Why you shouldn’t eat freshly baked bread and how it can harm your health

Is it really bad to eat bread every day?

We'll go into more detail.

Whatever one may say, bread is one of the main products. From toast for breakfast to sandwiches for lunch to a bread basket for dinner, it's easy to eat this standby ingredient every day (or even at every meal). However, over the years, especially as low-carb and gluten-free diets grew in popularity, bread has gotten a bad rap.

But is eating bread every day a bad thing?

It all depends – first of all, on the type of bread you choose and how much of it you consume.

You've probably heard that whole grains (and therefore whole grain bread) are better for you than white bread. Nutritional and dietary guidelines encourage producing half of our grains from whole grains—and for good reason. Whole grain bread is made from whole, intact wheat grains, which means it retains all the fiber and important nutrients such as iron, zinc and B vitamins.

White bread, on the other hand, is made by removing the nutrient-rich germ and bran from the wheat grain.

This may make the product more palatable and shelf stable, but it will reduce its nutritional value.

While eating whole grain bread every day can provide many benefits, the same cannot be said for white bread.

Here's a look at the possible health effects of eating bread every day.

This can cause your blood sugar levels to spike.

If you are watching your blood sugar levels, it is not recommended to eat daily (white) bread. The high doses of simple carbohydrates in refined grains are absorbed into the bloodstream much faster than the complex carbohydrates in whole wheat, resulting in a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.

Blood sugar spikes from eating high glycemic index foods can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and excess weight.

Why you shouldn't eat freshly baked bread

The smell of freshly baked bread immediately arouses your appetite and makes you want to eat it. Crispy crust and hot crumb can be a big problem for a person with gastrointestinal problems.

To bake bread, yeast is used, which begins to work at a certain temperature. When heated, the process intensifies, so a fluffy cake is obtained. But immediately after finishing baking, the fermentation process in freshly baked bread has not yet finished. It stops as it cools.

You should not eat hot bread, precisely because of the problem with yeast, which in the stomach causes increased acidity, heaviness and indigestion. Sometimes bloating occurs due to the fact that yeast kills the intestinal microflora, which prevents the development of harmful bacteria.

The gastric mucosa becomes irritated when freshly baked bread gets into it, which eventually provokes the appearance of gastritis. For these reasons, doctors do not recommend eating freshly baked bread.

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You may gain weight.

When a basket of baguettes arrives at your table before dinner at a restaurant, mindful consumption is key. Simple carbohydrates (like those in white bread) are notorious for not filling you up, so it's all too easy to eat a few slices and still have a full meal afterwards. Over time, too much of any type of bread can lead to weight gain.

However, it is important to remember that a single meal is not usually the cause of weight gain.

Weight gain does not only occur as a result of eating white bread. Rather, weight gain is the result of eating more calories than our body uses for energy.

Useful properties of bread

Bread contains many beneficial substances for the body. For example, it contains a lot of B vitamins, which are responsible for the health of the nervous system and group E, which regulate red blood cells and the aging process of the body. Bread also contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, manganese and other useful minerals.

However, supporters of diets and a slim figure say that bread should not be eaten by those who are trying to lose or maintain weight. To some extent, this is true, since this product contains a lot of complex carbohydrates. But if you choose the right bread products, you can only benefit from this. What are the recommendations here:

  • refuse white bread made from premium flour;
  • do not eat baked goods, cakes and desserts;
  • give preference to bread made from rye flour or mixed with wheat, with added bran and other natural ingredients, whole grain;
  • monitor the amount of bread you eat, for example, no more than 2 pieces per meal.

benefits of bread

Based on the beneficial properties of the product, all people are recommended to eat it. You just need to monitor the quantity and quality of bread you eat. And the Russian people have preserved their love for him since ancient times.

It Can Harm Your Microbiome

If low-fiber white bread consistently displaces whole grain wheat in your diet, it can create problems for your microbiome, which is the colony of bacteria in your gut. Research shows that a diet low in whole grains is associated with microbiome imbalance. This imbalance has been linked to irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. On the other hand, other studies show that choosing whole grain breads, which are rich in prebiotic fiber that feeds a healthy microbiome, has a positive effect on gut bacteria.

Since a thriving microbiome can lead to everything from improved mental health to a reduced risk of heart disease, it's smart to choose whole grain bread over white bread at least half the time.

What you should absolutely not eat bread with

First of all, it must be said that according to nutritionists, bread is a gluten-containing product with a large amount of carbohydrates, which negatively affects the human immune system. In addition, white bread itself contains completely no useful substances, this is due to the technology of processing wheat grains. As a result, the body is more often exposed to various diseases, and also leads to obesity. But in this case, we are talking not only about the dangers of bread itself, but directly about its combination with other food products.

Based on this, it should be noted what exactly white bread should not be eaten with:

  1. With pasta, dumplings and other types of dishes made from wheat flour.
  2. This may sound surprising, but it is not recommended to combine bread with such types of cereals as buckwheat, rice, and millet. Dishes that use potatoes are also prohibited. In addition to weight gain, people with gastrointestinal problems may experience heaviness in the stomach and bloating.
  3. It is also not recommended to serve bread directly in large quantities with meat, fish, eggs and even cottage cheese, since they are products containing a lot of protein.
  4. The combination of white bread with jam, marmalade or marmalade will not bring any benefit to the body. The same goes for sugar. This is due to the fact that the indicated products can provoke the process of fermentation and excessive gas formation in the human stomach if he has problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Eating bread with various pickles and fermented foods is considered unacceptable, as this can cause increased gas formation in the stomach.
  6. There are a lot of people who prefer to quickly make a sandwich directly from bread with a slice of cheese or butter, but to reduce harm with the indicated combination of products, it is recommended to add more greens to such a dish.

Particular attention should be paid to this fact. Nutritionists insist that white bread is completely incompatible with legumes, seeds and various types of nuts.

It can add vitamins and minerals to your diet.

Eating white bread is good news! This sandwich staple does have a silver lining. When wheat is stripped of its natural nutrients during the refining process, most of those nutrients are returned to its product - sometimes even going the extra mile by fortifying the bread with additional micronutrients. Commonly added nutrients include folic acid and iron, which play important roles in health.

Getting enough folic acid is especially important for pregnant women. Folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects in newborns.

And don't overlook the importance of iron! Eating foods rich in iron supports optimal oxygen delivery to our tissues and organs and protects against iron deficiency anemia.

In defense of meat

To eat or not to eat meat? Eat! Only buy meat products with low fat content. Lean meat (chicken, veal, turkey, beef) allows you to prepare a variety of low-calorie dietary dishes rich in protein, which is essential for proper metabolism. Dietary dishes made from lean meat are preferable to sausages and frankfurters containing up to 35% animal fat.

Lean meat is an excellent source of iron, which is most fully absorbed from meat, as well as zinc and a number of vitamins that cannot be replenished by plant foods. By the way, today we are acutely experiencing a shortage of complete proteins and iron. These valuable substances perform important functions: from construction to regulating metabolic and energy processes occurring in our body.

It fuels your body and brain with carbohydrates

Despite their dubious reputation, carbohydrates are not actually the enemy of your health. In fact, these much-maligned macros are the body's preferred source of energy, providing fuel for your trillions of cells. Meanwhile, the brain runs primarily on glucose, the most simplified form of carbohydrates. Since the average slice of bread contains about 15 grams of carbohydrates, eating it regularly can help with daily activities.

While whole grain bread, with its richer complex carbohydrates, will keep you feeling fuller longer, a serving of white bread won't hurt your diet.

Some might have you believe that all carbohydrates (including bread) are created equally and are equally “bad.”

The truth is that this is not true. While plain white bread doesn't have the same nutritional benefits as 100% whole grain bread, it can still be part of a healthy diet.

The benefits of bread for the human body

Increases fiber intake

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By consuming bread daily, you can replenish your supply of fiber, which is necessary for normalizing intestinal function, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

According to experts from the Institute of Medicine, women over 50 need to consume 21-25 grams, and men over 50, about 30-38 grams of fiber daily. However, most people only consume half the recommended amount of fiber.

Whole grain bread and oats are excellent sources of fiber.

Just two slices of whole grain bread and eggs in the morning will provide you with your daily dose of fiber. In addition, such bread is rich in folic acid, thiamine and iron. This doesn't mean you need to eat half a loaf of bread right away. Don't forget about moderation.

Improves blood pressure

Eating bread every day can actually regulate your blood pressure.

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

In just 12 weeks of consuming whole grain breads and cereals, systolic blood pressure decreases by 5 mmHg. Again, we are talking about whole grains, not refined white bread.

How does this type of bread fight hypertension? Whole grains contain phytochemicals and nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, selenium, zinc and fiber that lower blood pressure.

Reduces cholesterol levels

If you want to lower your cholesterol levels, try to eat bread daily.

A 2020 meta-analysis found that consuming whole grains, including whole grain breads, pastas and cereals, reduced bad cholesterol by 3.5 mg/dL and total cholesterol by 4.6 mg/dL.

Remember that this only applies to whole grain bread, not white flour bread with various additives, preservatives and sugar.

Helps you lose weight

Some people consider bread the enemy of weight loss, especially with the growing popularity of low-carb diets. For this reason, many try to completely eliminate bread from their diet so as not to gain weight.

However, nutritionist Angela Ginn-Meadow explained that cutting carbs for weight loss may only be a temporary measure. If you want to maintain weight, then it is important to find a healthy eating plan.

What's more, studies have shown that people who eat whole grain bread tend to have lower body weight and a narrower waist.

It is recommended to consume 1-2 slices of bread per day. One slice of bread contains fewer calories and fat, but is rich in B vitamins, folic acid and fiber.

Promotes a feeling of fullness

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It’s not for nothing that bread is a very popular product. It is not only affordable and economical, but also simply delicious.

If you eat carbohydrate-rich bread every day, you will feel more full. After all, our bodies need carbohydrates to keep us feeling energized and able to focus on important things.

If you forbid yourself to eat bread and other sources of carbohydrates (pasta, rice, cereals), the exact opposite effect may occur. Your body will crave them, experiencing an unfulfilled desire, and as a result, you will be more likely to break your eating plan.

You will be less likely to overeat

By training yourself to eat delicious food every day, you train your brain to regulate carbohydrates, thereby reducing the likelihood of overeating.

In fact, by eating a few slices of bread daily, you'll be better able to make better food choices and won't feel out of control at the sight of bread.

Restrictions are one of the main reasons for overeating. Therefore, if you love bread, but completely deny yourself it, one day you may lose your head and instead of a few slices, eat half a loaf of bread.

Your mood will improve

According to a survey by the Grain Foundation, bread and pasta are the most popular foods we consume for comfort and comfort.

So if you feel like eating a piece of bread every day makes you feel better, that's completely normal and you don't need to feel guilty.

You will feel more energetic

Bread can give you the energy boost you need. According to experts from Harvard University, it is important to eat a balanced diet, including whole grains in your diet.

If whole grain bread is an integral part of your diet, you will feel more energetic.

At the same time, cutting down on carbohydrates will make you feel tired more often. Our bodies find it difficult to function without carbohydrates, making bread one of the smartest food choices.

At the same time, it is important to watch the amount of bread you consume, as portion control is an important part of a healthy diet.

Reduces the risk of many chronic diseases

Cardiovascular diseases and cancer are some of the leading causes of death in the world, so if you want to prevent their development, don't give up bread.

Consumption of whole grain bread reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease by about 20 percent, and the risk of cancer by about 10-15 percent.

In addition, consuming any bread has its benefits, reducing the risk of death from any cause by 20-25 percent.

Reduces the risk of developing diabetes

Although bread is often not recommended for those who suffer from diabetes, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

A 2020 meta-analysis found that consuming whole grains (often in the form of baked goods) significantly reduced post-meal increases in blood glucose and insulin. By regulating your glucose and insulin levels, you can fight diabetes while keeping portion control in mind.

At the same time, it is worth noting that white bread contains a lot of starch, and it is quickly absorbed into the circulatory system, having the same effect as refined sugar.

Useful in preparing for pregnancy

Bread is one of those foods that causes cravings for pregnant women, but it can also be beneficial for those planning to become pregnant.

Preparing for pregnancy is not an easy task, and it starts with proper nutrition. One of the important nutrients contained in bread is folic acid, which reduces the risk of congenital pathology in the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy.

There is no need to feel guilty - just eat a slice of bread and enjoy its benefits.

Harm of bread

There is a risk of inflammation

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Of course, daily consumption of bread can have undesirable consequences.

In general, this applies to white bread containing refined carbohydrates. When our gut health is unbalanced, inflammation occurs in the body.

This has a number of consequences, such as hormonal imbalance, inability to lose weight, increased blood sugar levels and the risk of various diseases.

May raise blood sugar levels

If you are watching your blood sugar levels, then daily consumption of white bread is not recommended.

The large percentage of simple carbohydrates in refined grains are absorbed into the bloodstream much faster than the complex carbohydrates in whole grains, leading to a rapid spike in blood sugar levels.

Severe spikes in blood sugar due to consumption of foods with a high glycemic index may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

You can get better

The most important thing in consuming bread is moderation. The simple carbohydrates found in white bread are filling, but it's too easy to eat a few slices along with a full meal.

Over time, this habit can lead to excess weight.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that we do not get better from just one type of food, such as white bread. Rather, excess weight is the result of consuming more calories than our body uses for energy.

Black or white?

Which bread is healthier? Alas, it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Black has a little more vitamins and fiber, but white is less likely to cause bloating and heartburn. Well, whole grain rolls and loaves are considered the most vitamin-rich. They contain a lot of dietary fiber, which reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and the beneficial substances in unprocessed grains are better preserved. In addition, sesame seeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds are often added to such bread, and these are additional vitamins and microelements.

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