How to get a Scorpio man to propose to you

How to behave with a Scorpio man at the beginning of a relationship in order to interest him after a quarrel5/5 (37)
Girls who pay attention to a Scorpio man will find it difficult to build a relationship with him. This water sign is considered not only very mysterious, if not strange, but also with a rather complex character. Rumors and legends about his cruelty, jealousy, and vindictiveness have been circulating among the people for a long time. So, let's tell you in more detail how to behave with a Scorpio man .

Scorpio men

Distinguished by their courage, sometimes bordering on madness, and enviable determination, these representatives of the zodiac diaspora are not devoid of high intelligence.

They are meticulous about their toilet, paying special attention to shoes, and masterfully know how to choose them. By the way, in matters of appearance, you can always turn to them for advice; they are not only able to tell the truth about the look, but also help you choose a completely worthy image.

In many ways, this character trait gives the right to be very demanding of one’s surroundings. To a greater extent this concerns the lady of the heart.

The equanimity of the representative of this sign is deceptive. Beneath the feigned serenity lies unbridled passion and ardor. This manifests itself not only in business and friendship, but most of all in love and intimate relationships. Scorpio will pursue the object of his sympathy and lust with great zeal, and not without imagination.

2% despotism

Family is the highest value; he jealously protects the family hearth and values ​​comfort. He takes all the power in the house for himself, but this should not be perceived as despotism, rather, pleasant family slavery in the position of mistress, because Scorpio will take on the lion's share of family problems and concerns. He does not disdain any work and is capable of repairing a car and weeding beds with great skill.

How to communicate

Such a man attaches great importance to the moment of communication. If you managed to find a common language and topics for conversation with him, then we can assume that the path to his heart has been found. Capable of having intimate conversations, but he will never let you into the wilds of his own soul. Therefore, it is better to talk about abstract topics, even if they relate to intimate moments.

Watch the video. 10 features of the zodiac sign Scorpio.

The main thing in communicating with Scorpio is to voice your thoughts, to be sincere, because even a well-disguised falsehood will not escape his vigilant and distrustful mind. You shouldn’t surprise him with your knowledge, try to seem smarter, or show cunning.

It is important for Scorpio that there is a dialogue with the interlocutor; you should not try to mirror and pretend to be engrossed in the conversation. He will soon get bored with this, and he, not always showing courtesy and consideration, will simply leave. You can forget about further communication after this forever.

In disputes he can be harsh, arrogant, fiercely defending his point of view, capable of slander and inflicting painful insults. Having no desire and opportunity to argue, it is better to let him throw out a flurry of emotions and change the topic to something no less interesting to him.

Scorpio friends

Scorpios are mysterious friends, one might even say mysterious. Their magnetic, piercing gaze, sarcasticity and tendency to interact too intensely with people, manifested even at the first meeting, are usually not conducive to striking up friendships.

Therefore, representatives of this zodiac sign have few friends. Another thing is that this doesn’t particularly bother them, because... It is quite enough for them to have one or two real comrades who are able to tolerate their complex character and tendency to suppress others. With such trusted people, Scorpio feels comfortable, knowing that even accidental insults will be forgiven, because... They have long come to terms with its “stinging” nature. He will always be a mountain for his friends, will cover them, pull them out of any trouble, give their last, and certainly will not betray them.

It’s a surprising thing, but sometimes Scorpio’s friends don’t know what to expect from their friend in the next moment. You just can't guess them! It happens that if they “bark” or snap back, it means that Scorpio cares about you, but if he has been cute and fluffy for a very long time, something is wrong here... And there are many such moments in friendship with them.

Scorpios are true friends, no matter what you look for. But you need to adapt to these people, have a lot of patience, and learn to forgive a lot so that the friendship can survive and grow stronger over the years.

Compatibility of Scorpios in friendship

Well, of course, Scorpio’s best friends are representatives of the signs of the water element - Cancer and Pisces. The same sensitive, but soft and sedate in friendship, Cancer will be able to easily cope with the intensity of Scorpio. And emotional Pisces will feel protected near their comrade. All these signs understand each other perfectly, accepting each other as they are, which provides them with a strong friendship.

Scorpio also tends to get along well with earth signs Capricorn and Virgo. Virgo is strong enough to cope with Scorpio and bring some order to his feelings, emotions and needs. Having talked a little with Capricorn, Scorpios will understand that they also have a lot in common and, most likely, will themselves become interested in establishing friendly relations.

Libra and Sagittarius are suitable for Scorpio as “situational” (temporary companions or friends “for a certain occasion in life”). It will be interesting for them to spend time and talk with both of them, but things won’t go further than that. When trying to become closer friends, tough arguments will inevitably begin, which do not bode well.

Scorpios will not get along at all with Aries and Leo. These signs are too powerful and capricious for them, and in the struggle for dominance there is no place for friendly relations between them. Interaction with these signs can awaken the worst traits in Scorpio. So it's better for them to stay away.

Representatives of airy Gemini and Aquarius will not be able to get along with the overly serious (in their opinion) Scorpio, and he will never be able to understand how one can be so frivolous or utopian about life. Friendship between them is unlikely.

Earthy Taurus is a firm and stubborn sign that will not feel comfortable with a persistent and inflexible person like Scorpio.

Separately, it should be said about the friendship between two Scorpios. Here there is either an unequivocal “yes” or an equally uncompromising “no”. If these people do not torture each other with mutual nit-picking, accusations and insults, but manage to get used to it, they will become friends about whom they say “do not spill water”, such a “killer” tandem is capable of a lot.

Scorpio friends, as I have already noted, are rarely found in our phones and diaries. If you are one of those few who honestly call Scorpio their friend, then you will not even be able to imagine how strong this friendship really is and how much it means to Scorpio.

How to behave correctly with a Scorpio man

All his mystery, indifference and equanimity is just a mask behind which Scorpio hides his vulnerable and sensual soul. And you shouldn’t be afraid of him - he won’t be able to really sting a girl with his poisonous sting.

True, the girl should not hope that he can be henpecked. His ideal woman is a girl with taste and charm, seductive and feminine. So bitches who are used to going over the heads of others to their goals should not hope for a continuation of the romance.

Advice to all women who are in a relationship with a Scorpio man - be sincere. Thanks to his incredible intuition, he senses any falsehood from a distance.

Also, you should not push him to take active action by flirting with other men - most often such an act by a woman causes the opposite effect, Scorpio simply ends the relationship.

Don't provoke him, don't betray him, and don't point out his weaknesses, especially in the presence of strangers. Despite all his missteps, he may well cede the helm of the family boat to his chosen one, but at the moment of crisis it smoothly passes back into his hands, thereby showing who really is the captain of the family ship.

On the first date

It is recommended to go to it in a somewhat revealing outfit. Remember that the image of a Scorpio wife-mother is not attractive. His ideal is a sensual and passionate person who loves sex no less than he does.

On your first date with him, the main thing is to act sincerely. Show interest in him, but don't throw yourself on his neck. It’s better that he wins you over and not the first time.

At the beginning of a relationship

If a woman, in Scorpio’s opinion, is worthy of his attention, then she needs to wait for active and decisive steps on his part. Signs of a Scorpio in love are a magnetic gaze, original courtship, he wants to spend almost all his time with you, sincerely showing understanding and care for you.

During this period, a woman is advised not to impose herself on him, not to give reasons for jealousy on his part, and not to make a scene with hers.

Scorpio man is offended and silent: what to do

Many ladies are very concerned about this question. Here are some tips if your Scorpio man is offended and you don't know how to behave. After a quarrel with the enigmatic and mysterious Scorpio, it will be difficult to return to his former disposition. Therefore, the advice of astrologers for the chosen one of Scorpio: “try to avoid quarrels, in this case you will not have to look for ways to reconcile.”

If Scorpio is offended, do not try to get hung up on the scandal, do not pretend to be a vindictive bitch. You just need to calmly wait a while, maybe during this period he will forget about the quarrel between you and you won’t have to apologize.

To get an answer to the question of how to behave if he is offended, you need to know the character traits of this sign. Due to his difficult character, there is always a reason for a scandal. Especially if the chosen one’s character is not sugar.

Watch the video. Astrology: psychological portrait of a Scorpio man.

Scorpio is self-confident, has a strong, unshakable will and is ready to do anything to achieve his goals. A woman, in order to get along with such a difficult man, must show maximum wisdom and understanding.

Before you begin reconciliation, you need to find out from Scorpio the degree of resentment, and only then begin to act. It must be remembered that by nature, representatives of the sign are truth-tellers and never forgive betrayal or lies. If you value the relationship and do not want it to end, then try to meet with him and talk frankly. Remember that he cannot stand lies, so there is not a word of lie in the conversation. Everything is truthful and concise. If you are sincere, then such an act on your part will raise you in his eyes.

100% possessiveness in relationships

It’s not for nothing that they say about Scorpios that they are jealous owners, so if you don’t want him to be offended by you, try not to make him feel jealous on purpose. Don't flirt with his friends - he will consider this a betrayal on his part and on your part.

Again, when trying to improve your relationship, remember that you cannot stand any sign of weakness on the part of your interlocutor. Therefore, do not humiliate yourself, do not call him every minute with apologies and requests to forgive.

Also, do not try to somehow manipulate his feelings for you, and God forbid you put conditions on him. Blackmail will only aggravate his resentment and you will have no chance of reconciliation. None.

What to do if a Scorpio gets married

How to push such a person to propose? Add mystery and intrigue to your relationship. a woman with a mystery.

With an accessible and understandable young lady, the representative of this sign will soon become bored, which will lead the relationship to the end. But a comfortable and interesting relationship can only arise with a lady who loves surprises and constantly surprises her lover with them. Scorpio will not be able to let go of such a woman, which means he will come to the decision to marry.

Having received a long-awaited marriage proposal, many girls relax and begin to make mistakes. In order to complete the work started and marry a Scorpio, it is important to surround him with a whirlpool of passions and a stormy rhythm of life. For such a person it is important to be in constant good shape.

Never try to add passion to a relationship through jealousy. It will end with a break in your connection.

. Being in good shape and fearing that his partner is about to slip away, the man will find the right way out - marry her.

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