Morning fatigue: causes and solutions

Has this ever happened to you? Waking up in the morning, you already feel tired, you feel that your vitality is zero, and you don’t want to get out of bed and greet a new day. Of course, it's good to get enough sleep

- it’s simply necessary, but
fatigue in the morning
associated with this.

If you know you've slept enough hours, it's not normal to wake up tired. We need to keep this in mind. According to experts, regular morning fatigue

is a symptom of some diseases, so it is better to tell your doctor about it.
We will tell you what the reasons for this phenomenon may be.

Possible causes of morning fatigue

Regular morning fatigue is not a disease in itself, but it is a signal that something is going wrong in our body. We are unable to gather our strength and our energy is not enough to cope with current affairs. We all know that lack of sleep is the most common cause of such ailment, but in this case we will focus on other aspects that may later affect our health. Keep in mind that the possible reasons that we will indicate below only occur if your morning fatigue is constant, that is, it lasts for at least several weeks in a row.

Heart problems

Doctors note that the first hours after waking up are the most dangerous.

They often talk about the so-called fainting due to a decrease in blood pressure, which occurs due to cerebral circulatory failure.

You should know this. If such fatigue repeats day after day, and you feel a loss of strength and dizziness, do not put off visiting a doctor.

Hormonal problems: hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a deficiency of thyroid hormones that causes our body to not function properly.

This lack of hormones contributes to a slower metabolism and decreased productivity. We feel tired and lethargic, and we tend to feel weaker in the morning.

Emotional problems

Experts say the state in which we start our day is a reflection of our physical and emotional health. This is the moment when we have a whole day ahead of us, when we have to look after children and perform other responsibilities... If at this moment we are not in the best emotional state, it will be difficult to make our day turn out well.

Depression is usually accompanied by muscle pain, extreme fatigue, apathy and sadness. Of course, one of the most difficult moments in this case occurs in the morning.

Poor nutrition, exhausting diet

You should be very careful with diets. Sometimes an attempt to “keep a tight rein” leads to an imbalance of nutrients in the body

. A severe metabolic disorder can provoke fainting and electrolyte imbalance of sodium and potassium, which in turn is fraught with problems with the functioning of the heart: arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest. Take this into account.


Don't write off lack of hydration. You may forget to take water with you on a walk or quench your thirst with carbonated drinks. If on a normal day dehydration does not affect your well-being that much, then heat and increased sweating only make the situation worse. It's no secret that one of the most important symptoms of dehydration is fatigue.

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How to deal with fatigue in the morning?

  • First, if you've been feeling tired in the morning for two weeks or more, be sure to make an appointment with your doctor.
    This could be one of the diseases mentioned above:
    heart problems
    , arrhythmia, hypothyroidism...
  • Take care of your emotional health.
    If you wake up and feel reluctant to get up and want to spend the whole day lying in bed, ask yourself why. Don't hide from your own problems, rather seek moral support from your family and friends. May you be inspired by each day ahead. Calmness and happiness are the main weapons in the fight against fatigue.
  • Be careful with diets.
    Make sure you get enough nutrients and have a varied and balanced diet.
  • Never forget breakfast.
    This is one of the most important moments of the day, which will provide you with energy to fight fatigue. Include fruit and fiber in your breakfast. Give up cow's milk in favor of plant-based milk. Eat dietary fiber, such as oats. Eating an apple with the skin, strawberries or blueberries, and nuts also energizes us and lifts our spirit.
  • Prepare everything you need in the evening
    so that you can have breakfast in the morning without haste.
  • Drink infusions of ginseng, ginger or poppy seeds for breakfast at least three times a week.
    They support vitality and energy, strengthen physical health.
  • Stick to a schedule, eat at certain times, rest eight hours every day, take time for yourself, walk every day for at least half an hour, enjoy the sun's rays... and, as we told you earlier, if anything in your body is going wrong, contact doctor.

It's already the middle of the day and you still feel like a car that just won't get past first gear. Is it lack of sleep or something else that is making you feel like you've been squeezed out of lemon? Check to see if you have some of these fatigue culprits and add some energy to your life.

Does your lifestyle need adjustments?

First of all, ask yourself: are you treating your body right? Remember the three pillars of health: sleep, proper nutrition and exercise?! If you don't get enough good sleep, you find it difficult to eat well and this leads to you having a hard time exercising. And all this is true if you turn these things in a different order. All this is interconnected. Therefore, try not to bring yourself to the point of losing consciousness. Adults require 7-9 hours of sleep. Eat a balanced diet, including fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and regular exercise. If you meet all of these conditions and are still struggling to cope with the demands of your daily routine, it's time to check out possible medical causes for your fatigue.


Anemia is a disorder that makes it difficult for your blood to deliver oxygen to your body's organs. A widespread type of anemia is called iron deficiency anemia. Iron acts as a carriage that transports the oxygen contained in your blood. People with low iron levels do not have enough carriages in the train: they feel tired; When they get up, they feel dizzy, have brain fog, and have a rapid heart rate. Your doctor can check for anemia with a simple blood test.


Doctors don't know exactly why diabetes makes people feel so tired. One likely explanation is that your body is using too much energy to balance frequent swings in blood sugar. What doctors know for sure is that fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of diabetes. Along with other symptoms such as thirst and frequent urination.

Thyroid dysfunction

The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland that is located in your neck. It produces a hormone that allows you to control how you use your energy. When your thyroid fails, you also fail. People with low thyroid activity feel tired: Their cells are not working well, they are sluggish, and their reflexes are weak. To see what's causing your fatigue, your doctor may recommend a thyroid hormone blood test.

Heart diseases

Extreme fatigue is a common symptom of congestive heart failure, which occurs when your heart doesn't pump blood the way it should. If you have this disorder, your fatigue increases during physical activity. You may also experience swelling in your arms and legs, as well as shortness of breath.

Sleep apnea

This disorder prevents you from getting enough oxygen when you sleep, which means you don't get enough rest during the night. Your brain notices that your body is not getting rid of carbon dioxide and quickly wakes up in an anxious state. You don't even realize it, and it makes it very difficult to understand why you feel so sleepy during the day. You don't enter deep sleep, the sleep that helps you feel better. A device called a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine can help you keep your airways open and help you get a deep sleep at night.


If you are a woman going through menopause, you may find it difficult to get good sleep. During this time, your hormonal balance often changes, and you may experience night sweats and hot flashes. All of this can keep you up at night and make it more difficult for you to cope during the day.


Depression deprives your brain of the chemicals it needs to function at its best. One of these substances is serotonin, which helps regulate your body's internal clock. Depression can lower your energy levels and make you feel tired during the day. You may also find it difficult to fall asleep or wake up earlier in the morning than expected. If you think you are depressed, talk to your doctor. Talk therapy and medicine can help you.

Vitamin deficiency in the body is a common cause of poor health in the morning. A feeling of weakness and fatigue, in particular, is caused by a lack of B vitamins. For example, with a lack of cyanocobalamin alone (vitamin B12), the full transport of oxygen to the cells is disrupted. And if the body also experiences a deficiency of folic acid (vitamin B9), then there is a risk of developing anemia, which also leads to a low level of supply of oxygen and vital elements to tissues. In other words, under conditions of vitamin deficiency, the body works at half capacity.

With vitamin deficiency, metabolism slows down, the body adapts to work in an economical mode. In this case, energy is spent mainly on internal processes; there is not enough energy for external ones.

Reading for 3 or more hours.

  • Improper organization of the workspace, including insufficient room lighting, low or high screen brightness.
  • Correction of refractive errors with incorrectly fitted glasses or contact lenses. “The eyes get tired from glasses” is one of the most common phrases with which patients come to see an ophthalmologist. Typically, hypo- or hyper-correction occurs if a person selected optics independently, and not with an optometrist.

  • Dry eye syndrome. With this pathology, the tear film, which moisturizes and protects the cornea, becomes thinner. Because of this, the eye is more vulnerable to external factors.
  • Spending a long time in a room with fans running or heating turned on. These factors do not always provoke dry eye syndrome, but they lead to asthenopia quite often and in a short period of time.
  • Hormonal imbalances. If they cause disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, the eyes quickly become tired. The patient's visual acuity also decreases.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia, in which blood pressure is unstable. It either decreases or increases, which, of course, affects the condition of the eyes. The entire vascular system suffers from pressure surges - the vessels in the eyeballs are more susceptible to these changes. When intracranial pressure increases, the visual system has the same negative effect.
  • Osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine, in which blood circulation and, consequently, oxygen supply to the eye tissues deteriorate.
  • Unbalanced diet. Lack of vitamins A, B, C, B2 and various minerals in the body affects eye health.

  • Taking certain medications. Medicines have side effects. Because of some, the eyes get tired, watery, itchy, and sore. The appearance of these symptoms should be a reason to discontinue the drug.

Understandably, eye fatigue is a common concern for people with refractive errors. Myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia, presbyopia have in their symptoms such a sign as asthenopia.

How to understand that your eyes are tired and what to do in this case? There are a number of symptoms characteristic of asthenopia. The way to eliminate fatigue depends on them.

Depression, anxiety

Depression inhibits the production of serotonin in the body. This brain neurotransmitter is called the pleasure hormone. Against the background of its deficiency in brain cells (or in conditions of disruption of its perception by cells), the entire body suffers. And in this case, fatigue after a night's sleep is the result of a depressed state of the central nervous system: the signals it sends to all parts of the body are sluggish and weak.

Severe anxiety can also disrupt sleep. Anxious thoughts, fear, confusion prevent you from closing your eyes, cause headaches and, ultimately, lead not to relaxation and rest of the brain and all organs and systems, but to stress. Hence the morning fatigue. In such cases, people describe their sensations with the phrases “as if they were carrying bricks on me” or “as if they were unloading a car with coal.”

Effect of ultraviolet rays

If you spend long periods of time in the sun without protection, your skin will suffer damage from ultraviolet rays. The sun, penetrating under the skin, causes pigmentation, burns and dryness. This is why a strong tan will visually add several years to your appearance. Your skin no longer looks smooth and radiant, but begins to develop characteristic wrinkles and folds. Ultraviolet radiation has a chemical effect on the skin, and this also causes drowsiness.


Unfortunately, sunburn impairs the body's ability to regulate its core temperature. When you tan, the body mobilizes a flow of fluid from other parts of the body to the surface. And if you don't drink water while on the beach, you're making the situation even worse. Now, even to sweat, there is not enough fluid in your body.

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Uncomfortable sleeping conditions

A stuffy room, a lamp not turned off, an uncomfortable bed, lack of silence - these and many other negative factors cannot ensure a sound, healthy sleep. A person does not get enough sleep, his body does not get proper rest, and the result is irritability, fatigue, bad mood, and headache.

During night sleep, the body needs fresh air, silence, a comfortable bed and darkness. Only in the dark does the production of melatonin occur, the main hormone of the pineal gland, a regulator of circadian rhythms.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can very easily lead to fatigue and even apathy. And here everything is quite understandable - the body simply did not rest, did not recover after a working day (study, training, travel, etc.). However, sleeping too long can also cause a feeling of fatigue, aching joints, headaches, lethargy, and drowsiness. Everyone's sleep time is different, it is important to set for yourself the number of hours the body needs to fully recover, and try to go to bed at the same time.

Restless sleep syndrome

Scientists believe that a person’s well-being during awakening is directly dependent on what phase of sleep he was in at the time of awakening.
If awakening occurs during so-called “rapid eye movement” sleep, a person feels rested and full of energy, regardless of how many hours or minutes he slept. But if this same “rapid” sleep is interrupted by snoring, difficulty breathing with a stuffy nose due to a cold, the effects of medications, restless thoughts, cessation of breathing (apnea), then the person risks waking up in the stage of “slow” sleep, i.e. sleep, in which the pulse is slow, breathing is slow and even, the brain and body are in a complete state of rest. And then the person who wakes up will feel tired and lethargic. Sometimes even more tired than before the views

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