Is it possible to light church candles at home without prayer?

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Date in 2020October 17, 2020, Saturday
Celebrated:In Russia and other countries of the world
Meaning:Getting to know romance and contemplating the mysterious beauty of a burning candle
Traditions:Carrying out romantic dinners, warm meetings with friends

Day of gatherings by candlelight
A day of candlelight gatherings is scheduled for October 17th. This is an excellent attribute for equipping a romantic evening, which was often used for mystical rituals. With the beginning of the history of candle creation in the 13th century, a gradual increase in the popularity of the attribute is also associated. Previously, fat was used for production, later paraffin, but due to the high cost, only the upper strata of society used candles. But already at the beginning of the 20th century, representatives of all segments of the population began to actively acquire them.


According to tradition, on this day people look for a place to hold meetings, buy candles, and take care of safety rules. These can be paraffin or wax candles, with or without scent. Everyone chooses the shape and color according to their taste preferences. The main requirement in the process of creating a cozy environment is maintaining comfort. Everyone plans their evening the way they would like to spend it. Some people like noisy gatherings with music and fun, while others prefer quiet romantic meetings. People can independently determine the theme of the evening and create guest lists.

At meetings, interesting events are often discussed, games are played, those who are lonely dive into themselves to rethink their own position in life, or simply dream while looking at the sparkling flame of a candle.

How to increase the power of a candle for a money ritual

How to increase the power of a candle for a money ritual

When choosing green candles for a money-raising ritual, you may notice that various herbs are added to some products. You can also do the casting yourself and choose herbal supplements at your discretion. Herbs can be dry or fresh. Their action enhances the ritual. When choosing supplements, you need to consider what monetary issue they correspond to.

Plants that attract money include those that, with their energy, contribute to material well-being and income growth. This list includes cinnamon, cloves, verbena, mint, parsley. One cannot help but think of basil, nutmeg, clover, bay laurel, sunflower and bergamot. Among the “money” trees are cedar, oak, pine, lilac and honeysuckle bushes, and almonds. All these plants have a universal energy that attracts material wealth in general. To make candles, you can use ingredients that solve specific problems:

  • Agrimony.

This plant has a connection with dreams. It seems to be immersed in depth and connected with the energy of the other world; it is used to protect against nightmares. In money rituals, agrimony helps to deal with deep-seated fears and barriers that separate you from wealth.

  • Alfalfa.

Its power prevents poverty and hunger from approaching you and your home.

  • Borage grass.

This plant promotes making bold decisions in difficult circumstances and a triumphant way out of the situation. It is useful to light green candles with cucumber when your business is drowning in problems and you need strength to withstand all the difficulties and change something in life.

  • Chestnut.

Both the tree of the same name and the horse chestnut, which have a connection with Jupiter, have properties that attract luck and money. If you gamble, a talisman made from horse chestnut will help you: wrap the plant in a dollar bill and wrap a red thread on top.

Herbs for making candles for money rituals

  • Cinnamon.

It is very often used in rituals for money. For example, a lit cinnamon candle will speed up the sale of real estate, and the transaction will be very successful.

  • Red clover.

Attributes made with clover flowers and leaves will help increase your assets.

  • Dill.

Dill is rich in seeds, so it is considered a symbol of prosperity and abundant life. It is used to grow and multiply material well-being.

  • Althea.

Candles with marshmallow seeds or flowers attract wealth and material success. Ritual attributes will help you receive gifts from the Higher Powers.

Experts at the Witch's Happiness store recommend:

Protection of finances (candle-column) Ready-made ritual for removing negativity regarding finances

290 rub.


Pentagram candle “Money” Financial success

850 rub.


  • Jasmine.

Jasmine flowers, due to their connection with the Moon, enhance any magical effect and attribute. The plant can be added to different mixtures; it helps you achieve your purpose and start making money doing what you love. Jasmine is good to use during the waxing moon.

  • Juniper.

Helps prevent theft and burglary. Thieves will not get into your home, and your savings will be saved.

  • Lavender.

It is used when you need to make the right decision in a business or financial matter.

  • Lilac.

Green candles with lilac will help increase your capital and attract the assistance and support of the right people.

  • Lovage.

Many people consider lovage to be a love plant, but it has the ability to influence the successful resolution of lawsuits related to obtaining material gain.

  • Oak.

This powerful plant increases your material well-being and helps improve your financial situation. Bark, twigs with leaves, and acorns are used in rituals.

  • Sandalwood.

Sandalwood is known to have the ability to enlighten and clarify thoughts. It is used for meditation, and with the help of a ritual for money with a green candle, you can understand a difficult situation and make the right decision.

  • Sunflower.

The sunflower always turns after the sun. It has solar energy and gives prosperity, success, health and inspiration. In magic, seeds are used, and candles with petals and leaves are also made. The plant promotes financial stability.

  • Curly sorrel.

Candles with the seeds of this plant help to increase existing resources.

Herbs in candles for a ritual for money

Rituals for money are performed using not only plants, but also essential oils. To enhance the effect, attributes for the ritual are impregnated with them.

The following essential oils are used in money magic:

  1. Patchouli oil has powerful energy to attract finance. It can be called a money magnet.
  2. Cedar attracts cash flow to those who act with pure intentions.
  3. Sandalwood essential oil will help reveal hidden abilities and reveal the facets of existing talents in a new way. Its powerful effect increases energy, and a person feels more confident, strong and spiritual. Sandalwood will prevent impulsive actions and attract wealth.
  4. Cinnamon oil smells like success. It attracts positive circumstances, improves relationships with people and increases productivity.
  5. Neroli symbolizes luxury and wealth. In past centuries, this essential oil was used only by noble nobles. The person who uses it becomes more attractive and bright, acquiring refined and noble features.

To make green candles for money rituals, oils of fir, pine, eucalyptus, ginger, bergamot, lemon, mint and jasmine are also used. You can make different combinations of them according to your goals.

Combinations of herbs in candles for a ritual for money

Runes have powerful energy. They are also applied to ritual candles that attract money. Depending on their meaning, they direct the flow of energy where you need it:

  • Fehu - helps attract wealth, luck and energy for achievements.
  • Jera – helps to successfully complete legal matters and start a new business.
  • Gebo is the energy of giving and receiving gifts.
  • Yer - used for success in financial projects, investments, searching for lost things or treasure.
  • Otal – symbolizes stability and flow of money.
  • Algiz is a symbol of protection, good luck and success.

Interesting Facts

  • The creators of candles were the ancient Egyptians. In search of a light source for painting tombs and frescoes, 5 thousand years ago they created the first papyrus candle. It was rolled up and immersed in a container of fat; salt was added to the fat to reduce soot. In China, instead of papyrus, rice paper and dry cereal plants mixed with insects were used. In India, the ancestors of candles were made from the fruits of a brown tree; Japan used special varieties of walnut.
  • At the beginning of the 13th century, candles were used to tell time. To do this, we used meter-long candles, with a scale applied along the entire length. Three candles burned during the night, and in winter this number increased. Sometimes small weights were hung on a candle; when the candle burned out, they fell into the candlestick, making a ringing sound; this invention became a kind of alarm clock.
  • Ancient Indian tribes in North America used small fish from the salmon family as a candle. They caught candle fish (eulachon) and dried it; it contained a lot of fat, so by threading a wick through it, they could use it as a candle.
  • In France, courtesans used candles as a "timer"; when it burned down, the client's time was up, so he left the brothel or paid to extend the session. On average, a candle burns out in 7-8 minutes.
  • The largest candle in the world was lit on the Ashura holiday in one of the kingdoms - Bahrain. Its length reached 73 meters, its weight was 3 tons, and the total number of wicks was 14 thousand. This record was included in the Guinness Book of Records.
  • According to manufacturers' data, it can be determined that 96% of candles are purchased by the female half of the population. Many of them use candles at least once a week.
  • In the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, built by the Castilian king, believers are offered to light virtual candles, which are located on a special panel, for making a symbolic donation of 1.4 euros.

What color candle to light or use in a ritual... The meaning of candle colors.


The color white symbolizes life, vitality and clarity and is therefore useful when a new source of energy or a sudden burst of energy is needed. This is the color of transition and transformation. White candles are universal, but are most often used for protection, for meditation, and to conquer darkness. Also symbolizes purification.

White candles are lit on any day of the week, although they are associated with Monday (as a lunar day) and Sunday (as a solar day), since the white color absorbs both moonlight and sunlight. Perfect for altar candles, although not in all cases.


The color of Mars symbolizes action, strength, courage and determination. Red candles are used to achieve very important life goals, as well as for targeted revenge. This is one side, the second is, of course, love magic, because red is considered the color of passion (if you prefer romance, then this color will not work, choose pink.)

Tuesday is the day of Mars, especially good for this.


Growth, high self-esteem, confidence and abundance are the main meanings of this color. Orange candles are suitable for asserting your personality if it is constantly under pressure.

As one of the flowers of the Sun, their day is Sunday.


Associated with Mercury. Accordingly, their sphere is monetary and business. And also - overcoming creative and life crises, studying, good luck in travel, success in the intellectual sphere.

It is best to light on Wednesdays - on the day of Mercury.


Green candles are most often used for rituals associated with well-being, a gradual increase in income and invoking good luck in all matters. They are also suitable for rituals related to the natural world, especially the element of earth. Healing, recovery, independence are other areas of application.

The day of Venus and these candles is Friday.


Color of the goddess Hathor. One of the flowers of Venus. Accordingly, it is used in love rituals, as well as to gain peace of mind and balance. Also for stress relief, relaxation, diplomacy and eloquence.

It is best to light on Thursday and Friday.


Calm, equanimity, calm, recovery, patience, poise, understanding.

Their day is Thursday.


Jupiter color. They symbolize success, organization, self-improvement and spirituality.

Also lit on Thursday.


One of the colors of Jupiter. Denotes connection with other dimensions, immersion in the depths of the subconscious. Purple candles are used for meditation, working with the memory of past lives, and for fortune telling using a crystal. There is an opinion that purple candles symbolize financial success, but in my opinion, a green candle color is more suitable for finance.

It is also best to light up on Thursday.


Another color of Venus, in its most feminine and soft form. Accordingly, pink candles are perfect for romantic love rituals. But not only for her, but also for healing emotional wounds, especially after betrayal or unsuccessful relationships, for reconciliation after quarrels, for smooth family relationships, for the health of children and for forgetting the past.

Light up on Thursday and/or Friday.



Grey colour

associated with Mercury and Saturn. Used to neutralize everything negative, to achieve compromise, as well as to protect against physical and mental attacks. The color of invisibility.

It's best to light up on Saturdays or Wednesdays


The color of Saturn and Pluto. Color of endings and regeneration. used to expel everything negative, oblivion, break relationships, breakups, overcome sorrows. True, here you need to be very careful not to fall into depression (especially if you already have one). In this case, it is better to replace black with purple, dark blue or brown.

Black candles are best lit on Saturdays.


The color of the Moon and lunar goddesses. The silver candle on the altar symbolizes the Goddess. Very useful for any predictions, clairvoyance, enhancing intuition and mystical abilities. During periods of stress and grief, it will help get rid of negative influences and find peace of mind. In general, silver candles are great for all types of feminine magic.

Silver candles are lit on Mondays.


The color of the Sun and solar gods. Increased finances, personal security, charm, confidence, all types of protection.

They light it up on Sundays.


Color of Mother Earth. Prevention of danger, release of excess energy, and also neutrality. Also used to gain confidence.

It's better to rock on Saturday

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Candles in the house according to Feng Shui - to solve problems

For Eastern practices to work, you need to bring together several conditions at once - take a candle of the right color and light it in the right place, tuning in to the right wave. Eg:

  • If you have problems with your studies, you should light the wick of an orange candle in a room located in the North-East Zone.
  • A white or purple candle burning somewhere in the West will help you break out of creative stagnation.
  • And you can establish normal relationships in the family with the help of green wax and the Eastern Sector.

Algorithm for constructing average lines

When constructing an average line (for example, with a period of 5), the last five candles are taken (including the last closed one), the arithmetic average of their closing prices is found, and this point characterizes the last closed candle. Then the algorithm is repeated, but the calculation involves the last five candles without the first candle, etc. This is how a simple middle line is constructed. To increase the information content of the sample, weighting coefficients are introduced (k1>k2>k3>k4>k5). If the coefficients decrease linearly, then weighted simple average lines are obtained. If the coefficients decrease exponentially (when the candle closest to the current time should be the most significant), then exponential weighted average lines (EMA) are obtained. In the proposed trading system, when working on monthly (M), weekly (W) and daily (D) charts, periods of 1/5/8/13/21 are used.

The following designations for middle lines are accepted: - black color - 1 middle line (EMA); - white color - 5 middle line (EMA); - blue color - 8 middle line (EMA); - yellow color - 13 middle line (EMA); - brown color - 21 middle line (EMA).

The following middle lines are responsible for body color: 8/13/21. Five properties are found on the last run (if any) and by simple logical addition the expected direction of movement of the indicator is determined, and therefore the price for the next candle. It is not possible to calculate the length of the calculated candle using the middle lines indicator. Other indicators are responsible for this, which we will talk about later.

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