How to caress a man's testicles and do it right

Every man loves to have sex every day or even several times a day. Unfortunately, many women cannot satisfy their men as often as they would like. The transition from washing and cooking to sex for a woman is not as fast as a man would like.

How to be in this case? Letting a man go? This method will not suit every woman. Having sex with your partner without desire? This will not suit every man, since in this case the woman will be unnatural, and not every loving man likes this. Then what should we do?

We must look for a way out of this situation, and many married couples find it. Loving spouses see a solution to the problem in the form of oral satisfaction or the use of hands, which is practiced more often than other types of caresses. How to bring a man to the highest ecstasy with your hands is the main question of this article.

But this art must be learned in order to please a man in this way. It only seems from the outside that there is nothing complicated here, move and move your hand - and everything will happen by itself.

On the one hand, this is true, but on the other hand, one or two times of such pleasure - and the man will never want to do this again. Therefore, in order for a partner to want to receive pleasure in this way more often than once or twice, it is necessary to learn how to make a man feel good with his hands.

When was the last time you pleasured a man with just your hands? Some people believe that it "doesn't count as sex." Others are simply at a loss, claiming that they don't know how to do it. Or you might think that a person can do it to themselves, so why bother?

The above opinions are far from the truth. In order to give real satisfaction to a man, it is necessary to use all available methods and means.

It's never too late to learn

Are your hands sensitive, dexterous and capable of giving your partner intense pleasure and a powerful orgasm? But you don’t have enough skill and skill to completely satisfy your man with this method and leave him with a feeling of achieved pleasure?

Today's challenge is to add this skill to your sexual repertoire, and then pay particular attention to the benefits of bringing the manual method of satisfying a man back into your bedroom.

We're going to help you by showing you that touching a man goes beyond the one-step wonder you might use, and we'll give you tips to help you learn how to make a man feel good with your hands.

First, forget everything you think about manual methods of satisfaction. Forget about simple and crazy up and down movement. This norm does not give complete satisfaction to any man.

Touch your man with creativity and curiosity and use your hands to create the widest range of sensations for a man.

Here are some basic tips to help you get started.

Some tips on how to please a man's balls.

Here are some tips on how to please a man's balls.

  1. First and very important advice: do not touch them with cool hands. Cold in the balls causes erectile dysfunction and loss of arousal for your partner - therefore, the hands of an experienced lover should be warm. And, of course, gentle: not enough people will appreciate it if they hysterically tug on their scrotum. It will be much more useful to quietly roll them with your fingers, rock them on your palms and stroke them.
  2. The easiest way to perform manual stimulation in doggy style sex: You can stretch your hand underneath you, passing it between your own legs and your partner’s legs, and just grab both balls with your palm.
  3. In addition, manual stimulation of the testicles is very comfortable during blowjob. Nothing will give a man as much pleasure as sensual oral caress of the head of the penis simultaneously with gentle stroking of the contents of the scrotum and inner thighs.
  4. As a contrast, you can grab the penis with your hand, and with your soft, wet lips play a little with your partner’s balls, running your tongue along the “dividing line” between them and alternately grabbing them with your lips and sucking a little.
  5. Later, it’s painfully easy to return to the classic blowjob, sliding your tongue along the shaft of the penis to the frenulum - such manipulations will bring your man to ecstasy.
  6. There is also a technique for oral caressing your partner’s testicles, which requires some preparation. In wide circles it is known as a “tea bag” - its essence is to grab both eggs with your mouth at once. This can be difficult because a man's scrotum is usually much larger than his penis, but if this technique is successfully used, your partner's bliss is guaranteed.

What should you avoid? Of course, sudden movements: Your partner may subconsciously go on the defensive and lose all excitement. Excessive squeezing of the testicles is also contraindicated: it can cause unpleasant feelings or even pain in your partner. Accuracy and caution - these are the rules you need to adhere to when caressing a man’s testicles. Having learned to please them, you will become the goddess of sex and the queen of your own bed!

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Use lubricant

If you think that simply moving your hand up and down your man's penis is all you need to do, you're wrong. Lubrication is an absolute necessity. It prevents skin from cracking and makes the process more enjoyable.

Lubricants allow your hands to glide over his sensitive skin without painful friction. Oil reduces friction and increases pleasant sensation. Only with the help of lubricant can you learn how to make a man feel good with your hands.

How to caress a man?

Every self-respecting woman, having acquired a beloved man, thinks about how to caress him in bed. With lips, hands, tongue - how best to caress a man’s body, how to do it correctly? After all, we know that men are different, and what is pleasant to us may not evoke any emotions in our partner, or, even worse, may not be liked. To avoid such mistakes, let's go through the erogenous zones of a man.

Many women, answering the question of where to caress a man, will name first of all the genital area, the stomach, maybe the chest, but will completely forget about the face. And in vain - there are a large number of nerve endings on the face. Try to gently walk your fingertips over his face, stop at his temples, caress the area behind the ears, run through the hair on the back of his head - you will definitely like something.

Many men literally go crazy from gentle kisses on the neck and touches of women's fingers. There is no need to stop on the sides; the skin on the back of the neck is also sensitive. Just beware of touching a man with your fingertips and nails - this will not turn him on, but will only tickle him. It is better to stroke with your palm and fingertips, pressing quite firmly.

Of course, men's breasts are not as sensitive as women's, but this does not mean that they should not be caressed in bed. A man will enjoy gentle stroking; the nipples also do not need to be bypassed; they can be caressed with your tongue or rolled, covering them with your palm.

How to caress a man’s arms and legs before sex, and most importantly, why do this, are there erogenous zones there? In general, erogenous zones are located throughout the body, some of them are just more sensitive, some less. But you shouldn’t, with peace of mind, neglect your man’s less sensitive places. He will be pleased by the very fact that you want to please him. So run your tongue or fingers along the insides of his fingers, touch the insides of his thighs, his shins, and his hamstrings. A massage of the arms or legs will help a tired man set himself up for a more pleasant continuation of the day.

Belly, back and buttocks

To enhance sensations, stroking from top to bottom, kissing the navel and just below it are good options.

The area along the spine and the area between the shoulder blades, the so-called “cat’s place,” are very sensitive to caresses. Here you can use your tongue and even bite lightly. The buttocks can be patted with your palms or lightly pinched. Better yet, caress him with your own body, pressing your stomach to your lower back or buttocks. The area between the scrotum and anus is saturated with nerve endings, so caresses there will also be pleasant for a man.

Where else to caress a man during sex, if not in the area of ​​intimate organs - after all, here the erogenous zones are the most sensitive. One of the most active and pleasant ways of arousal is stroking the penis while moving the foreskin up and down. You can caress your partner's penis by enclosing it in a ring or clasping it with your entire palm. Use your imagination, look at your man’s reaction to understand what pleases him most. But when caressing a man with your hands, it’s worth remembering that the penis is the most sensitive organ, and therefore it’s a good idea to put your hands in order; hangnails and uneven nails can ruin everything. It is also better to remove rings and bracelets from your hands to avoid troubles. And, of course, don’t forget about lubricants, they will help your hands glide.

The most desirable caresses include oral. Here, too, there is a lot of room for imagination, and with experience you will understand what kind of stimulation gives your man the most pleasure. Of course, the head of the penis is the most sensitive, but you shouldn’t forget about the rest. With your free hand, caress everything you can reach - the testicles, the place between the anus and scrotum, the inner thighs. And most importantly, remember that men like it most when the woman herself enjoys such caresses, so if you don’t want to do something, it’s better to leave it for next time. Affection from the category of “just to leave behind” will neither be pleasant for you, nor will it add pleasure to the man.

Source: How to caress a man? Every self-respecting woman, having acquired a beloved man, thinks about how to caress him in bed. With lips, hands, tongue - how best to caress a man’s body, how to do it correctly?

Use strong pressure

Many women are afraid of causing pain to the penis and use light, gentle pressure. Try to use a strong hand, it is the use of your strong hand that can create a tight squeeze along the entire length of his penis, which will increase the degree of pleasure for a man. Then alternately apply the full range of pressure, from gentle to very strong.

The easiest way to get an idea of ​​how much pressure you can use is to wrap your hand around your guy's penis and begin to gently increase the pressure. Ask him to let you know when he starts to feel uncomfortable. You'll probably be surprised at how hard you can squeeze his dick.

Don't rush to finish

Take your time to find a rhythm that will bring your man to orgasm. Each man has his own rhythm, and you can find out how to quickly bring a man to ecstasy with your hands only by developing your own specific pace.

Build him up to the point of arousal and then release your grip. Thus, tease him. Create peaks and valleys in his world of pleasure. This will make his orgasm stronger and more memorable.

When you begin to learn how to make a man very pleasant with your hand, notice his reaction to certain of your touches and movements of your hands. In this case, you will soon be able to develop your own tactics in which your man will experience maximum satisfaction.

Pay attention to how he reacts to your touch on the head of his penis. How does he feel about the fast and slow movements of your hands? Can you predict when he's on the verge of orgasm? What's happening to his breathing? Does he make sounds to let you know when he feels good?

By paying attention to all this information, you will be able to study your man in more detail and give him maximum pleasure.

How to please a girl

Many guys want to know how to make a girl feel good from a distance without money, physically or in other ways, so that she feels good and she responds the same to you.
If you love a girl, then this will be much simpler and easier. The main thing is that you feel good around her, then everything will happen naturally and will make a greater impression on the girl. In the article you will learn how to please a girl, from a distance, without money, physically or in another way, so that she is happy next to you and will never fall for another guy. After all, if you love each other, then it will be good and pleasant for you to be around, since no money and other material wealth and actions can replace feelings and passion for each other.

How to please a girl

Hug her

To please a girl physically, hug her as gently as possible, but without selfish intentions. Just give your love energy by hugging her.

Kiss the girl

You also need to give a beautiful and romantic kiss to the girl, which is very pleasant and good for her and you.

Give her a compliment

The most important thing to please a girl is to give her a simple compliment that she deserves. Evaluate her new hairstyle, clothing style, or any part of the body, for example, eyes.

How to make a girl feel good with a kiss while kissing

Give the girl a gift

The main thing is not the gift, but the attention, but if you give gifts not too often and rarely, then it will make a big impression. It doesn't have to be an expensive gift, but if you make it yourself, it will be much more effective and better. Find out: how to make peace with a girl.

Make jokes on a date, make her happy

As you know, happiness is a positive emotion and to make a girl happy , learn to tell funny stories, jokes, or just be cheerful and smile, then she will be charged with your positivity.

Just chat with the girl

There are times when communication is not enough for a girl, and if you want to please the girl, then learn to understand and communicate with her. If you don’t want to communicate for a long time or you don’t have time for this, then even 2-3 minutes of communication will calm the girl down if you come up with the right topic for conversation.

How to please a girl from a distance

Tell her you love her

To please a girl, just say what you feel, say that you love her, that you like her and that you are ready to do anything to be together for the rest of your life. These words, if spoken sincerely, will allow her to always be happy, which means you will not be left without her attention.

Take a girl to an unusual place

To please a girl , go for a walk with her to beautiful, romantic places where you have never been before. This is much better than constantly walking in the same place.

Write her a message

To make a girl feel good at a distance, without money on the Internet, just write her a beautiful poem that will reveal her and your feelings. It is advisable to learn how to write poetry on your own, this will be of great interest to the girl.

How to make a girl feel good in contact via correspondence

Do unexpected but kind things

The most important thing that a girl values ​​is your actions, since everyone can speak. If you learn to sincerely do good deeds, you will be able to please the girl and she will appreciate you even more.

Don't bother the girl with constant attention

To please a girl , you don’t need to constantly invade her personal space. She, just like you, needs personal time for her affairs and thoughts. Don't be jealous or control her ever.

Propose to her

If you have been dating for a long time and believe that everything will be fine with you, then propose marriage to her.

How to please a girl on a date

Take her to a restaurant or cafe

Never waste money if you already have enough of it. To make a girl happy, go to a cafe or restaurant so that she can see that you don’t mind either money or time for her. But be careful not to fall for that girl who is only interested in money and not you. Find out: nice words to a girl.

Surprise her

To please a girl , you need to use your imagination and come up with something unusual. For example, you can send her flowers, but without knowing who these flowers are from. You can drive up to her work when she is returning home, without warning her about it.

How can you please a girl?

Come up with your original idea

Believe me, if you truly fall in love with a girl, then it will not be difficult for you to please the girl, everything will happen naturally. Therefore, find that girl who will inspire you to do such things, enjoy life and live happily!


Use both hands

This may require a little extra dexterity on your part, but if you have two hands, why not use them, right? Only with experience can you learn how to please a man using your hands, both of them.

No matter how small or large the size of your man's penis, use both hands to caress. Every guy wants to believe that he has a large organ, so help him in this opinion.

If both of your hands can't fit on his penis, simply place your hands on top of each other when they are at the top of the penis and lower one hand to his balls, caressing them as they move down.

Gently twist the penis with your own hands, while paying attention to his reaction, if it gives him pleasure, then you can take this technique into service and do it more roughly. If he doesn't like this technique, then go for a softer position.

Don't forget the testicles

A man’s testicles also play an important role in this matter. Without their stimulation, it is impossible to know how to bring a man to ecstasy with your hands. For more pleasure, place them in your palm while you hold his penis with one hand and play with them a little, then carefully throw them away.

Repeat this procedure several times, while watching your partner’s reaction; if it gives him pleasure, you can do it more often.

As a man approaches orgasm, take his testicles in your hand and pull them back a little, like you would pluck grapes from a vine, carefully and gently.

As for the penis itself, at this time try to caress it in the place where the head meets the shaft, as if you were unscrewing the cap from a bottle.

This will give him a lot of pleasure because, apart from the head of the male penis, the ridge (the area where the loose skin connects to the head of the penis) is also an extremely sensitive place.

Testicles: physiology

The testicles (aka testicles) are the place on the male body where semen is continuously produced. The work of this paired gland is carried out around the clock and every day, and it is she who is responsible for successful conception.

Despite the fact that the testicles are located in a thin skin-muscular membrane - the scrotum - you need to know that they are quite well protected from external influences. The scrotum is also responsible for heat exchange. During periods of low temperature, the moment of anticipation of a blow or other danger, the testicles, due to their mobility, are pulled up into the so-called nests. If a man is in his normal state, or when he is relaxed, the gland descends back into the musculocutaneous “pouch”.

To avoid friction and subsequent discomfort, the testicles are located at different levels: one is always slightly higher than the other. During sexual arousal, they tense and become denser, while the scrotum wrinkles and shrinks a little. In a state of erection, the testicles, along with the head of the penis, are the most sensitive male area.


And now, with a little skill and a lot of passion for the process, using only your hands for pleasure, your man will be able to experience completely new sensations in his sexual life.

Many women find this an exciting and sexy addition because they take control of the process and can enjoy their partner in a whole new way.

Too often we forget about our hands as amazing erotic tools. After you gain confidence and learn how to make a guy feel good with your hand, then you can think about how to get pleasure yourself with these caresses.

Work together to notice when he's getting close to ejaculating and play with backing off and building up the orgasm as many times as you can before he wants to reach his climax.

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