeling and a complete renewal of the nail plate is necessary. The procedure includes a salt bath, treating the nail plate with a sanding file, rubbing vitaminized oil and natural wax into the nail. The effect of the procedure lasts about 3 months.
  • Diathermy – heating the distal hands to activate blood circulation and metabolism.
  • Ultraphoresis of vitamins A and E, delivering vitamins directly to the tissue. They carry out course sessions of 10-15 procedures, after 1 month they can be repeated.
  • Hand massage, which is primarily aimed at improving tissue trophism and accelerating metabolic processes that promote the growth of nail plates.

If your nails are peeling, what can you do at home?

By the way, to prevent your nails from peeling and breaking, the usual hand creams that every woman uses are also suitable. The main thing is not to forget to rub the cream into the area of ​​each nail and cuticle. The optimal composition of creams, rich in vitamins, minerals and natural plant extracts, with proper and regular use, improves the appearance and promotes the growth of healthy nails.

Nail waxes

To prevent nails from peeling at home, use nail waxes. All of them are based on natural beeswax and can be used as an alternative to salon sealing. The price of a jar is 100-150 rubles.

Healing varnishes

If your nails become brittle, you can use medicinal varnishes: a series of medicinal varnishes from Eveline, Dance Legend, FIONA. They contain vitamins and growth activators and safely seal the damaged plate, protecting it from external influences. Some varnishes can also be used for decorative purposes. Price 100-250 rub.

Healing mud

Silty, hilly, peaty, rich in minerals and biologically active substances. The mud is diluted in hot water to a viscous consistency and dried to 40-37 C, then applied in a dense layer to the nails, left for 15 minutes, then washed off and rinsed with water salted with sea salt. These procedures are performed daily for 7 days; after a 10-day break, you can repeat the course.

Cosmetics for treating and strengthening nails

The cosmetics industry has a wide range of products against brittleness and splitting of nails. These products are also easy to use at home:

  • Healing varnishes. Varnishes rich in minerals, vitamins and protein complexes are very easy to use and effective for strengthening nails;
  • Nourishing hand and nail creams containing vitamins A, C, E and keratin. These products are good helpers and must be used in daily care for both brittle and healthy nails;
  • Healing oils for nails. Oil mixtures are quickly absorbed and contain purposefully selected minerals and vitamins. Such products have a positive effect on the condition of nails and cuticles.

Care with cosmetic products should be daily. Only in this case can you get a quick and visible to the naked eye effect of strengthening brittle nails.

A little more about home care

To make your nails beautiful and healthy, you need to start taking care of them from the inside. Eating well, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, taking vitamins and being careful with your hands is half the success.

The rest will be effectively supported by proper care using simple recipes. Well, as is now fashionable among lovers of homemade cosmetics, you can clearly familiarize yourself with the rules for preparing and using recipes by watching the video:

Understanding, identifying the cause and answering for yourself the question of why nails become thin is already a step forward towards solving problems. Well, if forewarned, it means forearmed. Therefore, you should be patient and direct all efforts to achieve results.

Of course, the regeneration of body tissue is a long process, but armed with the feedback of colleagues with similar interests, the knowledge of specialists and a persistent attitude, you can achieve favorable results.

Strengthening nails at home

Nail baths

Preparing baths for brittle nails is not difficult, but the end result is an amazing effect.

There are quite a few recipes for preparing such baths, but let’s look at the most effective ones.

  1. With sea salt. Pour 1 tbsp into a glass of heated water. l. sea ​​salt and add 2 drops of iodine. Hold the hands for about 20 minutes.
  2. Grind sour berries, for example, cranberries, red or black currants, then dip your fingers into the porridge and leave for at least 10 minutes.
  3. One of the best answers to the question of how to strengthen your nails is lemon baths. Moreover, they are good for whitening. Divide the lemon in half, dip the fingers of both hands into each half and leave for 15 minutes. You can also wipe your nails with slices of this fruit.
  4. With iodine. Mix: 3 drops of iodine, 2 tsp. salt, 1/3 cup water and a similar amount of orange juice. First, the water is heated, then the salt is dissolved in it, and only then everything else. Hold for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Wonderful recipe with chamomile. Pour a couple of tablespoons of crushed flowers with a third of a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse. After about an hour, strain, heat slightly and add 3 tablespoons of white wine. Mix well and immerse your fingers for 20 minutes.

Nail oils

This is another remedy rich in vitamins and microelements that requires less preparation time than baths. However, you can do them too. For example, vegetable oil is a product that is found in every home. You can add vitamin A in liquid form and lemon juice, or simple apple cider vinegar. The procedure lasts 10 minutes, such baths need to be done once every two days for 14 days.

Baths can also be made with oil (for example, olive), and use it as the only component. If you don’t want to bother with them, you can simply rub it into the nail plate.

Salon treatments

  • Sealing nails is one of the most common procedures. This manipulation is performed using beeswax-based cosmetics. A composition rich in keratin components that accelerate local metabolism is applied to the pre-polished nail plate. The skin around the nail is also treated with a special composition. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a month.
  • Paraffin therapy is a pleasant and very useful procedure for hands and nails. Due to the effect of warm paraffin and essential oils added to it, the skin and nail bed are deeply moisturized and nourished. A pleasant result is ensured after the first paraffin therapy session.
  • Strengthening with biogel is a very effective procedure for treating brittle nails in the salon. The nail plate is coated with a special gel composition, which hardens and protects it from damage. The biogel contains protein-keratin complexes, calcium and other nutritional components. As a result of the procedure, the nails immediately look smooth and well-groomed, and are also reliably protected from external influences for several weeks.


The main feature of this disease is the yellow coloration of the nail surface. The causes of the phenomenon can be external and internal factors. Among them:

  • liver diseases;
  • skin pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • presence of neoplasms;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • long-term medication use;
  • weakened immune system;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • smoking;
  • low-quality varnishes.

Treatment for chromonychia depends on the cause. Getting rid of the underlying disease that caused the disease will help cope with the internal preconditions of pathology. External causes can be quickly eliminated with:

  • refusal of decorative coating;
  • taking a vitamin complex;
  • rubbing lemon juice;
  • using warm baths with sea salt and soda;
  • massage with essential oils.

Prevention of brittle nails

In order not to let your nails return to their previous, unfavorable state, you must remember to take preventive measures.

It is important to remember a number of tips:

  • you need proper and varied nutrition, which contains meat, dairy products, sea fish, vegetables, fruits;
  • the products used must be without acetone;
  • Always use hand creams;
  • do not use varnish during treatment;
  • do all housework with gloves;
  • Take baths on the grass periodically.
  • Constantly use hand creams, which also affects your nails.

Thus, by following all the necessary measures and constantly caring for your hands and nails, you will forever forget about the problem of their fragility. This video will tell you what you can do to strengthen your nails.

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