How to properly care for oily hair

Causes of increased oily scalp

The scalp, as well as the covering on other parts of the body, is equipped with sebaceous glands that produce oily secretions. This oily liquid is necessary to protect the epidermis from dryness, moisture loss, negative effects of climatic conditions, and pathogens.

During normal activity of the sebaceous glands, sebum forms a thin layer and does not damage the appearance of the skin and hair. But when the function of sebum secretion is impaired, excess fat accumulates, and this leads to the appearance of visible signs: rapid hair contamination, dandruff, itching.

There are many reasons for increased oily scalp. The activity of the sebaceous glands and the amount of secretion depends, first of all, on genetic predisposition. It is impossible to fight this.

In addition, there are a number of factors that cause increased fat production:

  1. Hormonal changes. It is observed in both girls and boys in adolescence, during puberty. Hormonal imbalance in women can be triggered by pregnancy, taking contraceptives, menopause, diseases of the endocrine system;
  2. Constant stressful situations, problems with the nervous system. Overexertion, lack of sleep, emotional disorders not only lead to dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, but also harm health and cause headaches;
  3. Poor nutrition. Strict diets, lack of necessary vitamins and minerals, and, on the contrary, excessive absorption of fatty, sweet, spicy foods provoke an increase in sebum production. It also causes diseases of the digestive system. This, in turn, will certainly “manifest” on the skin and hair;
  4. Climatic conditions. Prolonged exposure to heat and cold without a hat causes the sebaceous glands to activate, because the body strives to protect itself from temperature changes. This also happens with high humidity or dry air;
  5. Seborrhea, fungal infections. With these diseases, not only rapid greasy strands are observed, but also burning, itching, and hair loss;
  6. Improper and untimely care of the scalp and hair. Too frequent or infrequent washing, the use of chemical components (dyes, fixatives), thermal devices, aggressive shampoos damage the structure of the epidermis, and at the same time the sebaceous glands.

This reason is one of the most common.

Additional care

In addition to washing your hair, applying conditioner and rinsing, there are other important procedures: scrubs, peelings and masks.

How to get rid of oily scalp using oils?

Many owners of oily hair avoid using oils in their hair care routine, because oils can make hair even greasy and turn it into greasy icicles. If oils are used incorrectly, this belief can become true.

There are vegetable and essential oils. They work very well in tandem. Only vegetable oils can be mixed in unlimited quantities. You need to be careful with ethereal ones. Too high a concentration can cause burns and cause a lot of discomfort.

It is important that the oil is natural. Avoid low-grade oils with additional additives. Fake oils form a thick film on the skin and hair, clogging the pores and preventing air from penetrating. They are difficult to wash off with shampoo.

When using oils, pay attention to how you feel and the results. Even the best oil may not suit you - that's normal!

Vegetable oils can be used either alone or in combinations. After applying the oil, it is better to wrap your hair in a plastic cap or bag, and wrap it with a towel or put on a warm hat. Masks with oils should be kept on the hair for as long as possible. Ideally, it is best to leave the oil to work overnight and rinse thoroughly with shampoo the next morning. Vegetable oils work as natural hair balms.

You can use oil masks throughout your life. However, watch your hair and do not overfeed it.

Vegetable oils and their properties

Carrier oils are the basis of all oil masks.

BurdockStrengthens follicles, promotes hair growth, eliminates dandruff.
CastorUniversal oil: restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands and damaged ends.
AlmondTreats seborrhea and dandruff, accelerates hair growth and strengthens hair follicles.
CoconutGives hair a healthy shine.
LinenNormalizes fat balance, smoothes and strengthens hair.
JojobaEliminates dandruff, fights hair loss, cleanses the scalp, fights clogged pores.
OliveSuitable for combination hair, nourishes dry hair.
Grape seedWell restores damaged hair, protects from negative external influences.

You can also use pumpkin, argan, macadamia, wheat germ, avocado, sesame, cocoa, and safflower oils.

Why oily scalp is a problem

Is it possible to call increased oiliness of the scalp a problem? Certainly. First of all, the appearance “suffers”, and this is very important for a woman. Secondly, quickly greasy hair is just the “tip of the iceberg”, that is, a manifestation of hidden and much more serious problems in the body. Of course, if we are not talking about sloppiness and uncleanliness. The woman carefully monitors the cleanliness of her strands, washes them, nourishes them with the help of masks, and the curls still look as if they were rinsed in oil. This means that the cause of this may be a disease.

Whatever the reason that provoked the excessive production of sebum, the “clinical picture” of such a manifestation will be unpleasant:

  • Literally a few hours after washing, the hair becomes sloppy again. They become saturated with a large amount of sebum, and dust sticks to oily strands;
  • The oily liquid causes the hair to stick together, become heavy, and lose its volume and silkiness;
  • Excess fat clogs the pores, making it difficult for oxygen to reach the follicles. The root bulbs weaken and cannot properly hold the hair, and this leads to hair loss. There may even be patches of baldness;
  • Excess fat prevents the supply of nutrients, important processes in the layers of the dermis are inhibited;
  • Constant “companions” of oily skin are dandruff and itching;
  • Overactive sebaceous glands combined with a possible bacterial infection can lead to seborrhea.

Isn't this all a problem?

Rules for hair and head care to reduce oiliness

Some people think that getting rid of oily scalp is difficult and, moreover, almost impossible. This is wrong. Of course, if it is neglected, it will take more time and money. Treatment for increased fat content should begin as early as possible.

Activities must be carried out comprehensively and continuously:

  • The first thing you need to start with is nutrition . You need to reconsider your diet and your eating habits. You will need to give up fried, fatty, smoked, and sweet foods, in particular pastries and chocolate. All these “goodies” should be replaced with fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, eggs, and cereals. And also take multivitamin medications.
  • Getting rid of bad habits will have a beneficial effect on the overall health of the body and on the normalization of the sebaceous glands in particular. Nicotine and alcohol have a depressing effect on metabolic processes and lead to oxygen starvation;

Washing your hair is easy. But only at first glance. If the scalp suffers from excess sebum, then care should be delicate. And most importantly, special cosmetic and hygiene products will be required for washing.

the washing up

There is no need to wash your hair every day; this must be done as it gets dirty (about once every 3 days). The more often you wash off fat, the more it will be produced. For such procedures, water should be used that is soft and not hot, preferably at room temperature. Hot water further activates the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

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Now the main aspect is the choice of shampoo. To cleanse your curls in this situation, you will need a neutral shampoo, free of sulfates, silicone and parabens. There is no need to buy a 2 in 1 combination product (that is, shampoo and conditioner). There is quite a large selection of special shampoos for oily hair from the world's leading manufacturers.

The detergent is applied to the skin and hair roots, after which the head is massaged, the shampoo is distributed along the entire length of the hair threads.

If dandruff is present, then you need to choose a treating shampoo. It should not be used often, however, such products destroy pathogenic flora, killing beneficial microorganisms.

The shampoo needs to be changed periodically, but not often. Long-term use of one product leads to addiction, and frequent changes lead to stress. The detergent is changed once every 2 months.

And one more “highlight” - if you have oily hair, you can’t wash your hair at night. While the body is resting, the sebaceous glands “work hard.”

When there is no time to wash your hair, you can use dry shampoo. These products are presented in the form of a spray that sprays tiny powder particles that absorb excess oil. Your hair will look neat again. But you can’t often resort to this “shampoo”. It will not replace washing your hair. This method is used only in an emergency situation.


Finish washing your hair by thoroughly rinsing the strands. For this, the best option would be to use acidified water (1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice per 1 liter of water).

You can also use decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants (chamomile, nettle, calendula, birch, oak bark) as a rinse. Natural components have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is better to avoid store-bought balms and conditioners.

Drying, combing, styling

After washing and rinsing, you should just pat your hair dry with a towel, do not rub it thoroughly. You should also not use a hairdryer. Let the curls dry naturally.

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Do not comb wet hair. When combing, try not to let the brush come into contact with the scalp. The comb must be washed thoroughly and regularly; particles of sebum may remain on it, which will spread throughout the hair.

During the treatment course you will have to stop using the following things:

  • Metal accessories (bobby pins, hairpins, hairpins);
  • Hair dye;
  • Thermal devices (irons, curling irons);
  • Tight elastic bands.

If changing your diet and implementing proper care have not brought a positive result, then you should contact a trichologist and undergo an examination at the clinic for the presence of diseases that provoke malfunction of the sebaceous glands.

Only after eliminating these causes can we hope to successfully get rid of excess fat. In such cases, the specialist recommends undergoing complex hormonal therapy, treatment of pathologies of the digestive system, and the prescription of medicinal antifungal drugs.

How to properly care for oily hair?

With a determined attitude, I went to see a trichologist. What a mysterious name?! But there is nothing complicated about it. The word "tricho" in Greek means hair, and "logos" means science. Therefore, a trichologist is a specialist who deals with the science of hair health. That is what I need!

The first step in learning how to properly care for your hair is to determine your hair type. Dry hair looks clean even a week after washing your hair. Normal ones can be put in order at intervals of 3-4 days. Well, the fat type requires increased daily attention.

Here are a few rules for caring for oily hair, which the trichologist recommended to me:

  • Wash your hair as needed.
  • is needed so as not to irritate the skin, but to wash away accumulated oil and dirt from the scalp.
  • use shampoo designed for my type.
  • Lather head twice to thoroughly wash it and saturate it with the beneficial substances contained in the shampoo.

  • Thoroughly rinse the remaining foam so that the hair does not stick together and does not get dirty so quickly.
  • occasionally to avoid addiction.
  • Use dry shampoo occasionally Wash your hair with soft water, and vinegar will help soften hard hair.
  • Rinse with special products that you can prepare at home.

The trichologist recommended that I choose a special shampoo from a professional or organic series. The products offered by household chemical stores are oversaturated with chemical additives, and oily hair needs careful care. For this type, plant-based shampoos with extracts of nettle, calamus root, sage, horsetail, as well as those rich in protein, microelements, vitamins A, C and E are suitable.

Homemade recipes to reduce fat content

Traditional medicine, prepared at home using natural products, very effectively combats the problem of excessive oily skin and hair. They do not contain chemical components. There is always the opportunity to diversify caring mixtures and select them based on your own preferences.


The cleansing procedure with a scrub should be carried out 1-2 times every 7 days before washing your hair. The abrasive particles of the scrubbing product should not be large; movements during application should be done gently.

Recipe 1

  • Sea salt (fine) – 1 spoon
  • Essential oil – 3-4 drops
  • Hair balm – 2 spoons

Mix all the ingredients, wait 3-4 minutes until the salt dissolves slightly (its edges will not be so sharp and will not injure the scalp). Then apply to the skin with circular massage movements for 2-3 minutes, keep on your head for the same amount of time and rinse.

Recipe 2

  • Liquid honey – 1 spoon
  • Ground natural coffee (or coffee grounds) – 2 tablespoons
  • Essential oil (or vegetable oil) – 0.5 teaspoon

Candied honey should be held over steam or melted in a water bath, add the remaining ingredients to it, and mix. Use the same as in the previous recipe.

Rinse aids

Recipe 1

  • Warm water – 1 l
  • Lemon juice – 1 spoon

If lemon juice is replaced with granulated acid, then you need to take 2 times less of it. Add a citrus product to the water, mix and rinse your hair after washing. You can wipe a clean scalp with this solution by soaking a cotton pad in it.

If there is no lemon juice, then the rinse aid is prepared using 9% vinegar, take 1 spoon of acidic liquid.

Recipe 2

  • Hot water – 1 glass
  • Collection of medicinal herbs – 2-3 spoons
  • Warm water – 2 l

First, prepare an infusion from the herbs and boiling water in the traditional way: pour in and leave for 15-20 minutes. Strain the medicinal liquid and add to the rinse water. Or use to rub directly into the scalp. For the herbal mixture, burdock, St. John's wort, string, celandine, chamomile, calendula, and nettle are suitable.

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Masks against oily hair and skin

Scalp masks are not used daily, but 1-2 times every 6-7 days. Their action should not be too aggressive, causing burning and itching. The mixtures are applied before washing your hair, but not before going to bed.

Their duration of action is from 15 to 25 minutes.

"With mustard"

  • Raw egg – 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 spoon
  • Mustard (dry powder) – 2 tablespoons
  • Warm water – 2 spoons

Dilute the mustard with water to form a liquid paste, add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Apply a thick layer to the scalp without rubbing. You can wear a scarf or plastic cap on top. Keep it on for 30-40 minutes, but if you feel a strong burning sensation, the composition should be washed off earlier. Apply the mask once a week.

"With lemon and oils"

  • Lemon juice – 1 spoon
  • Olive oil – 1 spoon
  • Castor oil – 1 spoon

Combine all products in equal quantities and apply to hair roots and skin half an hour before washing.

"With oils"

  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons
  • Essential oils – 4-5 drops

To prepare this composition, take a base oil - olive, almond, burdock, flaxseed or other vegetable oil, add essential oils, if one, then 5 drops, if a mixture, then 1-2 drops of each.

The best oily liquids to combat excess fat: ylang-ylang, grape seed, jojoba, wheat germ. Esters can be replaced with the same amount of oil solution of vitamins “A” and “E”.

"With sour cream and castor oil"

  • Honey – 1 spoon
  • Natural sour cream – 1 spoon
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  • Castor oil – 1 teaspoon
  • Garlic – 2 cloves

Chop the garlic and combine with other ingredients; if desired, add a few drops of freshly squeezed aloe juice. Apply to the scalp an hour before washing.

Tinctures for rubbing into the scalp

"With pomegranate peel"

  • Peel of 1 fresh pomegranate
  • Boiled water – 1 glass

Pour liquid over the peel and leave for 1 hour, strain and treat the skin with the infusion using a soft cloth or cotton pad half an hour before washing.

Instead of regular boiling water, you can take a strong hot decoction of parsley. It is prepared in advance in a 1:2 ratio (for 1/2 cup of parsley, 1 cup of water).

"With alcohol"

  • Medicinal mixture – 1 glass
  • Vodka (or alcohol) – 0.5 l

A mixture of medicinal herbs, crushed oak bark, birch buds, rose hips are placed in a container, filled with vodka and tightly closed with a lid. All this must be put in a dark, cool place and left for 10-12 days, shaking occasionally. Then strain and use as directed. Can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 months.

Professional treatment procedures

Ozone therapy

The procedure improves blood circulation, saturates tissues with oxygen, destroys pathogenic flora living on the scalp, and reduces the amount of sebum secreted. The procedure is indicated in complex treatment and is often combined with mesotherapy, improving the effectiveness of the latter.

As a rule, an ozone-oxygen mixture is injected under the scalp or intradermally using thin needles in a course of 7-10 procedures lasting about 20 minutes. The “greenhouse” method is used somewhat less frequently, in which an ozonized product is applied to the head, and a special device is put on top, creating a greenhouse effect.


Another injection technique, the purpose of which is to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and normalize the condition of the scalp.

Mesotherapy cocktails are injected into the skin of the scalp using thin needles, which contain vitamins, medicinal substances, micro- and macroelements that suppress the functioning of the sebaceous glands. A course of procedures is prescribed. Each procedure lasts 30-60 minutes, but the course will require from 5 to 10 procedures.

Plasmolifting or plasma therapy

A procedure in which a person’s own blood plasma is injected subcutaneously leads to the activation of the body’s internal reserves and self-restoration of the normal condition of the skin.

The technique is similar to mesotherapy. This procedure is preceded by patient preparation, spectral hair analysis, blood analysis, etc. To obtain plasma, venous blood is taken and processed using a special device. The finished plasma is injected and, if necessary, vitamins, microelements and medications are added. The procedure itself is quick, within 3-4 minutes, the doctor makes precise and quick injections under the scalp.


A popular physiotherapeutic procedure that has virtually no contraindications, since it eliminates allergic or toxic effects on the body. Liquid nitrogen has a positive effect on the sebaceous glands, reducing fat production.

The procedure is carried out using a special applicator, which treats the surface of the scalp for 5-10 minutes. Cryomassage is prescribed for a course of treatment, 15 sessions every 2-3 days.


An electrotherapeutic technique in which micropulses of high-frequency current are applied to the scalp. This leads to changes in physical and chemical processes in tissues, a decrease in sebum production, the disappearance of dandruff, inflammation and narrowing of pores.

The treatment is a course, 10-12 procedures are prescribed. This treatment can also be carried out at home if you purchase the appropriate device (see).

Laser shower

The quantum therapy procedure is based on the effect of laser energy on the sebaceous glands. It has a healing effect on the scalp, reduces sebum production, and improves hair structure.

The painless procedure is carried out within 10 minutes using a special device. The course is 10-12 procedures, which are repeated after 1 day.

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