“I get vaccinated every year and don’t even get a cold!” In Mordovia, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Health were vaccinated against influenza and pneumococcus

What to do if you get the flu?

Regardless of what treatment your doctor has prescribed for you, you should definitely use the following methods of fighting the flu in parallel, which sometimes work better than any medicine. The first answer to the question of what to do if you have the flu is to rest! When you feel signs of illness and it is clear from the symptoms that you have caught either a cold or the flu, you need to reduce all unnecessary activity. This will free up additional energy for your immune system, which at this moment begins to go to war. Let him fight, and you lie down under the blanket.

Drink plenty of hot liquids. This will relieve nasal congestion, prevent dehydration, and reduce inflammation of the irritated linings of the nose and throat. Also, clean your nasal cavity regularly. Simply put, blow your nose instead of sniffing your stuffy nose. However, you need to blow your nose carefully, otherwise you can also get ear pain. The best way is to clear the nostrils one at a time, pinching them alternately.

If there is no high temperature, take a shower saturated with water vapor. The steam will moisturize your nasal cavity and allow you to relax. If you feel dizzy during the flu, turn on a hot shower and wipe yourself with a damp sponge.

Many people, remembering what to do if they get the flu, call the legendary Vietnamese “star”. Apply a small amount of this ointment under your nose to open your airways and reduce irritation of the skin under your nose. Menthol, eucalyptus, camphor - all these ingredients have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Gargle. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in warm water and gargle with the resulting mixture four times a day. To reduce throat irritation, try gargling with an astringent such as tea, which is high in tannins. Or use a thick, viscous rinse made from honey, which is indispensable in folk medicine. Remember, however, that honey should not be given to children under one year of age.

When you sleep, place an extra pillow under your head. The increased angle will help dry out the nasal cavity.


People often wonder: how many days does it take for the flu to appear after infection? After all, you can get sick anywhere during an epidemic. Without knowing about his infection, the patient can already become its source: neighing at other people. Therefore, it is so important to know what symptoms and how long it takes for the flu to appear.

Infection with the virus occurs through airborne droplets . You can catch the disease in a store or on a bus. It is possible to become infected even on the street. The smallest viruses fly out of the body of a sick person along with droplets of saliva when sneezing or coughing. In this state (outside the human body) they are able to exist for a long time. The most favorable conditions for this are: dry air, air temperature more than 20 or less than 5 degrees. Low humidity helps dry out the mucous membranes of a person's nasopharynx, which makes him more vulnerable to infection.

The virus enters a person through the respiratory tract

The virus enters the respiratory tract, where it begins its active action. Within a few hours it goes down, affecting the pharynx, as well as the lower respiratory tract.

How quickly the flu manifests itself after infection depends on the body’s resistance, the strength of the immune defense, and the type of viral infection.

What should you not do if you have the flu?

You should not go to work, or undertake any activity in which you will suffer from the flu on your feet. Also, if you have planned a flight, postpone it. Don't put additional stress on your upper respiratory system, which is what a change in air pressure will do to it. Flying on a plane with a cold or flu can damage your eardrums due to pressure changes during takeoff and landing. If you have the flu, you need to do everything you can to support your immune system, which means giving up bad habits, eating plenty of food and excessive physical activity.

It must be remembered that the flu is a serious disease, its course is always unpredictable. Meanwhile, doctors annually warn: even a mild infection can lead to tragic consequences. And if you do nothing at all when dealing with the flu, recklessly letting the disease take its course, then there is a high probability that the symptoms will intensify and this time you will lose the battle with the flu. Don't let this happen!

How to treat the flu in adults: 5 recipes without pills

During the season of colds and viruses, many people have a problem: how to treat the flu in adults? But for this it is important to know what kind of disease it is and why it is dangerous.

Influenza is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract that is caused by viruses A and B. In fact, there is no difference between these types of viruses for a particular person.

This division is relevant only from an epidemiological point of view. When we talk about virus B, these changes are moderate.

When it comes to virus A, they are significant, and a huge number of people become sensitive to it, that is, the immune system cannot cope with it.

And when the media report that an epidemic of some kind of severe flu is approaching, what is meant is not the severity of the virus being transmitted by any specific person, but the massive scale of infection.

But what is important for us is that both virus A and virus B infect the respiratory tract, and therefore the types of treatment are exactly the same, as with any other acute respiratory viral infection (of course, except for COVID-19).

If you are really interested in the question of how to treat influenza in adults, then this article is for you. We present to you 5 home-tested recipes for the treatment of influenza and its symptoms at the initial stage. But if you feel worse, be sure to consult a specialist for help.


1. Raspberries. To lower your body temperature, you can take advantage of the medicinal properties of raspberries.


Step 1. Take 1 tablespoon of dried raspberries.

Step 2. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over it all.

Step 3. Let this drink brew for 20 minutes.

Afterwards, you need to drink all this in full. In order to prevent a rise in temperature, drink this drink in the morning and evening for 5 days of illness.

2. Ginger. In order to treat the flu and the body to cope with the cold faster, you can help it with ginger tea: it will not allow the infection to develop further and promotes recovery.


Take a piece of ginger root, peel it and chop it finely. Then brew what you get in a glass of boiling water, you need to leave it for 20 minutes. If you wish, you can also add lemon, or a teaspoon of honey to taste.

If you drink a cup of this tea and sweat a lot while lying under a blanket, your body will be able to remove toxins. And this will improve your well-being and speed up the treatment of influenza in adults.

3. Pine decoction copes well with flu and fever.


Step 1. Use scissors to cut 3 tablespoons of pine needles.

Step 2. Pour everything into boiling water.

Step 3. Continue boiling the broth for 2 minutes. And let it brew for 2 hours.

Step 4. Strain the broth and take half a glass with honey 4 times a day.

Be careful! If you suddenly have kidney or urinary tract diseases, this method is strictly contraindicated for you.

4. Burdock. Using burdock leaves you can get an excellent antipyretic.


Step 1. Take 1 tablespoon of dry crushed burdock leaf. Then pour a glass of boiling water.

Step 2. Let the medicine sit for 15 minutes.

Step 3. Cool everything to room temperature and strain.

Take 1 tablespoon of warm infusion 4-6 times a day after meals. It is good to gargle with this infusion if there is pain in your throat, several times a day.

5. Garlic with milk.


Step 1: Finely crush 5 cloves of peeled garlic

Step 2. Stir everything in 1 glass of milk.

Step 3: Boil this mixture and let it cool.


Take 1 teaspoon several times a day. This “medicine” will kill all viruses in the body and help improve your health. Garlic may help treat influenza in adults.


Before treating the flu in an adult, you need to determine your condition. Flu is a respiratory disease. I would like to immediately note that mild forms of influenza are very difficult to distinguish from any other respiratory diseases. But severe and moderate forms have a clear clinical picture.

  1. This, of course, is an increase in temperature of more than 38 degrees or higher. In most cases, an increase in body temperature correlates with the severity of the further course of the disease.
  2. A very important symptom of influenza is pain in the chest, especially worse when coughing.
  3. When a person has the flu, specific changes occur in the oropharynx, such as a certain granularity. You are unlikely to discover this yourself. A doctor will have to see this and diagnose the flu. And then prescribe treatment for influenza to an adult or child.
  4. It is also worth noting severe aching of the bones and the whole body.

Based on these four symptoms, the flu can already be diagnosed. Of course, I would like to immediately draw your attention to one fact. Without professional medical help, you are unlikely to be able to distinguish the flu from severe and moderate ARVI. Therefore, if symptoms appear, I strongly recommend going to the doctor to confirm the diagnosis.


In the initial stages of flu treatment, you can do without medications, if possible. But if this is not possible, then take it seriously. Be sure to consult your doctors. Or at least with pharmacists.

In pharmacies on the shelves there are many different tablets for the flu, acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections. So what should we choose? How to treat influenza in adults? Let’s immediately put antibiotics aside, because the flu is a virus, and antibiotics are directed against bacteria, that is, they will not work 100% against viruses.

You should only take antibiotics if you have a bacterial complication, such as a sore throat or severe bronchitis. But you just need to be sure that it is a bacterial disease. In other cases, with the flu, antibiotics only weaken your immune system.

If you are interested in
how to boost immunity , then this article is for you.
Follow the link and learn 8 popular and effective recipes. Of course, when it comes to taking antibiotics, then in this case there is no self-medication! Never take them yourself. This way you can only harm yourself.

Since it is important to know which antibiotic you need, from which group. And only a specialist knows this, not your friend or neighbor.

You will find a lot of important information in the article Antibiotics and alcohol: compatibility and consequences.

To maintain the body during illness, you should take a double dose of vitamin C and D. Give preference to high-quality vitamins so as not to waste money. Otherwise, vitamins may simply not be absorbed.

And also be sure to follow the drinking regime. Drink enough clean water throughout the day. Approximate calculation: 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Moreover, at a high body temperature, it is important to drink even more liquid than usual.


  1. No matter how trivial it may sound, one of the main preventive measures is ordinary hand washing. Wash them often and avoid contact of dirty hands with the surface of your face: this will prevent viruses from entering your body.
  2. Vitamin C is not produced by our body, but only comes from food.
    And it is very important, as it increases the bactericidal properties of the blood and strengthens the immune system.
  3. Here is a far from complete list of foods that contain vitamin C: rose hips, sea buckthorn, sweet peppers, black currants, kiwi, parsley (greens), pomelo, orange, spinach, grapefruit, sorrel, lemon.
  4. Remember also about proper nutrition, because our body needs more than just vitamin C. Eat more vegetables and fruits, eat a balanced diet so that your body gets enough vitamins and microelements.
  5. Ventilate and moisten the room more often.
    You can humidify the room using a humidifier, and if you don’t have one, then it is advisable to regularly do wet cleaning and hang wet towels on the radiators.
  6. It is also very important not to neglect vaccination before the flu season begins.
  7. If possible, try to avoid large crowds of people.
    And if, nevertheless, this cannot be avoided, then try to use a disposable mask (remember that a disposable mask needs to be changed every 2-3 hours)
  8. Try to adhere to the regime: the body must fully rest and fully restore the strength it will need to fight the flu.
  9. If possible, give up bad habits.
  10. Try to exercise regularly.

Proper nutrition will also help you treat influenza in adults. Then your body as a whole will be strong and healthy. This means that he will not be afraid of any diseases, including the flu! Read more about this: proper nutrition for weight loss at home.

Be always healthy and beautiful! There is a lot of interesting information for you in the article on how to become beautiful, follow the link and blossom every day. Take care of yourself!

Source: https://kak-stat-krasivoy.ru/chem-lechit-gripp-u-vzroslyh/

Personal hygiene

To avoid contracting colds (including the flu), it is important to remember to regularly wash your hands with soap. The rule also applies to those cases when there has been no contact with other people all day. Alkaline water perfectly kills most types of pathogenic bacteria that cause colds and flu.

The disease can be transmitted not only through airborne droplets, but also through household contact. Therefore, special attention to personal hygiene will need to be paid after visiting a supermarket, traveling on public transport, as well as other places where you had to deal with banknotes, hold on to railings, door handles, and so on.

The influenza virus is able to retain its properties in textiles. What should you do to protect yourself? The answer is simple: wash outerwear, towels, and bed linen as often as possible.

If you have a runny nose, it is better to give preference not to fabric handkerchiefs, but to disposable paper ones. Immediately after use they must be thrown into the trash.

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