How to teach your husband to give gifts: 6 tips from a psychologist

Tip 1. Fill your husband with love

A man sincerely gives gifts when he is overwhelmed with emotions of happiness. Awaken in him feelings associated with memories of the times when he fell in love with you and looked forward to the development of the relationship. Gift is the language of love. It is very natural for a man not just to say the banal “I love you,” but to put this feeling into material expression. “Provoke” your husband to give gifts by periodically having romantic conversations with memories of how your relationship began, what feats he performed for you, what gifts and surprises he gave. The pleasant emotions evoked by the theme “How it was!” awaken the romance that was present in your life before, and which still has a place in it to this day.

How to teach your husband to give gifts: 6 tips from a psychologist

The philosophy of giving, or how to receive gifts from men

My favorite topic as a writer and training author is the relationship between men and women. Therefore, I communicate a lot with readers and webinar listeners, listen to trainings of colleagues, and read thematic publications. In the process of comprehending all the information received, the impression was created that in the conventional world of women, that is, in some narrow segment represented by a certain type of woman, gifts are a measure of the quality of relationships. Moreover, the value of gifts in monetary terms among supporters of this concept is directly proportional to the strength of love.

In ancient times, when I started my career as a sex trainer, I was lucky enough to become the author of a super-popular course on intimate relationships, or more precisely, on the art of oral sex. This course was noticeably different from the information products presented on the training program market at that time. The reason for the extraordinary interest and phenomenal success of my followers is directly related to the topic of gifts.

One of the fundamental rules of relationships proposed in this course was the perception of the interaction of a loving man and woman as an energy exchange process. There is no mysticism or esotericism in this thesis. The concept of “energy” is successfully used by modern psychology and psychotherapy. But my understanding of this phenomenon is based on the philosophy of the Ancient East. Energy is vital forces closely related to the emotional side of life. Love relationships are one of the areas of energy exchange, which is based on the exchange of emotions and feelings. At the same time, emotions are a more vivid and short-term product of the psyche, generated by falling in love; they exist for only a few months, and feelings are a more even, calm, but long-term manifestation of the mental sphere; true love is based on them.

Now let's ask ourselves: how and why does gift giving happen?

For men, gifts are a sign that they have received energy from a woman. In simple terms, the man has experienced intense emotions and intends to reward the woman for her emotional gifts. This is gratitude to a woman for her ability to evoke a flurry of delight in a man. Any man without disturbances in the psycho-emotional sphere experiences a natural need to exchange energy in the form of emotions. The richer the personality, the wider the range of emotions: from sexual experiences to subtle spiritual emotions.

Emotional maturity is of great importance for the process of energy exchange . If the relationship between a man and a woman is reduced exclusively to intimate communication and does not undergo transformation over the years, then the personality does not develop. Of course, sex is an important aspect of relationships, but an adult does not live by sex alone. And if sex in a long-term relationship is the cause and effect of emotions and not feelings, then the individual is at a very young level, and in this case it is not a compliment. Sometimes you have to observe a sad picture when a man, who is in search of emotions and is not able to transform the emotional stage into a sensual one, changes one partner after another, but still does not find satisfaction. And such men gladly respond to their masculine joys with gifts for some time, and then, when the time of emotions passes, they stop giving, because they themselves cannot receive anything. But experiencing deep feelings is one of the most amazing pleasures for a mature person! And in one woman, as in one man, you can find the whole world!

Why do some women receive gifts and others not? In my opinion, there may be two reasons. The first reason is the lack of mutual understanding and different hierarchies of values ​​among partners. For example, a woman gave a man sexual emotions, and in return he gave her an equally unforgettable experience. The exchange took place. But it may happen that emotions and bodily experiences for a woman are not the equivalent of wasted vitality; she would like to have something material. Then it is important to voice this need to your beloved man. Men are not psychics! Sometimes they have to explain at length and in detail what seems obvious to women. There's nothing wrong with that! Telling your loved one that you would be pleased to receive a gift means making it easier for a man to understand the dark depths of a woman’s consciousness.

The most imprudent act in such a situation could only be to announce a price list or a list of required material assets. In this case, exchange turns into sale, relationships into trade, and love affairs into prostitution. Unfortunately, this is precisely the form that many authors of women’s trainings call for. This flawed stereotype has been instilled in women for a long time and quite aggressively, however, its outcome is clear: the collapse of the relationship sooner or later. However, trade relations can last a long time. But we are talking about emotions and feelings! By the way, if the contact between a woman and a man reaches a mercantile level, and at the same time the laws of exchange of emotions are violated, the sensual sphere is inevitably suppressed, and this leads to a decrease in libido, a lack of orgasm, then, possibly, to disturbances in the reproductive sphere of a woman and to various diseases of internal organs. But all you need to do to remain loved, healthy and happy is to simply preserve your natural ability - to respond emotionally to male attention!

The other side of the issue is that a woman wants gifts or returns in any other equivalent, expresses her needs to a man, but still receives nothing, not even thanks for his thirty-two orgasms and borscht with buns. If a woman steps over her needs and is ready to bear her erotic cross “free of charge, that is, for nothing,” this is her choice. There are two options here: end the relationship or not complain about the fact that they don’t give you anything. But forcing a man into the process of giving is manipulation. Another path to nowhere, described in detail by specialists in taking away material values ​​from representatives of the powerless sex, because it is impossible to forcibly wring out signs of attention from the stronger sex.

In the process of voluntary energy exchange, another strategic point is important: the art of accepting gifts. If the beloved goddess takes male sacrifices for granted, with an insipid demeanor, this means that the exchange of emotions has not taken place. And a man may lose the desire to exchange energy in this form. And if a woman radiates sincere joy, the man also experiences reciprocal vibrations, and a cycle of energy starts. He wants to give more and more in order to receive more and more emotions. Ultimately, a mentally healthy person does everything for his own pleasure, because he wants to, and not because he is obliged to do it.

The second reason for the lack of male gifts is the impossibility or inability to receive emotions and energy from a woman. If a warm wave does not arise inside in response to the presence of a woman, the energy exchange process does not start. Why is this happening? There can be many reasons. Firstly, many of our contemporaries, unfortunately, have a blocked sensory sphere. Society and the media impose “rules of masculinity” on men: “men don’t cry,” “a man must earn a lot of money,” and the like. As a result, men deny themselves the right to experience mental pain, cry, be weak, and therefore quickly die or plunge into the hell of alcohol or drug addiction. Men who have lost sensuality kill their natural ability to exchange energy. It is with them that you have to “sign agreements” about “love”. There is nothing healthy in such relationships, no matter how sad it is. But there are also sociopaths, men whose emotional sphere is completely suppressed! They are happy to buy pleasures below the belt, even from their wives, because other pleasures of a higher order are not available to them.

But let’s not discount women’s “contribution” to the absence of men’s emotions, or rather, on the contrary, the lack of an emotional response in men due to women’s emotional emptiness. If your beloved doesn’t want anything or simply doesn’t know how to give, why should she be rewarded? And if a man has no feelings for a woman for a long time, her feelings cease to be interesting to him.

At the end of the conversation about gifts, I would like to once again mention that famous course on intimate relationships. Many years ago, I told my listeners that the best way to receive gifts is to sincerely and deeply love a man, give him unique emotions and expect nothing in return. True love is the most precious thing in the world. It is for such rare gifts that a woman wants to return a hundredfold. Love each other and do not forget that, perhaps, in your youth, diamonds seem to be excellent friends, but in your old age you run the risk of becoming an unwanted, disliked person who has never learned the meaning of exchanging vital values.

Tip 2: Give a choice

When a man is imbued with an atmosphere of love, and he has a renewed feeling that there is a woman next to him whom he wants to give gifts again and again, consolidate the effect with specifics, even if you are a supporter of surprises. To make a gift please you, create a situation of choice without choice. Few men understand too transparent hints or poetic associations. Select several options for the desired gift, for example, three beautiful rings, three scents of perfume or three models of underwear, and tell your husband: “Darling, I liked everything so much, I can’t choose! Help me decide on the best option." Or go on a shopping promenade with him and go to a shoe store and try on a pair of boots. Walk in front of your husband with a flying gait, show that you have already found a gift for yourself and are madly in love with him. If you do everything right, he will want to look at you in these boots forever!

Method your sense of humor

According to various surveys, a sense of humor is consistently among the top five most attractive male qualities. It’s just a pity that men don’t always understand when to turn off the fountain of wit and turn on seriousness and/or sentimentality. Anyone who has received a pack of chewing gum in a Tiffany box as a gift knows how not funny it is.

For almost a year, my boyfriend “forgot” to bring a cool thing that he supposedly bought me for the New Year. In December, backed up against the wall, he gave me a dictionary of Russian obscenities. I am still looking for words of gratitude from him. Alina, 22 years old

What to do? Accept: there is no cure for this. And hope that someday your loved one will give you a diamond ring. Even if it's on a roll of toilet paper.

Tip 3. Allow yourself to be showered with gifts

Allow yourself to become a woman who wants not just to give gifts, but to give the best. Very often, men do not give gifts to those women who know how to be content with little - a bouquet of lilies of the valley instead of their favorite roses, a shopping bag instead of an Armani bag, a set of pots instead of a new dress. If we translate the relationship into a material plane, then a man is able to value only the “project” in which he invests his most expensive resources - money, time, attention. Therefore, if you consider yourself a diamond, let your husband choose a worthy “frame” for you, even if for this he has to sacrifice part of your family budget. Be a dear woman to him in every sense!

How to teach your husband to give gifts: 6 tips from a psychologist

Tip 4. Anticipate the gift by taking the necessary pause

An important part of the strategy for teaching your husband the art of giving you gifts is the anticipation of the gift. You did everything in your power - you eloquently hinted about your desires and indicated where and how these desires could be fulfilled. Now it's important to relax. Don’t remind, don’t ask for more and don’t ask again: “Well, when is it already?!” Let him develop a “surprise” plan. After all, this is exactly what you wanted. Therefore, anticipate the coveted gift in silence, without giving the appearance that you are already mentally its rightful owner. But if your husband has frequent memory lapses, then it’s better to “take him while he’s warm” and lead him shopping as soon as he’s ready.

Why manipulations don't work

Admit it, have you also thought at least once for a second that it would be nice to learn the art of manipulation? Of course, for the good - for the benefit of your personal life!

After all, we really want the man we love to become rich, to fulfill our wishes, to give gifts, and to carry us in our arms!

What's wrong with that? It would seem that this will only make things better for everyone.

At first glance, manipulative techniques look simple and logical. You just need to say the right words, perform special actions, build a certain model of behavior and - voila, you have subordinated the will of another person. Now he fulfills your every whim and does it of his own free will. Everyone is happy. Sort of.

However, no. It's not like that at all! The fact is that such “fail-safe” aggressive methods still have flaws and significant disadvantages:

  • The effect of manipulation is very short-lived. Agree, any normal person does not like being controlled like a puppet.
  • Almost 100% deterioration of relationships built on the principle of management and subordination.

Why? Will explain.

The thing is that manipulation is always based on tricks, insincerity, cunning and selfishness. We want to do good first of all to ourselves by subordinating someone else's will.

But in this case, the person will not be able to be happy next to you, will not be able to sincerely love you or treat you well.

Subconsciously, he feels your manipulations: he becomes uncomfortable, and sometimes even sick, next to us, at first inexplicable feelings of depression and depression arise, and then a complete desire to run away from you.

Yes, manipulation can work. It’s not for nothing that Denis Baiguzhin is so popular among a certain category of women. But it’s impossible to build real, sincere, and most importantly, long-term relationships with the help of manipulation.

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methods my students and I use to get a loved one back, establish and maintain relationships?
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Elizaveta Volkova

Tip 5. Return emotions

Don’t forget to express joyful emotions when your husband gave you exactly what you dreamed of. If you accept gifts as a queen does from her subjects, then it is unlikely that you will receive them often and from the heart. It is very important for men to take payment for a gift in the form of your sincere happiness. Therefore, like a child, rejoice at even the smallest gift, kiss it and say words of gratitude. The best compliment for a long-awaited gift will be your casually thrown phrase like: “Darling, did you notice how gorgeous my new fur coat looked on me? All your friends are jealous of your gift!” Unobtrusively show off your spouse's gifts to others in his presence. This way you will not only raise your husband’s self-esteem, but also motivate him to buy new gifts.

How to teach your husband to give gifts: 6 tips from a psychologist

Tip 6. Give your husband gifts

Show your husband your own example of skillful gift giving. Conduct investigative activities to find what thing, service or experience will make him happy. Introduce a tradition of mutual pleasant gifts with or without an occasion. Actions like this are the perfect motivator. They provoke a reciprocal gift of equal emotional value. However, never give a man something that is worth more than the price tag of the gift he gave you. You can either humiliate him by hurting his male pride, or turn him into a gigolo. A woman is always allowed to give non-material gifts in the form of a song, a dance, a romantic date, or a man’s favorite dish prepared with her own hands.

How to teach your husband to give gifts: 6 tips from a psychologist

Method No. 2. …make an impression

Often a man sincerely dreams of giving his woman a royal gift. In this case, wealthy noble men are guided primarily by price. And then the lucky one may find herself the owner of a painting by some modern genius of a brush or an expensive watch. But you can still survive this. But gigantomania, coupled with modest finances, gives a more depressing effect. A man so wants to give something worthwhile, like a new iPhone, that in the end he doesn’t give anything. There is no money for an expensive gadget, and it’s a shame to waste money on small things.

What to do? Such strategies are not very clear to women. We know very well that a good gift can be made on any budget. Therefore, be sure to praise your loved one in those infrequent moments when he guessed your desires. Emphasize that only a truly wise and enterprising man can remember everything and “see through people.” Then your loved one will go crazy, but will find out what kind of gift you are expecting on March 8th. And don’t forget to “talk it out” more often and give hints.

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