What a kiss should be like - advice from girls

what should a first kiss be like?

In every love relationship, in every couple, in the heart of every person, memories live. Without this, it is impossible to imagine our life - because then it would fade greatly, losing important shades and colors. These memories are emotionally colored in different tones and occupy places in our souls of different size and significance. One of these moments in our memory and the strings touched by them are the first kisses. There is hardly a person in the world who could forget the taste of the very first kiss. Traces of memories probably remained in the soul: the place of the event, the deafening pounding of the heart, the noise in the ears, the throat and lips parched from excitement. All this left an indelible mark on our soul.

We have grown up a long time ago, we know how to kiss, we know what pleasure a kiss can bring. But in a new relationship, the question of what the first kiss should be like remains open until the moment your lips meet each other. What will happen when this happens and the long-awaited moment comes? How, where, what will it be like - this so desired and at the same time so painful first kiss? It happened to each of us, and even more than once. We do not always get pleasure and joy from the kissing process. It also happens that the first kiss automatically becomes the last. Why this happens and how to avoid it - let's discuss this in our article.

when should the first kiss be?

What is important for a kiss?

There is a time for everything – even kisses. Timeliness is an important card in the game, where the winner gets the main prize - a tender loving kiss. Don't rush, don't rush things. You both need to be ready to start getting closer. After all, a kiss is a kind of transition, the next step in a relationship. Anyone who is used to jumping over a step runs the risk of tripping and falling. However, you shouldn’t delay it either. If you see that you make your partner want to touch you with his lips, and you yourself are not averse to kissing him, then taking the initiative will be very acceptable and appropriate.

When we talk about the first kiss, we usually mean a kiss on the lips. But it’s unfair to keep silent about the rest of the tender kisses. Of course, any gallant man can kiss a lady’s hand when meeting her. Usually this involves touching the back of the hand. But did you know that many young ladies allowed you to touch their lips after the admirer, tenderly taking the charming palm in his hands, reverently touched the girl’s wrist with his lips? Yes! Such a kiss can cause a lot of emotions in your partner. Therefore, the guy will do the right thing (if he is still afraid to touch the charming lips) when he starts by kissing the palm, continuing by touching the wrist, and only then moving on to the lips.

A kiss on the cheek is usually considered a friendly option. But what prevents you from breaking stereotypes? Stay a little longer, kissing first one cheek and then the other. Looking into the girl’s eyes, you will immediately understand whether you should stop or continue. The only important thing is not to be timid. The girl can only be given one piece of advice. Don't be afraid to seem too bold. If you decide that it’s time to end these friendly kisses, just substitute lips instead of cheeks at the moment when your loving, but too polite guy intends to kiss you again.

So, you have decided to have your first kiss. What should it be like?

  • Sweet lips - sugar lips. In other words, this is what a first kiss should be - sweet. Take care of the freshness of your breath: no garlic, smoked sausages, tobacco. Let your lips be tender and tasty, so that you want to touch them again and repeat the wonderful moment. You can make the taste of a kiss different - whether it will be heady and tart from a sip of wine, or coffee-like from drinking coffee. Or maybe it is really sweet - if you put a piece of chocolate in your mouth? Most importantly, do not leave chewing gum in your mouth. This is something that can simply catastrophically ruin the entire exciting moment. True, a sense of humor can revive any situation, but it’s better not to take risks.
  • Different style. Start kissing passionately and do it tenderly and reverently? Anxiety and fear equally interfere with your ability to think clearly. And it is useless to try to think calmly in love affairs. When the time comes, you will have no time for reasoning. What would you like to advise guys? Look at your woman's reaction - how she responded to the kiss. She pulled away slightly, but did not interrupt him - moderate your ardor a little and become more gentle. She responded warmly and actively - she liked your passion and ardor. (Girls, remember how to show a guy your attitude towards his actions through your behavior!)
  • The right place. You probably understand the difference - kissing in front of hundreds of people or alone, under the starry sky, when you are just about to have your first kiss. This is such an intimate gesture! Passion doesn’t always overwhelm you with such a wave that you don’t pay attention to the details and the place where you are. There are no exact statistics, but it is safe to say that in public toilets people kiss for the first time much less often than at the Eiffel Tower. And next to her, for the first time, they kiss more often at night, rather than during the day, among a crowd of tourists. Many lovers kissed for the first time on a Ferris wheel - it’s true, the whole world is at the feet of lovers!
  • Mastery. Inexperience at a young age is endearing and justifiable. In a more mature one, it will cause surprise and disapproval. A kiss is not just the touching of two mouths, the penetration of one’s own tongue into the oral cavity of the other, and not the exchange of saliva. It's a process that can drive you crazy. To such an extent that your mind and legs will fail. You will be overwhelmed by a wave of love and tenderness, passion and desire. If you want exactly this development of events, learn to kiss. Practice with your loved ones, don't stop.
  • Attentiveness. It is very important for the guy to be attentive. There are moments when it is so logical to continue with kisses! Don't miss them. For example, you are dancing. Your girlfriend is already in your arms. When the music ends, don't let go of her too quickly. Perhaps at this very moment she is thinking about how close your lips were to her. It would be a shame to miss such a signal. There are moments that are not always possible to repeat - lost chances cannot be returned. Anxiety often prevents you from correctly assessing the situation. Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be for you, try to relieve tension. You will kiss anyway - this is inevitable for lovers.
  • Skillful hands. This is exactly how they should be. During a kiss, it is not only possible, but also necessary, to gently embrace the object of the kiss in your arms. Run them along your back, over your shoulders. Press her to your chest - reverently and tenderly, or passionately and strongly. Your girlfriend reciprocates your actions - great. Hands can go down to the buttocks or up to the chest. Can you feel her heart beating madly? This means your actions are correct.
  • To be continued. The whole mystery of the first kiss is that its consequences are unpredictable. Still, events can be predicted. They can develop like this: you just kiss, stop and start again. And you move on when the first kiss is followed by the first sex. This will only be known through experience. Little cheat sheets: you and/or they start kissing you on the lips, neck, shoulders, ear or chest. You do not resist and even very actively support the initiative. If you don’t want to rush and prefer to take a break between the first kiss and more decisive actions, then you should gently move away from your partner. Although, when your head is spinning from overwhelming feelings, is it necessary to do this?

what should a girl's first kiss be like?

First Kiss: A Guide for Dummies

The kiss - whoever invented it first must still be very proud of himself. An invariable attribute of every love story, the inevitable ending of every romantic film. This halo created around a kiss, especially the first, made it a truly responsible activity. How to kiss correctly? What should the first kiss be like? How to conduct it in such a way that a passing film director will bite his elbows for not grabbing a movie camera? Well, strictly speaking, a kiss doesn't owe anyone anything. It is the stereotypes and constant attempts to adapt to movie kisses that make it so difficult, whereas in fact this skill is quite simple, known to each of us from birth. But still, a few tips are worthy of attracting the attention of a kisser who is not burdened with life and sexual experience, but is preparing to acquire it. Or just a person who wants to make his next “first kiss” with his partner, with whom this kiss is planned in the near future, unforgettable and special.

No need for passion. It is good when it is invested in a kiss, which precedes an equally passionate love intercourse. But, if a kiss is not the beginning of a full-fledged sexual act, then you should not act out violent passion. This is especially true for the first kiss. Passion is abhorrent to him; this should be a careful and gentle acquaintance with each other. There is no need to kiss as if one of you is going to war, and you are already at the station and the train is leaving.

There's no need to rush . There's no need to rush either. Of course, not every kiss should be preceded by a long staring game and slow rapprochement, but for the first one this will work perfectly. Neither a young man should try to rush things in this case, since instead of seeming passionate, he will only show that he is in a hurry, much less it would be inappropriate for a young lady to show incontinence. Calmness, in a word - only calmness.

No words needed. "May I kiss you?" - these are not the words of a man, but of a mumbler and a mattress! Nobody ever asks about the kiss, it's rude. A kiss, especially the first one, refers to something that is not talked about either before or after. Yes, in today's world, snatching a kiss from a woman's lips has become much more dangerous than before, since for such an attempt you can get not only a slap in the face, but also a lawsuit. What can we do, we can only hope that radical feminism will soon dry up and be forgotten, but for now, this is not the time to hide in fear and protect yourself from possible consequences through careful questioning. It is equally unacceptable to ask something after a kiss, like: “Did you like it”? This is not the case when you need to write a report after the event, even orally.

Three second rule . Again, it works primarily for “that one,” the first kiss, and in other life situations it can be safely ignored. First, the man must cover ninety percent of the distance between your lips. This is the difficult lot of men: every young man must get used to it from his school days that young ladies do not always welcome him, and much more often his attempts end in, at best, a polite refusal, and at worst, a painful slap in the face. So it doesn’t suit him to be afraid of getting another one. At the same time, for a girl to experience refusal in such an intimate matter is a real tragedy. That is why out of every ten centimeters between you, nine should be reduced by a young man. But then he must stop. Such a blatant hint cannot be interpreted in two ways, so the last centimeters are already up to the lady. To put it a little more specifically, he “initiates” the kiss, but she “launches” it. Secondly, before starting to move towards the gentleman, the girl should linger for a couple of seconds in indecision (supposedly indecision), then everything will look especially elegant. This is the three second rule.

Wet kisses. A wet kiss has always been considered the most sensual and special. In Japanese culture, it is literally elevated to the rank of a fetish; it was revered by the ancient Greeks, and other cultures recognize it as having a special sexuality. But, if your kiss came out too, sorry, slobbery, you don’t need to take a napkin (or a handkerchief from your pocket) out of your purse to wipe your mouth, as if after a fatty pork steak. It may even be a little insulting to your partner, but it's unromantic at best. You can end the French kiss with an equally sensual kiss on your partner’s cheek, during which you wipe yourself against him. Great - that's his problem now, isn't it? It's cruel, but it doesn't ruin the atmosphere.

Be careful with your teeth. And this is not at all about the fact that you should not voluptuously bite your partner during the first kiss - this was already mentioned at the very beginning. But, if from time to time you hear the characteristic chatter of your teeth, it means that you are too deep into the... ahem... process. Be more reserved, but don't be embarrassed, no need to pull away and giggle, just ignore it and carry on.

Don't neglect physical contact. It should be formed before the kiss begins and maintained throughout it. A kiss that is not accompanied by a gentle hug looks ridiculous. Your hands should tightly entwine each other in a trusting embrace - a must.

Don't forget about breathing . The rule is simple, but it doesn’t lose its importance. “Dragon’s Breath”, “Garlic Kiss” - it’s all funny, of course, but the first kiss can easily be ruined. And don't rely too much on chewing gum and refreshing pills. If half an hour before the kiss you consumed a good portion of Ukrainian borscht with garlic and vodka, then no amount of chewing gum will help, it’s better to just give up “provocative” foods if you have planned a romantic date for that evening. And just brushing your teeth won't hurt

What can ruin a kiss?

Not many things can ruin a couple's first kiss. Nevertheless, we will tell you the main points that cause negativity in most people who kiss.

  • The first place goes to “wet kiss”. Choking on saliva, especially someone else’s, is not a pleasant experience. Therefore, do not try to “moisten” your activity to such an extent that you then have to go wash your face.
  • The tongue is a tool that can make your kiss unforgettable in every sense. To make it a wonderful memory, avoid putting your tongue in your partner's mouth and do nothing else. Or move them back and forth in the rhythm of random Brownian motion.
  • Are you hungry? Then you don’t have to try to open your mouth so wide as if you want to eat rather than kiss your partner.
  • Sounds. The natural sounds that come from kissing are sweet and charming. You can even sigh and moan gently. But a menacing growl, purring and squealing can cause not just oncoming bewilderment, but even an attempt to escape. You don't need this, right?

Now you know all the subtleties and nuances that accompany the first kiss. Although there may be a different number of first kisses throughout your life, let each of them leave only pleasant memories!

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