Valerian - guarding the peace of mind of expectant mothers

The healing herb valerian during pregnancy helps to cope with organic and psychological problems. You can use the medicine during the entire difficult period for a woman, but you need to know which form is safe for the unborn child. Before taking a mild sedative, you should consult a gynecologist monitoring your pregnancy. In some cases, alternative preparations with a complex composition are recommended - motherwort, mint or other natural ingredients.

In what cases is valerian prescribed to pregnant women?

There can be many reasons to use this drug. Firstly, under the influence of hormones, even the calmest woman’s general anxiety increases, so even the most ordinary event causes tears and worries, let alone real stress! Valerian is also prescribed during pregnancy for tachycardia (interruptions in the heart, rapid pulse), insomnia, increased uterine tone, irritability, fear, for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder, and painful Braxton-Hicks contractions in the later stages.

This medicine is also irreplaceable in cases where the expectant mother works or lives in stressful conditions or is generally prone to anxiety and suspiciousness, since emotional stress ultimately leads to physical stress, and this can harm the unborn child.

Valerian during pregnancy: benefits and possible harm

The raw material for the preparation of the medicine is the root of medicinal valerian. More than 200 useful substances were discovered in it. It is the combination of such components that allows you to regulate the functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the functioning of the heart and the proper distribution of energy.

The medication provides a complex effect on the body.

  • Calming. Valerian has pronounced sedative properties.
  • Painkiller. The drug provides a mild analgesic effect.
  • Cardiological. The medication reduces the activity of the heart rhythm and normalizes the condition of blood vessels. Thanks to these properties, anxiety is reduced and the heart rate is restored.
  • Choleretic. Valerian ensures sufficient production of bile and promotes its timely outflow into the duodenum.
  • Digestive. The medicine activates the work of the digestive glands. Secretion increases significantly. This allows you to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Hypotensive. Valerian has a vasodilating effect, which reduces blood pressure.
  • Anticonvulsant. The medication is able to eliminate convulsive conditions provoked by the use of analeptics, for example, caffeine.

In folk medicine, the range of uses of valerian is even more extensive. It is successfully used in the treatment of migraines, prescribed as a detoxification drug to suppress vomiting.

When is valerian prescribed to a pregnant woman?

Is it possible to take valerian during pregnancy? Doctors say that the medication does not contain toxic additives that can cause harm to the fetus. Therefore, the use of the medicine is quite acceptable if the doctor has compelling reasons for prescribing the medicine.

Typically, valerian during pregnancy is prescribed by gynecologists for the following conditions:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • intestinal spasms are non-inflammatory and non-infectious;
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • toxicosis;
  • neurasthenia, excessive irritability;
  • threat of premature birth or miscarriage;
  • for insomnia for good sleep;
  • gestosis (late toxicosis);
  • hypertension;
  • cardiac pathologies.

Features of therapy when carrying a baby

When faced with negative manifestations, the expectant mother should definitely consult a gynecologist. It is strictly forbidden to use valerian on your own. Indeed, along with its beneficial properties, it can cause serious harm.

Doctors focus on the following features of therapy.

  • In the early stages of pregnancy. Serious changes occur in a woman’s body. Hormonal levels are sharply disrupted. A pregnant woman experiences constant mood swings, irritability, and nervousness. She is suffering from toxicosis. But it is during this period that the organs of the future baby are formed. Therefore, valerian during early pregnancy, like other medications, is not recommended for use. But if it is not possible to cope with painful toxicosis, or the woman faces the threat of miscarriage in combination with emotional instability, then gynecologists prescribe a sedative. This way it is sometimes possible to reduce the tone of the uterus and prevent miscarriage.
  • In the 2nd trimester. At this time, the woman is already getting used to her new status. Her psycho-emotional background begins to stabilize. The use of valerian to improve the nervous condition of a pregnant woman during this period is no longer necessary. Gynecologists try to avoid prescribing sedatives at week 14, since the unborn baby’s nervous system is developing at this time. But if increased uterine tone is diagnosed, then valerian is prescribed to protect against premature birth.
  • At the end of gestation. In the 3rd trimester, the enlarging uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs. A pregnant woman experiences swelling, lower back pain, and possible disturbances in the functioning of some systems. The upcoming birth frightens a woman and causes nervousness, irritation, and sometimes even hysteria. Such conditions can be complicated by gestosis. During this period, the expectant mother is often prescribed valerian.

Sometimes valerian is contraindicated for pregnant women. The drug is not prescribed for enterocolitis, certain liver diseases, or depression. Do not resort to medication if a woman has an individual sensitivity to the herbal component.

The mechanism of action of valerian

Valerian roots contain a substance that enhances the body's production of gamma-aminobutyric acid. This acid is one of the powerful inhibitory mediators of the nervous system. Taking valerian inhibits the “stress” - sympathetic - system of the body, activating the parasympathetic. At the same time, the production of adrenaline decreases, the nervous system calms down, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, etc.

Valerian has several medicinal effects:

  • Choleretic;
  • sedative, hypnotic;
  • antispasmodic (relieves tension in the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system and uterine muscles, which helps reduce its tone);
  • dilates blood vessels, improving the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart;
  • relaxes the muscles of the diaphragm, making breathing easier during shortness of breath in the last trimester.


Despite the herbal basis of the drug, only a doctor should prescribe it to pregnant women; self-prescription is excluded. The medicine may be prescribed in the following cases:

  • threat of miscarriage (increased uterine tone);
  • late gestosis (in combination therapy with other drugs);
  • excessive nervous excitability;
  • stressful situations;
  • insomnia and other sleep problems;
  • migraine;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type (high blood pressure);
  • spasms of the gastrointestinal tract (in combination therapy with other drugs);
  • functional disorders of the cardiovascular system (in complex therapy).

Contraindications to the use of valerian in pregnant women

Despite its safety and beneficial effects on the body, valerian may be contraindicated during pregnancy. Such restrictions include the following diseases and conditions:

  • individual intolerance;
  • early stages of pregnancy (first trimester);
  • hypertension;
  • chronic enterocolitis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • threat of heart attack, stroke, antiphospholipid syndrome - since valerian increases blood clotting.

It is worth remembering that due to the sedative effect, taking valerian should not be combined with driving a car or performing work that requires accuracy and speed of reaction. If you drive every day, ask your doctor to prescribe you a different drug.

How does valerian work?

Extract of valerian officinalis (or “cat herb”) has a moderate sedative effect on the human body. The sedative effect is achieved due to the presence of essential oils and other biologically active substances in its composition.

Valerian extract helps expectant mothers maintain calm and good mood, and also prevents increased uterine tone

In obstetrics, this medicine is used as a herbal antispasmodic to maintain pregnancy if there is a risk of miscarriage or premature birth . However, valerian has, in addition to this, a number of effects:

  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system due to its choleretic effect;
  • reduces heart rate;
  • relieves headaches and migraines;
  • stabilizes sleep.

How should pregnant women take valerian?

While waiting for a baby, the best solution is pills. An alcohol solution for expectant mothers is prohibited due to the presence of ethanol in it, which is dangerous for the development of the fetus.

The optimal daily dose is 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment is usually 30 days, but sometimes the doctor may prescribe the drug for a longer period.

You can also drink a decoction of valerian root during pregnancy. To prepare it, take 2-3 tablespoons of roots, add a glass of hot water and boil for 15 minutes in a water bath. Cool the resulting infusion and dilute it so that the total volume of liquid is about 200 ml (1 glass). The decoction is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, 30 minutes after meals.

Exceeding recommended doses is undesirable, as this can lead to many unpleasant symptoms.

When can it be used?

It is recommended to use both herbal and synthetic medicines only as prescribed by a doctor. Independent and chaotic use in an uncontrolled dosage is contraindicated. Every woman expecting a child needs to remember this, even despite the fact that all grandmothers assure her of the absolute harmlessness of this or that drug. Or, despite the fact that she used this remedy while planning her pregnancy.

Doctors evaluate whether valerian can be used during pregnancy, based on the indications. It is prescribed for the diagnosis of the following disorders:

  • insomnia;
  • painful sensations in the heart;
  • spasms;
  • hysterical reactions;
  • stomach discomfort;
  • overexcitement;
  • migraine.

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Before prescribing the drug, it is clarified whether the woman has diseases such as hypertension, enterocolitis, hypersensitivity, or liver disease.

Features of taking valerian at different stages of pregnancy

The instructions for the drug say that its use is contraindicated in the first trimester. In practice, some doctors prescribe valerian in the early stages, with mood swings, severe toxicosis and the threat of interruption. It is completely safe if you strictly follow the doctor's recommendations: dosage, duration and time of administration.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, valerian is prescribed to relieve uterine tone.

In later stages, it is used to reduce anxiety before childbirth, treat mild gestosis, shortness of breath, and edema.

There are no special restrictions for the use of valerian at a gestational age of more than 14 weeks.

Early admission

In the first weeks, a sharp change in hormonal levels occurs, which leads to increased emotional lability, irritability, and tearfulness. A good mood, a feeling of happiness is replaced by depression. Apathy is replaced by hysterical laughter, the desire to laugh at everything. To stabilize the emotional state and restore calm, valerian extract is prescribed.

The drug is used as part of complex therapy that helps in the early stages:

  1. Reduce blood pressure. One of the main reasons for increased blood pressure is anxiety, anxiety, and overly emotional experience of events. The product helps to dilate blood vessels.
  2. Reduce the severity of toxicosis. The product helps to activate the glands involved in the digestion process and prevents the occurrence of bile stagnation.
  3. Reduce muscle spasms. Up to 12 weeks, increased uterine tone is diagnosed, pulling the lower abdomen. In this condition, there is a possibility of miscarriage. The substances that make up this medicinal root have an antispasmodic effect. In combination with other medications, they reduce the tension of the uterus and reduce the likelihood of its contractions. On the other hand, tone often occurs due to too much anxiety.

In these conditions, the doctor will assess whether valerian can be used in early pregnancy and decide on its advisability. Often this period itself is a contraindication for prescribing the drug. The danger is that at this time the placenta has not yet fully formed, and the active substance penetrates the fetus. It is impossible to predict what harm it can cause to an organism that has just begun to form. However, you should not be alarmed in advance if the woman used the product before the delay, and she did not know that she was pregnant.

If the expected benefit outweighs the harm, this drug is prescribed at any stage.

Other herbal sedatives during pregnancy

In addition to valerian, there are other sedatives that are also indicated for pregnant women. Moreover, valerian is rarely prescribed as the only remedy; it is usually used in combination with other herbs or medications. These include motherwort and hawthorn or a combination of them in various collections.

The healing properties of motherwort have been known to folk medicine for many centuries. During pregnancy, doctors prescribe it no less often than valerian. Motherwort also helps with uterine tone, tachycardia, shortness of breath, insomnia and high blood pressure. Expectant mothers can drink it in tablets or brew filter bags, which can be bought at almost every pharmacy.

As for hawthorn, its mechanism of action is slightly different from valerian and motherwort. Although hawthorn is often included in sedative preparations, its sedative effect is not so pronounced. The main beneficial properties of hawthorn: lowering blood pressure, antispasmodic effect, normalizing the functioning of the heart muscle. Hawthorn is also allowed for breastfeeding women, for whom most serious sedative medications are also not recommended.

But another popular sedative, peony tincture, is contraindicated for expectant mothers. And the point is not only that it, like most tinctures, contains alcohol that is not at all beneficial for the developing fetus. There is evidence that peony tincture can cause a threat of miscarriage; its effect on the body of women in an interesting position has been poorly studied, so it is better to postpone this remedy until another time.

Reviews about the use of Valerian during pregnancy

And in the maternity hospital they give phenazepam before bed, but this does not mean that it is useful. The entire European medical community has long banned valerian for pregnant women. In the housing complex they also force it on me from time to time, and when I asked if it was possible for pregnant women, since it was banned in Europe a long time ago, the doctor simply mumbled. My doctor, who works in a hospital, that is, a practitioner, not a theorist, strictly forbade me to drink it.


Doctors prescribe for everyone to take two or three tablets of valerian a day in the first half of pregnancy... This is good for both the mother and the baby... But other sedatives can lead to undesirable consequences, I know for sure that sedatives that contain mint and linden categorically contraindicated...

Nastya the prankster,

During conservation with my son, they gave it to me, but then I didn’t drink. Now I drink 3-4 pieces at a time when I get very nervous. Less doesn't work for me.


General characteristics of valerian

Valerian (or valerian extract) is one of the most widely used medical sedatives. This is facilitated by its availability, organic origin, ease of administration and the almost complete absence of side effects. In pharmacies it is presented in the form of coated tablets and alcohol tincture.

Mechanism of action

The medicine is an extract from valerian rhizomes and consists of the following active components and chemicals, each of which has its own effect on the human body:

  • valeopatriates and valeric acid - relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of internal organs that occur during nervous excitement, relieving pain and resuming their normal functioning;
  • resins, essential oils, organic acids, glycosides and other plant components have a complex effect - they dilate blood vessels and normalize the heart rate.

The general effect of valerian is to suppress the central nervous system, reduce the degree of excitability, and balance emotional reactions. It also promotes the onset of physiological sleep, which is why it is often prescribed for insomnia.

The effect of taking this medicine occurs gradually, but is quite stable.

In addition to sedative and analgesic abilities, valerian has a set of positive effects on the body : it activates the choleretic process in the duodenum, enhances gastric secretion and promotes digestion, improves blood circulation, promotes recovery from pneumonia, thyroid disease, scarlet fever and asthma.

Methods of administration

Depending on the form of release of the drug, the following methods of administration are distinguished:

  • Tablets are the most convenient and common method of use. There are packages of 20, 30, 60 pcs. It is in this form that valerian is most often prescribed during pregnancy.
  • Alcohol tincture is produced in small bottles of various sizes: from 15 to 50 ml. Like any other alcohol-containing drug, valerian is not prescribed in this form during pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

  • plant material is sold in pharmacies in crushed form, from which decoctions and aqueous infusions are prepared.
  • Scented sachets are a type of aromatherapy that are especially helpful for insomnia. It is necessary to place several of these bags of grass under the pillow, and sleep becomes deeper, and a pregnant woman falls asleep faster and better.

Despite its organic composition, valerian is nevertheless a medicinal product and should not be prescribed to oneself without consulting a doctor, especially to pregnant women. Most often, expectant mothers are prescribed 2-3 tablets per day. However, a significant effect of taking the drug can be observed only after 2-3 weeks. And if before this period a woman claims that the medicine calms her down immediately after taking it, then we are talking more about self-hypnosis (placebo effect).

Pregnant women are prescribed a sedative only in the form of tablets, decoctions or tinctures. As mentioned above, alcohol infusion is highly not recommended.

Side effects

It is important to remember the various side effects that can result from taking valerian. After all, this will allow you to quickly determine what exactly caused the woman’s health disorder. For example, side effects include:

  • Excessive sleepiness
  • A certain lethargy
  • New muscle weakness
  • Some slowing of psychomotor reactions

If the effect is too strong, a woman’s pulse may go astray - both in the direction of slowing down (bradycardia) and in the direction of increasing (tachycardia).

Valerian is not a panacea

Despite the fact that valerian is a natural product in its composition, it should not be taken without medical supervision, since the body may react to the drug in a completely different way than before pregnancy.

And in general, unless absolutely necessary, you should not take any medications while expecting a baby, as this can lead to sleep disturbances, headaches, irritability, nausea, and disruptions in the cardiovascular system and digestive organs. Pregnant women, like no one else, should take care of themselves, so all questions that arise should be resolved exclusively with a personal doctor.

Hundreds of medical studies have proven the safety of taking valerian during pregnancy. But do not forget that only moderate use of the drug will not negatively affect the development of the baby, so you should not overuse sedatives. It is not advisable to take even this harmless drug on your own; you should definitely consult a doctor if you think that there is a need to take a sedative. Only a specialist can suggest the necessary method of administration and dosage so as not to harm the baby.


A woman in an interesting position is often subject to increased excitability, nervousness and other psycho-emotional states. But during pregnancy, not all medications can be taken to calm down. Doctors often prescribe valerian to expectant mothers in order to relieve the pregnant woman from anxiety and insomnia that occurs during pregnancy (especially in the 1st and 3rd trimesters), which is associated with hormonal changes.

Is valerian safe for pregnant women?

Of course, you should not voluntarily prescribe any medications during pregnancy. You should definitely consult a gynecologist about all medications you take. Only a specialist can determine the need for the drug, weighing the possible consequences of taking it and determining the individual dosage.

Valerian is not classified as a toxic potent drug, therefore, among sedative medications, it is the 1st and safest medication that can be taken during pregnancy. In addition, valerian is a herbal preparation, for the production of which plant extract is used. Valerian is sold in the form of tablets, tinctures and drops; you can also find dried rhizomes on sale, intended for preparing decoctions.

Valerian during pregnancy is taken mainly in the form of tablets or decoctions. Valerian in the form of drops and tinctures is not recommended for use during pregnancy due to the presence of alcohol in them. But in situations where the preferred forms of the drug are not at hand, you can also use drops, which sometimes turn out to be more effective and faster-acting in terms of relieving nervous excitability. And in general, it is better to use valerian as a sedative rather than continue to be nervous, which is more dangerous for the unborn child and is fraught with irreversible consequences.

When and how is it advisable for pregnant women to take valerian

The instructions included with the drug indicate that the 1st trimester is not the most favorable stage of pregnancy when you can drink valerian. Although in practice, when the 1st trimester proceeds with the threat of miscarriage, gynecologists and obstetricians often prescribe pregnant women to take this drug, but only strictly following medical recommendations. In addition, the 1st trimester is characterized by sudden mood swings, toxicosis, and unreasonable fears, which can be dealt with quite quickly and safely by taking valerian.

The 2nd and 3rd trimester (as opposed to the 1st) proceeds more calmly, but can be complicated by increased uterine tone, which poses a real threat to the fetus. Therefore, for some time during pregnancy, you can take valerian to relieve uterine tone. As in the 1st trimester, mothers may begin to experience fear and anxiety about the upcoming birth. Then you can start taking valerian to eliminate excitability and stress.


Although valerian is allowed during pregnancy, it is still a drug that has a number of its own contraindications that must be taken into account when taking:

  • You should not take valerian if you have hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to its components;
  • Hypertension, chronic enterocolitis, glomerulonephritis are pathological conditions for which drinking valerian is also not recommended;
  • Since valerian increases blood clotting, it is prohibited for persons at risk of having a stroke or heart attack to drink it;
  • During pregnancy, you should not drink valerian in long courses exceeding 3-4 weeks, as the opposite effect may occur, or side reactions such as migraines, gastrointestinal and cardiac disorders, nausea, etc.

Based on many studies, experts have come to the conclusion that valerian during pregnancy is quite acceptable, it is a sedative, since it is not capable of having a negative effect on the fetus. But valerian should be taken in moderation and under medical supervision.

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Late appointment

Despite the fact that the baby will be born very soon, the number of problems causing concern for the expectant mother is increasing. The woman begins to be overcome by fears, doubts, and anxiety. She doesn’t know how the birth will go, what will happen to her baby and herself.

The condition worsens in the third trimester due to the inability to get enough sleep. Sleep disturbances are associated with the inability to take a comfortable position due to a large belly. The second reason is frequent urination. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, causing the woman to wake up periodically at night.

Many women expecting a child suffer from late toxicosis. The disease is characterized by increased blood pressure, swelling, and pain in the head.

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These phenomena cause increased psycho-emotional stress. Whether pregnant women can drink valerian in this condition is again decided by the doctor. It is believed that it helps relieve tension and calm. In turn, a decrease in tension leads to a decrease in fears, anxiety, and in some cases helps to reduce blood pressure in preeclampsia.

It is worth remembering that there is no need to reduce the tone of the uterus immediately before childbirth.

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