Main and auxiliary composition of erespal, release form

Erespal is produced in tablets and syrup, in fact, like its analogues.

The tablet form contains 80 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride (in one tablet), supplemented with glycerol, magnesium stearate, povidone, silicon dioxide, hypromellose and other excipients.

1 ml of syrup contains 2 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride. The syrup, like the tablets, contains auxiliary components: licorice extract, saccharin, vanilla tincture, glycerol (glycerin), potassium sorbate (potassium salt), methyl parahydroxybenzoate, water.

The syrup is transparent, but sometimes a sediment forms, the color is orange. One brown plastic bottle contains 150 ml of syrup (per 100 ml of syrup there is 200 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride).

The maximum concentration of the substance reaches the blood plasma after approximately 6 hours, then is excreted from the body mainly through the kidneys, i.e. with urine (90%).

Erespal can be stored in sealed packaging for up to 3 years, provided that the room temperature does not exceed 25°C. Opened syrup is used during treatment, so the shelf life of an opened bottle should not exceed 12 days.

The average price for Erespal is 350 rubles per tablet (80 mg No. 30) and 250 rubles per bottle of syrup (150 ml).

Erespal syrup for children - analogues, what can replace the drug

Children often get sick and special medications are used to treat them, allowing them to cope with colds and other diseases without causing damage to the body. The group of children's medicines also includes Erespal syrup. In this article we will talk about the features of this drug, what it treats and existing analogues that can be bought at an affordable price.

What does Erespal treat?

The drug Erespal is used for children's cough. With its help, uncomfortable symptoms and other manifestations of respiratory diseases are eliminated. The drug Erespal is prescribed for both wet and dry cough. It belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is produced in two forms, but babies are given only syrup. If a child has been prescribed Erespal, parents should learn more about the principle of its action, ask the doctor about side effects and optimal dosages for children. You should also inquire about analogues that can provide a similar healing effect.

Composition and action

The syrup is produced by a French pharmaceutical company; in Russia, its production is carried out by the Pharmstandard-Leksredstva corporation. In pharmacies it is presented in plastic bottles with a volume of 150 or 250 ml. The required doses are measured using a measuring cup.

The medicine is a clear liquid with a yellow or brown tint. During storage, a sediment may appear in it, which disappears when shaken. A plus is the fact that the drug is sweet, it has a honey-vanilla aroma and children like it.

The main component of Erespla is fenspiride; in syrups it has the form of hydrochloride. There are 200 mg of active substance per 100 ml of medicine. This means that from one milliliter of the drug the patient receives fenspiride in the amount of 2 mg. The list of auxiliary components of Erespal syrup includes licorice root (extract).

To prevent the drug from deteriorating and losing its liquid consistency, potassium sorbate, artesian water and several other ingredients are added to it. The syrup is sweetened by sucrose, and flavors of natural origin give it a pleasant aroma. But their quantity is insignificant (approximately 0.29 mg per 100 ml).

The drug Erespal relieves the inflammatory process, it acts directly on the cause of inflammation, and this is its main advantage in comparison with analogues. Similar drugs exclusively eliminate cough and promote sputum discharge.

Erespal syrup blocks H-1 histamine receptors. By binding to inflammatory activators, these receptors lead to the appearance of edema, which is how the body defends itself.

When H-1 histamine receptors are blocked, no matter how much histamine is synthesized, the body stops responding to provocations with edema.

Due to the action of Erespal, the release of biologically active components (arachidonic acid products, free radicals) that support inflammation is reduced. These substances, in addition to maintaining the inflammatory reaction, also cause a narrowing of the bronchi.

As a result of bronchial stenosis, little air enters the body, it begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen, and shortness of breath occurs.

Thanks to Erespal, which blocks the release of substances that support inflammation, narrowing of the bronchi is prevented. Alpha adrenergic receptors take part in the synthesis of difficult to separate sputum.

If Erespal acts on these substances, young patients do not have to suffer from phlegm.

The effect of the syrup is comparable to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticosteroids. But Erespal advantageously differs from them in the absence of side effects.

Attention! Erespal is not an antibacterial drug. They are not allowed to treat diseases that have developed due to pathogenic bacteria entering the body. But this does not mean that it cannot be used in complex therapy as an anti-inflammatory drug that relieves swelling and allergic reactions.

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Interaction with other drugs

If the baby is already taking some medications, then before starting therapy with Erespal, you should inform the doctor about this.

This drug should not be taken together with medications that have a sedative effect, as it enhances their effect on the central nervous system.

The manufacturer does not report incompatibility with other groups of medications. Erespal is often taken together with drugs from the group of mucolytics and antibiotics.

Russian-made analogues

To select cheaper erespal analogues, you can consider close substitutes from domestic manufacturers. Their prices are significantly lower, and the pharmacological composition of the medicine is not inferior to the main quality criteria.

The main prototypes of Erespal are shown in the table below:

SynonymCost in rublesInformation about the drug
Ambroxol40–100A cheap analogue of Erespal in the form of tablets, capsules and solution for injection. An effective mucolytic cough remedy used for respiratory pathologies. The drug is prohibited for use in case of allergic reactions, stomach ulcers, epilepsy, glucose intolerance.
Bronchorus20–50The active ingredient of the drug ambroxol has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect. The cheapest synonym for erespal. The medicine is prescribed for various inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs. Erespal should not be taken during pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), high sensitivity, inability to absorb fructose, or children under 12 years of age.
Mukolwan50–100A profitable replacement for a cheap analogue of erespal in tablets and ampoules for injection. Used for bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, tracheitis, laryngitis, sinusitis. Has restrictions on use: first trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance, stomach and intestinal ulcers.
Eladon250–300The composition of the medicine consists of the action of the main component fenspiride hydrochloride. Used to treat respiratory diseases of an inflammatory, infectious nature. Not recommended for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies, or children under 18 years of age.

Analogs of erespal for children

An analogue of Erespal for children should be selected exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the disease and its course. The most often prescribed for bronchial and pulmonary diseases are Erispirus (170 rubles), Ascoril (290 rubles). Dry cough is localized with Sinecode drops (355 rubles).

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on erispirus, since this drug can be considered as a substitute for erispal.

First of all, when it comes to the analogue of erespal in tablets, the most popular is erispius, which is a structural analogue of erispal.

General information about erespal and its analogues

According to the instructions for use, Erespal is a cough medicine. The active ingredient is fenspiride. Prescribed for bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat, pharyngitis, measles.

Erespal has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces swelling of the mucous membrane, helps to expand the lumens of the bronchi, thins and quickly removes mucus.

Available in the form of tablets and syrup. The active ingredient is fenspiride. Analogs of Erespal also contain this substance. This component has the following effects on the body:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bronchodilator;
  • antiexudative (eliminates increased vascular permeability and removes mucus from the bronchi and lungs during various inflammatory processes).
  • antiallergic.

It should be remembered that only a pediatrician should prescribe Erespal and its analogs to children.

Inexpensive analogues of Erespal containing fenspriride

  • Inspiron
  • Bronchomax
  • Amispiron
  • Forisad
  • Eladon
  • Sireps


The main treating component of Inspirid is the same as that of Erespal - fenspiride. This is its significant difference from previous drugs. Inspirid is called a complete analogue of the French medicine. Inspirid is produced in tablets and syrup. Inspirid is prescribed for the same diseases as Erespal. This drug can be used to treat a child. Among the side effects, the following symptoms are known: apathy, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting. It is not advisable for pregnant women to take this analogue of Erespal.


An analogue of Erespal, contains the component fenspiride. Like Erespal, it has anti-inflammatory properties. The drug is prescribed for disorders of the respiratory system and acute respiratory diseases. BronchoMax can also be used for children. This medicine may cause drowsiness and stomach upset. In very rare cases, patients complain of tachycardia.


An analogue of Erespal with the active ingredient – ​​fenspiride. Available in tablets. Unlike other analogues of Erespal, Amispiron can only be taken by adults. It is prohibited to give Amispiron to a child. It is prescribed, as a rule, for inflammation of the respiratory system. It is also used as protection against relapses of bronchial asthma. The only known side effects are: itching and rash on the skin, as well as stomach upset.


Analogue of Erespal. The active substance of Fosidal is fenspiride. It is produced exclusively in the form of syrup. Fosidal is a cheap and fairly effective analogue of Erespal. It may well replace the French drug. It quite successfully treats inflammatory processes, otitis media, sinusitis, and respiratory pathologies. Has antispasmodic properties. Fosidal is contraindicated in pregnant women. It is prohibited to give the medicine to a child under two years of age.


Available exclusively in tablets. The main component is fenspiride. Erespal can be replaced with Eladon. Side effects that occur when taking this medicine: dizziness, drowsiness, and less commonly, nausea and vomiting. Not recommended for pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.

You can also add to the list of cheap analogues of Erespal:

  • Sinekod
  • Libexin


The main component of this drug is butamirate. Sinekod is prescribed exclusively for dry cough. As soon as the sputum begins to leave, stop taking Sinekod. Otherwise, stagnation of sputum may occur, and chronic bronchitis may subsequently develop. Butimirad, which is part of Sinekod, acts on the cough center located in the brain, suppressing it. The drug is indispensable for smoker's cough. The Erespal analog Stinekod has almost no side effects, so it is often given to children as an analogue of Erespal. The drug is contraindicated for children under two months and pregnant women.


The main component of prenoxdiazine hydrochloride. As in the case of Ambrobene and Lazolvan, it would be wrong to call it a complete analogue of Erespal. Libexin is produced in tablets. This drug is prescribed for various forms of cough. Should be given to children with caution. Side effects: dry mouth, weakness.

As for the price of all analogues of Erespal, today the cheapest are Bronchomax and Ambrobene.

Common cheap analogues of the drug

Everyone knows Ambrobene, it is precisely the cheapest analogue of the main medicine. But there is a slight difference in these means. So which is better? Only a doctor can answer these two questions. But, it is necessary to understand that the differences between the two drugs are that they have different compositions. From this we can conclude that the side effects will also be different. Therefore, before use, you should consult your doctor.

The answer to the question, which is better? It all depends on what specific disease you are taking it for. If you have a cough, it is better to use cheap Ambrobene. Its cost is around 150 rubles per package of tablets. Ambrobene syrup can also serve as a substitute; it costs 120 rubles.

Fluditek also helps a lot. The manufacturer of this medicine is France. It has a good mucolytic spectrum of action. Fluditec can be used in the treatment of not only adults, but also children. For example, for children, doctors can prescribe 20 mg syrup, and for an adult, 50 mg. Its cost varies between 300 rubles.

Please note that, unlike Erespal, Fluditec has a smaller list of side effects, but a larger list of contraindications.

Many site users, as well as patients, ask the question: is it better to take Prospan or Erespal? It is immediately necessary to answer one more question: what exactly are you treating? If you have a cough with profuse expectoration of sputum, then it is better to use a herbal remedy in treatment. In this case, there is only one plant-based product, and that is Prospan.

Cheap analogs of Erespal: list of structural and similar substitutes

The original drug Erespal (JSC Servier Laboratories, France) is available in 2 dosage forms: tablets and syrup. The active ingredient is fenspiride hydrochloride, which has an anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, antiexudative, and antiallergic effect.

In addition, the drug is included in the list of vital drugs of the Russian Federation. Despite all the advantages, you should not miss the opportunity to replace erespal with an analogue that is cheaper, but contains the same active ingredient, in the same dosage as the original. Let's take a closer look at what these drugs are.

pharmachologic effect

Fenspiride hydrochloride inhibits the metabolism of arachidonic acid, which triggers the inflammatory process in the lung tissue. In addition, it competes with mediators of hypersensitivity and inflammation and exhibits a myotropic antispasmodic effect.

Erespal is an anti-inflammatory drug with a pronounced anti-exudative effect that prevents the formation of bronchospasm.

When prescribed in maximum doses, it inhibits the production of inflammatory factors, including cytokines and free radicals. By changing the rheological properties and reducing the synthesis of sputum, erespal effectively eliminates dry non-productive cough.

The maximum titer of the active substance in the blood is observed 2.5 hours after taking a single dose. Fenspiride is excreted in the urine and only 10% through the intestines.

Indications for use of the drug

According to the instructions for use, indications for erespal therapy are:

  • laryngitis and/or nasopharyngitis;
  • acute and chronic course of tracheobronchitis;
  • as part of the complex treatment of exacerbations of bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis of any etiology;
  • respiratory manifestations in the form of cough, hoarseness due to ARVI, influenza, measles, whooping cough, parawhooping cough;
  • diseases affecting the upper and lower respiratory tract of infectious etiology and accompanied by any type of cough, for which antibacterial therapy is carried out;
  • otitis media, sinusitis of any nature.

Erespal in the form of syrup is approved for use in pediatric practice for children from 2 years of age. The syrup should be shaken gently before use.

The dose, frequency of administration and duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician. The recommended dose for children is 4 mg/kg per day, which should be divided into 3 doses:

  • weight less than 10 kg - 2-4 tsp;
  • more than 10 kg - 2-4 tbsp.

Adults and adolescents over 18 years of age should take 3-6 tbsp. This category of patients is advised to take Erespal tablets: one tablet twice or thrice a day. The drug should be taken 30 minutes before meals with a sufficient amount of water.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of the drug are hypersensitivity to the active and auxiliary components. Patients with fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose deficiency, deficiency of the enzymes sucrase, isomaltase, and diabetes mellitus should be treated with special caution.

Due to the lack of data on the effect of fenspiride on fetal development, it is not recommended to take the drug during pregnancy. Erespal therapy is permissible only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential for pathologies in the fetus.

Since there is no data on the penetration of the active substance into breast milk, erespal should not be taken during lactation.

According to patient reviews, the following side effects may occur when taking erespal:

  • Gastrointestinal organs: attacks of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the epigastric region;
  • cardiovascular system: increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure;
  • central nervous system: drowsiness, apathy, attacks of dizziness;
  • possible asthenia, unreasonable fatigue;
  • affecting the skin and subcutaneous fat: rashes, drug-induced urticaria, Quincke's edema (provoked by parahydroxybenzoate), erythema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

List of structural analogues is cheaper

Structural analogues of erespal have an identical composition, that is, their active component is fenspiride hydrochloride. According to the instructions, these drugs also help cleanse the bronchi, reduce secretion production and ensure its removal.

The cost of syrup 2 mg/ml is 390 rubles, tab. 80 mg No. 30 - 400 rub. Generics - cheaper analogues of erespal, completely copying it both in composition and pharmacological action are:

  • Erispirus, syrup 2 mg/ml - 180 rubles, tab. 80 mg No. 30 - 225;
  • Sireps, syrup 2 mg/ml - 175 rubles;
  • Inspiron, syrup 2 mg/ml - 200 rubles, tab. No. 30 - 155 rubles;
  • Eladon, analogue of domestic production, tab. No. 30 - 249 rubles, No. 60 - 439 rubles;
  • Epistat, syrup 2 mg/ml - 135 rubles, No. 30 - 178 rubles.

The diseases for which erespal is used are characterized by serious manifestations and a high risk of complications, so the drug should be taken only under the constant supervision of the treating pediatrician, therapist or pulmonologist. In this regard, only a specialist should choose a cheap analogue of Erespal.

List of drugs with similar effects

Erespal has a complex effect, so it is extremely difficult to choose a similar drug that will show the same effectiveness.

The most similar pharmacological action to the original drug is Ascoril (tablets No. 20 - 335 rubles).

The doctor may prescribe the drug taking into account the clinical manifestations of the disease.

So, if a patient complains of a strong productive cough, the following may be taken:

  • Fluditec syrup (5% syrup is indicated for adult patients - 350 rubles);
  • Lazolvan (tablet 30 mg No. 20 - 160 rubles, capsules 75 mg No. 10 - 185 rubles, syrup 30 mg/ml - 285 rubles);
  • Ambroxol (tablet 30 mg No. 20 - 45 rubles, syrup 30 mg/ml - 75 rubles);
  • Ambrobene (30 mg tablet No. 20 - 145 rubles, 75 mg capsules No. 20 - 260 rubles).

This list of drugs increases the production of sputum and stimulates its excretion. For dry cough, medications are indicated that depress the cough center, thereby reducing the frequency of cough impulses. Sinekod has this effect (syrup 1.5 mg/ml - 215 rubles).

Analogues for children

Analogs of Erespal syrup for children are selected exclusively by the attending physician, taking into account the severity of the disease and manifestations of sensitization in the anamnesis.

Of the structural substitutes, Erispirus is most often prescribed. For bronchopulmonary diseases, which are accompanied by difficult separation of viscous secretions and coughing attacks, Ascoril syrup is prescribed (290 rubles). Dry cough can be relieved with drops for oral administration Sinekod 5 mg/ml - RUB 355.

For wet cough, mucolytics are prescribed:

  • Lazolvan, syrup 15 mg/ml - 360 rubles;
  • Ambroxol, syrup 15 mg/ml - 55 rubles;
  • Ambrobene, syrup 15 mg/ml - 140 rub.

Fluditec syrup is most often recommended as an expectorant, 2%, 100 ml - 355 rubles. This is a children's analogue of erespal which is cheaper and stimulates the discharge of sputum, preventing the development of the inflammatory process.

Erespal or Erispirus - which is better?

Erispirus is an inexpensive structural analogue of erespal. The drugs differ only in the manufacturer: erispirus is produced in Switzerland. Although both drugs are imported, the cost of the analogue is slightly lower than the original Erespal - 180 rubles. versus 390 rub.

Since the active substance is the same, the mechanism of action, indications and contraindications for the drugs are identical.

Erespal or Siresp - which is better?

Siresp is a structural analogue of erespal. Produced in Poland. The concentration of fenspiride in Sirespa is the same as in the original drug - 2 mg/ml.

Siresp is used to treat pathologies of the upper and lower respiratory tract in adults and children over 2 years of age. The syrup exhibits anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, bronchoconstrictor effects; simultaneous administration with antibacterial drugs is allowed.

Thus, Siresp has the same indications and contraindications as Erespal.

At the same time, its cost is much lower - 175 rubles. versus 390 rub. from the original, which does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Erespal or Askoril

Erespal substitute Ascoril is the most similar in mechanism of action. Thanks to the content of salbutamol, ascoril eliminates bronchospasm, stimulates the discharge of viscous secretions, and increases vital capacity.

At the same time, the drug can be used in pediatric practice only as prescribed and under the supervision of the attending physician, since 2-adrenergic agonists can provoke paradoxical bronchospasm, which is a life-threatening condition for the patient.

In addition, Ascoril has a more impressive list of contraindications, including pregnancy, lactation, arrhythmia, severe cardiovascular diseases, and hyperthyroidism.

For severe diseases of the lower respiratory tract, Ascoril and Erespal can be prescribed simultaneously.

Erespal or Ambroxol

Russian-made Ambroxol is used to treat productive cough, so it can only be partially considered an analogue of Erespal.

Unlike the original drug, ambroxol does not exhibit a combined effect and is not very effective in treating symptoms of bronchial obstruction; it is not used to treat non-productive cough, laryngitis and tracheitis of an allergic nature.

However, ambroxol has a much smaller list of contraindications and side effects, unlike erespal.

Despite the low cost of the syrup and some advantages, you should not replace erespal with it yourself. After all, the mechanism of action and indications for use of drugs are different.

Erespal or Sinekod for dry cough

The main component of Sinecode is butamirate citrate, which belongs to the group of antitussives with central action.

This means that the drug suppresses the cough center of the brain. Therefore, in the treatment of dry cough, sinecode will be more effective compared to erespal.

Sinecode is prescribed to relieve a painful nonproductive cough and also has a bronchodilator effect. In this regard, the medicine is prescribed in the treatment of bronchial asthma, whooping cough, and tracheitis.

However, the drug is strictly contraindicated in the formation of secretions, since taking Sinecode can provoke stagnation and, as a result, an inflammatory process.

Erespal or Prospan

Prospan is an antitussive drug whose active ingredient is ivy extract. The herbal component helps accelerate the discharge of sputum, has a moderate antimicrobial, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect, and suppresses coughing attacks.

The main difference between Erespal and Prospan is that the latter drug normalizes breathing and activates the smooth muscles of the bronchi. Prospan also does not contain dyes, sugar, or alcohol, therefore it is more preferable for use in pediatric practice.

In addition, it can be taken by patients with diabetes, and erespal is contraindicated in this group of patients.

Like erespal, prospan helps eliminate bronchospasm, inhibits the inflammatory process and the release of corresponding mediators, prevents the formation of allergic reactions, and minimizes the production of viscous mucus.

Let's summarize

Cheaper drugs to replace erespal should be selected exclusively by the attending physician. This is due to the fact that there are not so many structural substitutes for the original product, and their cost does not differ significantly.

The selection of drugs with a similar mechanism of action is possible only by studying the patient’s medical history, determining the main symptoms of the disease and assessing its severity, which the patient cannot do on his own.


List of cheap analogues of erespal with price indication

If erespal syrup is not suitable, a doctor should select an analogue. Experts prescribe the following medications:

  • bronchicum - the cost is approximately 400 rubles;
  • ambrobene - tablets with a dosage of 100 mg cost about 150 rubles, 100 ml of syrup will cost about 120 rubles;
  • lazolvan - 100 ml of syrup costs 230 rubles, tablets with a dosage of 30 mg will cost 200 rubles;
  • fluditek - 125 ml of syrup can be bought for 300 rubles;
  • inspiron - 150 ml of syrup costs about 200 rubles, tablets with a dosage of 80 mg will cost 150 rubles;
  • fosidal - 150 ml of syrup costs 180 rubles;
  • bronchipret - 100 ml of syrup can be bought for 400 rubles;
  • sinecode - 100 ml of syrup costs approximately 220 rubles;
  • bronchomax - tablet form with a dosage of 80 mg costs 180 rubles, 100 ml of syrup can be purchased for 100 rubles;
  • erispirus - tablets with a dosage of 80 mg cost 240 rubles, 150 ml of syrup can be purchased for 170 rubles.

Structural analogues of the drug that have the same active ingredient include the drugs bronchomax, erispirus, fosidal and inspiron. Other substances have a similar effect, but have certain characteristics.

The pathologies that need to be treated with the use of erespal have quite serious symptoms, which is why it is so important to take the drug under the supervision of a qualified therapist or pulmonologist. It is also best to entrust the choice of erespal analogues for children and adults to a specialist.

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