The Spectator: The British are outraged by Harry and Meghan's contract with Netflix

Meghan Markle went to the toilet in the forest

A month and a half after they met, in July 2020, Prince Harry and Markle Markle went to Botswana. During the trip, Prince Harry was pleasantly surprised that his beloved was not capricious.

During the hike, Meghan Markle calmly went without makeup, wiping her face with baby wipes. If she needed a powder room, she simply retired to the nearby bushes. And even nights and sex in a tent did not bother Megan.

Ideal target

In June, the press attacked the royal couple over the renovation of Frogmore Cottage, a house next to Windsor Castle, where Harry and Meghan moved in anticipation of the birth of their child. The refurbishment cost £2.4 million, and this money was spent from the national budget.

  • Royal renovation for Harry and Meghan. How much did it cost and who paid for it?
  • Royal family: a burden or a goldmine? Who pays the British monarchy's bills?

Citing a source close to the royal family, the Daily Express tabloid was indignant that a week after moving in, the couple allegedly threw out a “luxurious carpet” (the cost was not specified) because it was ruined by a dog - the cleaners could not cope with the cleaning, and the family added additional “remained indifferent” to spending.

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Frogmore Cottage, where the family moved from Kensington Palace in London

Megan also got it for her engagement ring. It was custom-made to Prince Harry's design and featured three stones - two diamonds from his mother, Princess Diana, and another from Botswana, where the couple were on their first trip together. A year after the wedding, Megan gave it away for a makeover, adding diamonds and, according to the press, making the gift meaningless “for the sake of fashion.”

The newspapers also wrote that because of Meghan, Harry stopped communicating with several friends she did not like.

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Meghan Markle in 60 seconds

In the fall of 2020, Meghan's personal assistant, Melissa Tubati, resigned. Then the prince's family was left by Queen Elizabeth's former personal assistant, Samantha Cohen. Finally, in March 2019, Amy Pickerill, another assistant who had been assigned to Meghan Markle from the very beginning to help her integrate into the royal family, left. Now Megan is being condemned for changing her child's third nanny in a month.

The maids, according to the tabloids, gave her two nicknames - Me-Gain and Duchess Difficult - for the fact that she constantly raised her voice and for the emails with demands that she sent early in the morning.

The birth of a child in May 2019 did not help the family’s image. “Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are already a little fed up with people with edited photographs of their son Archie. So they again shared several photographs on Instagram with artistic pretensions,” this is how the Mirror tabloid commented on the publication of one of the first photographs of the newborn.

  • Meghan and Harry welcomed their first child. Windsor rejoices. Photos

Royal experts and former members of the palace staff (both highly sought after by the tabloids) summarize: Meghan Markle simply did not understand where she was and was “completely unprepared” to enter the royal family.

Members of the royal family do not swear in public (Meghan and Prince Harry were once seen having a “tense conversation”), do not sign autographs as if they were movie stars (Meghan Markle did this with pleasure) - the list of complaints continues to grow.

Image copyright Chris Jackson Image caption Tabloids accuse Meghan Markle of even signing autographs as being too “Hollywood”

Archie Harrison's christening was added to the list this past weekend. Neither journalists nor ordinary people were allowed into the traditionally public event, promising to publish the photographs later. The Telegraph, for example, responded with a column entitled: “An open letter to Meghan. Why so much secrecy around Archie's christening? It hurts us Brits."

Buckingham Palace does not officially comment on all these publications.

“Royal life is, on the one hand, palaces and fame, but its main difference from the life of stars is that it also comes with responsibility. You can't just hop on a plane and go somewhere for the weekend. There are rules to this life,” says Johnny Diamond, a BBC correspondent who covers the royal family.

Megan, having married the prince, seems to have decided to create her own rules - and no one likes it. The royal family is often attacked by the press, which constantly questions the wisdom of maintaining the monarchy, and therefore a positive image is critical to its survival.

“The main thing to understand about the royal family in Great Britain is that it is not so much about leadership as it is about creating an ideal image that every citizen enjoys looking at,” continues Diamond. “Now it has happened—even though it wasn’t intended at all—that the family has become part of the global celebrity industry. There is the Queen, a model of stability, service and sacrifice. And there are other figures - they also perform royal duties, but small ones. And they are the perfect target for making noise. They bring money to the noisemakers, and their faces on the front pages help sell newspapers. Meghan Markle is a vital part of that."

Image copyright WPA Pool/Getty Images Image caption Meghan is constantly compared to Kate, Prince William's wife

According to Diamond, the media bears part of the responsibility for creating Meghan's image. “They started the story of her being here, and they need a narrative to continue it,” he says.

At the same time, Diamond states, it is very difficult to ignore the constantly emerging and well-confirmed stories about the duchess. “We saw how demanding Markle is, we saw that she is happy to spend money the way she wants. This combined with the fact that she has a different background - and this is how her current image turned out,” he says.

At the same time, theoretically, of all the most popular members of the royal family, Harry and Meghan can afford more than others - Harry is only sixth in line to the throne and is unlikely to ever become a monarch. Still, Meghan can't avoid comparisons with her sister-in-law Kate, and often not for the better.

Meghan Markle quarreled with Prince Harry and childhood friend

Prince Harry had a friend Tom Inskip. They had been close friends since their days at Eton. It was in Tom’s company that the Prince of Wales hung out at parties, which the tabloids later wrote about.

In 2020, Tom Inskeep settled down, marrying aristocrat Lara Hughes-Young. And it was at Tom's wedding that Harry and Meghan first officially appeared together.

And a little later, Tom Inskeep inadvertently advised Prince Harry not to rush into marrying Meghan Markle. Harry was very upset that his close friend was not supporting him. The result: Tom Inskip and his wife were not invited to Harry and Meghan's wedding.

Beloved grandson's wife

Meanwhile, Meghan Markle is trying very hard to become a worthy wife of Prince Harry. The latest news confirms this. Judge for yourself.

  1. Even before the 2020 wedding, the actress turned down enviable film roles. After seven seasons of filming, she left the series Suits, which made her famous.
  2. She managed to say “no” to the offer to become Bond’s new girlfriend in the 25th anniversary episode, although she was the main contender for a place next to agent 007. Not every actress is capable of such a gesture.
  3. Even before the wedding, Megan stopped her virtual “life” on social networks: she liquidated her personal accounts on popular Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

However, Megan and Harry themselves, two months after their marriage, look happy and are getting used to their new roles. Meghan's many personal sacrifices appear to be paying off.

With Elizabeth II at a social reception

Recently, Elizabeth II herself transferred powers to the young wife of her beloved grandson, which the Queen regards with particular trepidation. The aspiring Duchess of Sussex and her husband Prince Harry became royal patrons of Elizabeth II’s favorite brainchild, the Queen’s Young Leaders association.

At the beginning of July, the couple welcomed project participants to Buckingham Palace: for the first time, they took on the mission of organizing a reception for the progressive youth of the United Kingdom. The transfer of functions handled by the queen to Megan emphasized Elizabeth's favor. This is reason to believe that Harry’s chosen one has come to court.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend many different events

The prince himself is pleased with his wife, who said about the project: “In my new status, I will become a support for our queen, as well as for my father, the Prince of Wales, and my brother William. I’m not the only one who is convinced that young leaders today are capable of providing the main answers to the key challenges of the time.” Harry further thanked Meghan for her support, help and participation in the project.

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Princes William and Harry quarreled not only over Meghan, but also over money

“Think carefully about this girl,” Prince Charles advised when his younger brother decided to marry Meghan Markle. Harry was very offended by the phrase “that girl”: he was offended and almost stopped communicating with William.

However, discord had been brewing for a long time. Harry always came second to his brother, especially when it came to money. At one time, Harry wanted to take on larger projects and work more, but could not get them financed. All funds flowed towards William's endeavors.

Meghan Markle angered Princess Eugenie of York

On October 12, 2020, Princess Eugenie of York married businessman Jack Brooksbank. It was a moment of glory for Eugenie, who always remains in the shadow of the rest of the royal family.

But Meghan Markle managed to ruin everything. It was on this day that she and Harry announced that they were expecting a child. Princess Eugenie was not happy: in her opinion, the news about the pregnancy could have been delayed for at least another day.

The juiciest details about Meghan Markle from the book “Finding Freedom” was last modified: August 12, 2020 by Anna Bulatova

Facts and guesses

Indirect confirmation of confidential information was the drawings of the new house intended for Megan and Harry. Journalists obtained them and were dismayed that in the foreground of the schematic sketch of the building a woman with a stroller was depicted walking along the path in front of the estate. Such “accidents” are not accidental, journalists and their readers rightly decided. The latter, commenting on the news about the family of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, wish the newlyweds only happiness and healthy babies and expect that everything will become known for sure before the end of summer 2020.

The press reported that Meghan Markle is pregnant

The royal house remains silent for now, according to tradition, in no hurry to make public the details of the personal life of the royal family. However, the confidence with which unconfirmed data about the double joy of the newlyweds is presented in English-language publications gives reason to expect speedy official statements from Kensington Palace.

By the way, back in November last year, shortly after their engagement, in an interview with the BBC, Megan and Harry said that they would not delay having children and would have them immediately after their marriage. In addition, the Western press quotes the prince as saying that when they have children, he is ready to let his young, beautiful wife go to the USA. Because she understands well how important it is for Megan to visit her native places again, to find herself in a familiar environment and meet with loved ones and friends.

With Kate Middleton

That is, the imminent appearance of blood heirs has long been discussed as a matter of course. Therefore, for now, facts and guesses boil down to the fact that soon good news will acquire the status of official information.

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