Stop feeding energy vampires! Basic defense techniques

Many people ask questions: are people-energy vampires a myth or reality, how can a person feed on the energy of his own kind, what is the danger of the presence of such a person in a team. Arm yourself with the knowledge to resist when you meet him.

A parasitic person who feeds on the energy of other people is an energy vampire.
In recent times, vampirism is on the verge of an epidemic, which is capturing a huge part of humanity. Yes, vampirism is a disease. Energy vampires are susceptible to various viruses, and when fed with someone else’s energy, they provoke illness in victims. Among people, there are two types of vampires:

  1. A person who is unaware of his own illness. Anyone can become a vampire. But such people do not pose a danger to society. Think about it, have there ever been times when you felt energy starvation - during illness or when you were very tired? This is one of the signs of vampirism. There are those who are fueled by walks in nature and relaxation, while others are fueled by other things.

  2. Someone who consciously consumes someone else's energy. Hatred and aggression constantly live next to such people. Inciting a stormy scandal from scratch, they suck out a huge amount of vital energy from the victim. And then, when they get relief, they become good-natured and smiling.

Vampirism begins in childhood. The baby’s energy field has poor protection; he easily absorbs the emotions of the people around him. A child growing up in a negative environment becomes aggressive and selfish, trying to improve his own internal state through scandalous situations.

Such teenagers form groups full of hatred and destructive power. In search of energy recharge, they destroy everything in their path, mock the weak or animals, set fire and paint everything around them. Adult life makes such children real tyrants in the family and aggressors at work.

Energy vampires around us

Energetic vampire
In life we ​​constantly have to deal with such people. It is possible that a vampire is also present in the family: a pathological jealous person is the first candidate for the role of an energy parasite. The husband's suspicions, the mother-in-law's reproaches, the mother-in-law's nagging, the children's whims - all these are attacks of vampirism. A professional cluster of vampires is present in bureaucratic services - at the post office, in bank tellers, in public utilities. The vampirism of the crowd, which takes place at rallies and strikes, becomes a destructive force.

Signs of an energy vampire

  • To feed himself, he will bring a person out of moral balance. To achieve this, including stupidity and awkwardness, the student vampire pesters the mentor victim with questions and mistakes.
  • The vampire starts the barrel organ with wasted talk, which cannot be stopped. All unsuccessful attempts to end the conversation turn into holding the telephone receiver to your ear for hours on end.
  • People who feed on other people's energy try to get jobs in accounting departments, banks and social services in order to create situations of expectation of something. A person will suffer for hours under the office, and completely exhausted and irritated will become easy prey for a vampire.
  • When they tell the details of terrible incidents, disasters, or deaths, vampires strive to evoke feelings of fear, compassion, or violent indignation in their victims.
  • Cats are an indicator that indicates the presence of an energy vampire. The animal does not like such people and will never make friends with them.
  • Vampires are honest and frank people. They express their own point of view directly to your face, often negative.
  • Such people resort to direct contact - they strive to touch you for any reason or cuddle with you on public transport.

When communication with a certain person causes you irritation, and after the conversation you feel inner emptiness and weakness, the interlocutor is an energy vampire.

What are energy vampires?

All energy suckers are divided into two main categories, represented by solar vampires and lunar vampires. Let's look at them in more detail.

Solar vampire, what is he like?

The main signs of a solar vampire are their constant manifestation of aggression, anger, apathy or nervousness. In this case, when a vampire needs energetic support from another person, he creates a scandal, consciously trying to bring his victim to a feeling of irritation and indignation, because the emotions released in this case are his main “food”.

At the same time, the solar vampire is not at all worried about the fact that he constantly receives powerful shares of negative energy and emotions (after all, what else can a person release during quarrels) - he is happy about this too.

It should be noted that this type of vampire is not inclined to quarrel with everyone - they choose a victim who is energetically weaker than themselves, who will not be able to give them a worthy rebuff.

Where can you find such energy pumps? You don’t need to go far, because they become:

  • hot-tempered and picky bosses;
  • harmful mothers-in-law;
  • grumpy mothers-in-law;
  • neighbors are always dissatisfied with something.

This list can be continued indefinitely; you can analyze your surroundings yourself to understand where that insidious vampire (or even vampires) is hiding.

You probably already understood the main principle of the solar vampire - he must dominate his victim. Who is most often the victim? A worker who is afraid to stay on the street, a daughter-in-law who is madly in love with her own husband. It is due to such blind powerlessness that the release of energy is provoked, which is subsequently consumed with pleasure by vampires. Having drunk on vitality, the bloodsuckers calm down, but only so much until they feel that same thirst again.

It is not at all surprising that solar vampires love to attend funerals, enthusiastically read information on the Internet about various accidents, or review crime chronicles - they come to secret delight from seeing other people’s problems.

How to deal with a solar vampire?

How to prevent a vampire from being saturated with his life force? Of course, the most ideal option is to stop contacting him. But sometimes such a way out is not possible, then learn to adapt to this energy pump.

  1. First of all, remember the nagging with which a vampire most often clings to you. For example, a vampire boss may blame you for constant errors in reports, systematic delays, disputes, and so on. The vampire mother-in-law will not miss the chance to notice that her daughter-in-law does not cook well enough, sleeps a lot in the morning, and her apartment is not so clean...
  2. When you see that the vampire (energetic and emotional) is “turned on,” make a completely innocent face and name all the troubles and shortcomings that are attributed to you. It is important that you do this before open conflict begins.

Therefore, innocently bat your eyes and tell your boss something like this: “Yes, Marya Alekseevna, I myself can’t imagine how you can work with me. I’m late all the time, sometimes I make mistakes in my work. And I’m nervous about everything...” and continue like that.

If your mother-in-law annoys you, then you can say the following phrase: “Really, mom, I can’t imagine how my husband can still tolerate me? My cutlets are burning, or my apartment is not clean. But I wouldn’t fix the situation, so I sleep until lunch...” In general, the meaning has probably already become clear to you.

What will the vampire's reaction be? At first, of course, as expected, he will fall into a stupor, then he will begin to agree with you. And in the end, he will also come over to your side. Carry out this manipulation several times and you will get rid of the bloodsucker forever. But the manifestation of aggression, on the contrary, is extremely undesirable, because this way you will only introduce the vampire into a state of excitement.

don't react to the vampire

If suddenly you get a particularly persistent solar vampire and the indicated method in the fight against him does not help, act differently. Use the self-elimination technique. When you see the beginning of provoking you into a scandal, instantly come up with a million reasons to leave the room and get rid of the vampire.

Under no circumstances should you start getting involved in a conflict - you won’t see how you get started, because energy vampires are masters at removing other people from a state of internal balance.

How to recognize that this is a lunar vampire?

This energy sucker is characterized by constant whining and complaints about life. He is a kind of loser who could not achieve success in life either in the field of work or personal relationships.

Moreover, in appearance, a lunar vampire can look quite sweet and friendly and you can perceive him as your best friend. But when you meet him, he begins to burden you with his problems and brings you to a state of inner emptiness. It is difficult for you to stop communicating with such a person, since in such a situation you will feel selfish.

You can meet such individuals all the time, and they are often quite well-settled in life. Due to the fact that they always complain, they are indulged by both their family and colleagues.

Often, in order to cope with the endless stream of whining, those around them try to provide the lunar vampire with their help - for example, if he complains about the lack of money, then they lend him a certain amount. Are you whining about not having a job? They help you find a suitable position. They also help the energy pump raise his children, repair his car, and furnish his apartment. Is it possible to suspect that the poor fellow, whose eyes are always filled with tears, is brazenly feeding on your personal energy?

On the contrary, he legitimately acquires the title of sufferer and, on the same basis, regularly enjoys your support, both physical (financial) and energetic. Although he often just needs your vitality. Please note that such an individual does absolutely nothing to improve his life!

the moon vampire is an eternal victim

Often, lunar vampires disguise themselves under the guise of irresponsibility. Remember your neighbor who always borrows beets or potatoes from you, explaining that she forgot to buy them. Or maybe the energy pump borrows money from you, but is in no hurry to give it back, all the time making promises that it will return everything soon. This way he receives even more of your energy and emotions.

Effective fight against the moon vampire

How can you protect yourself from this scoundrel who steals your energy? Surprisingly, a very large percentage of people do not even seek to somehow protect themselves from lunar vampires, because they simply do not realize the full scale of the problem. And constant fatigue and headaches can always be attributed to magnetic storms.

If you have identified a lunar enemy in your environment and want to eliminate it, then act!

  1. The best defense against a moon vampire is his own weapon. Which means just ordinary boring and annoying whining. For example, as soon as a vampire starts telling you about his child with a bad character, and you immediately interrupt him and start saying with a sad look that he (the vampire) is lucky, then you have much worse problems. Your child (spouse, mother-in-law, anyone) does this...

You can be sure that after a few minutes the vampire will do everything possible to stop contact with you and will begin to look for a more compliant donor.

  1. Under no circumstances should you be fooled by complaints or follow the lead of such a person. Practice the mirroring technique. If the vampire constantly needs your help, then start pestering him with the same. Wants to have a heart-to-heart conversation with you for hours? Imagine that the energy sucker is your best friend and start telling him your life in detail so that the vampire cannot get a word in edgewise.
  2. Abstraction is another working method. You can simply stop any connections with the lunar vampire. And then he will be forced to search for another, new victim. At the same time, get rid of the feeling of guilt, because you don’t have to be someone else’s vest or consolation forever.

Defense against attack

After we learned about this phenomenon and how to identify an energy vampire, it’s time to learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones. Try not to enter into an open and aggressive conflict with a vampire; he deliberately provokes you to display emotional reactions. During a heated discussion, do not look him in the eye - it’s easier to drain the energy.

Reject communication with potential losers, or rather, with those who constantly complain about life and reproach their unfortunate fate. Do not be afraid of being judged that you are ruthless and do not know how to sympathize with others. These eternal whiners need your life energy, and the one who really needs help will never complain and will smile when they meet.

When it is impossible to avoid contact with an energy vampire, cross your arms and legs when talking to close your own chakras. Mentally build barriers from such people, imagine a high wall that protects you from attack, or imagine that you are moving into a glass flask and communicating with a vampire through thick glass, where he cannot penetrate. Remember, your energy cannot be taken away when you are in a balanced state.

In conclusion, to avoid becoming a vampire or being attacked by one, do not allow negative emotions to fill your life. Constant irritability and anger produce certain chemicals in the body that are addictive. And soon we ourselves will need recharge. Don’t become an eternal irritant, don’t join the gray mass of humanity. Life is beautiful and successful for those people who are filled with positive emotions and optimism.

How does a donor feel after communicating with a vampire?

A person whose energy has been taken away can recognize a vampire by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • exhaustion;
  • fatigue;
  • irritation;
  • feelings of inner emptiness;
  • confusion;
  • a person loses the ability to enjoy anything;
  • apathy to everything that happens;
  • former priorities and goals are reduced;
  • vital energy is gradually depleted;
  • a person may feel that he is being secretly manipulated and controlled;
  • possible onset of depression.

communication with a vampire is debilitating

Based on these manifestations, you can establish that you have come into contact with an energy vampire and it is advisable to minimize communication with him.

How do I know if I'm a vampire?

A vampire is a person who is emotionally dependent on people and events. Vampirism awakens in you if:

  • you begin to experience withdrawal symptoms due to the absence of certain emotions in life;
  • you feel empty and have an irresistible desire to call your friend and tell her how bad you feel;
  • a lack of energy appears and the thought comes that you need to start a relationship with someone;
  • a lack of vitality appears, and you provoke scandals out of the blue, causing strong negative emotions in loved ones;
  • I want to tell someone the “truth”;
  • it seems important to you to discuss someone, to speak negatively about his activities.

Strong scandals and a storm of negative emotions from surrounding people give the vampire a wonderful mood and well-being. Stressful situations do not exhaust the vampire, but, on the contrary, cheer him up and he begins to help everyone. You can easily track your vampirism.

For example, if you are about to tell an important “truth” about someone, and your interlocutor replies that he does not want to discuss it because it is undignified. The vampire will certainly become worse, because he was not allowed to be filled with negativity. Or if you are talking about difficult events, but your interlocutor does not react at all. The vampire will definitely go berserk, because his next manipulation has failed. At the same time, he himself will not understand what irritates him so much.

How to recognize a vampire: 13 signs

1. They love to evoke compassion and pity from others - this gives them great nourishment 2. They feed through negative attention to themselves: they like to provoke quarrels and fights around themselves 3. They are deceitful and insincere with people 4. They hit at the most unexpected moment, when you are weak and not ready to answer

5. Creating a feeling of guilt in us is their favorite form of attack (this is how they feel their power) 6. Whatever you reveal to them, then they will turn it against you 7. They do not trust anyone, they are always very suspicious 8. They are always in need to feel something, and because of this they are looking for extreme sports and adrenaline rushes 9. They want to win everywhere and at any cost, thinking: “Only I am always right, and you are wrong” 10. Most of them live in fear that supposedly everything want to take away their energy 11. Many skillfully hide their aggression 12. They like to manipulate people in order to feel needed and loved 13. They are attracted to open people and those who have no personal boundaries

To conclude the topic:

  • Energy vampires are people who consciously or unconsciously take other people's life energy.
  • Energy suckers are divided into solar vampires and lunar vampires (the method of taking energy differs).
  • After communicating with a vampire, a person feels exhausted, even physical manifestations are possible (gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, pressure surges, and so on).
  • You can protect yourself from a vampire if you do not come into contact with him or know the methods of eliminating him (they differ for solar and lunar vampires).

Finally, I advise you to watch the thematic video clip:


Why should you give up vampirism?

To be a vampire means to be dependent and to give up inner freedom. The energy hole inside a person is constantly growing and even more victims and scandals are required to satisfy it. A vampire is an emotionally dependent person who almost never thrives, and if this happens, the vampire lives in constant fear, since he lacks the internal resources to create abundance and prosperity.

A vampire will never be able to improve himself and turn into a healthy, holistic person. But this is precisely the main goal of each of us. Vampires always feed their victims, they constantly think, analyze, discuss the lives of other people, keep track of what happened and to whom. A person pays most of his attention to himself, his desires, his goals and intentions, and only a small part of his attention is paid to the embodiment of his ideas and building relationships with people.

If any of these points seemed familiar to you, and you had the courage to recognize destructive programs in yourself, then this in itself is an important realization, a starting point on the path to liberation. Take a close look at your life and find the holes that are draining your vitality. Stop judging, chattering, worrying, and rushing. Let go of the past, start living today. Over time, your integrity will return to normal, and you will understand that being a vampire is not at all interesting, you will be surrounded by positivity and abundance.

Collecting energy from a person, how to protect yourself

We will look at several rules that will not only keep your energy intact, but also protect you from any outside influence.

  • If you understand that a person is an energy vampire, then try to avoid him by any means. You can simply not answer his calls, interrupt communication at the moment when he is trying to somehow influence you, and so on. In cases where breaking contacts is impossible, then remain calm and aloof during moments of his hysterics or complaints. As soon as the vampire notices that his game does not penetrate you, he will immediately stop trying to break through your psycho-emotional barrier;
  • Nature has endowed us with innate methods of protection - cross your arms over your chest or cross your legs. This pose makes you as closed as possible energetically, so you won’t be able to break through into the cocoon of energy vampire;
  • Maintain harmony within yourself first. Remember that a person who is calm inside creates such a stable force field around himself that it is simply impossible to influence him. There are many different teachings whose representatives promote such peace of mind, for example, the Freemasons. Only the weak vampire the energy of other people; they are unable to influence a person who is as strong as a stone inside;
  • If we are talking about entities, then various bioenergy sessions will help you here. For example, cosmoenergetics copes with this task quite successfully, in addition, there are many means that can strengthen the protective shell and make it immune to the suction of foreign creatures;
  • The same sessions can also help in the fight against targeted external influences. Many of them, by the way, allow you to reflect the negative impact back on the sender. And one more point that needs to be highlighted: you have already read how a witch takes energy from a person, so think several times before going to someone dubious. It is quite possible that instead of achieving any goal, you will only get disappointment and an even greater pile of problems.

What kind of people become vampires?

In principle, under certain circumstances, almost all people are capable of starting to feed on someone else’s energy - for example, if they are sick or under severe stress. This is easily explained - in the presence of serious physical or mental problems, natural restoration of a person’s energy is impossible. This is some kind of disturbance in the energy state, which normally goes away after recovery or when a stressful period of life ends.

But there are exceptions to the rules - individuals who become chronic vampires. Such people are very attracted by high social position, so they strive to achieve such a position. Their ego is greatly pleased by the fact that other people are dependent on them; they love it when they are approached with requests and they have the right to refuse.

In addition, sooner or later, symptoms of energy vampirism are encountered by people who are unable to solve life’s difficulties on their own and systematically involve others in their affairs. They ruin both their own and others' lives. Also included in the risk category are individuals who often suffer from negative emotions, since over time they get used to being fed by the negative emotions of other people.

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