TOP 10 simplest techniques to make yourself work

As Confucius said: “Choose a profession you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I won’t argue with the great thinker, I’ll just say that sometimes even the work you love becomes cramped in your throat when the mere thought of it makes you feel nauseous. What can we say about those who are forced to work for pennies as a salesman or waiter, simply because there are no jobs? Often we have to work through “I don’t want to” because “that’s the way it should be.” But sometimes this installation fails. What to do, how to force yourself to work? I want to share tips that helped me learn to enjoy any work.

Let's understand the reasons

A person regularly went to work, worked, received a salary, but suddenly or gradually the desire to fulfill his daily duties disappeared somewhere. What happened, why did work become a burden? There may be several reasons:

  1. You are stuck in a routine. The usual getting up at 7 o'clock, burnt scrambled eggs for breakfast, a trip to work by subway, a stack of papers on the table and monotonous jokes from colleagues. In the evening, a quick dinner, a TV series and the usual missionary position. Your whole life follows a well-trodden rut, monotonous days run by in an endless series, leaving no room for color. You are so bored and sad that even buying a new sofa becomes a real event.
  2. Your life guidelines have changed. Once upon a time, we were all young students, full of strength and enthusiasm to prove our mental and physical abilities. Probably only in youth is a person ready to work for an idea and recognition. But as the years go by, someone else’s project becomes boring, and the desire to open something of your own appears. As for women, the vast majority start families and further develop themselves as mothers and wives, while the career race fades into the background.
  3. You are depressed. Problems in your personal life, tragedies in the family, illnesses of relatives and friends very often lead to a depressed state. A person who is depressed cannot enjoy the work he does; all he cares about is his personal drama.
  4. You have outgrown your responsibilities. Human nature is such that its development does not stand still. It is impossible to perform the same duties with pleasure and interest for many years in a row.
  5. Vacation is just around the corner. Accumulated fatigue and anticipation of a long-awaited rest make it difficult to concentrate. Mentally, you are already lying under the palm trees and sipping a cooling cocktail. The same condition haunts you in the first weeks after rest. But how to force yourself to work?

Older Girlfriend

“Be unhappy. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done is always your choice."

Wayne Dyer

"If you want something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done."

Coco Chanel

We set goals and... don't achieve them.

We write a to-do list and... don’t complete it.

And this happens again and again. What's the problem?

The problem is our emotions. More precisely, we do not take them into account. It is our feelings that are a fundamental and inevitable part of why we do what we do.

We cannot ignore our emotions. The brain is designed in such a way that when the arguments of reason and feelings fight, the latter almost always win.

We can't fight our feelings. This only makes them stronger.

We need to think to plan, but we need to feel good to act.

This is a no brainer, you say. But how can you force yourself to do it if you don’t want to? The answer is: you need to follow three simple steps.

1.Be Positive

When do we procrastinate the most? Right. When we are in a bad mood.

We think: now I’ll drink tea, check my email, eat a piece of chocolate, and lo and behold, the mood will appear. The mood may appear, but time will pass. And as a result, again nothing was done. So procrastination is not an option.

Scientists have proven that happiness increases productivity and makes us more successful.

Do you know what the US military teaches recruits to make them morally stronger? No, not hand-to-hand combat. Optimism.

So how can you become an optimist if you don’t feel it? Simply and easily.

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