Elena Zakharova lost phenomenal weight after giving birth

Actress Elena Zakharova became a mother

Elena Zakharova

Photo: Boris KUDRYAVOV

A few days before the joyful event, Elena Zakharova still appeared in society, attended premieres of new films and shared with journalists how happy she was that she would become a mother again. But she refused to say who the child’s father was. She only hinted that she had finally met her man and wanted to spend her whole life with him. And today, December 8, it became known that the actress became the mother of a daughter. Elena feels well and accepts congratulations from her family and friends.

“It’s true – my daughter was born. I am very happy! Thank you to everyone who believed and prayed for me,” Elena shared with Hello. It has not yet been reported what Zakharova decided to name her daughter.

Let us remember that six years ago the actress experienced a tragedy; her daughter Anna-Maria, who was not even a year old, died.

“It all happened on the day we were supposed to fly to France. Sometimes I think: what if we did fly away? The medicine there is completely different... But I drive these thoughts away from myself, I drive them away. We were at home, Mashenka had a high temperature, we called a doctor,” the actress said later.

The family called a paid ambulance, whose doctor made the wrong diagnosis and left the girl to be treated at home. When the parents called the usual emergency room, the moment was already lost.

“The ambulance arrived, the doctors immediately took my daughter to intensive care, for a long time they could not determine what kind of virus she had, then they put her into an artificial coma, from which she did not come out. I’m not a doctor, I can’t judge, but I don’t understand how this could happen in the 21st century. I don’t understand why they didn’t let me into the room, I don’t understand...” Elena recalls.

Elena's husband, businessman Sergei Mamotov, left immediately after the tragedy.

“He just said that we need to live separately, he told me to pack my things and leave. I sincerely loved him and for a long time I could not understand what happened or why. I dreamed about him almost every night for over a year. I really needed to talk to him, to explain. I absolutely did not expect such a blow from him. Thank God that there was work then, projects were coming one after another, this supported me. I came home, cried, couldn’t sleep, and in the morning I got up and went to work again. And you know, I was hoping for a meeting. It happened by chance in France, in Cannes, we had a chaotic conversation. But I felt nothing but pain from that conversation. It was very difficult for me. At the same time, I don’t hold a grudge against Sergei, I forgave him,” the actress later said in an interview.

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Svetlana Loboda

Hides the father of his second child

Until October 2014, the singer was in a de facto marriage with choreographer Andrei Tsar, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Evangelina. And in May 2018, the artist became a mother for the second time, but it is unclear who the baby is from. Until now, Svetlana is ready to easily talk about pregnancy and childbirth in every detail, but she ignores questions about the father of one-year-old Tilda.

Anna Sedokova

Hides the father of the third child

Anna Sedokova is a mother of many children; she has three children: daughters Alina and Monika and son Hector. The singer does not admit from whom she gave birth to her youngest, although she once mentioned that she met her son’s father at the RU Prize. TV in 2020. There is a version that we are talking about businessman Artem Komarov.

The father of the artist’s eldest daughter is the late Belarusian football player Valentin Belkevich, and Sedokova gave birth to her second child, daughter Monica, from businessman Maxim Chernyavsky.

Agnia Ditkovskite

Hides the second child and his father's name

After their divorce in 2020, Agnia Ditkovskite and Alexey Chadov maintained a warm relationship and are raising their son Fedor together. The actress does not comment on her personal life, but, according to rumors, she already has another family. In April 2017, information appeared that the girl gave birth to a second child, allegedly from a man named Amir, originally from Tashkent. The star herself has not yet confirmed this information.

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Elena Zakharova

Hides daughter's father and her name

At the beginning of December 2020, the actress gave birth to a daughter. The baby became a long-awaited child for the actress. Zakharova’s firstborn, a girl named Anna-Maria, died at the age of eight months from an acute viral infection. Almost immediately after the tragedy, Elena broke up with the baby’s father, businessman Sergei Mamotov. Having regained the joy of motherhood, the actress is trying with all her might to protect her happiness, so in the near future we are unlikely to even learn the names of the two-year-old baby and her father.

Tatiana Navka

Gave birth to the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov

In 2010, the figure skater began secretly dating Dmitry Peskov, who was then still married to another woman. In 2014, Tatyana gave birth to his daughter Nadya, and only in 2015 did the happy parents get married. Actually, all these details became known only on the eve of the wedding, and before that they were kept in the strictest confidence. So, for a whole year the public wondered: who gave birth to the athlete?

Albina Dzhanabaeva

Gave birth to musician Valery Meladze

It all started even before the artist began singing in VIA Gre. In 2004, Albina Dzhanabaeva, an unmarried backing vocalist of Valery Meladze, gave birth to a son, Konstantin, but the girl did not disclose the name of her father. At that time, Meladze himself had been married to Irina Malukhina for 15 years, with whom he raised three daughters. In 2014, when Dzhanabaeva gave birth to his second son, Luka, Valery filed for divorce and married the singer.

Yulia Peresild

Gave birth to director Alexei Uchitel

The 35-year-old actress is raising 11-year-old Anya and eight-year-old Masha. Only in October 2020, Julia said that she gave birth to them from director Alexei Uchitel. Later, the 68-year-old director confirmed his paternity. By the way, he is still officially married to producer Kira Saksaganskaya, who gave him a son, Ilya, in 1992.

Eva Polna

Gave birth to singer Denis Klyaver

The singer did not immediately reveal the name of the father of her eldest daughter Evelyn, born in 2005. At that time, the lead singer of the “Tea for Two” group, Denis Klyaver, was married to his second wife, Yulia. Klyaver recognized paternity only in 2010. By that time, Eva had already given birth to a second daughter, Amalia, from businessman Sergei Pilgun.

Svetlana Khorkina

Gave birth to entrepreneur Kirill Shubsky

In 2005, in Los Angeles, the athlete gave birth to a son, Svyatoslav. But the fact of the birth of a child and the name of his father were kept in the strictest confidence for a long time. Only six years later it became clear that Svetlana gave birth to businessman Kirill Shubsky, the husband of the late actress Vera Glagoleva. Shubsky confirmed his paternity.

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The star of “Kadetstvo” Elena Zakharova continues to hide her pregnancy?

Rumors about the interesting situation of Elena Zakharova began to circulate more actively. Sobesednik.ru found out the details.

Having seen the star of “Kadetstvo” at one of the social events, actress Alexandra Rebenok began to congratulate her colleague on her pregnancy. Lena, noticing that those around her could hear them, changed her face. "Don't talk about it out loud!" – Zakharova was embarrassed.

“I believe that soon I will have everything!”

The star’s concern is understandable: in her life she had to go through many serious trials. Several years ago, at one of the festivals, Zakharova met businessman Sergei Mamotov. Their relationship developed rapidly: soon their daughter Anna-Maria was born. The then 35-year-old star was soaring with happiness. But family happiness ended in great tragedy: the daughter died in the ninth month of life. The girl's temperature rose sharply and she was admitted to intensive care. For five days the doctors fought for her life, but were unable to save the child. Elena Zakharova still cannot talk about her pain, which still lives in her soul.

“I’m a believer,” the actress admits. – And the Bible says that despondency is the greatest sin! Yes, sometimes there is such a state that you just want to sit down and meow. But I force myself to hold on as best I can, I work on myself.

The actress broke up with Mamotov. He unexpectedly accused his wife of spreading news about the loss of the child to journalists. After this, Zakharova does not like to talk about her personal life. She always comes to social events alone.

Changes in her figure were noticed back in June of this year. Then the actress began to wear loose dresses, and in some photographs she covered her stomach with her hands. Zakharova left the direct question from our correspondents about whether she is really in an interesting position unanswered.

“Everything is given differently to each person,” says the actress. – We can’t predict anything. I have something to strive for to be happy. There is a corner that, of course, must be filled. Naturally, I dream of family and children. I believe that soon I will have everything!

“I’m not a gay heroine!”

Despite her pregnancy, Zakharova does not leave work. She is currently filming a new television project called “To Each His Own.” The artist never hid it: from childhood she knew that she would become an actress. As a little girl, she spent a lot of time in dance classes, thanks to which she developed impeccable movement skills. And when after school the time came to choose a further path, Elena did not hesitate.

“It was still my mother’s dream,” the star smiles. “When she was young, she wanted to build an acting career. But it so happened that I met my dad early and they got married. Of course, dad was categorically against it. But, apparently, the dream was passed on to me, and so I made it come true.

Having entered the Shchukin School, student Zakharova quickly realized that she had chosen a difficult profession. And the teachers did not predict a dizzying career for her. But then they didn’t know that they were dealing with a very stubborn girl.

“I remember how our acting master, the famous actress Valentina Petrovna Nikolaenko, touched me,” continues Elena. “She said: “Zakharova, first you will play cute girls, and then charming grandmothers. You are a blue heroine." She meant that I have such a soft, romantic type. But I answer her: “I am not a gay heroine, and I will prove it!” At the institute, I specifically took on roles with sharp characters, pored over them for a long time, but still played them. Since then, I have developed flexibility as an actress. I can play both a positive and negative role. Even though when you play bad characters, it’s very hard on your soul, because it’s difficult to justify some of your heroine’s actions, but you have to do it.

Maya Ambre

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