Basic principles of applying facial makeup

Female beauty has long been considered a great treasure of humanity. For the sake of beautiful ladies, knights fought duels, Russian poets died in duels, and modern men are ready to move mountains. But what to do if natural beauty does not suit a girl? Maybe the eyelashes are not long enough, the lips are too narrow or pale, or there are skin imperfections? How to correct genetic flaws? It's simple: makeup will always come to the aid of a girl.

There are a large number of types of decorative makeup:

  • evening;
  • day;
  • everyday;
  • fashion, etc.

Daytime makeup

Each type is used in a separate case. Most often, modern women use daytime makeup in everyday life, allowing them to remain beautiful, especially before a long working day.

Daytime makeup: description, features, difference from evening makeup

Daytime makeup should be designed for natural bright sunlight. Its main characteristics should be softness and naturalness. The goal is to give the skin a well-groomed, healthy appearance.

One of the important elements of makeup is facial skin tinting, for which various products are used, both dry and liquid.

Important! You need to know your skin type and the type of decorative cosmetics product that suits it. For example, people with dry skin prefer to purchase liquid makeup products. The lines of matte shadows must be “fitted” into the natural boundaries of the eye - this is a feature and distinguishing feature of daytime makeup from evening makeup.

Also the difference is:

  • The number of corrective pencils and sticks used.
  • The difference in the intensity of the coloring pigment in the base of the shadows, their structure.
  • Lipstick tone, which also needs to be selected individually for each style.

When choosing one or another daytime makeup, you should take into account the characteristics of the person himself. According to experienced stylists, it can be judged that blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women, and redheads have their own individual characteristics; skin tones can react differently to a particular shade of eye shadow, lipstick or powder. In this regard, when choosing decorative cosmetics and an image for a weekday, there is a need to choose those colors that will interact well with skin color. In some cases, you can note options when the same girl, after changing her image and dyeing her hair, is forced to radically change the color palette of her cosmetics.

Step-by-step algorithm for creating daytime makeup

How to properly apply makeup on your face at home: step by step

There are a large number of different schools where they can teach you how to choose the right palette, tell you about all the shades and help you choose the right brand of cosmetics. You can also get all the necessary information from books and thematic magazines.

Classic day makeup

First of all, beginners should familiarize themselves with the step-by-step algorithm that will allow you to create classic daytime makeup.


Just as the foundation is important for a house, it is recommended to create a good base for a high-quality make-up. This is a decorative cosmetic product, the use of which is aimed at improving and evening out skin tone, masking redness, moisturizing dry skin, filling and hiding skin unevenness. All this prepares the face for applying other decorative products. In addition, thanks to the basic products, the daytime make-up remains unchanged for a long time (from 5 to 6 hours).

There are a large number of different classifications for this product. The base can have a cream or gel structure, come in the form of sticks used to mask severe redness and inflammation, and also as a powder. Among liquid base variations, primers and fluids are widespread.

On a note! Using basic products, you can moisturize, correct, or mattify your skin. For application, it is best to use a damp or silicone sponge or a regular brush (most often it comes with expensive liquid products).

Tone and powder

Concealing foundation products are applied over the base. There are a large number of types of products that can also be used to sculpt or fix makeup. Among the products presented, you can choose the option that suits your skin. This could be: foundation, powder, concealer.

Daytime makeup for a brunette

There are 6 types of foundation:

  • Camouflage (used in case of pronounced imperfections, for example, scars or scars).
  • Foundation cream (the most popular product for applying makeup at home).
  • A skin care cream with a toning effect (slight skin smoothing effect, good for summer).
  • BB cream (a cosmetic product that includes masking, caring and healing properties).
  • Mousse\soufflé (the foundation product has a whipped structure, which makes it easier to apply to the skin).
  • Cream powder (being initially creamy in texture, when it comes into contact with the skin, it becomes a light powder).

Powder is a powdery foundation product that has been known for a long time. With its help, you can mattify skin prone to oiliness, even out skin tone and disguise minor flaws. The powder is also used to fix make-up. Products are available in the following types:

  • crumbly;
  • compact;
  • in the form of balls.

By using multi-colored balls and mixing pigments, you can achieve the most natural skin color.

For your information! It is recommended to first apply concealer to all problem areas, then apply foundation.

Experts advise using a sponge or brush for application and blending. For proper distribution, foundation should be applied along muscle lines and hair growth.

Day make-up

Daytime makeup includes eyebrow tinting. The main trend can also be seen here - natural tones. In this regard, the shade of the eyebrow pencil should be discreet and richly combined with the color of the eyes.

How to do eye makeup

Daytime eye makeup is important to complete the entire look. As a rule, this is the part that is isolated. This is done so that the face does not look pale. In order to choose the right shades of eye shadow, you need to take into account both eye color and hair color.

For those with brown eyes, it is preferable to apply beige, peach and gray shadows to the moving eyelid. Those whose eye color is blue are advised to pay attention to the style of the daytime cosmetic procedure using pastel colors: white, pink, gray. Green eye color should be applied to the skin of the eyelids as a daytime make-up. Shadows of chocolate and bronze shades can be diversified with copper tones. For girls with gray eyes, cream, sand, milky colors and their shades are suitable for daily use.

For your information! It should be noted that in nature there are combinations of different eye colors, for example, it can be gray-blue or gray-green. In this case, you can use shadows shown in both one and another monocolor.

For accurate, complete application of pigment to the skin of the moving eyelids, it is best to use special sponges or cosmetic brushes.


Using lipstick to create a natural shade for a weekday look is important. As practice shows, not everyone can choose the right shade of lipstick for themselves. One way is to select based on skin color. For example, if your skin is pale, then it is better to use lipstick of wine, plum color, or light pink shades. It is recommended to choose muted tones. On people with dark skin tones, coral-colored lipstick will look organic; you can also opt for brown shades, peach and burgundy. Fresh skin with a pink tint allows you to use cool tones of brown, plum, and dark pink.

When creating daytime makeup, you must remember that the main condition is naturalness. This means that you need to apply makeup in such a way that only one area of ​​the face stands out: the eyes or lips. It is best to highlight the eyes.

How to prepare your skin for makeup: 5 steps to the perfect make-up

“The secret of good makeup is prepared skin” - this is, in fact, what most makeup artists hammer into their heads in their courses. The statement is true, no doubt. A layer of cosmetics should “sit” like a second skin, and not lie down in pieces, like a mask, and float away after a few hours. It is possible to achieve infusion without any courses - the main thing is to follow it correctly and everything will certainly work out.


Even if you just woke up and think that your skin is clean, you are mistaken, and very much so. Even at night, dust, dirt, and grease accumulate on the surface of the epidermis. It’s not for nothing that when waking up, the face of many girls shines like an oil pancake - the sebaceous glands work even at night. Add to this the summer or the heat in the apartment and multiply their activities by two. Cleansing before applying makeup is best left to foam. It refreshes perfectly and removes all impurities!

Applying toner

We realized that without toner, daily care can turn out to be a waste, so we won’t ignore it when applying makeup either. If you take an acid toner, then, in addition to removing residual dirt and softening the skin, it will remove dead skin cells and flaking. Therefore, any foundation will lie as if it is not on the skin. It’s very pleasant to see and not feel the effect of a mask on your face - wrinkles immediately become invisible.


Let's get straight to it after the toner. It doesn’t matter whether your skin is dry, oily, normal or combination – you need to moisturize it before applying makeup. A moisturizer can make the skin even softer and more supple, increase its elasticity, add radiance and ensure even application of foundation. No miracles - just pure chemistry.

Lip scrub

Many girls completely forget about it, although it is a very useful thing. Blood immediately flows to the skin of the lips, they become softer and look smooth. Dead cells are also removed, which means that any lipstick will fit as you need and will look perfect. After the scrub, it is recommended to apply a primer - it enhances the brightness of any lipstick and gloss, also prolongs their durability, prevents pilling and the appearance of cracks. If you haven't tried using lip primers yet, now is the time to do so.

Primer for face

It's better not to wear makeup at all than to do it without a primer. It evens out the surface of the skin, provides perfect coverage and prolongs the durability of makeup. Some primers additionally care for the skin: nourish, moisturize, protect from the sun, regulate sebum production, and disinfect. Find your perfect primer and make it a habit to always apply it before your foundation. The “BEFORE” and “AFTER” results will pleasantly surprise you.

What daytime makeup might look like

Makeup for green eyes and dark hair

Not only the shadows for daytime makeup, but the makeup itself as a whole will depend on the girl’s hair color. There are two main options to consider: for a blonde and for a brunette.

For blondes, stylists recommend using delicate shades: pearl, champagne, you can use a golden palette or peach. First of all, light, shining shadows can be applied to the skin of the moving eyelid, this will give the look a little zest.

Daytime makeup for a blonde

When the first layer is done, the second stage begins. At this time, using a special brush, the pigment is applied along the orbital fold and shaded. At this stage, you can use golden or pink shadows. Next comes the turn of the eyelashes. It is recommended to lightly cover them with mascara; you can use brown shades. The whole look is complemented by light blush, and it is advisable to cover the lips with a tint or tinted balm.

In the case of brunettes, everyday make-up will look different. In the case of a classic brunette with fair skin and dark eyes, stylists recommend using lips as an accent (this is the main difference from cosmetics for fair-haired girls). The procedure begins with applying base and foundation. Next, a neutral pigment is applied to the skin of the eyelid using a sponge or brush, depending on the color of the eyes, for example, light sandy tones. Next, the eye is slightly highlighted with a thin line of eyeliner. For lips, terracotta shades or classic red are best.

A beautiful make-up will make you feel like a queen even on an ordinary working day.

Peace and quiet: don’t skip the base

Primers, primers, primers – the pros keep repeating that you can’t do without them. Makeup applies better, lasts longer, and looks fresher. Plus, a properly selected base will smooth out problem areas: narrow pores, mattify, etc. Despite this, many girls stubbornly continue to skip this important step. If you are one of them, then don't be surprised that your new foundation once again highlights all the imperfections.

Proven primers: with UV filter, moisturizing Hydrablur, Dolce & Gabbana; Dermalogica; for eyeshadow Eyeshadow Primer Potion, Urban Decay; oil Photo Finish Primer Oil, Smashbox; for shine Source Marine,Thalgo

Hirst Shkulev Publishing

This is interesting: Makeup for graduation 2020 for green eyes 2019

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