What hormones are produced during a kiss?

the chemistry of a kiss actually is is still, even for scientists, an unsolved mystery. Can we say that a kiss is represented as a reflex of the human body? If so, then what type of reflex is this: given to a person at birth or acquired during the life experience of an individual? It turns out that kissing is not unique to humans. Observations of great apes have shown that they are also capable of this. For example, when primates want to express a certain positive feeling (sympathy, reconciliation, etc.), they gently touch their lips to another individual.

Today, not a single scientifically recognized mind can give an accurate and clear answer. However, it is worth noting that a kiss is one of the most pleasant actions of one person towards another.

It all starts with a pure maternal kiss, filled with maternal warmth and love for the baby. Over the years, a child begins to kiss his parents with pleasure, mainly as a sign of his boundless love for them. When a person becomes an adult, he gladly kisses members of the opposite sex, hoping for reciprocity and the further development of romantic relationships, and also kisses his friends, thus showing a friendly disposition towards them. There are many types and techniques of kissing. Starting from light, one might say, airy, to burningly passionate seductive kisses.

As you know, you can kiss not only lips on lips. Very often, kisses can cover a person’s face, women’s hands, and during foreplay they can be on any part of the partners’ skin.

It is generally accepted that this type of kiss, such as a romantic one, affects (and very strongly) the physical state of the person in love. There are times when words are powerless to express the degree of feeling one person has for another. Then a kiss comes to the rescue, which has the ability to tell, as it should, about the emotions overwhelming a person, right down to the fluttering of butterflies in the stomach. Therefore, we can say that a charge of positive energy is transmitted along with it, serving as a stimulator and exciter of certain areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for the production of certain hormones in the body.

The facial muscles are connected directly to an area of ​​the brain via the facial nerve. Depending on who we kiss, hormones are produced in a certain part of the brain. Moreover, they can be produced much more than in the normal state, or, on the contrary, the production of hormones decreases.

The hormones of a kiss, and this is chemistry, are:

  1. serotonin (improves mood, promotes a feeling of mild euphoria),
  2. oxytocin (responsible for feelings of affection and love),
  3. dopamine (responsible for feelings of joy and pain)
  4. and, most importantly, adrenaline (increases the heart rate, intensively saturates the body with oxygen).

Kissing has gone in and out of fashion throughout history.

If you believe the literature, of course, because history books are unlikely to write about this. In the 5th century BC. Herodotus wrote about the Persians who kissed men of equal status on the lips, and those of lower rank on the cheek. The Egyptians refused to kiss the Greeks on the lips because they ate beef, which was sacred in Egypt. The erotic kisses described in the Kama Sutra became fashionable in Europe after Alexander the Great's campaigns in India, but then went out of fashion when Rome fell. In the 11th century, kissing and courtship became popular again.

Kissing boosts immunity and reduces the risk of tooth decay

- Well, let's start treatment!

It turns out that one minute-long kiss is enough to lose 12 kilocalories and stop an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The most pleasant protection against stress...

And these are not just words, but a scientific fact! Enzymes released during kissing prevent the formation of one of the stress hormones - glucocorticoids (they are produced by the adrenal glands). When there are too many of them, blood pressure and cholesterol levels increase, muscle weakness appears, insulin balance is disrupted and insomnia begins.

Neuropeptide substances are also released, which attack another harmful stress hormone - cortisol.

Kissing also increases the release of adrenaline, which increases general and mental activity.

...memory training...

Psychologists from the University of Berlin, led by Lars HAGEN, have scientifically established that three 20-second kisses in the morning can create a stable romantic mood for the whole day.

A long kiss can stop an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia (again, thanks to the normalization of hormonal levels).

Our lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than our fingertips. A kiss moves as many as 34 muscles (including 12 around the lips and 17 on the tongue) and causes the release of happiness hormones - endorphins - into the blood.

When we kiss, the skin turns pink and becomes warmer. Due to the sudden rush of blood, the lips become plump and red. That is why brightly colored lipstick enhances erotic appeal.

A passionate kiss can increase your heart rate to 150 beats per minute - this stimulates blood flow and oxygenation of brain cells. And this makes thought processes faster, helps to concentrate better and improves short-term memory (it is responsible for remembering information). So, when going to work, be sure to kiss your loved one long and tenderly!

...stimulates the body's defenses...

Our saliva contains a huge number of bacteria. Moreover, 80% of them are the same for all people, and 20% are individual. So, when foreign bacteria come to us through a kiss, our defense system comes into alert mode and the process of antibody formation begins. This gives a powerful boost to the immune system.

Dentists from the University of Chicago called a passionate kiss a kind of natural “cleaner.” They experimentally found out that when kissing, both partners release more saliva, washing and cleaning their teeth. The effect is almost the same as after chewing gum, and even better, because the fillings remain in place!

Dentists believe that regular and prolonged kissing is an excellent prevention of caries. The fact is that our saliva is rich in calcium and phosphorus compounds, as well as natural antibiotics. When kissing, it does not stagnate, the process of its production proceeds faster, and accordingly all the beneficial substances are more active.

And with the help of a long kiss you can get rid of... hiccups.

...and a cure for wrinkles

An energetic, hot kiss causes tension in all facial muscles, which helps improve blood circulation and even smooth out superficial wrinkles.

And with one passionate kiss, 12 calories are consumed - the same as after a kilometer run or washing the floors.

Kiss for a long time, looking into each other's eyes!

Inquisitive Berlin psychologists have developed a formula for a “health kiss.” Observations of one hundred couples of different ages allowed us to claim that the duration of an ideal kiss is 3 minutes. It is also advisable to look each other in the eyes while doing this. Then emotions are in greater favor.


If your partner is allergic...

And then there are those unfortunate people who, while kissing, suddenly begin to sneeze, blush, cry, or even choke. These “touchy animals” are allergic to the active substances in the partner’s saliva. You will either have to change your favorite “allergenic” or take antihistamine pills.


What can you become infected with?

Kiss to your health, but keep in mind that quite a lot of diseases can be transmitted through kissing. Here is an approximate “black list” just in case:

All colds - acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, sore throats. Since these infections nest directly in the nasopharynx, the result of infection is almost guaranteed.

Influenza and herpes viruses. Due to recent events, doctors especially do not advise kissing chickens passionately, otherwise a mutant virus will be born!

Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis.

The microbe Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers.

The disease of dirty hands is dysentery.

Hepatitis A (aka Botkin's disease, jaundice), an acute form of hepatitis B.

Open form of tuberculosis.

There is also a possibility of contracting most blood-borne viral infections (hepatitis C, HIV). They are not transmitted through saliva, but you can’t guarantee 100% that you and your partner don’t have micro-wounds in your mouth?

Infectious mononucleosis is a viral blood disease. This is what they call the “kissing disease.” Affects the hematopoietic system (spleen, lymph nodes).

This is the situation with Venerichka. Trichomonas are not excreted in saliva. Therefore, trichomoniasis - “French runny nose” - can only be acquired through sexual contact. The same situation is with gonorrhea. But you can easily get syphilis, especially if your partner has a chancre on the oral mucosa.

What are kisses for?

By the way, it turns out that Eskimos living in the Far North do not kiss their lovers as is customary here - on the lips, but rub their noses. The Eskimo kiss is not just nose-to-nose touching, it is something more sensual and tender. The partners touch their olfactory organs, then unclench their lips and inhale at the same time. Enjoying the smell emanating from a loved one, they gently press their nose to his cheek, freezing for a moment.

With us everything is different. However, it is just as exciting and exciting...

There are many types of kisses. Lovers have plenty to choose from:

Photo: pixabay.com

  • "Teasing."

It drives the stronger sex crazy; to perform it, it requires a woman to be in a playful mood and relaxed. She approaches her beloved, expressing with her appearance a burning desire to kiss his lips with passion, but suddenly stops. Then he kisses him hotly and suddenly stops again, teasing his beloved. Such kisses can drive a man crazy and make him burn with excitement.

  • "Sliding".

Good in moments of tenderness and special trust. One of the lovers carefully kisses the corner of his partner’s mouth, slowly slides his lips along his lips, as if stroking, and kisses the corner of his mouth on the opposite side.

Photo: pixabay.com

  • "Seductive."

You can kiss like this only if you are sure that your partner will agree to it. One of the lovers takes a small cube of ice, such as frozen juice or even champagne, with his lips. While kissing, the partners pass the piece of ice to each other and do so until it melts. This can be an excellent foreplay before sex, a pleasant love game that brings pleasure to both.

  • "Vampire."

Hot and passionate kind of kiss. One of the lovers seems to press his lips into his partner’s lips and even bites them slightly. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to scare your lover with your uncontrollable impulse of passion.

Photo: pixabay.com

  • "French".

Very romantic, long and intoxicating. Lovers kiss using lips and tongue. Teasing each other with their tongues, they ignite the fire of passion more and more. The opinions of experts on kissing agree that this is a very refined and sensual caress, which cannot be more erotic.

And kisses can also be tender, temperamental, sweet, playful... And yet, technique is technique, and you should always put a piece of your soul into a kiss, responding to every touch and caress of your loved one.

We all have different attitudes towards such a manifestation of feelings as a kiss. The vast majority of women like to be kissed, especially when it comes to the man they love. It's not so simple with men. Some behave reservedly with their lovers, afraid to look soft and romantic in the eyes of a woman, mistakenly believing that this makes them less courageous and strong. And there are also naturally unaffectionate people who simply do not like “calf tenderness” and avoid them in relationships with the opposite sex.

However, by refusing kisses and hugs to your loved one, you deprive him of sensual pleasure, which not only brings closer and strengthens trust between partners, but also helps to get rid of stiffness and even complexes.

Photo: pixabay.com

To the question “Why do women need kisses?” It’s easy to answer: “To make them happy!” A woman whom her beloved man does not kiss even in moments of intimacy is tormented by questions that cannot help but upset her: “Maybe he stopped loving me? Doesn't he like me anymore? Maybe there's something wrong with me? etc. Doubts prevent a woman from being happy, as a result - she walks with a sour expression on her face, everything falls out of her hands and she doesn’t want to do anything, “her head hurts.”

If a man does not skimp on kisses and other manifestations of tenderness, a woman blossoms from his attention. She is ready to flutter around the house. In her hands, the work progresses. Inspiration appears to create culinary masterpieces for my husband. Feeling loved, she is more relaxed during intimacy.

Don't forget to kiss your loved ones! Make them happy, let them feel your love and affection. This will only strengthen the relationship.

Tags: kiss, types of kisses, caresses, tenderness, lovers, couple relationships, intimacy

The highest degree of intimacy: Is it possible to replace kissing with something?

International Kissing Day is celebrated on July 6th. On the day of this amazing holiday, sexologist Dmitry Garin told 5-tv.ru some facts about kisses that not everyone knows.

The first and most important thing, according to the expert, is the indispensability of a kiss in a relationship. You can find an alternative to everything else, but not this indispensable attribute of any love story! Interestingly, women have a greater need for kisses.

“A kiss is the highest degree of intimacy. This is what helps us express our passion, love. And replacing them with something is very difficult. Some men try to replace them with care and gifts, but for a woman this is not equivalent,” said the sexologist.

The secret of why people most often do not get tired of kisses even after several years of relationship is simple. Firstly, there are glands around the mouth that secrete pheromones. And secondly, kisses at a chemical level affect a person’s condition.

“When people kiss, they release oxytocin, the bonding hormone. Plus, they just feel good: their problems go away, they switch gears and become happier,” Garin explained.

However, there are couples in which kissing is not a necessary component of family happiness: these are people of a more callous character, unemotional. The second type of such spouses are those who have been married for a long time, and for them the erotic component of the relationship has faded into the background. In addition, the reasons for refusing to kiss may be due to low energy levels in one of the partners.

“Sometimes a person doesn’t want to touch you, doesn’t want to kiss you, so that he doesn’t have any health problems. That is, during a kiss, energy begins to flow from one person to the other. This is a very serious reason that people usually do not consider,” the sexologist revealed.

And finally, the main reason why people can no longer and do not want to kiss each other, alas, does not involve an antidote, Garin concluded.

“It often happens that over the years people become out of sync. Goals and values ​​change, someone stays behind, someone goes forward, and the kiss disappears. Because love leaves. It is very important to convey to your partner that kissing is necessary. Kiss, hug, love each other!” - the expert concluded.

How best to celebrate this unusual holiday, kiss day, we think it’s unnecessary to say. But for the most curious, 5-tv.ru previously published 25 facts about kissing that you didn’t know.

So a kiss is also useful in dentistry

Kissing also benefits the respiratory system, because inhaling and exhaling increases the volume of oxygen in the lungs.

Since instead of twenty breaths per minute, kissers take them 3 times more. Do not also forget about the hormone of happiness, it is called endorphin, and is produced during the kiss.

For those who dream of losing weight, also don’t forget about kissing. They can help burn calories and manage excess weight.

Every 2 minutes of kissing, your body can lose 2 calories. In addition, a passionate kiss is the best way to fight against wrinkles and aging skin, because during a kiss all the muscles of the face work perfectly and all wrinkles smooth out and melt literally before our eyes.

Raise your mood with kisses, create a positive mood, and don’t think about kilograms or wrinkles, but plunge yourself into the abyss of passion and pleasant sensations.

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