Spinach juice is a universal “cleanser” of the body

The history of spinach

The low-calorie vegetable was first discovered in Persia. European countries learned about the plant in the Middle Ages. Spinach has large leaves, somewhat reminiscent of cabbage or celery leaves. The base of the leaves is juicy, white in color and fleshy in texture.

Residents of France fell in love with spinach juice, as well as the plant itself, with a special love. They even gave it several names: “king of vegetables” and “stomach panicle.” The French grow this crop everywhere, because the main ingredient in the most delicious dishes is spinach. The juice of the plant is doubly valuable because it contains many vitamins and microelements that cannot be found anywhere else.

Spinach and its juice are used in modern medicine, cooking, and even create effective weight loss diets based on this component. How nice it is to drink a glass of green smoothie and lose those extra pounds.

May lower blood pressure

Spinach juice contains high levels of naturally occurring nitrates, a type of compound that can help dilate your blood vessels. In turn, this can lower blood pressure and improve blood flow ().

A 7-day study of 27 people found that eating spinach soup daily reduced blood pressure and arterial stiffness compared to the control group ().

In another small study, 30 people who ate spinach high in nitrates experienced lower systolic blood pressure (top number) and improved nitric oxide status ().

One cup (240 ml) of spinach juice also contains more than 14% of the RDA for potassium, a mineral involved in regulating blood pressure by controlling the amount of sodium excreted through your urine (, , ,).


Spinach contains high amounts of nitrates and potassium, which can improve blood flow and lower blood pressure.

Spinach juice: composition and features

Spinach juice is a rich, concentrated green drink that has an amazing aroma and memorable taste. It is obtained from leaves that are carefully squeezed.

Spinach is a versatile vegetable and its leaves are invaluable to cooks. In confectionery art, spinach juice is used to color creams and add to cake layers. The natural dye is safe and very nutritious.

Fresh spinach consists of 90% water; dried spinach is rich in iron and other beneficial microelements.

The sap of the plant consists of calcium, magnesium and iron. Drinking a glass of green drink, beneficial substances help remove toxins and waste from the body, and vitamins E, K, C, A, B9 and beta-carotene have a beneficial effect on human internal organs.

The juice of the “king of vegetables” is considered a natural antioxidant, which, when consumed frequently, slows down the aging process and fights various types of tumors. It is rich in minerals, a significant part of which is copper, calcium, iron, iodine and manganese.

It is extremely important for children and the elderly to eat spinach leaves and drink its juice as it is high in calcium, which affects bone growth. Manganese will adjust metabolic processes in the body in its own positive way.

What diseases does it help protect against?

In addition, spinach contains antioxidants, which, among other things, prevent cancer. Spinach strengthens the immune system and helps with heart disease. It also prevents eye diseases, including age-related ones. And it saves you from constipation! And good for the nervous system. Both for asthmatics and anemia, it lowers sugar, which is very important for diabetics. In addition, notes JoeInfoMedia journalist Diana Lynn, spinach can simply be added to the same sauce. There will be benefits and a slight additional taste, but you won’t need to eat anything special. Or in soup.

Photo: pxhere

Calorie content and benefits of spinach juice

The calorie content of juice from a herbal plant is only 21 kilocalories per 100 milliliters (grams) of product, so for people losing weight, this is an indispensable product in the diet.

Benefits of the medicinal drink:

  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines (helps get rid of deposits in the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins and rotting products);
  • relieves inflammation;
  • replenishes the body with vitamins;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • prevents leukemia and anemia;
  • affects the condition of gums and teeth (treats bleeding gums);
  • acts as a diuretic;
  • facial skin becomes clearer and takes on a natural appearance.

The use of greenish cocktail in dietetics and cooking is maximum. Nutritionists insist that it must be drunk daily. This will help bring metabolic processes back to normal. Its energy value is minimal, but the storehouse of useful substances is colossal. Herbal juice will help you survive your diet without stress and agony.

Use in cooking: how and with what to eat

Raw spinach contains oxalic acid, an organic substance that interferes with the absorption of calcium and iron. It breaks down when heated, so it is better to boil or steam the leaves. If you do not overuse the quantity, then fresh spinach can be eaten raw - in salads or in juices and smoothies, since its benefits significantly exceed and compensate for the possible harm.

Frozen uncooked spinach is usually not eaten because it is soft and wilted once thawed. It is not put in salads, but it is good for hot dishes. Cooked spinach is eaten as a side dish or added to various soups, stews and casseroles.

Fresh spinach needs to be rinsed very well as the leaves and stems tend to collect sand and soil. Pre-cut the roots.

  1. Place the spinach in a large bowl of cool water and toss with your hands.
  2. Drain the water and add new water.
  3. Repeat this process until there is no dirt left in the water (usually two to three times).
  4. Gently blot the leaves with a paper towel or soft cloth.
  5. Trim tough stems. The leaves can be chopped or used whole depending on the recipe.

How to properly cook spinach:

  1. Take a large saucepan (3-5 liters), fill it with water and bring to a boil.
  2. Throw the spinach into the boiling water.
  3. From the moment it boils, cook for 1 minute.
  4. Remove the spinach from the pan with a slotted spoon and press out the liquid with a fork.
  5. Stir in seasonings and serve as a side dish or add as an ingredient to a dish.

What can you cook with spinach:

  • Add it to dishes you usually prepare at home. Add a few handfuls to pasta, soup or casserole.
  • Saute the spinach in a little olive oil and season with ground black pepper and fresh grated Parmesan cheese. Serve as a side dish with grilled chicken or salmon. Place in omelette or scrambled eggs.
  • Stir in ricotta cheese, egg, garlic, salt, pepper and breadcrumbs. Roll the mixture into balls the size of large meatballs. Fry in oil until all sides are crispy and then pour in the tomato sauce. Simmer for a few minutes.
  • Fresh spinach is great for sandwiches and salads.
  • Throw a handful of leaves into a smoothie or juice - it will change the color, but not the taste!

Contraindications for spinach juice

Before frequent consumption of juice, it is advisable to consult a doctor so that a specialist, depending on your health condition, can determine the required dosage or create the correct diet.

The benefits and harms of the drink, like the plant itself, are being studied to this day. It is contraindicated for the following diseases: inflammation of the stomach or intestines, chronic kidney and liver disease, hepatitis, gout, rheumatism.

If a person is concerned about his well-being, he should consult a doctor and he will tell you whether spinach juice can be consumed and in what doses. Doctors advise drinking no more than 200 milliliters of juice per day. To enhance the taste, add 1 teaspoon of honey.

It is not advisable to take a vitamin cocktail with food. When mineral water is added to it, colic and heartburn may occur. It is useful to drink a glass of drink 30-40 minutes before meals. It is not recommended to mix juices; some components may be at odds with each other, with the exception of spinach and carrot juice.

Spinach recipe

First, prepare the dough. Boil water (300 ml). We take a bowl with high sides, add flour (300 grams), pour boiling water over it, stir, and when the dough has cooled, you will need to knead it with your hands and divide it into eight even parts. Then take one hundred grams of spinach (can be fresh, can be frozen), wash the leaves and cut them. Grate one hundred grams of cheese, beat a chicken egg, mix spinach, cheese, egg, a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of mustard.

Photo: pxhere

Then you need to take one hundred grams of champignons, wash, cut, sprinkle with lemon juice, salt and pepper, let it brew a little and fry. Before the mushrooms are cooked, you need to add a tablespoon of flour to them. Then mix with our spinach-based mixture. Now take a kilogram of chicken or pork, cut it into pieces, beat it to maximum fineness, pepper it, add salt.

Our eight portions of dough need to be rolled out as thin as possible, put the meat on top, the filling on top, then another layer of dough. Pinch. You can easily fry it and then serve it with herbs!

Low-calorie vegetable smoothies recipe

Many people ask questions: “How to juice spinach?” and “How to properly store a plant so as not to lose its beneficial properties?” For a vegetable cocktail, you need to choose only fresh and juicy leaves (elastic, bright green, have a glossy surface).

The nutritious juice recipe is simple. We wash the leaves under running water. If spots are found on the leaves, they must be thrown away. Place the clean leaves in a juicer, chop thoroughly and squeeze. The rich juice is ready. It can be diluted with water or other freshly squeezed juice, preferably carrot juice.

The carrot-spinach drink is prepared with six carrots and fifteen leaves of the plant. The carrots must be washed, peeled, chopped together with the leaves of the “intestinal broom” and placed in a juicer. You can add one apple (the best source of iron) to the most delicate vegetable mix.

An exotic drink is prepared with 15 leaves of a green plant, 6 carrots, 1 juicy avocado, a teaspoon of soy sauce. All ingredients are crushed and squeezed in a juicer. The original taste and excellent aroma can make this exotic mix your favorite drink.

If you have prepared a lot of juice, it must be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 24 hours. After this time, the drink loses its beneficial properties and toxic substances appear in it. Drinking not fresh, expired drinks can cause migraines, fatigue and weakness, dizziness and other symptoms.

How and how much to store

The shelf life of fresh spinach is less than a week in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Do not wash the leaves before storing as exposure to water will hasten spoilage. Place the spinach in a plastic bag and wrap tightly, squeezing out as much air as possible.

It is better not to keep the leaves in the refrigerator for a long time, but to eat them within 4-5 days to get maximum benefits.

Spinach that has been pre-packaged in sealed plastic bags is stored unopened until ready to use.

For long-term storage, the leaves are frozen: first they are blanched, the water is squeezed out, then they are divided into portions in bags and placed in the freezer for a period of 10 to 12 months.

  1. Wash the spinach thoroughly and discard any leaves that look stale. Cut off any thick, mature stems.
  2. Bring a pot of water to a boil and dip the leaves in for a minute or two. This helps preserve color, flavor, texture and even nutrients.
  3. Drain and place the blanched spinach leaves in a bowl of ice water. Keep them in cold water for about two minutes. This step will stop the further cooking process.
  4. Remove the spinach from the ice bath and squeeze out as much water as you can with a spoon.
  5. Divide it into portions and place in large ice cube trays or other containers.
  6. Place in the freezer.
  7. Once frozen, remove the cubes from the tray, place in a bag and return to the freezer.

In this way it can be prepared for the winter.

Is it possible to eat spinach for weight loss?

100 grams of spinach contains only 23 kcal, so the vegetable is deservedly considered a dietary product.

Green leaves speed up the weight loss process for three reasons.

  1. Contain substances that accelerate metabolism and are involved in the breakdown of fats. These are the amino acids leucine, lysine, valine and tryptophan, vitamins B4, B5, B8.
  2. Regulate blood sugar levels. It is because of glucose surges that a person experiences causeless attacks of hunger and irritation in the middle of the day. The microelements chromium and manganese and the amino acid tryptophan participate in the normalization of sugar. If you eat spinach, you will stay full for a long time.
  3. Improves digestion. Sometimes, due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, vitamins are poorly absorbed, which leads to metabolic disorders and the appearance of excess weight. Fiber has a positive effect on the digestion process. Its content in 100 grams of spinach leaves is 1.3 grams. Fiber removes toxins from the body, serves as food for beneficial lactic acid bacteria, prevents constipation and keeps you feeling full.

For comfortable weight loss, simply avoid fried fats, premium flour, and foods with excess sugar. Include healthy spinach dishes in your diet, such as salad, cream soup, vegetable smoothie.

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