Preparing a firming face mask with egg white


An egg is a product that you can always find in the refrigerator and will help eliminate skin problems.

In cosmetology, egg white has long proven itself to be the best. The benefits of a natural product are high, there are practically no contraindications, and the effectiveness is sometimes higher than that of chemical drugs.

Protein for the face: what are its benefits and composition features

The whole secret of the effectiveness of egg white face masks lies in their composition. The concentration of vitamins and active substances allows the protein to penetrate deep into the epidermis and participate at the cellular level in various processes. The following elements contribute to this:

1. The egg contains natural protein, which restores any damage to the skin at the micro level, tones it, regulates the production of sebum and normalizes the activity of the glands. Because of them, oily skin may suffer.

2. The fats contained in egg whites have a positive effect on any skin type. They create a protective layer on top of the epidermis. This film serves as protection against negative external influences in the form of heat, frost, dust, pollution, harmful fumes and others.

3. Carbohydrates give the skin an inexhaustible supply of energy, relieve fatigue and tone it.

4. Glucose in protein performs a transport function, playing the role of a conductor of energy to skin cells. Without glucose, the skin withers and dulls.

5. The enzymes contained in the protein have a restorative and rejuvenating effect, regenerate skin cells, which promotes rapid healing of damage and the disappearance of pimples and acne.

6. Protein is rich in B vitamins, namely:

• riboflavin or B2, which promotes rapid healing of inflammation;

• pantothenic acid or B5, which eliminates various types of inflammation on the skin, for example, pimples, acne, blackheads;

• pyridoxine or B6, which restores metabolic processes at the cellular level;

• folic acid or B9, which is a rejuvenating agent for tissues, thanks to which the skin remains firm, toned, elastic and breathes health longer;

• cyanocobalamin or B12, which affects the complexion, improving it, and blood vessels.

7. Biotin or vitamin H is contained in small amounts in protein, but even this is enough to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

8. Vitamin PP or popularly known niacin acid returns the skin its natural color without grayness and yellowness.

The main component of masks is raw protein for the face, what are its benefits:

• masks based on a transparent consistency can tighten pores;

• ideal for oily skin types, as it effectively eliminates shine;

• suitable for solving problems not only of oily but also combination skin;

• effectively fights skin problems in the form of acne, rashes, blackheads, redness, inflammation;

• brightens the skin and, thanks to its whitening effect, eliminates pigmentation.

At home, it is not only convenient to use the viscous liquid of eggs for cosmetic procedures, but also simple, profitable and effective. After the first applications, significant changes for the better may be noticeable.

Reviews about the product

The excellent results of protein masks are beyond doubt. Here's what ordinary girls and women say about this amazing natural remedy:

  • Lyudmila S., 29 years old. “When I started making protein masks, the effect came almost immediately. The skin has changed. A normal healthy color appeared - as if it had evened out. Although I have pigmentation. What’s also interesting is that the pimples have gone somewhere. Overall, a very pleasant experience. I like it when you wash off the mask, it feels so good on the skin - it breathes, as if you were born again”;
  • Marina O., 41 years old. “In my life I use expensive cosmetics. Only sometimes it feels like there is more chemistry and advertising aggression in it. Sometimes you want to do nothing at all to your face, just to let your skin breathe and enjoy life. Natural egg white is a real miracle! I make a mask 3 times a month. I alternate olive oil, lemon, starch. As a result, I get nutrition, hydration, whitening”;
  • Kira N., 37 years old. “Girls, this is so wonderful!.. Protein masks with honey or cucumber are my favorite. With honey, the nutritional problem is basically solved, but with cucumber, it seems like the color is evened out and whitened. I really love these masks. I recommend to all!".

The conversation about protein masks is endless. Simplicity and efficiency are obvious. Any woman can organize such a procedure at home, regardless of age and financial level. There is no need to find time to go to the salon, spend money, or worry about safety. Easy and accessible, with great benefits. Skin rejuvenation at home is not a myth, but a reality.

Tips for using protein face masks

Often, incorrect use of a product does not produce positive results. This is where negative reviews appear about the lack of effectiveness or negative effects on the skin. Egg white is no exception. Therefore, before carrying out home cosmetic procedures, you should familiarize yourself with some rules for using the product and useful tips.

1. Compatibility. The mask is suitable for oily and combination skin, as well as those that have problems with the structure and functioning of the sebaceous glands, rashes, and inflammation. Sagging facial skin, cheeks, and double chin also need egg whites.

2. A protein mask is contraindicated for people with dry and sensitive skin.

3. Selection of ingredients. In order for a protein mask to be as effective as possible and bring more benefits, you should give preference to homemade, environmentally friendly products.

4. Protein extraction. Choose for yourself the optimal way to separate the yolk from the white; over time, the acquired skill will strengthen.

5. Beating. To achieve homogeneity of the mask mass, beat the egg white well. To do this, manually beat the egg whites into a white foam using a whisk; this will take about 5 minutes. To prevent the consistency from falling off, you need to add the remaining ingredients to the mask. Then it will lie smoothly on the skin and not cause discomfort when applied.

6. Prohibited technique. It is important to remember that when exposed to high temperatures, the protein coagulates. Therefore, masks containing this component cannot be heated. If other foods are stored in the refrigerator, they should be taken out in advance to reach room temperature.

Beneficial features

Egg whites are a source of firmness, youth and health for the skin. In its origin, it is close to human tissues and has the same nature. Accordingly, any masks and mixtures interact well with our skin - the necessary part is absorbed, the excess is easy to wash off with water.

What is contained in egg white?

In simple words, nature has prepared for us a combination of such beneficial effects in egg whites as:

  • proteins. They are the basis of cellular structure, and skin is no exception;
  • amino acids. Organic compounds from amines and acids. Remove excess calcium from cells. They normalize the transport of calcium and sodium ions across the cell membrane. Protein structures are formed from amino acids. And also - components of hemoglobin and phospholipids;
  • vitamins. Group B - to support regeneration, to preserve moisture in the skin. Vitamin D - protection against cancer, synthesis of vitamin A under the influence of sunlight, regulation of phosphorus metabolism;
  • microelements. Egg white contains zinc, calcium, copper, phosphorus, etc. Necessary for the structure of cells and normal metabolic processes in them.

The best recipes for tightening face masks at home.

How can you use wheat germ oil for facial skin care? Read in this article.

Recipes for face masks made from egg whites

1. Protein-based mask that eliminates oily shine.

The simplest recipe. You will need pure protein, which must be beaten and cooled. Apply it with a thin, even stroke to the skin in three layers at intervals of 5–6 minutes so that it has time to dry. After the final layer, after 15 minutes the mask can be washed off with cold water.

2. To tighten the pores of oily skin.

It is necessary to beat the egg white, cool the mixture, add 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Similar to the first method, the mask is applied to the face and washed off after 20 minutes. Its effectiveness lies not only in narrowing pores, but also in relieving inflammation and eliminating the first wrinkles.

3. Mask with a whitening effect for problem skin.

The mask includes:

• any essential oil (2–3 drops);

• hydrogen peroxide (you will need 15 drops of a 10% solution).

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and applied to the face in a thick layer.

4. Brightening mask for oily skin.

It is necessary to mix the whipped egg white with chopped dill, parsley and sorrel. The proportions should be kept as follows: 1 protein to 1 tbsp. l. greenery Apply a homogeneous consistency to the face in an even thick layer. The mask not only helps lighten the skin, but also fights pigmentation, allergic redness, and freckles.

5. Nourishing composition for combination skin type.

The mask includes:

• olive oil (1 tsp);

The combination of such components provides the skin with the missing microelements and intensively nourishes it. When the homogeneity of the mass is achieved during mixing, add 2 tbsp to the composition. l. oatmeal and apply to face.

6. Nourishing product for oily skin.

You will need 1 medium sized apple and a white for cooking. The apple must be peeled from seeds and skin, grated on a fine grater, and then mixed with whipped egg white. At the end, add a few drops of any vegetable oil and apply evenly to the skin.

7. Vitamin mask for oily and combination skin.

Add 2 tbsp to the beaten egg white. l. pulp and juice of fresh chopped berries. Any red berries are suitable for these purposes. After thorough mixing, the mask will need to be applied to the face in three layers every 6-8 minutes after the previous one has dried.

Recipes with egg whites for pigmentation and freckles

  • With greens. Take a small bunch of parsley and chop into small pieces. Add the greens to the protein foam and let sit for 5 minutes. Then apply the mixture to your face and wash off after 15 minutes.
  • With hydrogen peroxide. Pour ½ teaspoon of pharmacy peroxide into the whipped egg white and add a few drops of essential oil (you can take something from citrus fruits or bergamot). Distribute over the entire surface of the face and leave for 15 minutes. After the procedure, be sure to moisturize your skin with cream - peroxide dries your face very much.

Face masks made from egg whites

Interesting: Face masks made from flax seeds

It is recommended to do such masks once a week. But if the skin is problematic or produces too much subcutaneous fat, you can do the procedure every 2 days. Be sure to complete a full course (10-15 procedures) and take a break for a month, otherwise the skin will get used to it. A face mask made from egg whites will definitely become one of your favorite homemade skin care products - it is safe, natural and has no less effect than expensive store-bought masks.

Have you tried using egg white on your face?

Advantages and contraindications of protein face masks

The main advantage of protein-based masks is their immediate rejuvenating effect. Regular procedures prevent the aging process of the skin, leaving it fresh and youthful longer. After washing off the mask, you can feel the immediate effect in the form of soft, velvety and matte skin. The procedure is suitable for use on the décolleté and neck area, which middle-aged women cannot but appreciate.

Protein products are contraindicated for people with sensitive or dry skin. The ingredient is also not suitable for people with allergies to protein, as well as masks with other products that cause allergies.

Precautions for use:

• do not rinse with hot water to avoid protein coagulation on the skin;

Hello my friends and readers!

I want to share with you the secret of beautiful, fresh skin.

And for this you need something that is in every home: egg white.

This is a very valuable source of minerals and vitamins, helping the skin restore turgor, velvety and even out fine wrinkles.

My practical experience shows: egg white for the face in the form of a protein mask - and a noticeable result can be observed after just a few procedures.

From this article you will learn:

Basic Rules

To make a protein mask with high-quality results, you need to keep in mind simple rules and follow them. The protein structure requires careful treatment - it does not like high temperatures and acidic environments (in both cases protein coagulation will occur). When drying, protein also behaves in a special way, and this must be taken into account.

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A set of rules that must be followed:

  • always apply the mask only to a perfectly cleansed face (there should be no residues of cosmetic products on the skin);
  • if you want to enhance the effectiveness of the protein mask, first take steam baths or a hot compress (this way you will slightly expand the pores);
  • liquid protein spreads, so before applying the mask, limit your face with a damp “barrier” of cotton swabs moistened with warm water . Place them tightly together along the contour of the treated area. Another option is to make a rope out of loose cotton wool, moisten it with water, place it on your face in the form of a frame so that the mixture does not spread beyond its boundaries;
  • the protein should remain on the face for no more than 15-20 minutes (at this stage the mask can still be removed, and after that the crust will be difficult to remove);
  • During the procedure, the facial muscles must be completely relaxed and the face motionless. Don't talk, laugh or smile;
  • To remove the mask, use a herbal decoction or boiled water . Rinse off the mask with light massage movements in small circles;
  • at the end of the procedure, remove the remnants of the mask with a neutral lotion, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream (depending on what type of skin you personally have);
  • frequency of the procedure - no more than 2 times a week, every other month;
  • Prepare in advance a whisk, a bowl, a wide brush or a men's shaving brush, and several paper napkins for blotting up accidental drops during the procedure.

Egg white for face

Benefits of egg whites for skin

Professionals recommend using masks containing egg whites for women of any age group.

The essential amino acids, enzymes, minerals and vitamins included in the natural component allow you to obtain a high cosmetological and aesthetic effect.

Regular exposure helps achieve the following results:

  1. deep cleansing of the epidermis;
  2. antibacterial effect due to the presence of conalbumin and ovotransferrin;
  3. lifting effect (getting rid of wrinkles), restoration of turgor and tone;
  4. elimination of “blackheads”, comedones, acne elements, narrowing of pores
  5. correction of dark circles under the eyes, excess pigmentation throughout the entire face
  6. disappearance of freckles, redness from acne;
  7. anti-inflammatory activity;
  8. whitening effect;
  9. correction of oily skin, mattifying effect.

How effective are such masks and who are they suitable for?

Egg white masks are among the most effective cosmetic facial procedures performed at home. And the whole secret is in the high level of nutrients, macronutrients and minerals. The protein contains 6 B vitamins, vitamin H, calcium, iron, copper, sulfur, zinc, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, and many other useful components and amino acids. And also such an antibacterial substance as ovotransferrin - therefore the protein has a real healing effect (especially in the presence of skin inflammation).

Face masks made from egg whites
Benefits of egg white

Cosmetologists recommend using such masks for oily, rash-prone or aging skin. Egg white cleanses and tones the skin, normalizes sebum secretion and treats pimples. It can also rejuvenate and smooth the skin! It triggers metabolic processes in the deep layers of the dermis - therefore, protein-based masks provide a real lifting effect and help get rid of wrinkles. But this product is not suitable for dry or sensitive skin.

Contraindications to the use of protein masks

Cosmetologists warn against using protein masks for women with allergic reactions to the product or with excessively dry, sensitive skin.

To identify negative reactions, you can conduct a preliminary test by placing a small amount of the product on the inner bend of the elbow.

If within 15 min. there is no swelling with redness, itching, or rashes in the area, then the component can be safely used for cosmetic purposes.

Video recipe for protein face mask

You can learn even more about the benefits of eggs for the face and find recipes for other egg masks here

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People have long realized that the most ordinary food products can be indispensable in self-care. Including the simplest egg white for the face is a powerful cosmetic product. This simple product will help you refresh your skin, remove acne, shrink pores, and tighten your facial contour.

How it works?

As a result of using this product, women tidy up their face, neck and décolleté. The skin becomes softer, takes on a fresh appearance, tone, and uniform color.


What effects can be achieved by regularly making an egg protein mask:

  • tightening (natural skin turgor is restored to a large percentage);
  • cleansing pores and removing blackheads (since microcirculation of blood and oxygen improves in the skin, the pores begin to breathe normally, their permeability is restored. They stop becoming clogged with fat, and the old blackheads peel off and disappear over time);
  • color evening, whitening (coarse pigmentation goes away, freckles fade, skin appears even tone without contrast zoning);
  • getting rid of acne (in healthy tissues there is no place for bacteria - pustules and inflamed areas gradually disappear, micro-wounds heal);
  • reduction of wrinkles (skin renewal is a consequence of the restoration of collagen and elastin activity, the fibers seem to come to life, wake up from hibernation, sagging decreases).

The value of egg white masks

What is the value of this self-care option? The thing is:

  • the neck and décolleté are very problematic areas in which it is very difficult to maintain physical youth or at least the appearance of it;
  • if with the face it is even more or less easy to solve the problem of going out (decorative cosmetics largely help to hide defects), then the décolleté and neck are almost always visible;
  • The face traditionally receives more attention in terms of care. A woman massages her face every now and then, and during the day it involuntarily receives tone from facial mobility (the skin on the neck and décolleté is always motionless);
  • foundation and powder are often present on the face - they protect the skin from sun rays (on the neck, camouflage cosmetics are either rarely applied or are quickly washed off by clothing, and there is not enough attention, time, or desire for repeated applications).

Benefits of egg white

Egg white provides invaluable benefits for the dermis of the face thanks to the vitamins and substances necessary for human life. These include:

Protein is especially useful for oily skin types, as it tends to dry out and, as it were, tighten the dermis.

Egg white is used in folk cosmetology for the following purposes:

  1. elimination of shallow wrinkles, including “crow’s feet”;
  2. reduction of pores on the face (near the nose, cheeks, forehead);
  3. eliminate acne;
  4. lightening blackheads and brightly pigmented areas;
  5. lifting aging skin.

For ladies with dry skin, in rare cases, protein can also be useful, but egg yolk is more suitable for them, as it contains a lot of fat to saturate and nourish their type of dermis.

Masks for oily skin with protein

As mentioned above, the protein part of the egg has a drying effect and helps to quickly cope with problems such as inflammation and acne. You can enhance the properties of protein using simple means:

  • lemon juice;
  • any other citrus juice;
  • juice of berries and sour fruits;
  • aloe pulp;
  • honey;
  • dairy products;
  • oils

For problem skin, you can make masks at home, the recipes for which are written below.

Anti-greasy mask

  • egg - 1 piece;
  • viburnum juice – 1 spoon.

Separate the white and yellow parts of the egg. We only need white - mix it with viburnum juice and apply to your face. The result is a liquid mask, which, when hardened, forms a film.

This product is ideal for greasy, porous, problematic dermis with blackheads and acne. The result is visible immediately, but in order to achieve a long-lasting effect, the mask should be done at least twice a week.

Egg-lemon mask

  • protein – 1 piece;
  • lemon juice – 1 spoon.

Mix the ingredients, but do not beat them. The mask looks like a yellow liquid, slightly thick and viscous.

Apply the mask to your face and leave for 15 minutes.

This product, thanks to the lemon juice in its composition, will not only tighten pores and dry out acne, but also lighten the skin, and with regular use, even out its color.

Apple mask for nutrition

  • apple – half a large one or one medium one;
  • protein - 1 piece.

Remove the skin from the apple and grate it – you should get a homogeneous paste. Add protein to the resulting puree. Mix, carefully apply the mixture to the dermis. It is recommended to keep the product on the skin for 10 to 20 minutes. After this, rinse the mixture with a decoction of herbs.

Mask with starch for problem skin

  • protein – 1 piece;
  • starch - 1 spoon;
  • sage or tea tree oil - optional.

Mix the ingredients until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained. You don’t have to add oil, but remember that tea tree essential oil is good for blackheads and acne. Starch in this case serves as a binding component and gives thickness. Apply the mask to your face for 10-15 minutes, and then remove with a damp cotton pad.

It is worth noting that if you decide to add essential oil, you need to be very careful with the proportions. The entire mixture will require 1-2 drops.

Whitening mask protein and lemon

Facial protein itself has a slight whitening property. But if you want to get a brighter effect, use one of the following remedies.

  • cucumber

When whipping the white part, add a spoonful of juice or grated medium-sized cucumber without peel. Apply the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off. Gentle lightening, hydration and nutrition. The mask tightens pores and brightens under-eye circles.

Face masks with cucumber->>

  • lemon

For one protein – one teaspoon. The mask evens out the color and removes circles under the eyes. The concentration of juice is individual. It can be increased if dryness and redness do not occur after the procedure. A lemon mask may not be suitable for sensitive skin around the eyes. Use with caution.

About lemon face masks->>

  • clay and aloe

White and blue clay are suitable for bleaching 2 tbsp will be enough. for 1 egg white. Aloe juice or gel is added at the end, when the protein and clay have already been mixed to the consistency of sour cream. The whitening mask with protein lasts up to 20 minutes. After rinsing, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer.

8 best face whitening products at home->>

Protein for the eye area

Due to the high content of vitamin B in the protein part of the egg, this product is very beneficial for the skin around the eyes. Masks and other protein-based products perfectly smooth the epidermis, remove wrinkles, and fade dark circles.

To make a protein eye mask, you don’t need a lot of ingredients or time. Simply apply the protein to the skin using a cosmetic brush.

You can improve the recipe by adding barley flour and a few drops of honey to the protein. This product is an excellent prevention of wrinkles.


Do not forget that if used incorrectly, the skin condition will worsen. To prepare the compositions, take clean dishes, a spoon or spatula for mixing the components. Application rules:

  • The mass is distributed over the face, starting from the chin towards the forehead. Avoid contact with the area around the eyes.
  • After application, the composition turns into a film, it shrinks as it dries, at this moment you should not laugh, talk or do other actions that affect facial expressions.
  • Dry skin types do not allow the use of such products more than once a week. If she is combination or prone to oiliness, this amount reaches two or three times.
  • Before distributing the compositions over the face, you need to rid it of cosmetics. Treat with assistants such as tonic or simply wipe with herbal compositions.
  • After such use, moisturizing the skin is required; any type of cream is suitable for this.
  • The components are also removed taking into account the requirements - with warm water, use milk for washing, after which you can rinse your face with cold water or wipe with an ice cube. This will allow the pores to tighten and tone to improve.

Protein masks for combination skin

Protein masks can also be made for those with combination skin. It is recommended to include more nutritional and softening components in the composition of such products:

Mask with sour cream

Mix 1 spoon of sour cream with egg white and apply the mixture to your face. The mask acts in two directions: it nourishes, softens dry areas of the face and dries out rashes and acne.

Olive oil mask

  • protein – 1 piece;
  • olive oil – 1 spoon;
  • honey – 1 spoon.

Mix the ingredients until smooth and apply to the face, neck and chest. This mask has a tightening effect, frees the skin from dirt and toxins and improves its appearance.

Strawberry mask

  • protein – 1 piece;
  • strawberries - 2-3 large berries.

Mash the strawberries and mix with egg white. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes and then rinse with running water.

The advantages of this mask include the fact that it perfectly refreshes the skin, promotes the flow of beneficial substances to the dermis, and lightens blackheads. Strawberry juice, like lemon juice, helps lighten the skin.

The effectiveness of a product made from protein

massage lines on the face for tightening

The main secret of the effect of the protein mixture lies in the unique composition of this component. Penetrating the entire depth of the epidermis, the egg white mask becomes an active participant in many processes taking place at the cellular level. Thanks to these properties, an egg can serve as an excellent remedy for wrinkles, eliminate excess fat, remove inflammatory processes in some areas, and even help heal small wounds.

First of all, you should take into account that protein is a natural component that can repair any minor damage to the skin. In addition, a face mask with protein gives the skin tone and makes it slightly tightened. With regular application of protein to the epidermis, you will feel certain changes in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. More precisely, the substance helps to suspend their functioning. After just a few weeks, you will notice the first effect, which will be reflected in the loss of oily shine on your face.

Egg whites contain lipids that are beneficial for the skin. It may seem like they will make your fat problem worse, but this is absolutely not the case. These components are capable of enveloping the epidermis in the form of a film that will protect it from negative external factors, in particular from excessive frost or heat.

It is necessary to take into account that the carbohydrates that are part of the egg can relieve skin fatigue, tone it and tighten it in the most problematic areas. Numerous enzymes in the egg white facial mixture have anti-aging properties. They are able to regenerate, and therefore participate in the processes of wound healing and the elimination of inflammatory rashes.

Egg white contains a number of other useful components. Examples of such components include B vitamins, niacin acid and even biotin. All these substances help improve skin condition. They tighten it up, make it pleasant to the touch and color. Now you know how a mask made from egg whites affects facial tissue.

Anti-wrinkle masks

As mentioned above, egg white is a very effective means of combating fine wrinkles. It helps smooth the skin and in a few steps can rid your face of fine wrinkles.

Cucumber mask

An excellent moisturizing and smoothing treatment can be made if you have eggs and cucumbers in your refrigerator.

Squeeze the juice from one cucumber and combine it with egg white. Use the resulting mixture to refresh your face, paying special attention to areas where wrinkles form.

Oatmeal mask

  • protein – 1 piece;
  • oatmeal – 1 spoon.

Grind the flakes into flour and mix with the white part of the egg. Apply to face, especially in wrinkle areas. Rinse off after 15 minutes.

If you add half a teaspoon of lemon juice to the mixture, you will get an excellent remedy for blackheads.

Face lifting without surgery: techniques

The sequence of using a protein mask includes 4 stages - cleansing the face, preparing the composition, applying it and removing it.

  • Facial cleansing. There should be no cosmetics on the skin. For deeper penetration of the healing ingredients of the mask into the pores, you can take a 4-5 minute steam bath with chamomile, and then cleanse your face with a light scrub.
  • Preparing the mask. Attention: the protein must be pre-cooled and then whipped with a whisk, mixer or blender into an airy stiff foam. Without waiting for it to fall off, you should add the remaining components, then beat again so that the mask is lump-free and has a uniform, delicate consistency.
  • Applying a mask. It is convenient to apply the composition with a cosmetic brush; the layer will be more uniform. But the usual method is also suitable - with the pads of your fingers, at the same time you can do self-massage with tapping movements. The main thing is to distribute the product only along the massage lines of the face. Keep on your face for 10-15 minutes, no longer. During this time, the mask dries out and forms a crust - this is a feature of the composition based on egg white.
  • Washing off the mask. It is better to do this with cool, no higher than 15 ° C, non-carbonated mineral water - wash or remove with a cotton pad soaked in it. At the end of the procedure, cream should be applied to the skin.

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Hardware methods

Hardware facelift methods are the most traumatic of all non-surgical lifting methods, but the effect of such procedures lasts for quite a long time.

Table. Types of hardware lifting

ProcedureShort description
Fractional photothermolysisThis is a laser lifting method, for which a special fractional laser is used, the beam of which is scattered into multiple streams (fractions). Once on the skin, such a beam penetrates the various layers of the dermis and epidermis, forming microthermal treatment zones, and heats them to 250-300°C (evaporation temperature). Under the action of the device, damaged and pathologically altered cells are destroyed, and in their place healthy elements begin to actively form, forming a renewed skin layer.
RF liftingRadio wave facelift is performed using a radio wave energy generator, the rays of which heat the skin to a temperature of 60°C, which is also called compaction temperature. Radiofrequency radiation does not destroy collagen, but promotes its compaction and filling of voids in the collagen layer. As a result, the skin is noticeably tightened, skin turgor improves, wrinkles are smoothed out, and tone is evened out.
Microcurrent therapyThe method involves the impact of microcurrents at a given depth, which leads to activation of metabolic processes, stimulation of neocollagenesis and gradual renewal of the skin at the cellular level. Microcurrent therapy has a positive effect not only on epidermal cells, but also on blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as facial muscles.
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