I feel dizzy and the symptoms of vertigo are constantly recurring - what are the reasons and what to do?

Dizziness is not always a pathology that can manifest itself in any person, regardless of age, area of ​​work, or gender.

Sometimes it is diagnosed even in childhood. Every person should know what to do if they feel dizzy.

In such a situation, he can monitor his own health, eliminate the pathological process in the shortest possible time or prevent its occurrence by using medications and traditional medicine.

As a result, you often feel dizzy or the causes of the problem

As a result, you often feel dizzy or the causes of the problem

  1. Brain disease. Any disease of the brain can cause dizziness, especially in the case of conditions associated with cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure. This may include trauma (often associated with a concussion), brain tumor, brain infection including meningitis, stroke, post-epileptic conditions and more.
  2. Diseases or disorders of the organs of balance and movement. These organs function in pairs and are located deep in the skull. We are talking about 3 semicircular canals, which are anatomically very closely related to the hearing aid. Such disorders include inflammatory processes in the immediate vicinity of these organs, such as middle ear infections, inflammation of the nerve that carries information about balance (auditory neuromas), accidents, the effects of alcohol, Meniere's disease, kinetosis.
  3. Vascular causes. This group includes conditions where the blood vessels are unable to supply enough blood and oxygen to the brain, which can result in weakness and dizziness. Most often we are talking about general atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries, when, in particular, in older people, almost all cerebral arteries are affected. In addition, it can often lead to narrowing of the carotid artery, where there is an increased risk of ischemic stroke, or narrowing of the posterior two vertebral arteries.
  4. Intoxication. Overdosing on a wide range of commonly used drugs can cause dizziness, usually including various antidepressants, sleeping pills, etc. Naturally, this also includes the effect of alcohol, which actually affects the brain and the organs of balance and movement. Other toxic compounds worth mentioning include carbon monoxide.
  5. Change in blood pressure. Feeling dizzy and tired can often result from changes in blood pressure, both high and low.
  6. Heart failure. Failures in cardiac activity lead to failure of oxygen supply to the brain. Almost any heart failure can thus easily affect the brain.
  7. Anemia. A lack of red blood cells means less oxygen to the brain and leads to various complications, of which dizziness is a common one. In this case, we are talking about the so-called. anemic syndrome.
  8. Ophthalmological diseases. Many eye diseases of the eyes are manifested by situations in which one feels dizzy. An example would be an acute form of glaucoma with increased intraocular pressure, other conditions leading to double vision, and many others.
  9. Violation of the internal environment of the body. Changes in ion concentrations (mainly sodium and chloride), dehydration, increased waste products due to liver or kidney failure, hypoglycemia, or, conversely, increased sugar levels due to diabetes can lead to dizziness.

Cases not related to pathology

Even healthy people can feel dizzy from time to time. The causes of constant dizziness are often not pathological, and therefore do not raise concerns about the state of health. Such reasons include:

  1. The release of adrenaline is the entry into the blood of an extreme situation hormone that promotes the contraction of smooth muscles in the blood vessels of the brain. In this case, the brain experiences a lack of oxygen, which leads to unsystematic dizziness. Adrenaline release occurs during stress, during public speaking, watching scary or emotional films, etc.
  2. Fast travel. The organ responsible for balance cannot instantly concentrate and receive incoming nerve impulses in a timely manner. This phenomenon is widespread among adolescents, whose blood vessels are still in the active growth stage. Constant dizziness is often observed during fitness classes, yoga, where there are exercises for the neck muscles.
  3. Motion sickness while using public transport, a car, or visiting attractions. Dizziness in this case is accompanied by symptoms such as the ground disappearing from under your feet and double vision.
  4. Poor nutrition. An unbalanced diet, quick snacks, a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients lead to the fact that the brain lacks glucose, and as a result, dizziness occurs.
  5. Long gaze at one point in the distance. When you look at nearby objects, you get the feeling that they are rotating.

the girl is dizzy

Very often pregnant women suffer from dizziness. This is due to the fact that during the period of bearing a child, a number of physiological changes occur in the body, one of which is the dilation of blood vessels in the brain. A lack of nutrients, in particular iron, and low blood sugar levels can also cause dizziness. As a rule, these conditions disappear after childbirth, unless, of course, the woman had a predisposition to them before pregnancy.

Due to taking medications

Some medications can cause constant dizziness. Such drugs include:

  • antihistamines (diphenhydramine is especially powerful in this regard, but recently it has been rarely used);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedatives;
  • tranquilizers;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • oral contraceptives (in women).

These are side effects that should be indicated in the instructions for the drug. The attending physician is obliged to warn the patient about possible complications in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

Due to bad habits

Smokers are familiar with the feeling of feeling dizzy after smoking a cigarette, especially on an empty stomach. This is due to the fact that nicotine penetrating into the blood dilates the blood vessels of the brain.

Drinkers are also familiar with this symptom, because dizziness is a characteristic symptom of a hangover. It is caused by ethyl alcohol and its derivatives. In this regard, temporary cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure and thrombosis of small capillaries occur. Against the background of these changes, a person may experience dizziness, headache, as well as general emotional depression, nausea, vomiting, and increased heart rate.

Physiological dizziness

Physiological dizzinessThe group of physiological dizziness includes motion sickness and dizziness due to heights.
They arise from inappropriate information coming from different sensory inputs. In the case of motion sickness, this is information from the inner ear, the vestibular visual apparatus. A person encounters them when moving in vehicles. The problem is usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Similar symptoms are also accompanied by a situation where you feel dizzy at altitude. Causes of non-vestibular vertigo – not due to inner ear problems:

  1. Cardiovascular – blood pressure fluctuations – hypotension/hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, heart disease, heart failure, coronary heart disease.
  2. Metabolic – diabetes/hypoglycemia, lipid metabolism disorders, gout.
  3. Disturbances in blood formation - decreased blood flow and tissue oxygenation.
  4. Disturbances of the internal environment - dehydration, changes in mineral concentrations, changes in acid-base balance/acidosis/alkalosis.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system - increased or decreased function of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary adenoma.
  6. Organ disorders - diseases of the liver, kidneys, lungs, accumulation of metabolites, toxins.
  7. Infectious diseases - fever, weakness, fatigue, exhaustion.
  8. Visual impairment – ​​poor vision – insufficient or excessive diopters, nystagmus.
  9. Neurological disorders - headaches, migraines.
  10. Musculoskeletal disorders – muscle rigidity and disorders of the cervical spine.
  11. Taking certain medications - antihistamines, opioid analgesics, antibiotics.
  12. Withdrawal symptoms.
  13. Mental disorders - phobias, panic attacks.
  14. Poisoning and excessive consumption of caffeine or alcohol.


To understand why you feel dizzy, you need to identify the reasons that provoked the pathology.

The factors behind this phenomenon during movement can be different, depending on the ailments that exist inside the body. The causes of unpleasant sensations are often hidden in the exacerbation of any disease.

For example, the reasons for periodically feeling dizzy are:

  • Psycho-emotional shocks and stress. They significantly impair blood flow inside the body, which provokes hypoxia. You need to relax, calm down, and in this case your blood circulation will return to normal. In addition, prolonged psycho-emotional shocks can aggravate other chronic diseases, the symptoms of which are sometimes dizziness.
  • Chronic fatigue and poor sleep. Nausea and lethargy appear. Dizziness may be associated with chronic fatigue. Special emphasis is required, since in the absence of therapy it can provoke a general weakening of the body and the appearance of certain diseases.
  • Following a strict diet, during which the body loses over 5 kg per week, leads to a significant weakening of the body. It is likely that complications will arise and various diseases will develop during prolonged unbalanced nutrition.
  • Low blood pressure. If you have hypotension, you need to adjust your daily routine, improve sleep and rest, spend more time outside, and balance your diet. To raise your blood pressure a little, you can drink coffee.
  • High blood pressure. If you have hypertension, you need to control your blood pressure. During very high blood pressure, measures should be taken to reduce it. These can be medications or traditional methods of therapy.
  • VSD. When a patient is diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia, this condition is characterized by constant dizziness and nausea, malaise and fainting in an unventilated room, and often a headache.

You need to eat more fruits and vegetables, constantly be outside, not overstrain your body, and lead an active lifestyle.

During chronic intense dizziness, a diagnosis should be made by specialists, since the cause may be some disease that the patient is not aware of:

  • Cervical osteochondrosis. This disease is often the cause of severe dizziness. This is the most popular reason for constant dizziness as a result of a disruption in blood flow to the brain. It is characterized by painful sensations in the shoulder girdle and cervical region. During cervical osteochondrosis, the head hurts severely.
  • Sclerosis. It is characterized by symptoms such as dizziness, constant fatigue, decreased ability to work, impaired sensitivity and possibly problems with urination.
  • Dizziness can be a consequence of various types of cardiovascular pathologies, for example, during tachycardia. A sign of heart palpitations is an increased heart rate (over 100). You need to seek help from a specialist.
  • The most dangerous sign for human health is dizziness and other symptoms: loss of coordination, impaired perception, speech disorders, indicating a stroke. During it, unconsciousness is likely.

If you have symptoms of a stroke, you should immediately call doctors, since in such a situation every minute will be valuable to save a human life.

In order to treat a disease, the symptom of which is often dizziness when moving, it should be initially identified and diagnosed. To find out why you feel dizzy, you need to find out the recommendations of a neurologist.

Peripheral vestibular vertigo

Peripheral vestibular vertigoThis is a disease whose origin is in the inner ear, where the organ of balance is located in the bony labyrinth, consisting of 3 semicircular canals, an ovoid and spherical sac and the cochlea.
Disorders of these systems most often manifest themselves in the form of rotational vertigo, accompanied by certain movements of both the head and body. This state can be described as a feeling as if a person is spinning in a motionless, stable environment or the environment is spinning around him. This type of dizziness is often characterized by accompanying symptoms - nausea, vomiting, sweating, and rapid heartbeat.

Pathologies responsible for peripheral vestibular vertigo:

  1. Meniere's disease.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the vestibular apparatus – vestibular neuronitis.
  3. Bilateral vestibulopathy - bilateral lesions and damage to the vestibular organs.
  4. Temporary depression of nerves and blood vessels - manifested by paroxysmal dizziness.
  5. Traumatic injuries – fracture in the area of ​​the bone labyrinth.
  6. Vascular diseases – hypoperfusion of the inner ear.
  7. Cancers in the hard or soft labyrinth.

Drug intoxication and food poisoning

The symptoms of drug intoxication or food poisoning are significantly different, so it is much easier to recognize them. In case of poisoning, a feeling of nausea is observed until the body completely gets rid of toxic substances. Dizziness is characterized by a sharp increase in intensity at the first stage of poisoning, with a gradual decrease as recovery progresses.

The cause of dizziness is a protective reaction of the body, which tries to get rid of harmful substances as quickly as possible through vomiting, nausea, excessive sweating and diarrhea.

Due to the effects of toxins on the brain, there is:

  • noise in ears;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • lack of coordination;
  • apathy.

With drug intoxication, blood stagnation occurs in the liver, which leads to loss of balance and coordination. It is necessary for the doctor to either replace the drug with an analogue, or stop the course of treatment, or prescribe protector drugs that protect the body and neutralize the negative consequences.

In case of food poisoning, it is worth cleansing the body by inducing vomiting, using an enema in the later stages, and also using absorbents. In case of serious poisoning, an antidote can be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Among medications, two groups can be distinguished: those that relieve symptoms and those that affect the cause of symptoms.

Nausea, dizziness, weakness - in this case, doing anything on your own is not recommended. Very often, patients complain about migraines, in which narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain leads to weakness and dizziness. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve symptoms. But it is almost impossible to get rid of migraine, so you can only stop the attack.

For pathologies of the inner ear, an ENT specialist may prescribe steroid medications. With their help, inflammation is localized and eliminated. When blood pressure increases, drugs that dilate blood vessels are prescribed.

A hypertensive crisis requires an immediate response; you can take medications yourself, before the doctor arrives, but only if you are sure that the cause of vertigo is high blood pressure.

Therapy is based on the causes of dizziness. There is no need to eliminate the symptoms; they will return if left untreated.

DiseasesTreatment methods
HypertensionDrug therapy. Effective drugs: Clonidine, Captopril.
Meniere's pathologyDiuretics, antihistamines, and sedatives are prescribed.
OtitisAntibacterial agents, antipyretics, anti-inflammatory drugs. If the condition does not improve and suppuration begins, then surgery is performed.
Tick-borne encephalitisAntiviral, immunomodulatory agents. In severe cases, hormonal drugs to eliminate inflammation.
Cerebrovascular disordersVascular drugs, for example Trental.
Cervical osteochondrosisDrug treatment in combination with special gymnastics, therapeutic massage, and physiotherapy.
PoisoningAntispasmodics, electrolytes. Effective drugs: Atoxil, Polysorb, No-Shpa, Activated carbon, Enterosgel.

Treatment continues for a long time. People with vertigo need to stop smoking, drinking alcohol and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

First aid

If a person develops negative symptoms: dizziness, nausea, general weakness, darkening of the eyes, emergency assistance must be provided immediately.

Action plan:

  1. Lay the person horizontally. The head and shoulders should be slightly elevated and tilted to the side in case of sudden onset of vomiting. This will help prevent liquid from getting inside.
  2. Provide fresh air by opening a window or simply fanning it with improvised means. Unbutton all the buttons on your neck, untie your tie and scarf, and loosen your belt.
  3. A cold compress should be applied to the forehead and temples - a cloth soaked in water, pieces of ice or frozen food. As a last resort, soak a napkin in vinegar.
  4. Give the victim a sniff of ammonia.

If you notice that a person is dizzy, you need to offer help. This will help him avoid injury.

When do you need a doctor?

Some symptoms require immediate medical attention. Symptoms may indicate serious problems in the body.

Symptoms of severe disorders:

  • prolonged vertigo (more than 7 days);
  • mood changes for no apparent reason;
  • simultaneous manifestation of dizziness, nausea, temperature more than 38 ° C;
  • when changing body position, weakness is felt;
  • excessively low or high blood pressure;
  • hand tremors;
  • consciousness is clouded, speech is confused.

It is imperative to call a doctor if symptoms appear in children under 3 years of age and adults over 60 years of age. You cannot self-medicate. While the ambulance is traveling, the dispatcher will tell you what to do to alleviate the person’s well-being.

The initial examination is carried out by a therapist.

Based on the nature of additional symptoms, he determines which doctor should be contacted next:

  • infectious disease specialist - if there is a possibility of infectious diseases, such as meningitis, tick-borne encephalitis;
  • to a neurologist - in case of damage to the nervous system;
  • to a vertebrologist - if there are additional signs of changes in the spine;
  • otolaryngologist - if there is a suspicion of pathology of the ENT organs or vestibular apparatus;
  • to an oncologist - if the formation of intracranial neoplasms is suspected.

Central vestibular syndromes

Central vestibular syndromesWith these syndromes, the head is constantly spinning without connection with the position of the head.
Dizziness occurs as a result of a damaged brain stem and cerebellum. This damage can occur as a result of vascular disorders that supply blood to the brain structures. The disease can also be triggered by demyelinating or tumor diseases, injuries in the form of concussion, stroke and infectious inflammation of the brain.

Dizziness, weakness and nausea as a symptom of the disease

Nausea and dizziness can be either one-time or periodic; you need to determine the cause of the symptoms in order to understand what to do. If such sensations often bother you, this can be considered a marker of the development of some disease.

The most common causes of vertigo can be the following diseases:

  1. Whitening the central nervous system (brain tumors, circulatory disorders, physical injuries, migraines, stroke) and the peripheral nervous system (neuralgia and neuritis).
  2. Diseases of the inner ear: poor circulation, salt deposits, high fluid pressure, infectious lesions.
  3. Eye diseases.
  4. Poisoning. When intoxicated, many toxins enter the circulatory system, which travel to the brain and cause a feeling of vertigo.

Regular occurrence of vertigo is associated with the following reasons:

  • side effects from taking certain medications;
  • chronic diseases;
  • bad habits;
  • age-related changes;
  • increased weather sensitivity.

The appearance of dizziness usually does not occur in isolation; it is accompanied by additional symptoms. Using them, the specialist determines the disease, which is then clarified using diagnostic methods.

How to cope with dizziness during pregnancy

How to cope with dizziness during pregnancy

  1. Don't get up too quickly from your bed or chair.
  2. Be careful with hot showers - hot water causes the blood vessels in the skin to dilate, causing weakness. In such cases, it is better to refuse a bath.
  3. If you need to stand somewhere for a longer period of time, try squeezing your butt muscles a few times, wiggling your toes, or shifting your weight from one leg to the other to activate circulation in your legs.
  4. Eat small meals regularly, otherwise you risk low blood sugar levels. Carry light snacks with you.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids, stay hydrated, and don't overdo it with coffee and tea.
  6. Well, at home or at work, do not allow overheating, ventilate the room often. In summer, limit prolonged exposure to the sun.
  7. If you start to feel dizzy or weak, try to increase blood flow to the brain by lying down and elevating your legs with a pillow.

Diagnosis of the condition: laboratory and hardware methods

Damage to the vestibular apparatus is always accompanied by a feeling of vertigo and moderate nausea.

Among the reasons for which it is worth highlighting:

  1. Physical trauma associated with a concussion, temporal bone fracture or cervical injury, which very often negatively affects the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
  2. Multiple sclerosis, which over time affects the functioning of the vestibule due to problems with blood supply.
  3. Congenital pathologies. Many patients who complain of dizziness have congenital problems that cause the vestibular system to malfunction under increased stress. Such loads can be: rotation of the head or the whole body, driving a car or other vehicle, active movement of surrounding objects. Most often, such a pathology cannot be cured; for some it goes away over the years, and for others they suffer all their lives. The only solution is drugs that reduce the symptoms of dizziness, which allow you to travel long distances without consequences.

If you experience symptoms of vertigo, you should contact your family doctor. It is this specialist who can determine the primary causes and give a referral for consultation with a highly specialized doctor (ENT, therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist or hematologist).

The family doctor prescribes it if the causes of vertigo are not associated with pathological diseases. If there is a suspicion of pathology of the vestibular apparatus, the patient is treated by a neurologist or ENT specialist, in case of anemia - by a hematologist, a therapist specializes in diseases of internal organs; in case of physical injuries, the patient will be referred to a traumatologist or surgeon.

Diagnosis of the cause of dizziness and nausea is carried out using the following methods:

  • superficial examination;
  • General and biochemical blood test:
  • general urine analysis;
  • X-ray;
  • ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels;
  • CT scan;
  • electroencephalogram;
  • cardiogram;

    Nausea, weakness and dizziness. Causes and what to do, treatment

  • MRI;

They allow you to accurately determine the causes of nausea, weakness, dizziness, and prescribe the most effective treatment.

When to seek medical help?

When to Seek Medical Help
You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience dizziness or fainting during pregnancy, especially if accompanied by blurred vision, rapid heartbeat, severe nausea, loss of consciousness or headaches. Carefully describe your condition and sensations to the doctor.

First aid

Often an attack of dizziness occurs unexpectedly, so the person does not immediately understand what to do. Confusion in such a state is normal, but it is important to collect your thoughts as quickly as possible and not give in to panic. If you feel dizzy unexpectedly, this is fraught with loss of balance and falling, so first of all you need to find a place where you can sit down, or better yet, lie down.

If the attack occurs not at work or in a public place, but at home, it is best to lie down, trying to keep your head no higher than shoulder level. In this position, blood circulation will return to normal faster. There is no need to make sudden movements; it is advisable to close your eyes and be at rest for some time. If the attack lasts too long or is repeated often, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. After passing the necessary examinations, a diagnosis will be assigned, for which the specialist will select the most effective treatment.

Treatment of dizziness

Treatment of dizzinessIt is not always possible to treat dizziness; at best, it is enough to eliminate its main causes from life.
In case of acute attacks associated, for example, with vomiting, it is recommended to take antiemetic drugs. Another treatment option is the administration of drugs and medications aimed at improving oxygenation of the brain. In some cases, appropriate physical therapy helps.

Surgery is often necessary, especially in the presence of tumor causes, trauma, inflammation or vascular occlusion.

Traditional methods

You can cope with attacks of dizziness at home, but only if the symptoms are not related to the disease. Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, this is especially important when taking herbs, since many of them contain active substances. An overdose of seemingly simple herbs can lead to an allergic reaction or poisoning.

Traditional medicine should not become a complete replacement for drug treatment.

So, what folk remedies can treat dizziness:

  1. Herbal teas. Mint and lemon balm have a relaxing and calming effect, which helps to calm the nerves and calm down.
  2. carrot juice (approximately 0.7 ml) daily
  3. Tinctures of valerian or motherwort. They must be consumed in a course that lasts 2-3 weeks. These herbal preparations calm the nerves, improve sleep, and lower blood pressure. However, you should not abuse this medicine if your work requires constant activity.
  4. In the evening, you can take relaxing baths with essential oils or conduct meditation . All this relieves stress and calms the mind.

If all else fails, persistent dizziness should be treated by a specialist. Also, you should not quit the course of therapy with drugs or herbs at the first improvement in your health. Any therapy must be carried out to the end, this is the only way to achieve a complete recovery.

Accurate diagnosis

To find the root cause of the problem, they plan a comprehensive examination, including a number of points:

  • Physical examination.
  • Echo and electroencephalography.
  • Neurological tests.
  • Study of the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Audiometry.
  • X-ray of the spine (if cervical osteochondrosis is suspected).
  • CT, MRI of the brain.
  • General clinical analysis of blood and urine.
  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Blood pressure measurement.

Additionally, measures are prescribed to identify or exclude symptoms of meningitis.

Useful gymnastics

Physical exercise, which is recommended to be done regularly, will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms that often recur. Treatment with light physical activity will normalize blood circulation and muscle tone, and improve well-being.

Simple exercises to relieve dizziness:

  • Tilt your head forward and lower it as low as possible. Then lift slowly and carefully. This exercise should be performed 10-15 times and the headache will go away.
  • Make inclined movements of the head to the right and left, then do the same with the entire upper body.
  • Write a figure eight with your head from bottom to top, and then from right to left.

This pathological condition should not be taken lightly. You can get rid of simple dizziness in this way, but if you have a serious illness, you shouldn’t rely on gymnastics.

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