How to realize yourself as a woman. Psychology of female self-realization in life

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We need to not only find our purpose, but also teach others to do it. If you know how to help someone, then you need to tell them about it. You shouldn’t keep all your secrets to achieving your goal to yourself. This will make your life even more productive. All brilliant people have spoken about their experiences in their books or at meetings. Thanks to which we can read, find answers to questions that torment us throughout our lives.

Every person has what it takes to make change and achieve success. No matter who someone thinks he is, in reality he is something bigger and better.

Realize yourself in life - what does it give

Many people think about how to realize themselves in life.

But not everyone understands where to start searching for yourself.

Self-realization is a very important thing in every person’s life path. It allows people to feel their social belonging and need. In addition, it helps to reveal inner potential.

Initially, realize themselves in
life . Because this is the natural right of any person.
But not everyone can use it correctly. Some people are hindered by objective circumstances: family problems, life difficulties, illness, personal troubles, etc.

And others are hindered only by their own laziness and vices: alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction, parasitism. You need to start searching for yourself by setting the right goal. Set a specific goal that is as realistic as possible for yourself.

A great desire is known to help achieve even unimaginable goals. But it’s better to start with something more realistic.

To do this, clearly formulate your goal. It is better if you write it down on paper to better feel its materiality.

Next, you should predict possible obstacles that are likely to come your way. The road to the stars, of course, lies through thorns.

Once you identify potential challenges, you can plan ways to work around or resolve them.

To realize yourself in life

, you need to determine your natural inclinations. Remember what you do best. Or at least which area you are most drawn to.

Remember which subjects you liked most at school: humanities or technical ones. What type of creativity or sport did you like to engage in?

And from this information you can start further in finding your purpose.

Step number two is to decide on your skills. Perhaps you already have certain knowledge and skills in the area of ​​activity that you like most.

If this is the case, then you should start improving yourself in this. Read relevant literature, attend seminars, expand your knowledge.

The easiest way to realize your own nature is practice. To do this, you need to visit a society where people of a certain profession are concentrated.

Which you think you have an aptitude for, or at least an interest in. If you decide that you are a born businessman, then you should regularly visit places where representatives of the business community gather (seminars, open trainings, round tables, webinars, etc.).

When communicating with such people, focus on your inner feelings. You will either feel like a fish in water, that is, quite comfortable. You will be interested in all the topics discussed.

You will feel equal to others. This means that you have found your community and your type of profession. Or you will soon become bored or uncomfortable, as if you were “out of place.” If you don’t feel an internal connection with others, then such a society is not for you.

Another way to determine your personal calling, so that you can then properly realize yourself in life.

- analyze the attitude of people of a certain type of activity towards you.

If you easily manage to establish contact, for example, with the same businessmen, and complete mutual understanding is established between you, then these are people of your type of activity.

In addition, communicating with successful people in your chosen field of employment will give you the opportunity to better and faster understand your nature. In this case, society works as a catalyst, allowing you to see what exactly it wants from the individual.

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Work out of interest

Why else does a person need to find a job? Maybe because of the thirst for knowledge? Maybe you are an extremely inquisitive person. Perhaps your job can satisfy your craving for a particular activity. Such an interested person needs work in order to gain new knowledge in a matter that is fascinating to him. It may not provide any kind of fame or enormous income, but it does provide a real opportunity to learn something new and interesting.

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Forced work

It seems that no one is able and has the right to force an adult to go to work. But there are still families in which his authoritative relatives can decide everything for a person. There are such weak-willed people who are persuaded to look for work by their father and mother. Relatives and close people always reproach such a person: “You don’t go to work, you’re a freeloader, you’re a quitter.” Such a person needs work in order to be left behind; he has no personal interest. It happens that such families, where one of its members is expelled from work, may actually be well off. But still, relatives believe that a person who does not have a permanent job is practically a criminal.

How to distinguish your desires from imposed ones

Society and the environment constantly imposes its stereotypes: when is it time to get married, should a woman work, what profession is profitable, what should a mother of many children do, etc. And when your desires do not coincide with the opinion of the majority, there are some doubts, then the dream is pushed aside, talents hiding or appearing frivolous. The search continues.

To get started, do this:

  • write down your desires without regard to others;
  • analyze skills and talents;
  • remember what you loved to do as a child or what you would do even for free;
  • formulate your goals - what exactly you want.

Then think about what or who is stopping you from realizing yourself?

I will give 2 examples:

1. You have long dreamed of starting a business, but an inner voice constantly stops you, saying, this is not a woman’s business, let’s have children and cook borscht.

2. Or, conversely, you are sitting at home. We are sure that creating comfort and raising children is the only purpose of a woman. But you are constantly being reproached. A friend is bragging about her new project and looking at you with pity. She believes that in the modern world it is important to earn on an equal basis with men. And my mother-in-law generally calls me a freeloader.

In the first case, stereotypical thinking is triggered, in the second, the personal beliefs of others. Situations may be different. But the conclusion is very simple - listen only to your heart, and not to other people. Address your own feelings and desires. After all, what some consider normal, others often categorically reject.

So first of all, do what you like. You still won't be able to please everyone. If you are confident in your choice, then others will accept it. Sooner or later.

Secondly, decide on your priorities. You always come first, then your husband, children and others. Do you feel it? You need to love yourself. Listen to your desires in order to remain in a resourceful feminine state. Only then will you be able to give love to others, take care of your loved ones with joy and realize yourself as a woman in all its manifestations.

How do you understand that you love yourself?

If you are unhappy in your current situation, there are contradictions and discord within, it means that you put your own desires in last place or do not notice them at all. Agree, it’s hard to imagine that a girl who loves herself goes to a disgusting job for the sake of money, for example.

Difficulty levels

By analogy with a computer game, each participant in the game is assigned his own role, his own unique abilities-talents (his own unique equipment, his own type of weapon, his own tools). Each game has difficulty levels. For example: easy (light), medium (medium), hard (heavy). Anyone can overcome the first level of difficulty. At the second difficulty level, there is already a much greater return, but it is also more exciting. Very few pass the third level.

These levels of complexity are assigned to a person even before birth in accordance with his potential, as they say, “everyone is given according to his shoulders.” Of course, everyone has the opportunity to try to play on the most difficult level, but this is doomed to failure. The player will always lose in the very first minutes of the game. In this case, he can spend his whole life trying to take someone else's place. But if he had played his role, he would have been able to successfully complete all stages of the game, getting maximum pleasure from it.

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