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Test: determination of personality type in sports test on the topic


Determining personality type in sports

Is there a sports personality type? Yes, because there is a certain predisposition of each person to this or that sport. To determine your personality type, you can use the well-known Myers-Briggs psychological test. By answering the test questions, you will be able to understand your own personality - how to fully reveal and realize it. A better understanding of yourself is the key to increasing your own motivation for sports, taking into account your personality type.

The Myers-Briggs typology provides four psychological categories. When answering the test questions, choose from two questions - the one that, in your opinion, suits you best.

1.Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you usually:

A) think about your actions before committing them B) act impulsively

To you:

A) works better alone B) works better together with other people

You prefer:

A) to be introduced to others B) to get to know each other on your own

People around you consider you:

A) shy and modest B) overly friendly and noisy

At a party, you: A) prefer to sit on the sidelines B) easily and freely talk to strangers.

If your answers are dominated by answers (A), you are an introvert (I). If your answers are dominated by answers (B), you are an extrovert (E).

2.Are you a realist or a dreamer?

Do you: A) prefer strict order B) like unexpected changes

You: A) are attentive to details B) have difficulty remembering them

Do you prefer: A) to implement other people’s ideas B) to develop them yourself

Do you prefer: A) facts B) dreams

Do you prefer: A) certainty B) flexibility

Do you prefer to: A) know what will happen B) imagine the future.

If your answers are dominated by answers (A), you are a realist (R). If your answers are dominated by answers (B), you are a dreamer (M).

3.Are you a thinker or a “feeler”?

Do you believe that: A) emotions control logic B) logic controls emotions

You: A) take criticism personally B) agree with the opinion of an authoritative person

Do you: A) like a happy ending B) prefer the bitter truth

People around you consider you: A) sociable and friendly B) cold and distant

You make decisions based on: A) other people's feelings B) logic and common sense.

If your answers are dominated by answers (A), you are a sensualist (H). If your answers are dominated by answers (B), you are a thinker (M).

4.Are you an opportunist or a “solver”?

You: A) are often late for meetings B) are always punctual

Do you: A) like chance B) prefer to lead life according to plan

Do you value: A) internal harmony B) achieving goals

You: A) go with the flow B) follow a routine

You: A) are slow to make decisions B) make decisions quickly.

If your answers are dominated by answers (A), you are an opportunist (P). If your answers are dominated by answers (B), you are a solver (R).

Now collect all four capital letters that resulted from your answers and write them. For example: IRMP – introvert, realist, thinker, opportunist. Then find yourself among the psychological personality types listed below and read your psychological characteristics in relation to sports.

ERChP: Nickname - entertainer Main characteristics - sociability, charm, spontaneity, agreeableness, superficiality, lightness. He perceives sports as a spectacular performance with spectators and applause. The moment of victory is important to him. People around him like his warmth and optimism, and he is saturated with everyone's attention. Therefore, he is not interested in playing sports alone and without spectators. Such a person needs to gain greater stability and focus. If this is a sports game in a team, then such a person infects everyone with his energy and ideas. He does not like rigid training schedules; he is more impressed by playing sports when he wants it.

ERHR: Nickname - watchman Main characteristics - perseverance, kindness, talkativeness, conscientiousness, cooperation, egocentrism, uncertainty, desire to manage. Such people like to engage in a sport in which they can find harmony. They do not like conflicts, so they prefer non-aggressive sports. They have a strong sense of responsibility, which is why they make good coaches. The interests of others are higher than their own. But they tend to be scatterbrained, so they can change sports, starting to do one thing or another, without ever giving their all.

ERMP: Nickname - competitor Main characteristics - heroism, drama, sociability, fun, friendliness, recklessness, self-centeredness, impatience, stubbornness. Such personalities enjoy overcoming difficult obstacles in sports. Train well and consistently, focusing on specific results they want to achieve. They move quickly, so they love sports related to speed and movement. Always ready to take risks. They are characterized by swiftness. They like the spirit of competition and treat their opponents with interest and passion. They prefer individual sports rather than team sports.

ERMR: Nickname - overseer Main characteristics - desire for order, hard work, logic, practicality, nervousness, indifference, prudence, authority, stubbornness. Sport for them is order; they value organization and discipline in playing sports. They enjoy being the center of attention, so when they lose, they are disappointed. Sometimes, in their sports activities, they lack patience. They need to learn to take into account the needs, feelings of their teammates.

EMHP: Nickname - researcher Main characteristics - persuasiveness, energy, enthusiasm, even spirit, ingenuity, rich imagination, flexibility, scatteredness, insensitivity. This type of personality is looking for something new for themselves in sports. These may be newly emerging sports, or extreme sports. These are the kind of people who travel from country to country chasing giant windsurfing waves. For them, sport is a performance in which they are in a hurry to take part. But as a result, they often miss important details that can help them win. They do not like a strict training regime. They quickly and easily adapt to new conditions in sports and to a new team.

EMHR: Nickname - mentor Main characteristics - determination, generosity, sociability, sensitivity, power, illusions, tendency to manipulate. Such individuals make excellent team captains, real sports leaders, because they believe in others, know how to lead a team and inspire it to win. They are genuinely interested in the thoughts and desires of other athletes. Their disadvantage is that they can be too aggressive and begin to put pressure on others. Hence their conflicts in the team. Also, such athletes are capable of fanaticism, and for the sake of a major victory they can sacrifice the interests of other people.

EMMP: Nickname - inventor Main characteristics - frankness, enterprise, inspiration, courage, speed, ingenuity, versatility, attentiveness, narcissism, absent-mindedness. They are interested in creative sports and those that require intellectual effort. A rigid training routine depresses them; they are interested in independence and flexibility. They are happy to play sports when they can show ingenuity in these activities. But sometimes their impulsiveness prevents them from completing the activities they start. They need to learn to focus more.

EMMR: Nickname - strategist Main characteristics - determination, readiness to protect, energy, dynamism, confidence, frankness, inflexibility. These are individuals who can become leaders of any team, even a very weak one, and lead it to victory. But they need to be obeyed and will control the team using strong-willed methods. But in any situation they will take responsibility. They lack flexibility in relationships with other athletes. They also tend to be somewhat intolerant of mistakes.

IRMP: Nickname - free spirit Main characteristics - friendliness, sensitivity, kindness, flexibility, openness, self-criticism, isolation. Such people see sport as an expression of the inner world. They don't like to rush, and they like to get aesthetic pleasure from playing sports. They are calm and do not get nervous over trifles. During sports competitions, these are precisely those athletes who are ready to sacrifice their own victory for the sake of helping other athletes.

HDI: Nickname - protector Main characteristics - conscientiousness, dedication, reliability, receptivity, stability, kindness, dependence, uncertainty. Such people think about the feelings of other people and are faithful to their partners, which is why they are good at playing sports as a couple. They are ready to give up their own interests because of their partner. Their disadvantage is a lack of self-confidence, so they are drawn to stronger partners.

HDI: Nickname - analyst Main characteristics - coldness, confidence, realism, fearlessness, observation, slowness, rigidity, dispassion. They prefer the quietest sports, in which they are more observers than active participants. They are interested in solving complex problems and making achievements in sports, but only alone. Everything is analyzed. They live with their heads, not their hearts, and they lack expression in sports.

IRMR: Nickname - planner Main characteristics - reliability, practicality, logic, observation, responsibility, organization, hard work. They can begin to engage in any sport, even the most dangerous, but first they work out a detailed plan of action. They take advantage of every opportunity to achieve victory. They never give up or quit playing a certain sport without achieving victory. Their downside is their inability to relax.

ICHP: Nickname – harmonizer Main characteristics – romanticism, seriousness, thoughtfulness, idealism, self-restraint, sacrifice. For such people, sport is a wonderful activity in life. It is best for the sport to be beautiful, meaningful and non-aggressive. They have such high ideals that they are often disappointed. At the same time, playing in a team can benefit them because they will feel the support they need so much.

HDI: Nickname - Individualist Main characteristics - imagination, determination, sensitivity, originality, inner strength, concentration, concern for others, stubbornness. These are complex natures and they look for difficult, sometimes unusual, sports. Most often, these are not team players. They are respected for their principles and belief in doing good. It is precisely such individuals who discover something new in sports and create new numbers.

IMM: Nickname - scout Main characteristics - independence, pedantry, intelligence, calmness, detachment, fussiness, temperament. They have an active imagination and are good analysts. In sports they also show these qualities, and when faced with some kind of barrier, they look for a way to overcome it. They see new opportunities, and where others give up, they continue to train and move forward.

IMMR: Nickname - director Main characteristics - independence, hard work, criticality, analyticalness, restraint, stubbornness, isolation. These are the hardest working athletes who believe that with hard work they can achieve victory. They try to implement their ideas in sports in every possible way. They are self-confident and pragmatic, making decisions quickly. They value knowledge and competence and have a hard time coping with failures in sports. They need to learn to enjoy the fruits of their own achievements.

Determine your fitness level

Purpose and necessity of the test

First of all, I would like to note that testing body composition or body endurance at home is quite difficult. To implement such a procedure, you need special equipment for fitness testing, with which you can determine the general physical condition of the body and give recommendations regarding training.

Based on these indicators, a professional trainer will be able to calculate the level of physical activity.

Such a test is especially important in the case of large excess body weight, since in such cases excessive and ill-considered stress on the body can harm a person.

Types of fitness test

  • Today, two types of testing can be distinguished: primary and repeated. In the first case, the activity is carried out before the start of physical activity in order to determine the possible strength of the load on the body. In the second, testing is carried out after time and regular training to check changes in body parameters and the impact of sports on human health.
  • You can also distinguish: full and express testing. A complete examination of the body, as a rule, by a doctor and is a set of various tests, analyzes and indicators. Such fitness testing is recommended in case of serious health problems and chronic diseases. If the patient does not complain about anything, then the express method is acceptable. To carry it out. 10-15 minutes are enough to draw a conclusion about the capabilities of the body and the loads permissible for it.
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