Igor Petrenko blames himself for two terrible deaths

Igor Petrenko himself and his personal life are under close attention of the paparazzi. The actor’s difficult fate, his life path, his ability to overcome difficulties - all the events left their mark. Igor's marital status changed a couple of times, but each time the man indulged in feelings. The artist Petrenko is charismatic; he has been recognized more than once as an attractive man and a sex symbol. Today, actor Petrenko devotes himself to his family, his wife and children, and maintains relationships with his ex-spouses.

Petrenko recently became a father for the fifth time. Due to events in his personal life, stories of past relationships often appear in the media. Since adolescence, the actor has gone through difficult times - first, bad company, the influence of older teenagers, then a criminal record and the alienation of loved ones. Due to difficult relations with the law, the guy had difficulty developing personal relationships. He had difficulty getting close to new people.

First wife Irina Leonova

The first step on the path to healing for Igor Petrenko was entering school - he discovered his acting abilities, and then meeting his first wife Irina. The turning point is entering the Shchukin School, which will allow you to say goodbye to the past forever. Irina Leonova also entered Shchukinskoye, and the decision related to her future profession became fatal for the young people. The accident ended in a whirlwind romance.

1 wife of actor Igor Petrenko is an ambitious, strong-willed person. She didn’t care much about the actor’s past, his mistakes, all she knew was that the girl liked the energetic guy at first sight, he evoked conflicting but pleasant feelings in her. The girl had an unusual appearance: to enroll, she had to leave her native Estonia and move to Moscow. Ambition soon allowed her to start a career as an actress.

Irina Leonova, the future first wife of Igor Petrenko, always wanted to become an actress. Even before graduating from school, she made an adult decision - she would only become an actress, other professions were not even considered. It was difficult for Irina’s parents to accept their daughter’s choice, but they tried to support Irina.

Find out more interesting facts about the life of Igor Petrenko from his biography.

Before entering Moscow, the girl attended additional acting classes. The studio at the Russian theater became her launching pad. The girl not only improved her acting skills, but also allowed her to make useful contacts: gifted studio students often entered Russian universities, became actors, and acted in films. After graduating from school, Irina made another decision - she wants to study at the Shchukin School, or at a similar university in Russia.

Igor Petrenko and Irina Leonova

When Irina met Igor Petrenko, no one predicted a future for them together. Poor students with dreams and high expectations, argued a lot, rarely agreed. They met on a wave of maximalism, freedom, big plans for the future - Igor felt that for the first time in a couple of years he was able to be himself and not be afraid of being rejected. The past was forgotten like a bad dream.

The lovers' relationship developed rapidly. They had passion and no less passionate reconciliations and loud quarrels. Despite frequent scandals, the young people decided to get married before the end of their studies - the decision was not spontaneous, but the young people still did not take into account all the difficulties in the future.

Wedding with Irina Leonova

The modest wedding took place six months before the official graduation from the Shchukin School. By that time, Igor Petrenko already had his first serious work in cinema. He managed to star in “Simple Truths” and feel like a professional actor. Irina also sought to develop her acting career. She decided to develop in the theater, and became a full member of the Maly Theater. The girl constantly participated in productions and starred with such famous actresses as Lyudmila Chursina and Galina Polskikh.

At first, the relationship resembled a fairy tale. The couple gradually developed their careers and were ready to make their way into the world of cinema together. The lovers' idyll lasted 2-3 years. Before the couple decided to divorce, they lived under the same roof for 4 years. The idyll gradually collapsed.

Divorce from first wife

The difficult four years gave the young actors the opportunity to become famous. Igor Petrenko starred in several films and became famous - they began to call him the man of dreams and invite him to the role of a womanizer seducing girls. The actor had charisma and charm. During the marriage, no children appeared together, and divorce was not difficult. By the time of the divorce, the couple seemed happy, so there were many rumors about what caused the divorce. Former lovers did not take their quarrels out of the house.

According to one version, with the growth of popularity, the spouses simply lost interest in each other: there was neither time nor desire to maintain strong family relationships. Other versions related to possible betrayals, which is not uncommon for the acting community. The rumors have not been officially confirmed.

After the divorce, there was no official explanation. Later, when the actors started new families, they had children and past grievances were forgotten. Former spouses never allowed themselves to speak badly about their first marriage - the topic of their former marriage and the reasons for divorce remained taboo for them.

The fate of Ekaterina Klimova. “It seemed to me that without Igor Petrenko’s love I would not exist”

“There was emptiness and uncertainty ahead. But if I hadn’t left, I would have gotten sick. Or maybe she died,” recalls Ekaterina Klimova about her divorce from Igor Petrenko. They were called Russian Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Successful, surrounded by children and loved by the audience, Igor always very tenderly hugged Katya on the carpet, and she seemed to glow with happiness...

Yesterday, the actress told Boris Korchevnikov the story of her father, who spent almost her entire childhood in prison and returned when she was already 13 years old. “I was very lucky with my father. He came into my life at the right time. Probably, there wouldn’t have been that Katya Klimova, there would have been someone else,” the actress admitted. Her future husband, Igor Petrenko, also served time in prison on the same charges as her father.

Ekaterina Klimova is often called the most beautiful actress of our cinema. Charming Natasha Repnina from “Poor Nastya”, careerist Svetlana from the series “Women in Love”... But most of all, Ekaterina Klimova was remembered by the audience as nurse Nina in the film “We are from the Future”. The actress herself was then already the wife of Igor Petrenko. Their romance broke out on the set of the film “Moscow Windows”. Both were not free. It was not easy and not immediately that they decided to be together. For the sake of Petrenko, Katya left her husband, with whom she had been in love since she was 15 years old and, it seemed, never regretted it. But the news about the divorce of Klimova and Petrenko sounded like a bolt from the blue, and only then, in their rare interviews, both admitted that everything in their family had been going downhill for a long time.

The last straw for Catherine was Igor’s deception. He was filming in St. Petersburg then and suddenly disappeared and stopped communicating. And then Petrenko’s friend called Ekaterina and said that he was unconscious... Although at that time they were walking together in a restaurant. “Probably the most decisive thing for me was that I lost Igor as a friend. We were friends. It is clear that I could have lost him ten times as a woman, or as the mother of his children, or something else. And then some kind of... untruth happened,” the actress admitted.

She packed her things, took the children and left for nowhere. She needed to find a home, earn money and provide a normal life for her family. “I knew for sure and believed that everything would be fine. I can do it, I can handle it,” Klimova recalls. The actress hopes that someday she and Igor will be able to communicate as friends again, having sincerely forgiven each other everything. “Maybe at the wedding our children will experience some kind of... relief,” noted Ekaterina.

Ekaterina Klimova made another attempt to start a family. She met actor Gela Meskhi on the set of the film “Wolf Sun”, and soon their daughter Bella was born. “Gela was brave. Not everyone will dare to enter into a relationship with a woman with three children,” Ekaterina admitted to Boris Korchevnikov. But this marriage of the actress broke up a year ago. “Gela and I are really quite close people and remain so to this day,” Klimova said.

Ekaterina has four children. Moreover, according to her, she did not plan to become a mother of many children. “It happened somehow on its own. This was not my goal, my dream. I thought I wanted to be an actress - so what are the kids like here? In general, this is what happened. I'm very happy about this. This is the pack in which I live, my pride - this is my happiness. And, perhaps, my most important role is the role of a mother,” noted Ekaterina.

“My whole life is like a Brazilian TV series or a gypsy saga, there were a lot of passions. But now there has been some kind of renaissance. “I rethought a lot,” said the actress. According to her, it is difficult to get to know her and start a relationship. But sometimes she gets scared alone, she realizes that she can’t quite cope alone. “There are fun days when all the dads come to us, someone collects furniture from Ikea, someone goes to sort things out with a neighbor. Everyone is mobilizing,” said Ekaterina Klimova.

What family heirloom does Ekaterina Klimova keep? What poems did the actress write and for whom? What did you say about the divorce from Igor Petrenko? How did you comment on the breakup with Gela Meskhi? And why does she consider herself a bad friend? The answers are in Boris Korchevnikov’s program “The Fate of Man.”

Second wife Ekaterina Klimova

A couple of years after the divorce from Irina, new rumors appeared on the network - allegedly Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova are in a secret relationship. The lovers met before there was an official divorce from Igor’s first wife. The young people had known each other since their student days: Igor at that time was in a serious relationship with Irina. The future spouses always kept in touch with each other, sometimes crossing paths at various parties.

For many years, Katya was just a friend and colleague for Igor Petrenko. The future husband was a year younger than his second wife, but he always felt genuine admiration for Katerina. Frequent chance meetings in the same environment only strengthened secret feelings, and according to Igor Petrenko, the relationship seemed unreal - he had an ex-wife behind him, Katerina also had a difficult relationship, as well as a daughter from her first marriage. Love between the actors seemed like a pipe dream.

Wedding with Ekaterina Klimova

The common work in the Moscow Windows project brought the couple together. The lovers saw each other often and spent almost all their time together. Their secret, very passionate romance began. In the series where the actors starred, their characters get married, unable to resist strong feelings.

A similar scenario was repeated in real life, when Igor Petrenko decided on a second official marriage. It took time to strengthen feelings and make a decision - Petrenko feared that the second marriage would end, like the first, in complete ruin.

Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova

In general, the lovers lived together for almost 10 years. There were quarrels, clarifications, even separations in their relationship, but every time Katerina and Igor renewed their connection. The very thought of living apart was unbearable to them.

The couple seemed ideal - a union of creative people. They often appeared in public together and delighted their fans. The created image of an ideal family instantly dissipated, which caused bewilderment among fans and even among those close to the couple.

Divorce from Catherine

The reason why Igor Petrenko and Katerina Klimova are getting divorced has not been announced. The media could only speculate as to what caused the collapse of the strong family. The actress, Petrenko's ex-wife, refrained from commenting. By that time, Igor was at the peak of his popularity, and various novels were often attributed to him.

Find out more about the personal life of Ekaterina Klimova from this article.

According to rumors, it was Katerina who decided to leave her unfaithful husband. The second marriage became a burden for Igor, the routine, the long-bored life - everything became boring and boring. Soon, Igor Petrenko had a new passion. He became interested in the novel and did not give official comments.

The second ex-wife of Igor Petrenko actively took up her career. She also soon entered into a new relationship. According to the artists, there remained a warm relationship between them, and no anger or resentment.

Third marriage Kristina Brodskaya

When the actor had 2 marriages left behind him, he did not despair and continued to seek solace in the company of other women. Before his third official marriage, Petrenko had a couple of affairs, but nothing serious: passions quickly replaced each other. Officially, Igor did not remain an eligible bachelor for long. At the same time, he developed his career - his popularity only grew, which aroused even more admiration among women.

Igor Petrenko and Kristina Brodskaya

A couple of years after the official second divorce, it became known that even during his relationship with Klimova, Igor was seen in a new novel - Igor Petrenko and Kristina Brodskaya were caught in a love affair. The artist’s third chosen one was involved in the creative environment. Kristina Brodskaya is an actress, a talented person, a pure and sympathetic person. The girl worked with such celebrities as Anton Batyrev, Pavel Priluchny and Alexey Barabash.

From the first minute of meeting, the actor felt that he had found a unique, even unique woman. According to Igor, after his divorce from Klimova, he did not even hope to find a person who understood him so well. Christina was like a breath of fresh air: a girl who was not pretentious and not spoiled by social life.

All Christina strived for was sincere and warm relationships, true family happiness. The girl valued comfort and stability. She didn't want to spend days on end at different parties. In Christina’s ideas, Igor found a new meaning in life. He was also tired of constant fun and easy connections.

What first caught your eye when you saw the couple was the age difference. Igor Petrenko and his wife were far from the same age: the age difference with his wife was almost 13 years. This fact did not bother the lovers: they had a lot to learn from each other.

There were rumors in the acting community that a girl much younger than Petrenko took him away from the family: Igor’s infidelity, which became the reason for the divorce from his second wife. At the time she met the popular artist, Christina was also in a serious relationship. Her chosen one was Artem Krylov.

The relationship did not become a hindrance for the lovers. Despite the difference in age, condemnation, and the presence of lovers, Igor and Christina got together. Soon Petrenko left his wife for a new lover.

Birth of a daughter

In 2013, other rumors emerged that Christina was pregnant. The girl hid her rounded belly for a long time, and after the birth of the baby, the only question that interests fans is who gave birth to Christina.

The newborn turned out to be a girl, and she was named Sofia-Carolina. According to rumors, Igor Petrenko gave the unusual name: for many years he dreamed of having a daughter. After the birth of the baby, the question of a further future, joint or separate, had to be resolved.

Wedding with Kristina Brodskaya

The birth of his daughter is the main reason why Igor decided to stay with Christina. Neither his past family nor his conviction stopped him. Since 2016, Igor Petrenko has been married to Christina. The official celebration took place in Kaliningrad. In order to hide their personal lives, the lovers decided to sign away from prying eyes. The ceremony was held modestly, surrounded only by close people. Journalists were not allowed to attend the ceremony, and photographs from the ceremony are impossible to find.

Now the couple continue to live together: Petrenko’s personal life is surprisingly stable, without scandals or public squabbles. The actor lives with a girl who gave the artist a daughter, and they are raising the baby together. Igor Petrenko periodically posts photos of his wife and daughter on Instagram and makes sweet notes. He doesn't hide his feelings.

Igor admits that he has lost a lot in life and made the wrong decisions, but in his relationship with Christina everything seems right to him, as natural as possible. Despite the age difference, the spouses understand each other well, they rarely quarrel or sort things out.

Christina, although younger than her husband, tries to show wisdom - she often smooths out rough edges and tries to find a compromise.

The relationship between Igor Petrenko and his beloved Kristina Brodskaya has lasted for three years, and their daughter Sofia-Karolina will soon turn one year old, but they are not yet thinking of getting married. But the girl’s parents are not at all happy about this and can’t wait to attend their wedding.

Kristina Brodsky's parents David and Ilona Brodsky are also actors, who for the sake of their daughter left their jobs in Omsk and moved to St. Petersburg to help her raise Sofia-Karolina. As Brodskaya’s parents said in an interview with the program “You Won’t Believe It!” NTV channel, they can’t wait for Igor Petrenko to make an official proposal to their daughter and invite her to marry. But in order not to frighten off Christina’s happiness, David and Ilona speak with caution about their future son-in-law. “We take care of their territory,” Kristina Brodskaya’s parents said in an interview. – We only come if they call us. We babysit our granddaughter and change diapers.”

According to the authors of the program, Christina and Igor have already made it clear to their parents that there is no need to interfere with their family with someone else’s charter. And 38-year-old Petrenko is now not in the mood for organizing wedding celebrations; the actor’s work comes first; he literally moves from one set to another. A father with many children needs to adequately support his heirs - two sons Korney and Matvey from his marriage to actress Ekaterina Klimova and daughter Sofia-Karolina, whom his 25-year-old lover Christina Brodskaya gave birth to. “My only dream is to get a good night’s sleep,” he shared with the authors of “You Won’t Believe It!” Igor Petrenko. “I want to lie on the sofa, be silent and not move.” I must say that the actor’s parents are also waiting for an invitation to their son’s wedding. True, he, according to them, had not even introduced them to Christina yet. “My son has not yet introduced us to his beloved,” the actor’s father Pyotr Petrenko shared not long ago. - Well, the master is the master, as they say. He only sends us photos with Christina and his granddaughter. And he’s silent about the wedding.”

Igor Petrenko, meanwhile, moved his new family to Moscow and began to help his ex-wife, Katya Klimova. While she is babysitting her recently born daughter Bella, he took it upon himself to take his sons Matvey and Korney to school and meet them. Which, however, does not prevent him from paying attention to Sofia-Carolina and Christina. So the lost image of a disciplined, loving and gentle husband and father returned to Petrenko again. Perhaps a wedding is just around the corner.

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Actor's children

Actor Igor Petrenko is a father of many children. He has 5 children from different women. Igor and Kristina Brodskaya have three daughters. Each of the girls has an unusual name:

  1. Maria;
  2. Sofia-Karolina;
  3. Eve.

The actor’s two children from Ekaterina Klimova are Matvey and Korney.

Children occupy a special place in the life of an actor. His daughters are his joy, his outlet. They appeared in Igor’s life much later, when he had already gained masculine, even fatherly wisdom. Igor Petrenko says that the children from his second marriage - sons - are completely different from girls. Boys grow up strong and strong-willed. With them, the actor shows other fatherly qualities: persistence, rigor.

The daughters of Igor Petrenko and Christina were raised in a different atmosphere. The artist has become older and softer. He no longer pursues education like a strict father. Another reason why Igor reconsidered his approach to raising his daughters is the choice of another woman. According to the actor, with Christina he feels calmer than ever.

He is soft, pliable, kind. Together, the couple decided to give their daughters only joy and happiness. The actor's first daughter was born in 2014, when he was still officially married to another woman. In fact, she caused the marriage to end. The daughter literally forced her father to choose - to stay in the family or go to his young lover.

Christina said that as soon as she met Igor Petrenko, she wanted children from him, a real and big family. The girl didn’t even look at the difference in age or status. She planned to have more than one child as a teenager.

The actor's eldest and youngest sons are teenagers. For them, the father is a role model, a mentor. Children from different women maintain warm relationships. Klimova admitted that at first it was not so easy to accept the birth of other children from her ex-husband, but over time she came to an understanding: children should communicate and should not quarrel, demanding the presence of their father.

Igor Petrenko does not consider himself an ideal father, but despite the fact that he lives far from his sons, he tries to devote more time and energy to them. He is always in touch and tries to support their endeavors. The artist loves children and is ready to help at any time of the day or night.

Igor Petrenko admits that being a father of many children and a professional actor at the same time is difficult. He often has to be torn between the duty of his father and his personality - personal growth is also important for Igor.

Another challenge for Petrenko is making time for each child and her personal life. The sons are already teenagers, and the girls are growing up quickly. Igor hopes that one day his children will understand him and forgive him if his busyness sometimes interferes with their meetings or joint recreation.

The fate of Igor Petrenko. “Without Katya Klimova, I flew into the abyss”

“After my divorce from Ekaterina Klimova, I found myself at the bottom of an abyss, from which I could not get out for a long time,” famous actor Igor Petrenko once admitted. They lived with Katya for ten years, but, as it turned out, in the last years of their marriage, the relationship looked ideal only in public. The news of their divorce sounded like a bolt from the blue. Information then appeared in the press that Igor started drinking. At what point did he break down? And what was the real reason for their separation? The actor spoke about all this on the Rossiya 1 TV channel.

In the previous episode of the program “The Fate of a Man,” Igor Petrenko said that they met Ekaterina Klimova on the set of the film “Moscow Windows.” However, then both were not free. It was not easy and not immediately that they decided to be together. The actor recalled that Lisa, Klimova’s daughter from her first marriage, also did not understand what was happening, and for some time “kept the defense.” And then Igor and Catherine had two sons - Matvey and Korney.

“We were very desperate to save our family. But it became more and more difficult to keep it,” Petrenko admitted to Boris Korchevnikov. The actor added that he had a very difficult period in his life and work, when he was cast in the role of Andriy in the film “Taras Bulba.” Initially, the film was not supposed to be directed by Vladimir Bortko, Marina Alexandrova would have played the lady, and Gosha Kutsenko would have played Ostap. But a week before filming, Petrenko broke his leg, the process was suspended, and then everything changed completely, although the actor was again cast in the same role. However, working with Bortko was not easy for him, and they had a conflict. Then Igor started drinking...

They discussed this with Ekaterina Klimova many times, Petrenko pulled himself together, but still continued to drink. Sherlock Holmes put an end to it. The director of the series, Andrei Kavun, really wanted Igor to play Holmes. The actor was afraid of the role, did not know how to do it, but still agreed and went to St. Petersburg for eight months. Ekaterina couldn’t go with him, she still jokingly said: “Well, that’s it, goodbye.” She later recalled that her husband did not always pick up the phone when she called, he disappeared... Not without alcohol.

As a result, Igor somehow came home, and there was no one there. The actor admitted that he didn’t even discover it right away. “They moved into the house. And I understand perfectly well that it became unbearable for her. What does she see before her eyes? An exhausted drunken creature... And almost every day. Silence reigned in my apartment, and I suddenly realized that this is what I need now,” recalls Petrenko.

He had no impulse to run and ask for forgiveness. He began to plunge into the abyss alone. Then friends came to the rescue. And later he was approved for the “Fire for the Olympics” project. The picture was never released, but it was there that Igor met Christina Brodskaya, who became his wife.

Petrenko said that on the last day of filming he drank, got behind the wheel and flew into a ditch, crashed into a tree, but still returned back to the road, although the side and bumper of the car were torn off. “I realized that this was a sign. I consciously fly into hell, and I simply don’t need a car,” the actor admitted. Not without the help of Christina, he managed to solve his problems.

And now they are raising three daughters together. “Of course, my attitude towards my family has changed, and it has begun to change rapidly in recent years. Even after losses, various ups and downs,” Igor shared and added that Christina, as the wife of a Decembrist, goes with him on all his trips.

Why did he propose to her twice? How did Igor's sons accept his divorce from Catherine? And how does Petrenko communicate with them now? The answers are in “The Fate of Man.”

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